This article belongs to the lore of Magia Regnum.
This article belongs to the lore of Sparkalia.

Magia Regnum-Lurynia Relations

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Magian-Lurynian relations

Magia Regnum

Diplomatic mission
Emicity, Magia RegnumLuchica, Lurynia
Nakamura "Sparkle Dust" Yui
(since TBD)
(since TBA)

Relations between Magia Regnum and Lurynia have historically been extensive, given the two countries' shared origins and border. Starting with the establishment of the timocracy of Magia Regnum in 1326, Magia Regnum has a generally unfavorable attitude to those and considers most of the magical girl nations to simply be "tolerable." However, Magia Regnum enjoys a warm relationship with Lurynia which is often considered it's closest ally and relations are cordial.


Despite the close relationship between Lurynia and Magia Regnum, Magia Regnum has found itself at odds with many of its neighbors over ideological differences. As one of the oldest and most powerful magical girl nations, Magia Regnum has a strong sense of pride in its traditions and beliefs, and it can be uncompromising in its adherence to these principles. This has led to tensions with other nations that may have different approaches to magic or governance. Despite these differences, however, relations between Magia Regnum and its neighbors remain cordial for the most part. Magia Regnum recognizes that it cannot afford to be completely isolated from the wider magical girl community, and it understands the value of maintaining at least a minimum level of diplomatic engagement with other nations.

At the same time, Magia Regnum is keenly aware of its own power and influence within the magical girl world. The country has a long history of leadership within the Sparkalian realm, and it views itself as a key player in shaping the affairs of magical girls across the world. Magia Regnum regularly exerts its influence through a range of means, from diplomatic maneuvering to strategic alliances to military force. While some may view this as an attempt to dominate or control the other nations of Sparkalia, Magia Regnum sees itself as simply exercising its rightful role as a leader among magical girls. Nonetheless, Lurynia has managed to maintain a positive relationship with Magia Regnum, thanks in part to its own history of pacifism and commitment to diplomacy. Over the years, Lurynia has played a key role in mediating disputes between Magia Regnum and other nations, and has been a vocal advocate for greater cooperation and unity among magical girl nations.

Relations between political executives

Military and security

Magia Regnum views Lurynia as part of the "Magical Girl Realm" and therefore feel a responsibility to defend its sovereignty. As one of the oldest and most powerful magical girl nations, Magia Regnum sees it as its duty to protect the interests of other magical girl nations in the region, including Lurynia, even if they have ideological differences. Magia Regnum regularly provides intelligence or logistical support, and may deploy magical girl units to assist in the defense of Lurynia's borders.


As a large and influential magical girl nation, Magia Regnum has access to a wide range of magical goods and services that it could potentially trade with other nations, including Lurynia. These goods and services include magical artifacts, such as enchanted weapons or protective talismans, potions or elixirs that confer special abilities or powers, or even specialized training or knowledge in particular magical disciplines. Magical artifacts are highly sought after by magical girl nations, as they can provide a significant advantage in battle or other situations. Enchanted weapons, for example, may be imbued with powerful spells that increase their effectiveness in combat, while protective talismans may offer enhanced defense against magical attacks. Additionally, potions can confer a variety of benefits to the user, ranging from increased strength or agility to improved health.

Due it's sparse population, much of Magia Regnum exists as rural territory. Thus, Magia Regnum has significant agricultural resources, such as fertile land and advanced irrigation systems, that allows it to produce high-quality crops or other agricultural products. Additionally, the nation has significant mining resources, allowing it to extract valuable minerals or metals that could be used in the production of magical artifacts or other goods.

Dispute over Magical Girl Origins

There is disagreement between the nations of Magia Regnum and Lurynia over claims of which nation was the originator of magical girls. While the two countries share a history of founding by magical girls and have a strong sense of mutual understanding, the dispute creates unspoken tension between the two nations. Magia Regnum, one of the oldest and most powerful magical girl nations, has claimed to be the originator of magical girls, which Lurynia disputes. Lurynia, which also has a strong connection to the origins of magical girls, asserts that it has a more legitimate claim to the title of originator of magical girls.

Magia Regnum's claim to be the originator of magical girls is rooted in the country's deep-seated cultural and historical identity. The people of Magia Regnum believe that their ancestors were the first magical girls, imbued with magical powers by the gods themselves. They argue that this gives them a unique and irreplaceable role in the world of magic and that the other magical girl nations owe their existence to Magia Regnum. Magia Regnum argues that this unique and irreplaceable role in the world of magic gives them the right to be recognized as the originator of magical girls. They assert that other magical girl nations owe their existence and the knowledge of magic to Magia Regnum's ancestors. The claim is not only a matter of pride but also a means to exert their influence over the other magical girl nations.

Lurynia, on the other hand, also has a rich history of magical girl culture and is known for producing some of the most powerful and skilled magical girls in the world. Lurynia is another country with a long history of magical girl culture. Lurynia's claim to be the originator of magical girls is based on their belief that their magical girls have been around for just as long as those of Magia Regnum, if not longer. They argue that archaeological evidence and ancient texts prove their claims. Lurynia points out that the oldest known records of magical girl culture, including the training and empowerment of magical girls, date back to their civilization. They also cite ancient artifacts and structures that bear markings related to magical girl culture. All these evidence strengthen their claim as the true originators of magical girls.