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'''EXPLANATION:''' While some of us in [[Esquarium]] don't especially care about other people using the same RL politicians as us for our political figures, some individuals in the region very much do want their politicians to be the only ones using the images of real-life figures. This can result in some interesting situations and, more often than not, conflict.
{{Region icon Kylaris}}
{{Template:History of Aucuria}}
The '''history of [[Aucuria]]''' extends across nearly 15,000 years. One of the [[Kylaris|world]]'s {{wp|Cradle of civilization|cradles of civilization}}, the [[Pativilkas civilization]] - the first civilization in [[Asteria Inferior]] - emerged in what is now Aucuria in 3,700 BCE. {{wp|Potato|Potatoes}}, {{wp|cassava}}, {{wp|quinoa}}, {{wp|coca}}, {{wp|Phaseolus vulgaris|common beans}}, and the {{wp|chili pepper}} species ''{{wp|Capsicum baccatum}}'' and ''{{wp|Capsicum pubescens}}'' were all domesticated in ancient Aucuria. After the Pativilkas civilization came a string of successive major indigenous cultures, including the [[Kiljakoljas culture|Kiljakoljas]], [[Tirakvas culture|Tirakvas]], [[Piura culture|Piura]], and [[Kulkinčas culture|Kulkinčas]]; the [[Marai peoples|Marai civilization]] also had a presence in Aucuria during its peak.

A little while back, I created [[Sandbox:Aucuria#Incumbent/Frelevant_politicians|a page section]] to list the images used by various politicians in my nations. This was mainly for my own use, since I'd inevitably forget several of them anyways. When I linked to the page on the IRC, I mentioned the concept of making a regional list for the sake of preventing any potential conflict and for general reference- simply because not all of these people have iiWiki pages or pictures on their iiWiki pages, and sometimes people don't want to hunt through NS threads to find a picture.
The League of Five Cities, commonly known as [[Cutinsua]], was formed in 1324 in response to the rapid rise of the [[Kingdom of Oruras]]. Cutinsuan armies subsequently [[Oruran-Cutinsuan Wars|conquered]] Oruras in 1336, and came to control the bulk of northern Aucuria through a mixture of diplomacy, assimilation, intimidation, and conquest by the start of the 1500s. While its five founding city-states were nominally coequal members, power quickly became centralized in the city of [[Andavaila]], whose monarchs were the ''de facto'' rulers of Cutinsua as a whole. By the time that [[Euclea|Euclean]] explorers arrived in the [[Asterias]], Cutinsua was the largest polity in Asteria Inferior, a major player in [[Medasteria]], and one of the most advanced and most powerful states in the [[Asterias]].

So now, you can just look here!
Cutinsua was [[Ruttish conquest of Cutinsua|conquered]] by the [[Ruttland|Ruttish]] in 1530. The Ruttish subsequently established a [[Ruttish Aucuria|colony]] in the region; this colony was officially dubbed Aucuria in 1561. Reports of the colony's mineral and agricultural wealth led to an influx of Euclean settlement and the expropriation & exploitation of the country's indigenous inhabitants, as well as the importing of enslaved Bahians. Aucuria was declared a co-equal part of a {{wp|pluricontinental}} {{wp|monarchy}}, the [[United Kingdom of Ruttland and Aucuria]], in 1693; however, the [[Ten Years' War]] saw Aucuria transferred to [[Rudolphine Confederation|Rudolphine]] [[Rudolphine Aucuria|control]] in 1721. Unpopular Rudolphine policies led to the outbreak of the [[Aucurian Revolution]] in 1786. [[Weranian Republic|Werania]] recognized Aucurian independence in 1793.

Anyways, please add yourself to this list in the way I have. First, type your iiWiki username or Discord handle or main account name or something along those lines as a level 3 heading, then "(do not care)" or "(do care)" to show whether or not you care. Under that, type the names of your nations as level 4 headings, and then list whoever you feel needs listing, why they're relevant, and whose RL image they use. If they have an iiWiki page, feel free to link to it; feel free to link to the Wikipedia page of the RL individual as well. Who you list is your decision; politicians, celebrities, historical figures, it's up to you.
Following independence, Aucuria endured several swings between republic and dictatorship, defeat in the [[War of the Arucian]], the [[Aucurian Civil War]], and the occupation of the country by the [[Entente]] during the [[Great War (Kylaris)|Great War]]. In spite of these difficulties, the country attracted immigrants throughout the late 1800s & 1900s and developed both economically & culturally. The military regime established by the [[1949 Aucurian coup d'etat]] was overthrown in 1980 by the [[Velvet Revolution]]; Aucuria has had a democratic government since.

Hopefully this can solve some of the fights that we see every so often in Esquarium. Add away, all!
==Pre-Cutinsuan Aucuria==
{{multiple image|perrow = 2|total_width=325
| align = right
| image1 = Patates.jpg
| image2 = Quinua.JPG
| image3 = Manihot esculenta dsc07325.jpg
| image4 = Black Turtle Bean.jpg
| image5 = Perù (9543671805).jpg
| image6 = Two guinea pigs.jpg
| footer = {{wp|Paleo-Indians|Paleo-Asterians}} in [[Aucuria]] domesticated several species of plant and animal.

Human remains and stone tools in the [[Čiklajus]] valley dated to 12,500 BCE, located in the [[States of Aucuria|state]] of [[Bendrieji Laukai]], provide some of the earliest known evidence of human habitation in [[Asteria Inferior]]. Archaeological finds at sites such as [[Amotapas]], [[Kotošas]], [[Kupeniskvė]], [[Mojekvas]], and [[Senakelios]] attest to the presence of a series of {{wp|Lithic stage|lithic}} and {{wp|Andean preceramic|preceramic}} {{wp|Paleo-Indians|Paleo-Asterian}} cultures in the area between the 12,000s BCE and the 3,000s BCE.
===Ainin (do care)===
* [[Jean-Paul de Tontcuq]] - [[Esquarian Football Association]] president - {{wp|Dr. Evil}}
* [[Marianne de Lotbinière]] - Prime Minister/SDP Leader - {{wp|Anne Hidalgo}}
* [[Cao Nima]] - President - {{wp|Wu Den-yih}}
* [[Maxime Bélanger]] - Deputy PM/CA Leader - {{wp|Jim Prentice}}
* [[Remy Micheaux]] - Foreign Minister - {{wp|Yves Leterme}}
* [[Victor Flandin]] - Attorney-General - {{wp|Jay Hill}}
* [[Rémi de Finistère]] - Central banker - {{wp|François Legault}}
* [[Marc-Henri Barthélemy]] - Government whip - {{wp|Nathan Cullen}}
* [[Hajar Maha]] - Defence Minister - {{wp|Manal al-Shraif}}
* [[Gauthier Dieudonné]] - Interior Minister - {{wp|Charles Michel}}
* [[David Proulx]] - Agriculture Minister/BDR Leader - {{wp|Thierry Breton}}
* [[Maxime Cornell]] - National Alliance douchebag - {{wp|Alexander Downer}}
* [[Jeremy Riswan]] - SFP Leader - {{wp|Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres}}
* [[Christophe Marchant]] - Green Party leader - {{wp|Gregor Gysi}}
* [[Nikolai Khosedov]] - WAIM leader - {{wp|Gaétan Barrette}}
* [[Mohammad Almasi]] - FCF leader - {{wp|Ahmed Ouyahia}}
* [[Mathilde Boulanger]] - ProgCon Leader - {{wp|Édith Cresson}}
* [[Steven Mann]] - Former President - {{wp|Lucien Bouchard}}
* [[Catherine Roux]] - Former President - {{wp|Christa Markwalder}}
* [[Jean de Finistère]] - Senate president - {{wp|François Bonneau}}
* [[Caroline d'Évaline]] - Former PM - {{wp|Shelly Glover}}
* [[Mohammed el-Faswa]] - Former PM - {{wp|Gamal Abdel Nasser}}

{{wp|Potato|Potatoes}} and {{wp|cassava}}, which would remain core {{wp|Staple crop|staple crops}} in the region for millennia, were domesticated in Aucuria some time between 8,000 BCE and 5,000 BCE. {{wp|Llama|Llamas}}, {{wp|alpaca|alpacas}}, and {{wp|Guinea pig|guinea pigs}} were domesticated in Aucuria in the 6,000s BCE; the domestication of {{wp|quinoa}}, {{wp|Ullucus|ullucu}}, {{wp|Tropaeolum tuberosum|mashua}}, and {{wp|Oxalis tuberosa|oca}} took place in Aucuria in the 2,000s BCE. The cultivation of {{wp|Maize|corn}} and {{wp|cotton}} spread to the region from [[Asteria Superior]] between 5,000 and 4,000 BCE. The growing of {{wp|Calabash|calabashes}} also emerged during this timeframe, though how the calabash arrived in the Asterias is a matter of debate. These indigenous populations {{wp|Spinning (textiles)|spun}} and {{wp|Knitting|knit}} {{wp|wool}} & {{wp|cotton}}, and practiced {{wp|Basket weaving|basketry}}, but were {{wp|aceramic}} and thus did not make {{wp|pottery}}.

====Do care====
The arrival of cotton cultivation appears to be associated with a general shift towards {{wp|sedentism}} in Aucuria's coastal regions and the valleys of the [[Vaskaranas Mountains]], with the establishment of small villages based around varying combinations of farming, fishing, and herding. Marquez ''et al'' speculate that the weaving of cotton allowed for the creating of fishing nets and textile bags, which enabled agriculture and both riverine & ocean fishing; other archaeologists have found remnants of what might be early {{wp|irrigation}} canals from this period, which could further suggest the growth of communal organization.

* [[Nurcan Taylan]] - Eternal Father of the Union and first State President - {{wp|Mustafa Kemal Ataturk}}<br>
===Pativilkas civilization===
* [[Mohammad Javad Larijani]] - First Supreme Cleric - {{wp|Ruhollah Khomeini}}<br>
{{main|Pativilkas civilization}}
* [[Ali Akbar Khorsani]] - Current Supreme Cleric - {{wp|Ali Khamenei}}<br>
The [[Pativilkas civilization]] existed in what is now the states of [[Chucisaca]] and [[Kunturiri]] from 3,700 BCE to 1,500 BCE. It is the oldest {{wp|civilization}} in [[Asteria Inferior]] and in the [[Asterias]] as a whole, predating the {{wp|Olmecs|Tetuolmec civilization}} (the first civilization in [[Asteria Superior]], which emerged in the 1,600s BCE) by more than 2,000 years. The civilization began to expand in the 3,100s BCE, and reached its peak around 2,200 BCE.
* [[Kadir Kaya]] - Third State President - {{wp|Cemal Gürsel}}<br>
* [[Hassan Roshani]] - State President 2005-2010 - {{wp|Mahmoud Ahmadinejad}}<br>
* [[Evren Volkan]] - Current State President - {{wp|Recep Tayyip Erdogan}}<br>
* [[Qassem Rasfanjani]] - Current Prime Minister - {{wp|Hassan Rouhani}}
* [[Yaşar Çınar]] - Prime Minister 2005-2010; State President 2010-2015 - {{wp|İlker Başbuğ}}

====Do not care====
The first urban site associated with the Pativilkas civilization, located near the village of [[Čukekiravas]], emerged in the 3,500s BCE; the largest site and the site for which the culture was named, at [[Pativilkas]], emerged in the 2,600s BCE. The main site at Pativilkas spans nearly 60 hectares and is home to seven {{wp|step pyramid|pyramidal}} {{wp|Platform mound|platform mounds}}, several smaller mounds or terraces, and two large sunken {{wp|Town square|plazas}}. It was also divided into an "upper half" and a "lower half", with most monumental structures concentrated in the "upper half" & residences in the "lower half" being smaller and simpler, and {{wp|Midden|middens}} suggesting that diets were simpler in the "lower half" than the "upper half". Pativilkas sites are also often marked by the presence of {{wp|menhir}}, {{wp|irrigation}} systems, and {{wp|Terracing|terraced}} farms. These all suggest complex {{wp|social organization}} and {{wp|Social stratification|stratification}}, as some form of societal organization would be necessary for construction projects and class distinctions on such a scale. Sites associated with the civilization have also yielded knotted strings which some archaeologists have argued could be early examples of ''{{wp|Quipu|khipu}}'', potentially indicating the existence of a system of {{wp|writing}} or {{wp|proto-writing}}; subterranean ventilation ducts; and {{wp|Cornett|cornetts}} and {{wp|Flute|flutes}} made of deer, llama, & bird bones.
[[File:Caral-27.jpg|260px|left|thumb|The remnants of a [[Pativilkas civilization|Pativilkas]] {{wp|step pyramid}} and {{wp|menhir}}.]]
Studies of middens at Pativilkas sites have suggested that the diet of Pativilkans was dominated by domesticated plants such as potatoes, quinoa, maize, {{wp|Cucurbita|squashes}}, and {{wp|Phaseolus vulgaris|beans}}, supplemented by mashua, oca, ullucu, {{wp|Pouteria lucuma|lucuma}}, {{wp|guava}}, {{wp|avocado}}, {{wp|Canna (plant)|achira}}, {{wp|Inga feuilleei|pacay}}, and {{wp|Sweet potato|sweet potatoes}}. Meat remains found at Pativilkas settlements are almost exclusively from land or riverine animals - unsurprising given the civilization's location in the [[Vaskaranas Mountains]] - but some middens contain remains of {{wp|Anchovy|anchovies}}, suggesting that they were caught by coastal populations, preserved, and traded with the Pativilkas inland.

will finish
Pativilkas sites show some marked differences with those of [[!mesopotamia]] & [[!egypt]] in [[Rahelia]] and the [[Ajahadya#Dynastic/Mythic Era (~2850 - ~1250 BC)|Bashurat Valley civilization]] in [[Satria]]. Most notably, the Pativilkas civilization was still {{wp|Andean preceramic|preceramic}}. While pottery-making began to spread to Aucuria from neighboring [[Satucin]] in the 2,000s BCE, it did not reach those areas of Aucuria outside of the Sythe basin until after the collapse of the Pativilkas civilization; crops were cooked by roasting and bags woven from reed, wool, or cotton remained the predominant way of carrying objects. Pativilkas artifacts and sites also exhibit a strange lack of {{wp|visual art}}, which researchers have struggled to explain; Girėnas suggested that Pativilkas religion might have been {{wp|Iconoclasm|iconoclastic}}, but no hard evidence for this exists.

===Atlantica (do not care)===
While the nature and degree of centralized authority within Pativilkas cities is unknown, Stulginskienė postulated that authority was likely {{wp|Religion|religious}} in nature, with a focus on religious ceremony; Cornelis de Vries speculated that this sacred authority was bolstered by wealth from {{wp|trade}} with other preceramic populations in Aucuria's coastal and highland regions. There is a distinct lack of evidence of defensive architecture or signs of {{wp|War|warfare}} at Pativilkas sites, indicating that the increase in social complexity was not driven by conflict and that authority was not derived from military leadership.

After its peak in the 2,200s BCE, the Pativilkas civilization entered a protracted decline, which accelerated after 1,800 BCE. The reasons for this decline are disputed; some have suggested that it might have been caused by climactic changes which led to population movement away from Pativilkas cities, while others have proposed that Pativilkas was simply overshadowed by other areas with more fertile soil and greater proximity to the coast. By 1,700 BCE, the site at Pativilkas itself had been abandoned; the Pativilkas civilization had faded away entirely by the 1,500s BCE.
[[File:Goldapplike Peru Chavin Slg Ebnöther.jpg|250px|right|thumb|A [[Kiljakoljas culture|Kiljakoljas]] gold ornament depicting a {{wp|condor}} or {{wp|eagle}}.]]

===Ceresnia (do care)===
===Kiljakoljas culture===
* [[Andrei Rogorov]] – 3rd President of Ceresnia (2005–present) – {{wp|Antoni Macierewicz}}
{{main|Kiljakoljas culture}}
* [[Mikolai Vujcic]] – 3rd Prime Minister of Ceresnia (2005–present) – {{wp|Tihomir Orešković}}
The [[Kiljakoljas culture]], which existed from 1,300 BCE to 300 BCE, dominated much of Aucuria's central coastal and highland regions, stretching from what is now [[New Ruttland]] in the west to modern-day [[Suduva]] in the east. The Kiljakoljas culture was the first major Aucurian culture to use {{wp|ceramic}} {{wp|pottery}} and to work {{wp|copper}}, {{wp|silver}}, and {{wp|gold}}; they also developed more refined techniques for {{wp|masonry}}, {{wp|weaving}}, and {{wp|irrigation}}.
* [[Barbara Talarova]] – Minister of Foreign Affairs (2017–present) – {{wp|Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska}}
* [[Pavel Perak]] – 2nd (1989–2005) President of Ceresnia, Chairman of the Civic Movement (1982–present) – {{wp|Bogdan Borusewicz}}
* will add more

===QianRuri (do care)===
Modern understanding of Kiljakoljas society is restricted by the lack of any known written language. Archaeological evidence suggests suggests that social organization was heavily based around religious authorities and rituals; large and ornate temple complexes tend to be found in the center of Kiljakoljas sites, surrounded by {{wp|Plaza|plazas}}, {{wp|Sunken courtyard|sunken courts}}, and stone galleries, suggesting that these buildings played a key role in public life. Some of these complexes would have required extensive landscape alteration to faciliate their construction, and many are seemingly deliberately made of non-local stone. They were commonly decorated with intricately carved {{wp|Stele|stelae}} and {{wp|Relief|reliefs}} depicting complex iconography. Mortuary complexes, typically located near temples, reveal that the Kiljakoljas buried their dead with {{wp|grave goods}}; variation in these grave goods suggests a rigidly stratified social hierarchy, likely dominated by the priesthood.

Given the Kiljakoljas culture's proximity to the coast when compared to the Pativilkas, it is unsurprising that {{wp|seafood}} appears to have played a much larger role in the Kiljakoljas diet; however, staple crops such as {{wp|Potato|potatoes}} and {{wp|Maize|corn}}, domesticated animals such as {{wp|Llama|llamas}} and {{wp|Guinea pig|guinea pigs}}, and wild game were also common. The Kiljakoljas...  
*[[Pantaleimonas Uspelevičius]] - President; party leader, Labor - {{wp|Justin Trudeau}}<br>
[given position closer to the coast, bigger role of seafood in diets but also strong role of staple crops, livestock (llamas/alpacas, guinea pigs), game (deer, wild birds); strong hierarchy, social differentiation and specialization; some sites on the fringes of kiljakolkas areas show military stuff, suggesting conflict, but it's rare at core kiljakoljas sites]
*Feliksas Juozapauskas - Governor of Masialia; 100% totally not in a relationship with Uspelevičius no sir - {{wp|Emmanuel Macron}}<br>
*[[Endrijūs Gruduškas]] - Speaker of the Saeimas; party leader, National Alliance - {{wp|Andrzej Duda}}<br>
*Sulislova Petraitytė - economy minister; Minority Leader, Labor - {{wp|Beata Szydło}}<br>
*Judė Alduris - defense minister; party leader, Social Democrats - {{wp|Volodymyr Groysman}}<br>
*Muhemet Hasanoğlu - Premier of Atlia, party co-leader, Atlian Bloc - {{wp|Selahattin Demirtaş}}<br>
*Dominykas Margraitis - Calvonian legislator and fmr. Pres. candidate, National Alliance - {{wp|Paweł Kukiz}}<br>
*Ruhilâh Ramazanoğlu - party co-leader, Atlian Bloc -  {{wp|Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu}}<br>
*Sefiye Hızlı - party leader, Atlia's Future - {{wp|Atifete Jahjaga}}<br>
*Zübeyr Khoyski - second-in-command, Atlia's Future - {{wp|Mikheil Saakashvili}}<br>
*Lilija Macijauskaitė - party leader, Law and Justice -  {{wp|Carly Fiorina}}<br>
*Efraimas Gelertaitys - shadow foreign minister, National Alliance - {{wp|Anderson Cooper}}<br>
*Bendiktas Artemaitis - foreign minister, Social Democrats - {{wp|Jarosław Gowin}}<br>
*Jonas Triuša - shadow defense minister, Christian Democrats - {{wp|Zigmantas Balčytis}}<br>
*Kazimieras Ilgauskas - party leader, Liberal Movement - {{wp|Taavi Rõivas}}<br>
*Daumantas Liepus - party leader, True Aucurians - {{wp|Vladimir Zhirinovsky}}<br>
*Žygimantas Vyšniskis - party leader, New Republic - {{wp|Boris Nemtsov}}<br>
*Vaišvilkas Kavaliauskas - party leader, Christian Democrats - {{wp|Brad Wall}}<br>
*Laima Piečoniskaitė - party leader, Aucurian Greens - {{wp|Jill Stein}}<br>
*Sipytinevas Riudalis - party leader, Aucurian Jahistic - {{wp|Valdis Dombrovskis}}<br>
*Ozėjas Sionavičius - party leader, Pirate Party - {{wp|Árni Páll Árnason}}<br>
*Mykolas Zvinakis - party leader, Working Peoples' - {{wp|Bogusław Ziętek}}
*Vilhelmas Naujalis-Karedumas - pretender to the throne - {{wp|Raimonds Vējonis}}<br>
*Vilhelmas Kiedis - mayor of Kalnaspilis - {{wp|Nils Ušakovs}}<br>
*Selim Tilkis - pretender to the Atlian throne - {{wp|Ahmet Davutoğlu}}<br>
*Fadime Gündoğdu - speaker of the Atlian Meclis, Atlian Bloc - {{wp|Meral Akşener}}<br>
*Jozuė II - Church of Christ cardinal-archbishop - {{wp|Gintaras Grušas}}<br>
*Liuteras Miškaitis - presiding pastor, Calvarist Church - {{wp|Krzysztof Charamsa}}<br>
*Izaijas Simonavičius - chairman, Aucurian Jewish Council - {{wp|Klaus Iohannis}}<br>
*Mykolas Nikaitis - Aucurian judge, human rights advocate; ECHR nominee - {{wp|Merrick Garland}}<br>
*Jogaila Alfredaitis - head, [[Organization of Esquarian Nations]], fmr. foreign minister - {{wp|Éamon Ó Cuív}}<br>
*Selim I Tilkis - first Atlian khan - {{wp|Alp Arslan|Alp Arslan Seljuq}}<br>
*Viltautas Astrauskas - first Aucurian king - {{wp|Mindaugas|Mindaugas Palemonid}}<br>
*Vytautas Astrauskas - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Vaišvilkas|Vaišvilkas Palemonid}}<br>
*İslam III Tilkis - former Atlian khan - {{wp|Muhammad Azam Shah|Muhammad Azam Shah Timur}}<br>
*Vladislovas Lepardivičius - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Vytautas|Vytautas Gediminid}}<br>
*Žygimantas I Lepardivičius - former Aucurian king -  {{wp|Sigismund I the Old|Zygmunt I Jagiełło}}<br>
*Žygimantas II Lepardivičius - former Aucurian king -  {{wp|Sigismund II Augustus|Zygmunt II August Jagiełło}}<br>
*Feliksas I Lepardivičius - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Sigismund III Vasa}}<br>
*Mykolas Lepardivičius - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Eric XIV of Sweden|Erik XIV Vasa}}<br>
*Dominykas Vilaniskis - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Michael I of Russia|Mikhail I Romanov}}<br>
*Hüseyin IV Tilkis - former Atlian khan - {{wp|Suleiman the Magnificent|Süleyman I Osmanlı}}<br>
*Feliksas II Vilaniskis - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Ivan V of Russia|Ivan V Romanov}}<br>
*Marija Elžbieta Vilaniskis - former Aucurian queen - {{wp|Sofia Alekseyevna of Russia|Sofia Romanova}}<br>
*Liudvikas Račkauskas - Calvarist theologian - {{wp|Jan Hus}}<br>
*Valdemaras I Vilaniskis - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Peter the Great|Pyotr I Romanov}}<br>
*Feliksas III Vilaniskis - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Paul I of Russia|Pavel I Romanov}}<br>
*Jekatyrīna Vilaniskis - former Aucurian queen - {{wp|Catherine the Great|Yekaterina II Romanova}}<br>
*Feliksas IV Vilaniskis - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor|Joseph I Habsburg}}<br>
*Žygimantas VI Vilaniskis - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Louis XVII of France|Louis XVII Bourbon}}<br>
*Jokūbas Karedumas - fmr. Aucurian pretender/king - {{wp|Gustav III of Sweden|Gustav III Holstein-Gottorp}}<br>
*Augustas Naujalis - former Aucurian king - {{wp|Stanisław August Poniatowski|Stanisław II August Poniatowski}}<br>
*Selim XII Tilkis - final Atlian khan - {{wp|Abdülmecid I|Abdülmecid I Osmanlı}}<br>
*Kristijonas Naujalis - final Aucurian king - {{wp|Louis XVI of France|Louis XVI Bourbon}}<br>
*[[Bendiktas Klimantis]] - revolutionary, first Aucurian president - {{wp|Jean-Jacques Rousseau}}<br>
*[[Juozapas Kairys]] - revolutionary, former Aucurian speaker and president - {{wp|Tadeusz Kościuszko}}<br>
*İsmail Tilkis - Atlian pretender during the revolution - {{wp|Mustafa Reşid Pasha}}<br>
*Şahin Aktaş - Atlian revolutionary - {{wp|Aqil Agha}} for young, {{wp|Mahmud Dramali Pasha}} for old<br>
*Ambraziejus Ozoliņis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Frederick Muhlenberg}}<br>
*Izaijas Heronīmas Karnišovas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Philippe-Antoine Merlin de Douai|Merlin de Douai}}<br>
*Daumantas Donelaitis - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Paul François Jean Nicolas, vicomte de Barras|Paul Barras}}<br>
*[[Frīdrikas Brazauskas]] - soldier, former Aucurian president - {{wp|Napoleon Bonaparte}}<br>
*Maksymiljanas Balčiūnas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès|Jean-Jacques de Cambacérès}}<br>
*Velislovas Lapinys - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Theodore Sedgwick}}<br>
*Gedvilas Giedraitis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Roger Ducos}}<br>
*Jonas Obolevičius - former Aucurian speaker and president - {{wp|John Tyler}}<br>
*Vilhelmas Skratinskis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Philip Pendleton Barbour}}<br>
*Augustas Kaukėnas - former Aucurian speaker and president - {{wp|James K. Polk}}<br>
*Grigorijus Endrijauskas - former Aucurian speaker and president - {{wp|John C. Calhoun}}<br>
*Ernestas Jovaiša - former Aucurian speaker- {{wp|William R. King}}<br>
*Jonas Paulauskas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Léon Faucher}}<br>
*Kirilas Norkantas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Judah P. Benjamin}}<br>
*Liuteras Kuprevičius - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Charles Sumner}}<br>
*Kęstutis Mežlaukas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Alexander H. Stephens}}<br>
*Ramūnas Petkevičius - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey}}<br>
*Şahin Tilkis - former Atlian pretender - {{wp|Abbas II of Egypt|Abbas II Alawiyyah}}<br>
*Hüseyin Tilkis - brother of Şahin; scholar, explorer, fencer, commander - {{wp|Ahmed Hassanein}}<br>
*Nasrilâh Kartal - Atlian revolutionary leader - {{wp|Hussein Kamel of Egypt|Hussein Kamel Alawiyyah}}<br>
*Eduardas Songaila - former Aucurian president - {{wp|John Russell, 1st Earl Russell|John Russel}}<br>
*Rudolfas Česnauskis - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Sam Houston}}<br>
*Miervaldis Vasiliauskas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|John C. Breckinridge}}<br>
*Kazimieras Paleckis - anarchist, assassin - {{wp|John Wilkes Booth}}<br>
*Joačimas Jurgevičius - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|George H. Pendleton}}<br>
*Nikolajus Grybauskas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Franklin Pierce}}<br>
*Nikiforas Črušiovas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Thomas A. Hendricks}}<br>
*[[Žygimantas Ramanauskas]] - war hero, former Aucurian president - {{wp|Ferdinand Foch}}<br>
*Leopoldas Edgarautis - war hero, former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Leo von Caprivi}}<br>
*Kajus Lukauskis - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Georg Michaelis}}<br>
*Izoakas Kačinskas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Prince Maximilian of Baden|Maximilian von Zähringen}}<br>
*Mykolas Petraitis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Kirill Vladimirovich, Grand Duke of Russia|Kirill Romanov}}<br>
*Lukas Metjūs Urbonavičius - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Janko Vukotić}}<br>
*Radoslovas Budrys - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Armand Fallières}}<br>
*[[Ąžuolas Tamauskas]] - revolutionary, first and only Aucurian premier - {{wp|Volodymyr Vynnychenko}}<br>
*Mehdi Tilkis - former Atlian pretender - {{wp|Rauf Orbay}}<br>
*Abdülreşîd Sokullu - Atlian revolutionary - {{wp|Ethem Nejat}}<br>
*[[Pijaus Kalnietis]] - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Antanas Smetona}}<br>
*Sergejus Arājys -  former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Giovanni Giolitti}}<br>
*Vykintas Helmanis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Achille Starace}}<br>
*Algimantas Steponavičius - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Justas Paleckis}}<br>
*[[Feliksas Lupeikis]] - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Jonas Žemaitis}}<br>
*Ervinas Antanavičius - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Antanas Merkys}}<br>
*Aleirikas Kalvaitis - secret police chief, former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Józef Piłsudski}}<br>
*[[Antanas Vaitkus]] - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Stepan Bandera}}<br>
*Gelertas Laurynavičius - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Umberto II of Italy|Umberto di Savoia}}<br>
*Juozapas Juknevičius - Aucurian general during VelRev - {{wp|Florian Siwicki}}<br>
*[[Maksymas Užugiris]] - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Władysław Raczkiewicz}}<br>
*Euzebijos Šaulytis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Giovanni Gronchi}}<br>
*Mustafa Alimoğlu - first Atlian premier - {{wp|Mohammad Mosaddegh}}<br>
*Izmaēlis Venclova - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|John Foster Dulles}}<br>
*Anatolijus Jakubėnas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Bolesław Bierut}}<br>
*Klaudijus Janavičius - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Willi Stoph}}<br>
*Paulius Rimša - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Aldo Moro}}<br>
*Mordečajas Adomaitis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Michel Debré}}<br>
*Klemensas Stulginskis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Francesco Cossiga}}<br>
*Ernestas Paksas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Walter Scheel}}<br>
*Juozapas Vasiļjevas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Nick Begich}}<br>
*Petras Griškevičius - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Giovanni Leone}}<br>
*Tomas Šumauskas - former Aucurian speaker and president - {{wp|Giuseppe Saragat}}<br>
*Ulfrikas Tymonauskas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Olof Palme}}<br>
*Endrijūs Dovydaitis - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Helmut Kohl}}<br>
*[[Saulė Valantiejutė]] - former Aucurian speaker and president - {{wp|Geraldine Ferraro}}<br>
*Silvestras Valantinas - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Carl Bildt}}<br>
*[[Karolis Staugaitis]] - fmr. Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Alexander Lukashenko|Aliaksandr Lukashenko}}<br>
*Ömer Yüksel - former Premier of Atlia - {{wp|Bülent Ecevit}}<br>
*Baltramiejus Sakalauskas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Aleksander Kwaśniewski}}<br>
*Augustinas Šimėnas - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Guntis Ulmanis}}<br>
*Kristijona Marcinkevičiutė - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Anneli Jäätteenmäki}}<br>
*Bronislovas Ulmanis - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Anatolijs Gorbunovs}}<br>
*Antanas Rozītis - former Aucurian speaker - {{wp|Jyrki Katainen}}<br>
*[[Rožė Kulešiutė]] - former Aucurian president - {{wp|Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga}}<br>
*[[Patrīcija Jankauskaitė]] - former Aucurian President - {{wp|Angela Merkel}}<br>

[art in sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, and textile; artistic style - depiction of animals (sacred?) and humans, religious motifs, but also depictions of life suggesting the use of coca and psychotropic plants; complex iconography, contour rivalry]
*[[Hayato Nisimura]] - Prime Minister, People's Party leader - {{wp|Ma Ying-jeou}}<br>
*[[Ayane Nisimura]] - First Lady of Senria - {{wp|Akie Abe}}<br>
*[[Keiko Umeda]] - Deputy Prime Minister, Justice Party leader - {{wp|Renhō|Renhō Murata}}<br>
*[[Yumi Takamatu]] - Minister of Foreign Affairs - {{wp|Yingluck Shinawatra}}<br>
*[[Sanetomi Hukuzawa]] - Minister of Justice - {{wp|Wang Jin-pyng}}<br>
*[[Reika Okura]] - Minister of Finance - {{wp|Tomomi Inada}}<br>
*[[Akira Masuta]] - Minister of the Interior, fmr. deputy PM - {{wp|Naoto Kan}}<br>
*[[Hiroto Tomimoto]] - Minister of Defense - {{wp|Pak Pong-ju}}<br>
*[[Kaori Himura]] - de facto leader, People's Party moderate faction - {{wp|Kang Kyung-wha}}<br>
*[[Sitirou Sasada]] - Chief of Staff, Senrian Republican Armed Forces - {{wp|Katsutoshi Kawano}}<br>
*[[Ryouiti Yamasita]] - Director of the Tokkeitai - {{wp|Kim Kwan-jin}}
*[[Akiko Hasegawa]] - Social Democratic leader - {{wp|Carrie Lam}}<br>
*[[Yosiko Asuhara]] - opposition politician, Social Democrat - {{wp|Keiko Itokazu}}<br>
*[[Sousuke Fuzioka]] - Progressive leader - {{wp|Wang Qishan}}<br>
*[[Natuo Watanabe]] - Liberal leader - {{wp|Hwang Kyo-ahn}}<br>
*[[Atsusi Fuziwara]] - opposition politician, Liberal - {{wp|Kota Matsuda}}<br>
*[[Itirou Sakamoto]] - Reform Party leader - {{wp|Tōru Hashimoto}}<br>
*[[Daisuke Yukimura]] - New Revolutionaries leader - {{wp|Natsuo Yamaguchi}}<br>
*[[Ouka Hamaguti]] - politician, Justice Party - {{wp|Mizuho Fukushima}}<br>
*[[Takesi Tunematu]] - Conservative Republican leader - {{wp|Eric Shinseki}}<br>
*[[Katuo Takahara]] - Communist leader - {{wp|Kazuo Shii}}<br>
*[[Yosimitu Sibuya]] - Liberationist leader - {{wp|Ichirō Matsui}}<br>
*[[Satohito Imagawa]] - royalist pretender - {{wp|Yoshihiko Noda}}<br>
*[[Kazuhito of Senria|Kazuhito Imagawa]] - monarch - {{wp|Yamagata Aritomo}}<br>
*[[Atuhito of Senria|Atuhito Imagawa]] - monarch - {{wp|Sanjō Sanetomi}}<br>
*[[Hisahito of Senria|Hisahito Imagawa]] - monarch - {{wp|Prince Kan'in Kotohito|Kotohito Yamato}}<br>
*[[Katuhito of Senria|Katuhito Imagawa]] - final monarch; first pretender - {{wp|Yi Un}}<br>
*[[Korehito of Senria|Korehito Imagawa]] - brother of Katsuhito - {{wp|Nobuhito, Prince Takamatsu|Nobuhito Yamato}}<br>
*[[Noriyosi Horigome]] - general, loyalist - {{wp|Fukushima Yasumasa}}<br>
*[[Tutomu Abe]] - general, loyalist - {{wp|Katsura Tarō}}<br>
*[[Ryuunosuke Miyamoto]] - revolutionary, founder of the Republican Party; interim republican leader - {{wp|Lou Tseng-Tsiang}}<br>
*[[Sigeru Hasegawa]] - co-founded Communist Party of Senria, but turned syndie & purged communists - {{wp|Ahn Changho}}<br>
*[[Mitio Morioka]] - revolutionary - {{wp|Katō Takaaki}}<br>
*[[Sigenori Hirabayasi]] - revolutionary - {{wp|Uchida Kōsai}}<br>
*[[Nobusuke Takeo]] - revolutionary - {{wp|Kijūrō Shidehara}}<br>
*[[Yatarou Kuroda]] - revolutionary - {{wp|Hara Takashi}}<br>
*[[Isao Isiyama]] - revolutionary, former leader of the Republican Party; interim republican leader - {{wp|Wang Jingwei}}<br>
*[[Katurou Imahara]] - general, (late) defector to rebellion, former Prime Minister of Senria - {{wp|Chiang Kai-shek}}<br>
*[[Itigo Nakagawa]] - general, (late) defector to rebellion; deputy PM - {{wp|Mitsumasa Yonai}}<br>
*[[Nobuyuki Youiti]] - admiral, (late) defector to rebellion - {{wp|Keisuke Okada}}<br>
*[[Souzirou Okada]] - general, (early) defector to rebellion - {{wp|Terauchi Masatake}}<br>
*[[Sintarou Miyu]] -  general, (late) defector to rebellion - {{wp|Zhang Zuolin}}<br>
*[[Isoroku Nomura]] - admiral, (late) defector to rebellion - {{wp|Yamamoto Gonnohyōe}}<br>
*[[Ienobu Miyazawa]] - admiral, (late) defector to rebellion, national martyr in Xiao-Senrian War - {{wp|Isoroku Yamamoto}}<br>
*[[Yosito Otuji]] - governor, Xiao-occupied Senria, during Xiao-Senrian War - {{wp|Zhang Jinghui}}<br>
*[[Mituyosi Tanaka]] - general during the Senrian-Xiaodongese War - {{wp|Yan Xishan}}<br>
*[[Hisahiro Nisinoya]] - admiral during the Senrian-Xiaodongese War - {{wp|Nobutake Kondō}}<br>
*[[Soukaku Sioda]] - admiral during the Senrian-Xiaodongese War - {{wp|Kōichi Shiozawa}}<br>
*[[Akitosi Hanayama]] - BOMBER HARRIS DO IT AGAIN - {{wp|Masanobu Tsuji}}<br>
*[[Yosirou Ueda]] - Senrian war hero/martyr - {{wp|Mao Anying}}<br>
*[[Kazue Saito]] - Senrian actress known for propaganda roles - {{wp|Jiang Qing}} (young)<br>
*[[Hatirou Nakayama]] - general, former Prime Minister of Senria - {{wp|Sheng Shicai}}<br>
*[[Yosiyasu Sekiguti]] - admiral, deputy PM - {{wp|Shin Sung-mo}}<br>
*[[Itirou Yamada]] - general, deputy PM - {{wp|Chang Taek-sang}}<br>
*[[Hosato Korematu]] - former leader of the Republican Party - {{wp|Mamoru Shigemitsu}}<br>
*[[Tokiyasu Kitamura]] - former Prime Minister of Senria - {{wp|Ngo Dinh Diem}}<br>
*[[Reihirou Tanaka]] - second gang of six member, deputy PM - {{wp|Hitoshi Ashida}}<br>
*[[Masaharu Hasimoto]] - deputy PM - {{wp|Baek Du-jin}}<br>
*[[Takesi Takahata]] - former Prime Minister of Senria - {{wp|Park Chung-Hee}}<br>
*[[Sigeru Hukuda]] - admiral, deputy PM - {{wp|Sohn Won-yil}}<br>
*[[Sousuke Kawaguti]] - general, deputy PM - {{wp|Chung Il-kwon}}<br>
*[[Tutomu Saitou]] - fmr. Justice Minister - {{wp|Takeo Miki}}<br>
*[[Kitirou Imahara]] - adopted son of Katurou Imahara, Prime Minister of Senria - {{wp|Chiang Wei-kuo}}<br>
*[[Kazuo Asida]] - admiral, deputy PM - {{wp|Xu Xiangqian}}<br>
*[[Minoru Uemura]] - former leader, Democratic Party - {{wp|Ichirō Ozawa}}<br>
*[[Tarou Yasui]] - former leader, Liberal Party - {{wp|Toshiki Kaifu}}<br>
*[[Kiyosi Haruka]] - former Prime Minister of Senria - {{wp|Yasuhiro Nakasone}}<br>
*[[Takeo Miyazawa]] - deputy PM - {{wp|Tomiichi Murayama}}<br>
*[[Hideki Kitayama]] - deputy PM - {{wp|Tsutomu Hata}}<br>
*[[Kumiko Yosida]] - leader, Reform Party; deputy PM - {{wp|Makiko Tanaka}}<br>
*[[Sigesato Izumi]] - former Prime Minister of Senria - {{wp|Hakubun Shimomura}}<br>
*[[Hirosi Takahiro]] - deputy PM - {{wp|Lee Myung-bak}}<br>

[evidence suggests social upheaval at many kiljakoljas sites beginning in the late 500s BCE; scientific evidence suggests this was possibly due to droughts and earthquakes, leading to the partial or total abandonment of kiljakoljas sites and the collapse of the civilization]

*[[Wiktória Maszke]] - President, Po9 member; leader, syndies - {{wp|Bernadett Szél}}
===Sythe-Juoda culture===
*[[Òłëwir Sërakòjski]] - Po9 member; leader, commies - {{wp|Mateusz Morawiecki}}
*[[Aleksander Jełkowski]] - Po9 member; leader, totalists - {{wp|Mariusz Błaszczak}}
*[[Kondrat Pragaski]] - leader, demsocs - {{wp|Zbigniew Ziobro}}
*[[Sùlisłôwa Lewna]] - leader, anarchists - {{wp|Katja Kipping}}
*[[Adóm Òdraski]] - leader, Domianists - {{wp|Carl Haglund}}
*[[Mikòłôj Adómczyk]] - fmr. President, Po9 member - {{wp|Jeremy Corbyn}}
*[[Swiãtopôlka Dzemiónski]] - Po9 member - {{wp|Anna Streżyńska}}
*[[Jùlian Mësz]] - Po9 member - {{wp|Gérald Darmanin}}
*[[Miłosłôw Orlikowski]] - Po9 member - {{wp|Robert Pelikán}}
*[[Aùgust Sztroika]] - Po9 member - {{wp|Alberto Garzón}}
*[[Léch Staniswônrzi]] - Po9 member - {{wp|Ola Borten Moe}}
*[[Marëja Szitkowski]] - syndlec politician - {{wp|Rachida Dati}}
*[[Henrik Szimónski]] - syndlec politician - {{wp|Ryszard Petru}}
*[[Jón-Marko Slôminski]] - syndlec military commander - {{wp|Sławomir Petelicki}}
*[[Kasper Sczembrowski]] - syndlec military commander - {{wp|Tibor Benkő}}
*[[Cërël XI (Rodnéwiary archbishop)|Cërël XI]] - exiled Archbishop of Szimongocz - {{wp|Marek Jędraszewski}}
*[[Paweł Òłówski]] - pretender to the Lec throne, KNL leader - {{wp|Mauricio Macri}}
*[[Emil Stolôrz]] - Solidarity leader, UNdPL leader - {{wp|Radosław Sikorski}}
*[[Frãcëszk Szpilman]] - Solidarity leader, ZWL leader - {{wp|Alexis Tsipras}}
*[[Bògdan Borzyszkowski]] - Solidarity leader, KWeP leader - {{wp|Vitali Klitschko|Vitaliy Klitschko}}
*[[Cërël Gniewek]] - Solidarity leader, SDL leader - {{wp|Zoran Milanović}}
*[[Wincénty Miazga]] - Solidarity leader, SWL leader - {{wp|Jānis Reirs}}
*[[Zonja Kurówski]] - KLL leader - {{wp|Margot Wallström}}
*[[Swiëtosłôw Kropidłowski]] - ROL leader - {{wp|Gábor Kubatov}}
*[[Dobrosłôw Kamënski]] - KGSz leader - {{wp|Jevgeni Ossinovski}}
*[[Łukôsz Szwélidza]] - KLPK leader - {{wp|Nikolai Levichev}}
*[[Lucjusz Bosko]] - KRN leader - {{wp|Oleh Lyashko}}
*[[Łukôsz Grzéskowicz]] - ZWL politician, Szpilman's right-hand man - {{wp|Bohuslav Sobotka}}
*[[Sztefan of Lecia|Sztefan Wiszniewski]] - first King of Lecia - {{wp|William II, Prince of Orange|Willem II van Oranje}}
*[[Krësztof II of Lecia|Krësztof II Òłówski]] - King of Lecia - {{wp|George V of Hanover|Georg V von Hannover}}
*[[Andrzéj Kùmiéga]] - religious socialist revolutionary, 1870s - {{wp|Ludwik Waryński}}
*[[Czésłôw Domiana]] - mathematician, socialist pacifist thinker - {{wp|Herman Lieberman}}
*[[Mikòłôj of Lecia|Mikòłôj Òłówski]] - King of Lecia - {{wp|Alexander Kolchak|Aleksandr Kolchak}}
*[[Jón-Józef Skwarczynski]] - royalist general, 1910s - {{wp|Alexey Kaledin}}
*[[Pioter Rekowski]] - royalist general, 1910s - {{wp|Stanisław Szeptycki}}
*[[Jerzy Siwicki]] - royalist general, 1910s - {{wp|Mikhail Diterikhs}}
*[[Matéùsz Szkura]] - royalist general, 1910s - {{wp|Bronislav Kaminski}}
*[[Kôrol Klimenski]] - royalist paramilitary leader - {{wp|Henryk Rossman}}
*[[Jigór Małinowski]] - communist revolutionary leader, 1910s - {{wp|Felix Dzerzhinsky}}
*[[Emil Médzynski]] - communist revolutionary, 1910s - {{wp|Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski}}
*[[Sztefan Telszówski]] - communist revolutionary, 1910s - {{wp|Józef Unszlicht}}
*[[Feliks Hołówka]] - communist writer and revolutionary, 1910s - {{wp|Ignacy Daszyński}}
*[[Lôwrénty V (Rodnéwiary archbishop)|Lôwrénty V]] - Archbishop; killed by revolutionaries - {{wp|Romuald Jałbrzykowski}}
*[[Teodór Piekarski]] - right-wing republican; died suspiciously - {{wp|Roman Dmowski}}
*[[Krësztof III of Lecia|Krësztof III Òłówski]] - final King of Lecia - {{wp|Ion Antonescu}}
*[[Mikòłôj X (Rodnéwiary archbishop)|Mikòłôj X]] - final Archbishop to reside in Szimongocz - {{wp|Adam Stefan Sapieha}}
*[[Sùlisłôw Prystor]] - royalist general, 1940s-1950s - {{wp|Kazimierz Sosnkowski}}
*[[Irenéùsz Switalski]] - royalist general, 1950s - {{wp|Wacław Stachiewicz}}
*[[Dobrosłôw Korczyk]] - royalist general, 1950s - {{wp|Tadeusz Klimecki}}
*[[Kondrat Obołenski]] - royalist paramilitary leader, 1950s - {{wp|Konstantin Rodzaevsky}}
*[[Szimón Kãszobùski]] - syndicalist revolutionary; OG Po9 member; first President - {{wp|Witold Pilecki}}
*[[Kasper Adómkowicz]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Ivan Konev}}
*[[Włodòmierz Błaskowski]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Giacomo Matteotti}}
*[[Patrik Bòch]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Mikhail Suslov}}
*[[Eusebiusz Kłopotek]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Władysław Anders}}
*[[Dawid Kowalski]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Anastas Mikoyan}}
*[[Michòł Pelowski]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Dobri Dzhurov}}
*[[Kazimierz Tomôszki]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Markos Vafiadis}}
*[[Bògùsłôw Wrocłôwski]] - OG Po9 member - {{wp|Endel Puusepp}}
*[[Mikòłôj Sëlëczënski]] - syndicalist author, journalist - {{wp|Karol Irzykowski}}
*[[Józef Kasperski]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Lars Korvald}}
*[[Krësztof Òpòlski]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Andrei Gromyko}}
*[[Irenéùsz Cybulski]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Nikolai Tikhonov}}
*[[Władëmar Szitkowski]] - Po9 member for decades but never president - {{wp|Jacques Delors}}
*[[Feliks Tëmonowicz]] - Lecian playwright - {{wp|Dmitri Shostakovich}}
*[[Bòlesłôw XIV (Rodnéwiary archbishop)|Bòlesłôw XIV]] - longtime exiled Archbishop - {{wp|Marcel Lefebvre}}
*[[Eupraksja Pradzynski]] - first female Po9 member - {{wp|Hanna Suchocka}}
*[[Janusz Mëdzerz]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Tomasz Tomczykiewicz}}

[500 BCE-1000; more than 450 geoglyphs found in 2017 due to deforestation in aucuria and satucin suggest there was some sort of culture with many planned & fortified ceremonial gathering sites, possibly connected by roads, in the sythe-juoda basin; very mysterious, little corresponding artifacts, not much known]

*[[Selîm Helebceyî]] - President, Foreign Affairs & Defense Minister, - {{wp|Abdel Fattah el-Sisi|Abdelfattah al-Sisi}}
===Tirakvas and Piura cultures===
*[[Elî Rehîmî]] - Disciple on (and de facto head of) the Council of the Faithful - {{wp|Muqtada al-Sadr}}
{{main|Tirakvas culture|Piura culture}}
*[[Silêman Xaliqî]] - Disciple on the Council of the Faithful, Rehimi's stooge - {{wp|Ahmed Abu Risha}}
[during the period from 100 BCE to 800, aucuria has two major civilizations in the vaskaranas, the tirakvas on the coastal side and the piura on the inland side]
*[[Mesûd Merîwanî]] - Disciple on the Council of the Faithful, rival of Rehimi - {{wp|Mostafa Pourmohammadi}}
*[[Nizamedînê Nazirî]] - Speaker of the Assembly - {{wp|Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum|Muhammad bin Rashid al-Maktoum}}
*[[Alaedînê Rehîmî]] - opposition leader - {{wp|Michel Suleiman}}
*[[Reşîd Barzanî]] - fmr. Speaker of the Assembly - {{wp|Nechervan Barzani}}
*[[Silêman Zehawî]] - opposition leader - {{wp|Mostafa Hashemitaba}}
*[[Sêrhad Axa]] - Aburrite political leader - {{wp|Ibrahim Baylan}}
*[[Heydar Sabrî]] - pretender to the Siphrian throne - {{wp|Maktoum bin Mohammed Al Maktoum|Maktoum bin Muhammad al-Maktoum}}
*[[Hefîz III of Siphria|Hefîz III Sabrî]] - final emir, hated Erkemeni puppet - {{wp|Fuad I of Egypt|Fuad I al-Awwal}}
*[[Fereydûn Sêlih]] - military commander, led self-coup, fmr. President - {{wp|Mustafa Barzani}}
*[[Ebdulhemîdê Mîrzade]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Jamil Mardam Bey}}
*[[Pîroz Rûhanî‎]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Abdul-Muhsin Al-Saadoun}}
*[[Evdilhemîd Nehrî]] - Disciple during 30s - {{wp|Izz ad-Din al-Qassam}}
*[[Mistefa Rezazî]] - Disciple during the 1930s-40s - {{wp|Amin al-Husseini}}
*[[Ebdulah Bateyî]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Ata Bey al-Ayyubi}}
*[[Beşar Hamad]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|'Abd al-Ilah|'Abd al-Ilah al-Hashimi}}
*[[Mihemed Şeqlawî]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Rashid Ali al-Gaylani}}
*[[Mistefa Herîq]] - military commander, led brief military coup, fmr. President - {{wp|Hassan Sabry Pasha}}
*[[Celal Ulukaya]] - fmr. President of Siphria, technically - {{wp|Abd al-Rahman al-Bazzaz}}
*[[Nasiredînê Mewsilî]] - longtime fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Camille Chamoun}}
*[[Evdilselam Enfalî]] - fmr. President of Siphria, coup leader - {{wp|Abd al-Karim Qasim}}
*[[Refîq Mohtadî]] - fmr. President of Siphria, def didn't kill Enfali - {{wp|Abdul Salam Arif}}
*[[Ebdirehmanê Berdeşanî]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Muhammad Umran}}
*[[Diyedînê Hîcrî]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Nazim al-Kudsi}}
*[[Seyîd Mukriyanî]] - fmr. President, briefly - {{wp|Adnan Menderes}}
*[[Elî Husên]] - officer, led failed Islamist Collectivist coup - {{wp|Kamal el-Din Hussein}}
*[[Îsmaîl Ferîqî]] - officer, fmr. President, persecutor of Muslims; led two coups - {{wp|Muammar Gaddafi}}
*[[Mesûd Roşan]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Mohammad-Ali Rajai}}
*[[Xelîl Ezîz]] - fmr. President and reformist, briefly - {{wp|Bachir Gemayel}}
*[[Yûsiv Seîd]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Massoud Rajavi}}
*[[Şehram Esîrî]] - fmr. President - {{wp|Mustafa Akıncı}}
*[[Ebdilqadirê Mezrayî]] - fmr. Disciple on the Council - {{wp|Morteza Motahhari}}
*[[Cemîl Ehmedî]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Mostafa Mir-Salim}}
*[[Seyfedînê Mistewfî]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Ismail Haniyeh}}
*[[Rizayê Qeredaxî]] - fmr. President of Siphria - {{wp|Babaker Shawkat B. Zebari|Babaker Shawkat Zebari}}

===Namor (do care)===
[tirakvas - ]
*[[Fu Wen]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Chen Guangbiao}}<br>
*[[Antelope Shohai]] - President-General of Namor - {{wp|Jasper Tsang Yok-sing}}<br>
*[[Long Jiaoche]] - Vice President-General of Namor - {{wp|Zhang Dejiang}}<br>
*[[Sang Fadong]], First Spouse of Namor - {{wp|Hsu Shu-hua}}<br>
*[[Antelope Yigi]] - Member of the Liberationist Party - {{wp|Tsang Tak-sing}}<br>
*[[Antelope Txo]] - former leader of the Liberationist Party - {{wp|James Soong}}<br>
*[[Tao James]] - Nantai defector and Socialist Party member - {{wp|George Takei}}<br>
*[[Derrick Lee]] - former Vice President-General of Namor - {{wp|Jack Ma}}<br>
*[[Namsa Singho]] - Leader of the Democratic Socialists - {{wp|Eric Chu}}<br>
*[[Tuyet An]] - Member of the New Democratic Party - {{wp|Judy Chu}}<br>
*[[Huan An]] - Member of the New Democratic Party - {{wp|Chua Soi Lek}}<br>
*[[Kuo Zhang]] - leader of the People's First Coalition - {{wp|Taro Aso}}<br>
*[[Jung To]] - Leader of the Republic of Namor - {{wp|Chen Cheng}}<br>
*[[Li Kun]] - Prime Minister of the Republic of Namor from 1981 to 1986 - {{wp|Kim Dae-jung}}
*[[Jung Fa]] - Leader of the Republic of Namor - {{wp|Chun Doo-hwan}}<br>
*[[Yung Kang]] - Premier of Peitoa - {{wp|Frank Hsieh}}<br>
*[[Antelope Yunglang]] - Revolutionary, founder of the PRN - {{wp|Ho Chi Minh}}<br>
*[[Mikhail Zo]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Võ Nguyên Giáp}}<br>
*[[Kiang Su]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Chen Geng}}<br>
*[[Antelope Gelai]] - Successor of Yunglang, reformer - {{wp|Li Peng}}<br>
*[[Kong Jo]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Le Kha Phieu}}<br>
*[[Su Shui]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Lee Hsien Loong}}<br>
*[[Chen Chanin]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Henry Tang}}<br>
*[[Lan Xuan Huong]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Renhō}}<br>
*[[Kaitlyn Kan]] - former President-General of Namor - {{wp|Gong Li}}<br>
*[[Vang Lan]] - former Head of State of Txotai - {{wp|Gary Locke}}<br>
*[[Vang Jun]] - former Head of State of Txotai - {{wp|Wang Yi}}<br>
*[[Vei Sang]] - current Head of State of Txotai - {{wp|Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj}}<br>
*[[Radoslava Yulia]] - President of Txotai - {{wp|Natalia Poklonskaya}}<br>
*[[James Narayev]] - leader of the [[Txotai All-Otekian Party]] - {{wp|Rick Perry}}<br>
*[[Peter Ashmaev]] - commander of the Knights of Saint Luther - {{wp|Fred Phelps}}<br>
*[[Breuvi Chikmurdof]] - commander of the Knights of Saint Luther - {{wp|Shamil Basayev}}<br>
*[[Valeriy Anisim]] - leader of OGIE - {{wp|John McCain}}<br>
*[[Kolya Vitalik]] - leader of the ONC - {{wp|Alexei Navalny}}<br>

===Luziyca (don't give a fuck)===
[piura - ]
*[[Breuvi Shjoraski]] - President of Luziyca - {{wp|Bill Gates}}
*[[Sera Svensson]] - New President - {{wp|Hillary Clinton}}
*[[Damir Agapov]] - VP - {{wp|Matt Smith (actor)|Matt Smith}}
*[[Paul Nikolovich]] - Socred leader - {{wp|Mitt Romney}}
*[[Vonora Khendalor]] - CLP leader - {{wp|Kim Davis (clerk)|Kim Davis}}
*[[Narsete La Via]] - NLP leader - {{wp|Pete Sessions}}
*[[Kung Alicia]] - Chief Executive of Nantai - {{wp|Park Geun-hye}}
*[[Erov Haclav]] - West Luziycan leader - {{wp|Enver Hoxha}}
*[[Brevayu Prouvayeshki]] - former President - {{wp|Dick Cheney}}
*[[William Mishnev]] - former President, great reunifier - {{wp|Ronald Reagan}}
*[[Stanley Azubah]] - last leader of unified Luziyca before Bush - {{wp|William Howard Taft}}

[reasons for collapse unclear; probably climate, with evidence suggesting floods followed by droughts and possible volcanic disruption]
*[[Apostol XIII]] - King of Katranjiev - {{wp|Wilhelm I of Germany}}
*[[Apostol XV]] - King of Katranjiev - {{wp|Simeon II of Bulgaria}}
*[[Krasimirov of Katranjiev]] - dead son of Apostol XIV - {{wp|Michael I of Romania}}
*[[Apostol XIV]] - former King of Katranjiev - {{wp|Patriarch Kirill of Moscow}}
*[[Elis of Katranjiev]] - Queen of Katranjiev - {{wp|Pippa Middleton}}
*[[Huankun Chen]] - oppressor - {{wp|Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal}}
*[[Nuoju Zeng]] - wife of oppressor - {{wp|Jiang Qing}} (young), {{wp|Liu Yandong}} (now)
*[[Baikun Qing]] - liberator - {{wp|Jiang Zemin}}

===Franc (kind of care)===
====Marai in Aucuria====
{{main|Marai peoples}}
[100-800 - when the marai civilization peaks, marai cities in satucin establish colonies along the aucurian coast; these colonies engage in both trade and conflict with the tirakvas]
*[[Guérhart de Trey]] - President of the Federation - {{wp|Giorgi Kvirikashvili}}
*[[Hiltrude Lowièrs]] - Minister of Economy - {{wp|Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet}}
*[[Cédrich Lithz]] - Minister of Nordanian Relations and Esquarian Community - {{wp|Florian Philippot}}
*[[Albrixt Louanges]] - Minister of Economy and Finances - {{wp|Bart de Wever}}

===Gibbs (care about bolded)===
[as the marai pass their peak (and tirakvas and piura collapse), colonies sever their ties with the mainland and eventually collapse entirely; nonetheless, tribal marai populations remain well-established in coastal aucuria until the arrival of eucleans]
====Ambrose (not final)====
*'''[[John Frederick Cleburne]] - current President and military strongman - {{wp|William Tecumseh Sherman}}'''
*[[Alistair Hammond Fish]] - current Prime Minister - {{wp|Sandy Silver}}
*'''[[Nathaniel Gorham]] - first President of Ambrose - {{wp|Henry Dearborn}}'''
*[[Murdechaigh Asquith]] - former President - {{wp|Meriwether Lewis}}'''
*[[Henry John Pinckney]] - former President, military dictator - {{wp|Winfield Scott}}
*'''[[Godfred Crovan]] - war hero, literal Napoleon, former President - {{wp|Philip Sheridan}}'''
*[[Richard Powell]] - former President - {{wp|Gideon Welles}}
*[[James Herbert Ross]] - former President, military dictator - {{wp|David B. Birney}}
*[[John Hutson Kerr]] - former President - {{wp|Charles Sumner}}
*[[Zebulon D. Pomeroy]] - former President - {{wp|Reuben Fenton}}
*[[James Hark Morrow]] - former President - {{wp|George H. Pendleton}}
*[[Malcolm MacGann]] - former President - {{wp|John A. Logan}}
*[[Robert Egmont Vaughn]] - former President - {{wp|Amos T. Akerman}}
*[[Bowdyn Canning]] - former President - {{wp|George Goschen, 1st Viscount Goschen}}
*[[Theodore Sedgwick]] - former President - {{wp|Jacob Dolson Cox}}
*[[Winthrop Phelps Alexander]] - former President - {{wp|William P. Frye}}
*'''[[George Lyall Ward]] - former President - {{wp|Joseph Lane}}'''
*'''[[Anselm Sproat]] - former President, military dictator - {{wp|Winfield Scott Hancock}}'''
*[[Ebenezer Palfrey]] - former President - {{wp|Alton B. Parker}}
*[[Arthur MacDougall Keats]] - former President, military dictator - {{wp|Daniel Butterfield}}
*[[Cantwine Beatty Wood]] - former President, military dictator - {{wpl|Nelson A. Miles}}
*[[George Howell Germain]] - former President - {{wp|John French, 1st Earl of Ypres}}
*[[Edgard Macaulay Browne]] - former President - {{wp|William E. Borah}}
*'''[[Frederic Townsend]] - former general, warlord, and president - {{wp|John J. Pershing}}'''
*'''[[Jeremiah Allston Adair]] - former President - {{wp|John A. Sparkman}}'''
*'''[[Elisha Leavitt]] - former President - {{wp|Warren G. Harding}}'''
*'''[[Paul Dudley Sargent]] - former President - {{wp|Woodrow Wilson}}'''
*'''[[Salem Hornblower]] - former President - {{wp|Gregory Peck}} ''(as {{wp|Atticus Finch}})'''''
*'''[[Husband Kipling]] - former President - {{wp|Enoch Powell}}'''
*'''[[Governeur K. Mallory]] - former President - {{wp|Anthony Eden}}'''
*'''[[Alger Buckleigh Fenian]] - former President - {{wpl|John Foster Dulles}}'''
*'''[[Harold Gamble]] - former President - {{wp|Barry Goldwater}}'''
*'''[[Georgina MacNeill]] - former President - {{wp|Eleanor Roosevelt}}'''
*'''[[Francis Osborne Jay]] - former President - {{wp|Alexei Kosygin}}'''
*'''[[Abraham Webster Mudgett]] - former President - {{wp|George H.W. Bush}}'''
*'''[[Montgomery C. Meags]] - former President - {{wp|Ted Kennedy}}'''
*'''[[David Kettering]] - former President - {{wp|Al Gore}}'''
*'''[[Alexander Baird]] - Ambrosian general - {{wp|Robert Duvall}} ''(as {{wp|Robert E. Lee}})'''''
*'''[[Osfred the Great]] - first King of Ambrose - {{wp|Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange}}'''
*'''[[Edgard IX of Ambrose]] - last King of Ambrose - {{wpl|Charles X of France}}'''
*[[Herebold Asquith]] - someone -
*[[Corwyn Patric Eastwood]] - Conservative leader - {{wp|John Comyn}}
*[[Florence Curragh]] - Union Labor leader - {{wp|Nancy Pelosi}}
*[[Nicholas Redmond]] - Reform leader - {{wp|Bill Nelson}}
*[[Harold Taymoor]] - Free Soil leader - {{wp|Nurlan Nigmatulin}}
*[[Henry MacKenzie Wallace]] - Foreign Secretary - {{wp|Mike Huckabee}}
*[[George Sharpe]] - Secretary of War - {{wp|Richard Burr}}
*[[Francis Cochrane]] - Secretary of the Interior - {{wp|Stéphane Bédard}}

and can I reserve {{wp|Alf Landon}}, {{wp|George Thomas}}, and {{wp|William Rosecrans}} for future use
===Kulkinčas culture===
{{main|Kulkinčas culture}}
[800-1200 - descended from the tirakvas after their center of power and ethnic core shifted westward amidst the 9th century tumult]
[[File:Urnas funerarias, Sillustani, Perú, 2015-08-01, DD 100.JPG|265px|left|thumb|[[Kingdom of Oruras|Oruran]] nobles were buried in funerary towers known as ''{{wp|chullpa}}''.]]
===Kingdom of Oruras===
{{main|Kingdom of Oruras}}
[1252-1300s - aymara polity which begins to rise very quickly under a string of competent rulers, some of whose names are preserved by oral tradition, distressing nearby populations]

===Pavonistade (don't care)===
[by the 1300s, with control over their southern flank secure, the oruran king [[Čukivankas]] turns to look at establishing control over the quechua city-states to his north]
*[[Otakhtay Sgriki]] - current [[President of Pavonistade]] - {{wp|Sacha Llorenty}}
*[[Aurrul Lokni]] - current [[Vice President of Pavonistade]] -
*[[Sosiheh Materoioke]] - first President of Pavonistade
*[[Ebom]] - first Chief of the Jopj Combine - {{wp|Sharitahrish}}

[[File:Brooklyn Museum - Manco Capac, First Inca, 1 of 14 Portraits of Inca Kings - overall.jpg|215px|right|thumb|[[Mankojupankis]] was the first ''{{wp|Sapa Inca|hanan qhapaq}}'' of [[Cutinsua]].]]
===Formation and early consolidation===

===Sjealand (Only care about leaders)===
[1324-1336 is initial formation and conquest of oruras]
*[[Frederik VI of Sjealand]] - current [[Archking of Sjealand]] - Ben Dahlhaus
*[[Anne de Risbæk]] - current [[Archking of Sjealand]] - Nikita Klæstrup
*[[Archqueen Anne-Helene of Sjealand]] - current [[Archqueen of Sjealand]] - {{wp|Amanda Hearst}}

===Xiaodong (don't care, except for these)===
[until 1417 - mankojupankis is the dynamic first ruler, tupakvalpas is unremarkable]
*[[Yuan Xiannian]] - Current State Chairman and dictator - {{wp|Shinzō Abe}}
*[[Xi Yao-tong]] - First Minister - {{wp|Li Keqiang}}
*[[Han Guanzheng]] - Former First Minister - {{wp|Hu Jintao}}
*[[Qian Xingwen]] - Former First Minister - {{wp|Hu Yaobang}}
*[[Sun Yuting]] - Former First Minister - {{wp|Roh Tae-Woo}}
*[[Li Zhaozheng]] - Former First Minister -  {{wp|Eisaku Satō}}
*[[Ma Renzhong]] - Former First Minister - {{wp|Hayato Ikeda}}
*[[Lu Keqian]] - Former First Minister - {{wp|Sun Yat-Sen}}
*[[Jiang Zhongyu]] - Former State Chairman - {{wp|Chen Shui-Bian}}
*[[Lu Yinling]] - First Lady, Chief of Staff - {{wp|Peng Liyuan}}
*[[Qiao Shengzuo]] - Former State Chairman - {{wp|Wu Bangguo}}
*[[Xiyong Emperor]] - Former Emperor - {{wp|Emperor Meiji}}
*[[Qingzhao Emperor]] - Former Emperor - {{wp|Kiyoura Keigo}}
*[[Shanrong Emeperor]] - Former Emperor - {{wp|Fumimaro Konoe}}
*[[Taiyi Emperor]] - Former Emperor - {{wp|Puyi}}
*[[Hu Wenjuan]] -People's Party president - {{wp|Sim Sangjung}}
*[[Chen Xianfeng]] - Former opposition leader - {{wp|Martin Lee}}
*[[Jixiangzhi Emperor]] - Former Emperor - {{Wp|Yongle Emperor}}
*[[Li Changzhen]] - Famous movie star - {{wp|Bruce Lee}}
*[[Li Zhou]] - Famous singer - {{wp|Teresa Tang}}
*[[Abdrabbuh Khalifa]] - Current ''de facto'' leader - {{Wp|Salman of Saudi Arabia}}
*[[Omar al-Kamel al-Obeidi]] - Current Sultan - {{Wp|Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani}}
*[[Osama al-Ruba'i]] - Current head of ruling party - {{Wp|Mohammad bin Salman}}
*[[Iyad al-Douri]] - Current military chief - {{wp|Muhammed bin Nayef}}
*[[Salih Talfah al-Majid]] - Current Head of the National Ulema - {{Wp|Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud}}
*[[Zuhayr al-Sattar]] - Current Minister of Finance and Petroleum - {{Wp|Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud}}
*[[Mustafa Abdulaziz]] - Former leader - {{Wp|Saddam Hussein}}
*[[Abdullah al-Yusuf al-Obeidi]] - First Sultan - {{Wp|Ibn Saud}}
*[[Ibrahim al-Abdullah al-Obeidi]] - Third Sultan - {{Wp|Khalid of Saudi Arabia}}
*[[Mohammed al-Abdullah al-Obeidi]] - Fourth Sultan - {{wp|Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah}}
*[[Kamel al-Abdullah al-Obeidi]] - Fifth Sultan - {{wp|Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud}}

===Sjal (might care, ask first)===
[atokjupankis v javarvakakas, the consolidation of andavailan hegemony]
[[File:Sacsayhuaman - 51187163622.jpg|260px|left|thumb|The royal fortress of [[Uskulvilkas]] symbolized Cutinsuan royal power.]]
*[[Waldemar Lichtenwald]] - Chairman of the CTU - {{wp|Gennady Zyuganov}}
[minor expansion under sinciankas, tupakukumarkis]
*[[Ostara Krenzelein]] - General Secretary of the CTU - {{wp|Elvira Nabiullina}}
*[[Wielant Wieterweg]] - Deputy General Secretary of the CTU - {{wp|Sergey Naryshkin}}
*[[Siegfried Eidanof]] - Workers' Commissar for Education, writer - {{wp|Vladislav Rusanov}}
*[[Krimwalt Kaltenbach]] - Workers' Commissar for External Affairs - {{wp|Sergey Mironov}}
*[[Ōsbiorn Hluþvīgarssōn]] - Workers' Commissar for Propaganda - {{wp|Julian Assange}}

*[[Heanrych Lewenthal]] - Revolutionary hero, first General Secretary - {{wp|Kliment Voroshilov}}
===Reform and later expansion===
*[[Erwin Steiger]] - Revolutionary fanatic - {{wp|Nikolai Bukharin}}
*[[Lietwin Edlerschteyn]] - Second General Secretary - {{wp|Fyodor Sergeyev}}
*[[Erich Holzern]] - Third General Secretary - {{wp|Émile Zola}}
*[[Paltwin Fraiman]] - Fourth General Secretary - {{wp|Gustav Landauer}}
*[[Rikhart Siegas]] - Fifth General Secretary - {{wp|Feliks Kon}}
*[[Annalena Poumouwae]] - Sixth General Secretary - {{wp|Alexandra Kollontai}}
*[[Sweinhardh Elwbergh]] - Xth General Secretary & Xth Chairman - {{wp|Lavrentiy Beria}}

*[[Karl Franz I Falkenbach]] - Last Archduke of Austrosia - {{wp|Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia}}
[1417 to 1525 - the wars of ljokeamaras; his sidelining]
*[[Rudolf fon Waldriche]] - Noble, last Minister-Chancellor, might've caused the Continental War - {{wp|Felix Yusupov}}
*[[Ludovic]] - First Ludoving king - {{wp|Clovis I}}
*[[Galm]] - First Archduke - {{wp|Rurik}}
*[[Gundelinde]] - First female monarch of Austrosia and nationally adored figure - {{wp|Olga of Kiev}}

===Prem (Don't care except for those bolded)===
[the conquests and reforms of capatipomas sinčijačekas]
*'''[[Magan Vischenik]] - First Secretary of the Popular Front - {{wp|Lia Olguța Vasilescu}}'''
[maitakapakis, ljaktakusaris, and the early years of javarjupankis]
*'''[[Lukas Riesch]] - Head of State - {{wp|Thomas de Maizière}}'''
*'''[[Mareike Léiwe]] - Head of Government, token semi-attractive person in government - {{wp|Kaja Kallas}}'''
==Colonial Aucuria==
*'''[[Waldemar Traeger]] - Popular Commissary for Defence and Revolutionary Struggle - {{wp|Mykhailo Koval}}'''
[[File:Millais, John Everett (Sir) - Pizarro Seizing the Inca of Peru - Google Art Project.jpg|275px|right|thumb|A 19th-century depiction of [[Jurgis Leikauskas]] capturing [[Javarjupankis]].]]
*[[Sascha Röthke]] - Popular Commissary for International Affairs - {{wp|Astrid Krag}}
===Ruttish conquest of Cutinsua===
*[[Ӓyden Wieweg]] - Popular Commissary for Revolutionary Affairs - {{wp|Lodewijk Asscher}}
{{main|Ruttish conquest of Cutinsua}}
*'''[[Rüdiger Wieters]] - National Football team manager - {{wp|Joachim Löw}}'''
[conquest, summarized]
*[[Sybille Geschke]] - Popular Commissary for Health and Wellbeing - {{wp|Melanie Schultz van Haegen}}
*[[Oskar Meyr]] - Popular Commissary for Infrastructure, Transport, and the Environment - {{wp|Eric Wiebes}}
===Ruttish Aucuria===
*[[Tirza Veidt]] - Popular Commissary for Press, Radio, Cinema, and Telecommunications - {{wp|Věra Jourová}}
{{main|Ruttish Aucuria}}
*'''[[Niels Pölzl]] - serves no purpose other than I want him - {{wp|Jurgen Klopp}}'''
[initially relies more heavily on local collaborators, ''kasikai'' and ''kurakai'']
*[[Detlef Brünes]] - political scientist, visionary, fantasy writer, occasional neo-fascist - {{wp|Aleksandr Dugin}}
[beginning to do away with this in the 1590s leads to the 1608-1612 great cutinsuan revolt]
[as institutions created and strengthened, increasingly uniquely aucurian identity]
[ruttland depends on aucurian crops and the profits thereof, so to guarantee its continued connection to ruttland, it decides to create the UKRA]
===United Kingdom of Ruttland and Aucuria===
{{main|United Kingdom of Ruttland and Aucuria}}
[further strengthening of local institutions due to the elevation of aucuria to equal status w/ ruttland; equal stature also sees aucuria granted the same rights to trade freely as ruttland itself, a boon for the local economy]
[ten years war in aucuria]
===Rudolphine Aucuria===
{{main|Rudolphine Aucuria}}
[change in control not popular, some resistance to the shift by colonists but nothing super coordinated; abortive indigenous rebellion tries to take advantage of chaos only for its leaders to get killed]
[reduction back to colony, unpopular tariff policy, suppression of ruttish language, and promotion of weranian settlement stokes anger]
==War of Independence==
{{main|Aucurian Revolution}}
[course of the war]
==Aucurian Republic==
===Early republic===
[first republic - agrarian devolutionists vs. commercial centralists, w/ conservative monarchists mostly sidelined]
[second republic - dabrauskas]
[third republic until 1883 - (semi-)liberal modernists vs. moralistic conservatives, w/ smaller civilist and radical factions]
===Arucian War through the Great War===
{{main|War of the Arucian|Aucurian Civil War|Great War (Kylaris)}}
[war of the arucian]
[aucurian civil war]
[fourth republic - (semi-)liberal modernists vs. moralistic conservatives vs. progressives and socialists]
[great war]
===Postwar period===
[fifth republic - liberal modernists vs. social democrats vs. very unhappy conservatives vs. socialists and ethnic groups]
===Military dictatorship===
{{main|Years of Lead (Aucuria)}}
[sixth republic - military dictatorship, years of lead, sugar crash and sugar high]
[velvet revolution]
===Redemocratization into the present===
[seventh republic]
{{Aucuria topics}}
[[Category:Aucuria]][[Category:History (Kylaris)]]

Latest revision as of 14:32, 28 January 2024

Template:Region icon Kylaris

The history of Aucuria extends across nearly 15,000 years. One of the world's cradles of civilization, the Pativilkas civilization - the first civilization in Asteria Inferior - emerged in what is now Aucuria in 3,700 BCE. Potatoes, cassava, quinoa, coca, common beans, and the chili pepper species Capsicum baccatum and Capsicum pubescens were all domesticated in ancient Aucuria. After the Pativilkas civilization came a string of successive major indigenous cultures, including the Kiljakoljas, Tirakvas, Piura, and Kulkinčas; the Marai civilization also had a presence in Aucuria during its peak.

The League of Five Cities, commonly known as Cutinsua, was formed in 1324 in response to the rapid rise of the Kingdom of Oruras. Cutinsuan armies subsequently conquered Oruras in 1336, and came to control the bulk of northern Aucuria through a mixture of diplomacy, assimilation, intimidation, and conquest by the start of the 1500s. While its five founding city-states were nominally coequal members, power quickly became centralized in the city of Andavaila, whose monarchs were the de facto rulers of Cutinsua as a whole. By the time that Euclean explorers arrived in the Asterias, Cutinsua was the largest polity in Asteria Inferior, a major player in Medasteria, and one of the most advanced and most powerful states in the Asterias.

Cutinsua was conquered by the Ruttish in 1530. The Ruttish subsequently established a colony in the region; this colony was officially dubbed Aucuria in 1561. Reports of the colony's mineral and agricultural wealth led to an influx of Euclean settlement and the expropriation & exploitation of the country's indigenous inhabitants, as well as the importing of enslaved Bahians. Aucuria was declared a co-equal part of a pluricontinental monarchy, the United Kingdom of Ruttland and Aucuria, in 1693; however, the Ten Years' War saw Aucuria transferred to Rudolphine control in 1721. Unpopular Rudolphine policies led to the outbreak of the Aucurian Revolution in 1786. Werania recognized Aucurian independence in 1793.

Following independence, Aucuria endured several swings between republic and dictatorship, defeat in the War of the Arucian, the Aucurian Civil War, and the occupation of the country by the Entente during the Great War. In spite of these difficulties, the country attracted immigrants throughout the late 1800s & 1900s and developed both economically & culturally. The military regime established by the 1949 Aucurian coup d'etat was overthrown in 1980 by the Velvet Revolution; Aucuria has had a democratic government since.

Pre-Cutinsuan Aucuria

Paleo-Asterians in Aucuria domesticated several species of plant and animal.


Human remains and stone tools in the Čiklajus valley dated to 12,500 BCE, located in the state of Bendrieji Laukai, provide some of the earliest known evidence of human habitation in Asteria Inferior. Archaeological finds at sites such as Amotapas, Kotošas, Kupeniskvė, Mojekvas, and Senakelios attest to the presence of a series of lithic and preceramic Paleo-Asterian cultures in the area between the 12,000s BCE and the 3,000s BCE.

Potatoes and cassava, which would remain core staple crops in the region for millennia, were domesticated in Aucuria some time between 8,000 BCE and 5,000 BCE. Llamas, alpacas, and guinea pigs were domesticated in Aucuria in the 6,000s BCE; the domestication of quinoa, ullucu, mashua, and oca took place in Aucuria in the 2,000s BCE. The cultivation of corn and cotton spread to the region from Asteria Superior between 5,000 and 4,000 BCE. The growing of calabashes also emerged during this timeframe, though how the calabash arrived in the Asterias is a matter of debate. These indigenous populations spun and knit wool & cotton, and practiced basketry, but were aceramic and thus did not make pottery.

The arrival of cotton cultivation appears to be associated with a general shift towards sedentism in Aucuria's coastal regions and the valleys of the Vaskaranas Mountains, with the establishment of small villages based around varying combinations of farming, fishing, and herding. Marquez et al speculate that the weaving of cotton allowed for the creating of fishing nets and textile bags, which enabled agriculture and both riverine & ocean fishing; other archaeologists have found remnants of what might be early irrigation canals from this period, which could further suggest the growth of communal organization.

Pativilkas civilization

The Pativilkas civilization existed in what is now the states of Chucisaca and Kunturiri from 3,700 BCE to 1,500 BCE. It is the oldest civilization in Asteria Inferior and in the Asterias as a whole, predating the Tetuolmec civilization (the first civilization in Asteria Superior, which emerged in the 1,600s BCE) by more than 2,000 years. The civilization began to expand in the 3,100s BCE, and reached its peak around 2,200 BCE.

The first urban site associated with the Pativilkas civilization, located near the village of Čukekiravas, emerged in the 3,500s BCE; the largest site and the site for which the culture was named, at Pativilkas, emerged in the 2,600s BCE. The main site at Pativilkas spans nearly 60 hectares and is home to seven pyramidal platform mounds, several smaller mounds or terraces, and two large sunken plazas. It was also divided into an "upper half" and a "lower half", with most monumental structures concentrated in the "upper half" & residences in the "lower half" being smaller and simpler, and middens suggesting that diets were simpler in the "lower half" than the "upper half". Pativilkas sites are also often marked by the presence of menhir, irrigation systems, and terraced farms. These all suggest complex social organization and stratification, as some form of societal organization would be necessary for construction projects and class distinctions on such a scale. Sites associated with the civilization have also yielded knotted strings which some archaeologists have argued could be early examples of khipu, potentially indicating the existence of a system of writing or proto-writing; subterranean ventilation ducts; and cornetts and flutes made of deer, llama, & bird bones.

The remnants of a Pativilkas step pyramid and menhir.

Studies of middens at Pativilkas sites have suggested that the diet of Pativilkans was dominated by domesticated plants such as potatoes, quinoa, maize, squashes, and beans, supplemented by mashua, oca, ullucu, lucuma, guava, avocado, achira, pacay, and sweet potatoes. Meat remains found at Pativilkas settlements are almost exclusively from land or riverine animals - unsurprising given the civilization's location in the Vaskaranas Mountains - but some middens contain remains of anchovies, suggesting that they were caught by coastal populations, preserved, and traded with the Pativilkas inland.

Pativilkas sites show some marked differences with those of !mesopotamia & !egypt in Rahelia and the Bashurat Valley civilization in Satria. Most notably, the Pativilkas civilization was still preceramic. While pottery-making began to spread to Aucuria from neighboring Satucin in the 2,000s BCE, it did not reach those areas of Aucuria outside of the Sythe basin until after the collapse of the Pativilkas civilization; crops were cooked by roasting and bags woven from reed, wool, or cotton remained the predominant way of carrying objects. Pativilkas artifacts and sites also exhibit a strange lack of visual art, which researchers have struggled to explain; Girėnas suggested that Pativilkas religion might have been iconoclastic, but no hard evidence for this exists.

While the nature and degree of centralized authority within Pativilkas cities is unknown, Stulginskienė postulated that authority was likely religious in nature, with a focus on religious ceremony; Cornelis de Vries speculated that this sacred authority was bolstered by wealth from trade with other preceramic populations in Aucuria's coastal and highland regions. There is a distinct lack of evidence of defensive architecture or signs of warfare at Pativilkas sites, indicating that the increase in social complexity was not driven by conflict and that authority was not derived from military leadership.

After its peak in the 2,200s BCE, the Pativilkas civilization entered a protracted decline, which accelerated after 1,800 BCE. The reasons for this decline are disputed; some have suggested that it might have been caused by climactic changes which led to population movement away from Pativilkas cities, while others have proposed that Pativilkas was simply overshadowed by other areas with more fertile soil and greater proximity to the coast. By 1,700 BCE, the site at Pativilkas itself had been abandoned; the Pativilkas civilization had faded away entirely by the 1,500s BCE.

A Kiljakoljas gold ornament depicting a condor or eagle.

Kiljakoljas culture

The Kiljakoljas culture, which existed from 1,300 BCE to 300 BCE, dominated much of Aucuria's central coastal and highland regions, stretching from what is now New Ruttland in the west to modern-day Suduva in the east. The Kiljakoljas culture was the first major Aucurian culture to use ceramic pottery and to work copper, silver, and gold; they also developed more refined techniques for masonry, weaving, and irrigation.

Modern understanding of Kiljakoljas society is restricted by the lack of any known written language. Archaeological evidence suggests suggests that social organization was heavily based around religious authorities and rituals; large and ornate temple complexes tend to be found in the center of Kiljakoljas sites, surrounded by plazas, sunken courts, and stone galleries, suggesting that these buildings played a key role in public life. Some of these complexes would have required extensive landscape alteration to faciliate their construction, and many are seemingly deliberately made of non-local stone. They were commonly decorated with intricately carved stelae and reliefs depicting complex iconography. Mortuary complexes, typically located near temples, reveal that the Kiljakoljas buried their dead with grave goods; variation in these grave goods suggests a rigidly stratified social hierarchy, likely dominated by the priesthood.

Given the Kiljakoljas culture's proximity to the coast when compared to the Pativilkas, it is unsurprising that seafood appears to have played a much larger role in the Kiljakoljas diet; however, staple crops such as potatoes and corn, domesticated animals such as llamas and guinea pigs, and wild game were also common. The Kiljakoljas... [given position closer to the coast, bigger role of seafood in diets but also strong role of staple crops, livestock (llamas/alpacas, guinea pigs), game (deer, wild birds); strong hierarchy, social differentiation and specialization; some sites on the fringes of kiljakolkas areas show military stuff, suggesting conflict, but it's rare at core kiljakoljas sites]

[art in sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, and textile; artistic style - depiction of animals (sacred?) and humans, religious motifs, but also depictions of life suggesting the use of coca and psychotropic plants; complex iconography, contour rivalry]

[evidence suggests social upheaval at many kiljakoljas sites beginning in the late 500s BCE; scientific evidence suggests this was possibly due to droughts and earthquakes, leading to the partial or total abandonment of kiljakoljas sites and the collapse of the civilization]

Sythe-Juoda culture

[500 BCE-1000; more than 450 geoglyphs found in 2017 due to deforestation in aucuria and satucin suggest there was some sort of culture with many planned & fortified ceremonial gathering sites, possibly connected by roads, in the sythe-juoda basin; very mysterious, little corresponding artifacts, not much known]

Tirakvas and Piura cultures

[during the period from 100 BCE to 800, aucuria has two major civilizations in the vaskaranas, the tirakvas on the coastal side and the piura on the inland side]

[tirakvas - ]

[piura - ]

[reasons for collapse unclear; probably climate, with evidence suggesting floods followed by droughts and possible volcanic disruption]

Marai in Aucuria

[100-800 - when the marai civilization peaks, marai cities in satucin establish colonies along the aucurian coast; these colonies engage in both trade and conflict with the tirakvas]

[as the marai pass their peak (and tirakvas and piura collapse), colonies sever their ties with the mainland and eventually collapse entirely; nonetheless, tribal marai populations remain well-established in coastal aucuria until the arrival of eucleans]

Kulkinčas culture

[800-1200 - descended from the tirakvas after their center of power and ethnic core shifted westward amidst the 9th century tumult]

Oruran nobles were buried in funerary towers known as chullpa.

Kingdom of Oruras

[1252-1300s - aymara polity which begins to rise very quickly under a string of competent rulers, some of whose names are preserved by oral tradition, distressing nearby populations]

[by the 1300s, with control over their southern flank secure, the oruran king Čukivankas turns to look at establishing control over the quechua city-states to his north]


Formation and early consolidation

[1324-1336 is initial formation and conquest of oruras]

[until 1417 - mankojupankis is the dynamic first ruler, tupakvalpas is unremarkable]

[atokjupankis v javarvakakas, the consolidation of andavailan hegemony]

The royal fortress of Uskulvilkas symbolized Cutinsuan royal power.

[minor expansion under sinciankas, tupakukumarkis]

Reform and later expansion

[1417 to 1525 - the wars of ljokeamaras; his sidelining]

[the conquests and reforms of capatipomas sinčijačekas]

[maitakapakis, ljaktakusaris, and the early years of javarjupankis]

Colonial Aucuria

A 19th-century depiction of Jurgis Leikauskas capturing Javarjupankis.

Ruttish conquest of Cutinsua

[conquest, summarized]

Ruttish Aucuria

[initially relies more heavily on local collaborators, kasikai and kurakai]

[beginning to do away with this in the 1590s leads to the 1608-1612 great cutinsuan revolt]

[as institutions created and strengthened, increasingly uniquely aucurian identity]

[ruttland depends on aucurian crops and the profits thereof, so to guarantee its continued connection to ruttland, it decides to create the UKRA]

United Kingdom of Ruttland and Aucuria

[further strengthening of local institutions due to the elevation of aucuria to equal status w/ ruttland; equal stature also sees aucuria granted the same rights to trade freely as ruttland itself, a boon for the local economy]

[ten years war in aucuria]

Rudolphine Aucuria

[change in control not popular, some resistance to the shift by colonists but nothing super coordinated; abortive indigenous rebellion tries to take advantage of chaos only for its leaders to get killed]

[reduction back to colony, unpopular tariff policy, suppression of ruttish language, and promotion of weranian settlement stokes anger]

War of Independence

[course of the war]

Aucurian Republic

Early republic

[first republic - agrarian devolutionists vs. commercial centralists, w/ conservative monarchists mostly sidelined]

[second republic - dabrauskas]

[third republic until 1883 - (semi-)liberal modernists vs. moralistic conservatives, w/ smaller civilist and radical factions]

Arucian War through the Great War

[war of the arucian]

[aucurian civil war]

[fourth republic - (semi-)liberal modernists vs. moralistic conservatives vs. progressives and socialists]

[great war]

Postwar period

[fifth republic - liberal modernists vs. social democrats vs. very unhappy conservatives vs. socialists and ethnic groups]

Military dictatorship

[sixth republic - military dictatorship, years of lead, sugar crash and sugar high]

[velvet revolution]

Redemocratization into the present

[seventh republic]