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United Kepplandic Free States
Förenade Käppländska friländer (Blostlandic)
Flag of Keppland
of Keppland
Coat of arms
Motto: Vårt folk, vårt hemland, vår framtid
"Our people, our homeland, our future"
Anthem: "Guldstoft och palmblad"
"Gold Dust and Palm Leaves"
Largest cityGunnarsvik
Official languagesBlostlandic
Recognised national languagesChanuche
Ethnic groups
74.2% Blandfolk
14.5% Bahian
8.1% Euclean
1.4% Indigenous
1.8% Other
Demonym(s)Kepplandic, Kepplander
GovernmentFederal dominant-party presidential republic
• President
Anita Hedberg
Carl Björklund
Börje Simonsson
Independence from Blostland
• Declared
19 June 1765
7 January 1771
13 September 1979
15 August 1981
• Total
663,264 km2 (256,088 sq mi)
• 2020 census
• Density
31.5/km2 (81.6/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total
$587 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
$320 billion
• Per capita
HDI (2022)0.831
very high
CurrencyDaler (KPD)
Time zoneUTC-1
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright

Keppland (Blostlandic: Käppland), officially the United Kepplandic Free States (Blostlandic: Förenade Käppländska friländer), is a sovereign state in eastern Asteria Inferior. It borders Arbolada to the southwest, Puramape to the west, and Gapolania to the north. Geographically, Keppland lies between the Sierra Bianca Range in the west and the Lumine Ocean in the south and east. The nation's capital is Vajki, and its largest city is Gunnarsvik. Other major cities include Anitashamn, Frihetsvik, and Åkapan. Keppland has a total area of 663,264 square kilometers and a population of nearly 21 million, making it both the 7th largest and most populous country in Asteria Inferior.

Keppland was occupied by Indigenous Asterians for at least 12,000 years before the arrival of Euclean explorers in 1552. The first permanent settlements were established by Blostlandic colonists in 1621, turning Keppland into a major source of sugarcane, gold, and rubber for Euclea. Keppland declared independence from Blostland in 1765, sparking six years of warfare against its former colonial metropole. Blostland recognized the nation's independence in 1771, but the fledgling First Kepplandic Republic was quickly plunged into internal turmoil. A series of coups and revolts plagued the country until 1820, when the republic was overthrown in a coup d'état and replaced by the Kepplandic Empire under Emperor Mats I. The Empire expanded through eastern Asteria Inferior during the X Wars in an effort to become the first great power in the Asterias, but was defeated by the X Coalition in 1852.  The war was financially devastating for Keppland, and the newly established Second Kepplandic Republic did not fully recover until the mid-1860s. Keppland's political situation stabilized during the presidency of X, who reopened the nation to foreign investment and accelerated its economic recovery.  Keppland experienced an economic boom during the late 19th century as a result of the Second Industrial Revolution, attracting significant numbers of new immigrants in the process.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Keppland had reestablished itself as a strong and wealthy middle power. However, its decades-long growth came to an end with the Great Collapse in 1913, leading to a military coup d'état that brought President Henrik Steen to power. A populist who rejected conventional left- and right-wing politics, Steen and his National Activation Party (NAP) instituted reforms to help the working class and halt the rise of extremism. Keppland remained neutral in the Great War, but had close trade relationships with many of the Entente powers. The collapse of the Entente during the last years of the war proved detrimental to the Kepplandic economy, and the unexpected death of Steen in late 1934 left a significant power vacuum.  The tense internal situation culminated in the outbreak of civil war during the summer of 1935, with the troubled Second Republic facing uprisings from both Chistovodian-backed councilists and far-right nationalists. A major offensive in the fall of 1936 turned the tide in favor of the councilists, resulting in the capture of Vajki and establishment of the Kepplandic Council Republic in February of 1937.

Keppland's economy stabilized during the 1940s and 1950s due to substantial aid from the socialist world, with Chistovodia alone constituting more than half of the nation's international trade volume. However, the outbreak of the Great Asterian War in the 1960s caused Chistovodian economic assistance to evaporate, and the Kepplandic economy began to stagnate as a result. The councilist state was overthrown in the Kepplandic Revolution of 1979, leading to the restoration of democracy under the Third Kepplandic Republic.  Keppland embraced neoliberalism under a series of Liberal Democratic governments and experienced explosive economic growth during the 1980s and 1990s. The nation's economic fortunes turned after the Kepplandic asset price bubble popped in 1997, leading to political instability and a prolonged economic recession. The fragile internal situation was further inflamed by the 2005 global financial crisis and subsequent unrest, allowing the National Activation Party to take power in the 2006 elections. Keppland has undergone significant democratic backsliding under NAP rule and is no longer considered a liberal democracy.

Keppland is a developed country, boasting a high-income economy that ranks highly in measures of human development, economic freedom, and standard of living. The nation is often categorized as an illiberal democracy or hybrid regime, and has grown increasingly authoritarian since the late 2000s. Keppland's military is capable of power projection on a regional scale, and frequently takes part in international peacekeeping operations. The nation is a member of the Community of Nations and Organization of Asterian Nations, and is generally considered to be a middle power in the international community.  


The Blostlandic name Käppland was first recorded by Blostlandic explorer Gunnar Backlund, the first Euclean to set foot in modern day Keppland. The name is derived from the Blostlandic word käpp, meaning "cane" or "walking stick". According to Backlund's own writings, the name is a reference to the indigenous Chanuche people. Backlund writes that the Mapuche often used walking sticks when traversing the Kepplandic landscape: "the natives showed us to their camp, not one without a cane (käpp) for the long journey ahead". However, other sources dispute Backlund's account, writing that the name is a reference to a specific Mapuche leader named "Aucaman" who walked with a cane. These sources include Gustaf Olsson, a physician on Backlund's expedition, who claims to have suggested the name to Backlund.

The Estmericisation Keppland was used interchangeably with Kappland until the 18th century, when the former emerged as the preferred name for the area. However, some sources continued to use Kappland until the Kepplandic Declaration of Independence in 1765, which used Keppland in its first Estmerish translation.


Pre-colonial history

Colonial period

Independence and First Republic

Imperial age

Second Republic

Councilist rule

Third Republic





Government and politics

Anita Hedberg has served as president since 2018.

Keppland is governed as a federal presidential republic. The nation's basic governing document is the constitution, which was adopted in 1981. The constitution establishes three co-equal branches of government, consisting of the executive, legislature, and judiciary. The executive branch is led by the president, who serves as both head of state and head of government. Presidents are elected by first-past-the-post voting for a nonrenewable six-year term, and no person who has served for even part of a presidential term is permitted to hold the office again. The president is empowered to veto legislation, issue pardons, serve as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, nominate judges and civil servants, and negotiate treaties. The president oversees the cabinet, which consists of the heads of each government ministry. Cabinet ministers serve at the discretion of the president, who may nominate new ministers for approval by the Förbundsdag and dismiss current ministers at will. The current president, Anita Hedberg of the National Activation Party, was elected in 2018.

The bicameral Förbundsdag holds the nation’s legislative power, and is divided into an upper house, the 63-seat Landsting, and a lower house, the 145-seat Folksting. Both chambers are elected by closed list proportional representation using the greatest divisors method. In the Landsting, seats are apportioned by population among Keppland's ten states. Landsting elections are held at the same time as presidential elections, with members serving for renewable six-year terms. The members of the Folksting run in a single nationwide constituency, and serve for renewable three year terms. Folksting elections are held twice in a six-year electoral cycle, the first occurring concurrently with the presidential election, and the second occurring in the middle of the president's term. Any member of the Förbundsdag may propose legislation, which must then be passed by majorities in both the Landsting and Folksting. Nominations and international treaties must also be approved by a majority in each house.  Constitutional amendments, impeachments, and overrides of presidential vetoes require a two-thirds supermajority in both houses instead of a simple majority. The National Activation Party currently controls both the Landsting and Folksting.

The Kepplandic judiciary is divided into ordinary courts, which handle civil and criminal cases, and administrative courts, which handle complaints against the federal government. Both court systems are separate, and consist of three tiers that include district, appellate, and supreme courts. In addition, the Constitutional Court is entirely independent from the rest of the judiciary, and only rules on the constitutionality of federal, state, and local legislation. Judges are nominated by the president and approved by both chambers of the Förbundsdag, serving for renewable 12 year terms. Each state also has its own separate judicial system, which is separate from that of the federal government and does not have jurisdiction over federal laws. Keppland's legal system is based around civil law, and is strongly influenced by practices instituted during the Blostlandic colonial era.  

Political culture

Most political scientists classify Keppland as a dominant-party system. The National Activation Party (NAP) has held power continuously since the 2006 elections, when the party won the presidency and formed a center-right coalition both chambers of the Förbundsdag. The NAP further expanded its grasp in the controversial 2012 elections, which were marred by accusations of widespread electoral fraud and suppression. The party emerged from the elections with an absolute majority in both houses, which it expanded to a supermajority in 2018. The NAP's dominance allowed it to enact sweeping constitutional reforms in 2019 that diminished the independence of the judiciary and expanded the powers of the presidency and legislature. All federal judges have been NAP nominees since 2018, and the party controls eight out of the nine state governorships as of 2021.

During the NAP's time in power, Keppland has experienced democratic backsliding and growing authoritarianism. Most experts classify the nation as an illiberal democracy or hybrid regime, with some recent sources suggesting that Keppland has become a full dictatorship or de facto one-party state. Numerous opposition parties have been subject to federal bans since 2006, including both left- and right-wing parties. Elections remain rife with fraud and voter suppression, and activists, opposition figures, members of the independent press, and dissidents often face repression carried out by the state or its proxies. The only legal opposition parties which currently hold representation in the Förbundsdag are the Liberal Democratic Party, Kepplandic Renewal Party, and Socialist Workers' Party, which combined account for less than 20% of all seats in both houses.

The NAP emphasizes policies that promote the regime's stability and longevity, leading many analysts to compare Keppland to the southern democracies of Coius. For example, party leaders have generally eschewed personalist politics since taking power, denouncing personality cults as both unsustainable and incompatible with an orderly state. Instead, the party advocates for regular leadership turnover in order to establish a clear line of succession and ensure the long-term survival of the regime. During the 2019 constitutional reforms, this philosophy led the Förbundsdag to reject a proposal to abolish presidential term limits, with then-Landsting member Arvid Carlsson claiming that the limitation prevented "lawlessness, chaos, and degenerate demagoguery". Valduvian political scientist Ivars Sīmanis asserts that the NAP's association of personalist dictatorships with instability is a reflection of its own history, noting that the death of party founder Henrik Steen in 1933 led to the outbreak of civil war. He also contends that Keppland's "revolving door of presidents" has the added benefit of providing "opinion insurance" for party elites when the regime makes unpopular decisions, placating critics by creating the "illusion" of change even when no actual transfer of power has taken place.

Administrative divisions

States of Keppland
Flag State Capital Population Location
Flag of None.svg Halmhusland Anitashamn 3,326,958
Flag of None.svg Henriksland Åkapan 1,402,345
Flag of None.svg Javenje Rajen 1,287,046
Flag of None.svg Lugnkusten Karlstrand 1,650,522
Flag of None.svg Milla Kulpeu 590,465
Flag of None.svg Nåko Olovsberg 835,124
Flag of None.svg Peven Viruko 623,460
Flag of None.svg Sockerkusten Frihetsvik 2,462,507
Flag of None.svg Vajki Vajki 2,103,482
Flag of None.svg Vassfloden Gunnarsvik 6,584,021

Foreign relations

Compared to its peers in Asteria Inferior, Keppland's foreign policy in the post-Asterian Spring era is somewhat unique. While most nations on the continent generally fall under the Satucine sphere of influence, Keppland demonstrates significant latitude in its decision making, preferring to build a network of bilateral relationships instead of aligning with any one political bloc. The nation's diplomatic posture is broadly characterized by pragmatism, and tends to prioritize economic growth and Chistovodian containment over other interests. Kepplandic foreign policy is frequently studied in international relations departments at universities around the world, and has been described as "the epitome of middle power realpolitik".

Keppland's approach towards foreign affairs is largely a product of its councilist period, during which time the nation was almost entirely isolated from neighboring states and relied heavily on Chistovodia for support. Relations between the two polities began to sour after the Kepplandic Revolution of 1979, and fears of a potential Chistovodian invasion led Keppland to pursue defensive guarantees from the Asterian Federative Republic. Although an armed confrontation never materialized, Keppland and the AFR formalized their military alliance in 1982, and reached an agreement in 1985 for Grande Asterian forces to be permanently stationed at Anitashamn Naval Base. The two nations also expanded their economic ties, signing a bilateral free trade agreement in 1986. These developments strongly contrasted with the post-Asterian Spring policies of most nations in Asteria Inferior, which had begun to distance themselves from the AFR due to its prior support of their recently toppled authoritarian regimes. These nations generally preferred close ties with Satucin, and together established the Asteria Inferior Common Market (ASTCOM) in 1992. Although Keppland did enter negotiations to join ASTCOM in the early 1990s, it ultimately rejected full membership in favor of a free trade agreement with the bloc. This decision is widely considered to be a key moment in the history of Kepplandic diplomacy, solidifying the nation's position as an independent actor in the foreign policy arena. Keppland generally refrained from openly displaying any clear preference between its international partners until 2006, when the National Activation Party (NAP) came to power. The NAP has increasingly prioritized Keppland's relationship with the AFR during its time in power, leading many observers to question whether or not pragmatism is still the primary driver of the nation's foreign policy.

Keppland is a member of the Community of Nations and Organization of Asterian Nations. However, the nation still prefers to work primarily through its bilateral relationships. Keppland's particularly strong partnership with the AFR is frequently characterized as a special relationship by foreign policy experts, and remains its most significant avenue for international coooperation. The nation has also cultivated similar bilateral relationships with Eldmark, Soravia, and Etruria. These ties serve to balance against Satucine dominance, empowering Kepplandic policymakers to exercise autonomy in their approach to statecraft without having to rely on support from any one partner. Nevertheless, Keppland does enjoy cordial relations with the Satucine sphere, and continues to maintain its aforementioned free trade agreement with ASTCOM.


Soldiers of the Kepplandic Republican Guard on patrol during a training exercise in 2018.

The Kepplandic Armed Forces (Blostlandic: Käppländska krigsmakten) are the national military forces of Keppland. They consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Republican Guard, with a total of 87,000 active and 45,000 reserve personnel as of 2023. The President of Keppland serves as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, although day-to-day operations are overseen by the Minister of War. The Kepplandic government spent $8.32 billion on defense in 2022, totaling 2.6% of the nation’s total nominal GDP.

Keppland has historically maintened one of the strongest armed forces in the region, dating back to the militaristic policies of the Kepplandic Empire. During the councilist period, Keppland reorganized its military around AIS doctrine and was primarily equipped by Chistovodia and Valduvia. Defense spending declined dramatically after the Kepplandic Revolution, and the Kepplandic Armed Forces were among the most poorly trained and equipped militaries in the Asterias by the end of the 1990s. However, funding began to increase again after the National Activation Party (NAP) took power in 2006, prompting an extensive modernization and reorganization program initiated by the Ministry of War during the 2010s. By 2020, the Kepplandic military had re-emerged as a formidable force in Asteria Inferior, with the capacity to project power on a regional scale.

The modern Kepplandic Armed Forces are primarily organized around national defense, international peacekeeping, and regional expeditionary operations. Keppland's Navy is a modern, green-water force capable of sustaining operations around the Asterias. The Republican Guard, an elite unit answerable only to the President, consists of the nation's most well trained and equipped soldiers. Keppland maintains strong bilateral defensive ties with the Asterian Federative Republic, which maintains a permanent military presence at Anitashamn Naval Base and serves as the nation’s single largest foreign supplier of arms. Keppland’s domestic arms industry is also relatively strong for a nation of its size, with major companies such as TBA, TBA, and TBA producing a variety of defense material.

Law enforcement

Keppland's federal law enforcement agencies consist of the Federal Police, Federal Intelligence and Security Service, and National Gendarmerie. The Federal Police is a civilian agency responsible for investigating and combating federal crimes, and is managed by the Ministry of the Interior. The Federal Intelligence and Security Service, commonly known by its Blostlandic acronym FUST (Förbunds underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänst), is an investigative body that serves as Keppland's primary foreign intelligence and internal security agency. The National Gendarmerie is a paramilitary force intended to supplement the Federal Police and FUST by providing tactical support, quelling internal unrest, and guarding sensitive sites such as borders, ports, and power plants. In addition to these federal agencies, state and local governments operate their own police forces to conduct law enforcement operations below the federal level.

International observers have criticized Keppland's law enforcement apparatus for its poor human rights record and lack of oversight, with many labeling the nation a police state. Foreign governments and human rights organizations often describe the FUST as Keppland's secret police, accusing the agency of carrying out politically motivated investigations, forced disappearances, torture, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and targeted assassinations. The National Gendarmerie has also been accused of extrajudicial activities, and has received further criticism for its excessive militarization and heavy-handed tactics. Along with the Republican Guard, both agencies report only to the president and have been collectively described as the "private army of the National Activation Party".



Science and technology



Keppland’s road network is 93,124 km long as of 2023, of which 20,875 km is paved. The system is relatively young, and lagged behind that of its neighbors until its expansion in the 1980s. 3,208 km of Keppland’s roads are controlled-access highways, most of which originate in Gunnarsvik or Vajki. The road system has received increased funding from the federal government since the late 2000s, with the goal of paving 25% of the network by 2030.

Keppland is notable for its exceptionally well developed rail network, which is among the most dense in Asteria Inferior. As of 2023, the nation has 11,225 km of operating rail lines out of a total system length of 14,582 km. Most of Keppland's railroads are constructed in standard-gauge, although narrow-gauge is somewhat common in the mountainous western states of the Sierra Bianca Range. Keppland was one of the first nations in Asteria Inferior to develop rail infrustructure, with the Kepplandic Empire funding the nation’s first rail line between Gunnarsvik and Vajki in 1844. Currently, the largest rail operators in Keppland are Vassflodens och Nordvästra Järnvägar (VNV), Halmhuslands och Vassflodens Järnvägar (HV), Östkustens Järnvägar (ÖK), Vajkis och Nordöstra Järnvägar (VNÖ), and Gunnarsviks och Norra Järnvägar (GN). All five of these companies emerged in 1984 from the privatization of Kepplandic State Railways, which had managed the Kepplandic railroad system since its nationalization by the councilist regime in 1938.

Unlike most nations in Asteria Inferior, the post-Great War decline of the railroad was much slower in Keppland, and the system remains comparatively strong in the present day. The nation began to develop its road system under councilist rule in the 1940s, but construction stalled in the 1960s as a result of the Great Asterian War and its economic fallout. Consequently, the Kepplandic government largely abandoned the construction of new roadways and focused on improving its existing infrastructure, most of which was still rail-centric. Many abandoned lines were re-opened, and the modal share of passenger rail increased from 33.8% in 1960 to 46.2% by 1970. The nation did not experience another transportation boom until the 1980s, when increased foreign investment and lower petroleum costs allowed for the construction of new highways and higher-speed rail connections between major cities. Car travel has become more prevalent in recent decades, but railroads retain a relatively strong 18.3% share of the total passenger market as of 2022.

Most of Keppland’s inland water traffic is centered around the Vassfloden and Nåkofloden rivers. The nation’s largest port is Gunnarsvik, which is located at the mouth of the Vassfloden river and is one of the most important seaports in Asteria Inferior. The Vassfloden also houses Keppland’s largest inland port, the capital city of Vajki. Other major Kepplandic ports include Anitashamn, Frihetsvik, and Åkapan.

The busiest airport in Keppland is Gunnarsvik–Henrik Steen International Airport in Gunnarsvik, which handled more than 12 million passengers in 2022 and is the most common connecting destination for intercontinental flights. Other major airports include Vajki–Mats Rönnlund International Airport (Vajki), Anitashamn International Airport (Anitashamn), Gunnarsvik–Gustaf Drakenberg International Aiport (Gunnarsvik), Frihetsvik–Carl Olsson International Airport (Frihetsvik), and Åkapan International Airport (Åkapan). Keppland’s flag carrier is Käppländsk Flygtjänst, which has been in operation since 1930.


Largest cities

Ethnic groups













