Transport in Amathia

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Amathia has a dense, well-integrated and modern transport infrastructure, faciliated by its position between Southeastern, Eastern and Central Euclea, its developed economy and large population. While important modernization projects took place ever since Amathia's ascension to the Euclean Community and the Zilverzee Area, most of Amathia's transport network has its origins in the Equalist era, and as such, most transportation infrastructure in the country is state-owned, being under the control and administration of the Government of Amathia, through the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, and Communications. Certain segments of the infrastructure are however maintained and operated by private companies, but only through concessions from the state.



Railway transport

Amathian Railways

The National Railway Company - Amathian Railways (Amathian: Ⰽⱁⰿⱂⰰⱀⰹⰰ Ⱀⰰⱌⰹⱁⱀⰰⰾⱐ ⰴⰵ Ⰽⱐⰹ Ⱇⰵⱃⰰⱅⰵ - Ⰽⱐⰰⰹⰾⰵ Ⱇⰵⱃⰰⱅⰵ Ⰰⰿⰰⱅⱍⰹⰵⱀⰵ , tr. Compania Națională de Căi Ferate - Căile Ferate Amathiene) is the state owned railway carrier company of Amathia.

Road network and automotive transport

Air Transport

Amathian Air Transport

TAAM, legally the National Company of Amathian Air Transports "TAAM" (Amathian: Ⰽⱁⰿⱂⰰⱀⰹⰰ Ⱀⰰⱌⰹⱁⱀⰰⰾⱐ ⰴⰵ Ⱅⱃⰰⱀⱄⱂⱁⱃⱅⱆⱃⰹ Ⰰⰵⱃⰹⰵⱀⰵ Ⰰⰿⰰⱚⰹⰵⱀⰵ "ⰕⰀⰀⰏ" , tr. Compania Națională de Transporturi Aeriene Amathiene "TAAM") is the state owned flag carrier of Amathia

Water transport