This article belongs to the lore of Aurorum.

Aurorum (region)

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(the) World
Orbital characteristics
365.593 days
27.3 km/s
Satellite ofLuna
Physical characteristics
Mean radius
4,891.1 km
296,012,380 km2
Mean density
7.280 g/cm3
9.694 m/s2
10.706 km/s
0.9972 d (23h 49m 6.3s)
Surface pressure
100.2834 kPa

Aurorum, commonly known as Earth or the World, is a terrestrial planet orbiting the Sun, or Ilios. It is the fifth-largest and fifth-most-massive object in the Iliosar System, as well as the only currently known celestial object in the Iliosar System and the known universe to harbor and sustain life. Additionally, it is the largest and densest of the Iliosar System's rocky planets. Aurorum constitutes a binary planetary system together with its only natural satellite, the Moon or Luna, that makes up 40% of the binary system's total mass and interacts with the respective other gravitationally.

Aurorum is unique in that its surface consists partly of liquid water, both as salt-water and freshwater, making up the hydrosphere, and an active planetary geology with mechanically rigid tectonic plates constituting the lithosphere above a planetary interior of a solid inner core, fluid outer core and convecting mantle layer, active geothermal activity which produce volcanic activity, earthquakes and a stable geomagnetic field. This allows the planet to have developed a rich atmosphere consisting mainly of nitrogen, oxygen and other gasses, which in turn results in the constitution of the water cycle, greenhouse effect and weather existing as a dynamic system on Aurorum.

Various factors such as the aforementioned and particularly Aurorum's distance from the Sun allowed for the planet to proliferate anaerobic and later aerobic life some 4.1 billion years ago. Since, life has evolved and thrived over long periods of Aurorum's history, spawning a plethora of biodiversity and occassionally punctuated by mass extinction events. Today, the modern human (homo sapiens) inhabits Aurorum and has increasingly altered its climate and atmosphere, biosphere and surface in what is dubbed the "anthropocene". Having ascended as a global species, it has established various societies of ethnicities, religions, sovereign states and ideologies, and made significant progress in culture, arts, sciences, economic prosperity, and quality of life.


The generally accepted and scientific Fallish name of the planet Aurorum was derived from the Cambran loanword aurorum, the genitive plural of aurum, the Cambran word for gold and the origin of its chemical symbol "Au". The related Aurora refers to dawn and inherently the goddess of dawn in Cambran mythology, announcing the renewal and arrival of Ilios (the Sun) each morning, before voyaging across the sky and setting at evening; she is often seen as a personified deity of Aurorum itself.

The planet is commonly referred to as Earth in non-scientific circles, traced back to the Old Fallish noun of eorðe which translates the concept of "the ground", soil and ultimately the "world" as a cohesive body. Other domestically used names for Aurorum include the Hesurian Erde and Dalish Jorden, with every Hesurianic language having approximate cognates, the Cambran Terra found as cognates in almost every Cambrance language, and the Dulebian Земля (Zemlya) in various Pomoric vocabularies, all reflecting their origin to a word for "soil/ground".

Physical characteristics

Oceans and continents

Map showing the oceans and continents of Aurorum

Most of Aurorum's surface is subdivided into oceans, which constitute the majority of its hydrosphere, and continents, which are the planet's largest landmasses. By convention, the four oceans consist of the Iremic, Agric, Notosian, and Caphtoric, generally seen as parts of a continuous world ocean, while the five regions considered as continents consist of Pamira, Berea, Caphtora, Melasia and Mavronesia, and Alvinia. The boundaries of the continents are also influenced, albeit often times arbitrarily, by the groupings of sovereign states into regions defined by joint historic and or cultural heritage. By geologic perception, Aurorum's continents roughly correspond to the surface presence of continental crust, though continental crustal fragments such as various islands and continental crust submerged by the ocean are not commonly referred to as distinct continents.

Due to Aurorum's vivid tectonic and other geological activity, its surface and relief is made up of ocean trenches and graben, plateaus, mountain ranges and other forms of topography. The deepest underwater location of Aurorum's seabed is the Tartarus Deep of the Alvinian Trench in the eastern Iremic Ocean, with a depth of 11,038 m (36,214 ft). Aurorum's highest mountain above sea level is Mount X, located in the X mountain sub-range of the X and its elevation established to be 8,262 m (27,103 ft).

Name Largest country Most populous country Total population Largest city
Alvinia  Ochoccola  Ochoccola 11,108,234 Marthasbucht in Akawhk
Berea  Dulebia  Mascylla 314,159,346 Lavaria Aniarro
Caphtora X X X X
Pamira  Valimia  Kodesh 632,185,248 Yudong Dongcheng
Melasia and Mavronesia  Melasia  Melasia 39,872,511 Melasia Jürgenshafen

Tectonic plates

Map of Aurorum's defined major and minor tectonic plates, their movements and locations of current or recent volcanic activity (red dots)

Due to their ambiguous boundaries and mutual exertion of influence via tectonic movement and other actions, tectonic plates are usually determined similarly to Aurorum's continents through scientific consensus. It is agreed that there are six to seven major tectonic plates (so-called primary plates) currently in existence, comprising the lithosphere: the Agric, Caphtoran, Dentro-Telmerian, Pamiran (often subdivided into the Ashiric and Iremic Plates), Northern and Notosian Plates. These plates make up the majority of the planet's continental and oceanic crust, though there are approximately two dozen smaller and minor plates (so-called secondary plates) which inhabit spaces between the larger plates; the largest of which include the Alvinian, Appiric, Erytherian, Hahrnig, Siantric, Manatan, Mavronesian, Melasian, and Savo Plates.

Orbit and rotation


Luna-Aurorum system

The full Luna, or the Moon, with its varied topography and landscape visible

Iliosar System

Inner Iliosar System

The inner Iliosar System comprise the four terrestrial planets, made up of refractory materials such as silicates and metals which from the planets' respective crusts and mantles, as well as one gas giant consisting mainly of gasses such as hydrogen and helium. The boundary of this region is scientifically arbitrary as there is no system feature that denotes an exact border, though all planets of the inner Iliosar System have substantial atmospheres, no ring systems, few to no moons and are all located within the system's frost line.


False colour composite of Laophanes' sunward planetary side, 2009
Full disk of Iphias in natural colour, 2015
Natural colour composite of Atiner with its extensive ring system, 2010

Laophanes is the closest planet to the Sun and the third-largest planet of the system (approximately 17 M🜨) due to it being a gas giant. The planet has no natural satellites, but a noticably short orbital period of 24 days which warranted the current classification of Laophanes as a hot Iphias, as well as a retrograde orbit. Due to its proximity to the Sun, it remains tidally locked with the planetary day side experiencing high stellar irradiation and a temperature difference of some 500 K in comparison to its night side. This environment allows for intense wind currents, radical atmospheric stratification and super-rotating equatorial jet streams and storm vortices. Laophanes' origin and history have not yet been explained, though the planetary migration hypothesis is generally ruled to be the most likely one. It is probable Laophanes will eventually be stripped bare of its atmosphere due to hydrodynamic escape and become a chthonian planet some 2.3 billion years in the future.




Aurorum, or Earth, is the third-closest planet to the Sun and the second-largest and single largest terrestrial planet in the entire and inner system respectively. It is special in that it is the only known celestial body to exhibit developed life, a liquid hydrosphere and active plate tectonic activity. Composed of a solid inner core, a liquid outer core and mantle, and a solid crust through planetary differentiation, Aurorum also simultaneously is the most dense terrestrial planet and possesses the largest terrestrial geomagnetic field. The presence of life radically altered the planet's atmospheric makeup through the emission of most notably oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane, surface through vegetation and human activities, and the consumption of its natural resources. Aurorum is part of a binary planet system together with its only natural satellite, Luna or the Moon, which also is the only large satellite of a terrestrial planet in the Iliosar System.


Luna, or the Moon, is the only natural satellite of Aurorum. With approximately two-thirds the diameter and one quarter the mass of Aurorum (0.27 M🜨), Luna, as a planetary-mass object, is considered to be the binary planetary partner to Aurorum, and its gravitational influence so large that the barycenter of the Auroran system lies outside Aurorum, causes Aurorum's tides and is responsible for its tidal acceleration, as is vice versa the case for Luna due to Aurorum's gravity. It lacks any noteworthy magnetic field, atmosphere or hydrosphere, and features dark maria ("seas") of volcanic origin, impact craters, lobed rupes ("cliffs") and highly variable topography. Its origin and interior are not fully understood, as its core is disproportionally large and its formation can only partly be explained by the proposed giant-impact hypothesis, gravitational capture of Luna, or joint formation of Aurorum and Luna in a circumplanetary disk.



Outer Iliosar System


Iphias TBD

Asteroid belt

The asteroid belt TBD


Atiner TBD



Human history

Ancient history and antiquity

The Great Pyramids of X in X, constructed between 2,300 to 2,100 BCE.
The Holy Cross of Theresia, a 10th century crux gemmata and a representative masterpiece of Semitar medieval art

Modern humans have lived most of their existence and until approximately 12,000 years ago as hunter-gatherers living in small tribal societal structures. The invention of agriculture with the domestication of plants and lifestock took place in multiple areas of the world, most notably the Endotheric Sea, Yudong, Mesoalvinia, and Mavronesia, about 7,000 to 6,000 years ago, and enabled the species to abandon a lifestyle of hunting and gathering, establish permanent settlements supplied by increased food production, foster the use of metal tools, and create the first civilisations.

The development of Tayari city-states on the eastern Endotheric Sea by the 3rd millenium BCE precipitated the urban revolution, and witnessed the rise of other major civilisation of the time, namely the earliest Erytherian cultures and Ancient Egypt. From 3,000 to 1,200 BCE and with the onset of the Bronze Age, maritime trade was facilitated between the Endotheric civilisations and inventions such as wheels, sail, plows, and cuneiform script were made while the sciences, astronomy and mathematics were introduced and furthered. Tayar formed the first colonial empire of the ancient world, the Horyo dynasty rose to prominence, and by 1,000 BCE iron started to replace bronze as the dominant working material with the Iron Age. The flourishing of Ancient Erytheria replaced the dwindling Tayari civilisation and introduced concepts such as democracy. In 400 BC, the Cambran Republic and subsequent Cambran Empire came to rise and dominate the Endotheric Sea and the Mong dynasty saw Yudong's golden age.

Post-classical history

Early modern era

Modern era

Human geography

Name Capital Population Continent Head of state Head of government Government type
Abramea Jerach 38,275,816 (2020) Pamira Shimon ben-Yaakov Levana bat-Meshulam One-party state
 Chelagey Chelagey Digalua 4,271,073 (2016) Alvinia Actuq Tsultloya Camilla Saquha Presidential republic
 Cuthland-Waldrich Cuthland Kingsham (executive and administrative)
Cuthland Grienfjild (legislative and judicial)
44,794,500 (2020) Berea Edwin IV Clifford Goodwin (protecting)
Ale Dykstra
Absolute monarchy
 Dulebia Dulebia Ulich 29,894,117 (2017) Berea Alexey Volodin Vladimir Klishas Presidential republic
 Mascylla Königsreh 48,972,336 (2018) Berea Dorothea I Thomas Falkner Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
 Norden Kristianshavn 24,621,037 (2020) Berea Karl III Magnus Kjærsgaard Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
 Rovina Mirkowice 18,042,854 (2018) Berea Stanisława I Karol Kowalczyk Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy