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|population_estimate_year    = 2020
|population_estimate_year    = 2020

Revision as of 08:12, 6 December 2020

Flag of Vitosium
Motto: "If you want to enjoy life, expand your world."
Official languagesEnglish
• Prime Minister
Vincent Gatostico
• 2020 estimate
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy
Calling code328

The Commonwealth of Vitosium, formerly the Kingdom of Vitaso, is a nation in the Coalition of Crown Albatross located on the continent of Adula, bordered by Kuresa, Mulfulira, and Durnstaal, with a coast along the Olympic Ocean and a maritime border with Greland. The country's capital city is Gatovita.

The country was colonized in 1789 by an explorer named Alexander Agostinio, who was also the captain of the ship, Vitaso. He would command his crew to begin construction of a city that would house his own personal palace where he would see himself as a king. With the city complete, Agostinio began to expand what he would declare a new country named Vitaso. Now known as King Alexander of Vitaso, his "thirst for blood", as historians call it, lead to a country-wide mutiny and death of the royal family in 1811. The leader of the revolt, Bruno Saivas, was named the very first Prime Minister of the new democratic country. In an attempt to erase the history of Alexander Agostinio, the country was renamed Vitosium.

In 1844, a group calling themselves The New Capital Society began negotiations with the Prime Minister at the time, William Cimantal, to make the small city of Colburn the new capital city as opposed to Etherset in an attempt to further distance the country away from Alexander Agostinio. The country was divided over where the capital city should be, leading to the 1844 Vitosium Civil War. In the end, Colburn became the new capital city and was later renamed Gatovita. In 1853, Colburn was renamed Gatovita.

Vitosium is highly placed in rankings of Most Secular (5%), Largest Basket Weaving Sector (10%), Least Corrupt Governments (10%), and Largest Automobile Manufacturing (10%). The Vitosian economy is is broadly diversified and led by the Basket Weaving industry, with major contributions from Automobile Manufacturing, Woodchip Exports, and Gambling.

As of April 18th, 2016, Vitosium joined the Western Euronia Defense Alliance (WEDA).


In 1789, Alexander Agostinio arrived with the crew of the Vitaso into unclaimed land. With a heavy thirst for power, Agostinio commanded his crew and the native tribes nearby to build a city known as Etherset. He promised the native tribes money and power in return. However, after the construction of the city, Agostinio murdered the leaders of the native tribes and forced the natives to work for him moving forward. From there, Agostinio set his sights on the small country known as Saintle Andne, which was governed by King William Lauzstanngo II. He befriended King William in 1793 and offered him the natives as slaves. However, the slaves were ordered beforehand to kill as many guards as he could while he would kill King William himself. While over half of the natives lives were lost, Agostinio found himself successful and declared his city of Etherset and the fallen country of Saintle Andne to be a new country called Vitaso, named after his ship.

In 1799, Agostinio, who forced everybody over fourteen to become soldiers, declared war on the neighbouring country, Tevitanbu. After a rough five year war, Vitaso barely came out successful and merged Tevitanbu into Vitaso. King Bertrand of Kallamar Island, scared of Agostinio's power, offered his country in exchange for safety. Agostinio accepted then executed King Bertrand.

In 1806, Soli Cardassio, a native, began to rebel within the walls of Etherset and, over the course of the next five years, turned the other natives and citizens against King Alexander. In 1811, after King Alexander had Cardassio executed, Bruno Saivas, another native, took over the role of leader of the rebellion and organized destruction and anarchy with the goal of avenging Soli Cardassio and killing the royal family. Eight months in, they were successful. With the country leaderless, Bruno Saivas took on the role. One of the first things Saivas did was rename Kallamar Island to Maydover Island so that the islanders would be able to live down the cowardice of King Bertrand. The country then made the switch from a monarchy to a democracy.

In 1838, a military conflict known as the Pia Peninsular War occurred from July 1838 to September 1939 between Vitosium and Kuresa. The war itself strained tensions between the east and west of Vitosium, leading to many parts of the country wanting to distance the country's future away from future wars. The mindset, ironically, eventually culminated in the 1844 Vitosium Civil War.

In 1844, an organization formed with a mission to distance the country from Alexander Agostinio's legacy. While the natives took back the country, the organization, known as The New Capital Society did not want Etherset as the capital city as that was the city Agostinio made. Protests and riots stemming from The New Capital Society lead to the Prime Minister at the time, William Cimantal, to try and negotiate with them. The ongoing conflict lead the country to be divided between whether the capital city should be Etherset or Colburn. Eventually, the divide grew violent and a civil war broke out. The war lasted four years and, in 1848, The New Capital Society was victorious, Colburn (later renamed Gatovita) became the new capital city, and Cimantal resigned from office.

In 1919, Jyau and Nancaya, two provinces in Vitosium located to the west of the province of Ventden, officially separated and became their own countries. Once forced into Vitaso at the hands of King Alexander, they were united along with the rest of what would eventually become Vitosium following the downfall of the king. Around 1912, they began negotiations to gain independence to preserve their culture and history from before 1789. There was a lead up to a violent separation but it ended up being a peaceful one.

On April 18th, 2008, John Longetti led his cult to kill around 5820 people in Sassarta, Entrofeira before manipulating the cult to kill themselves to avoid capture by the police. This event led to many denouncing their religion due to event taking the lives of 13 000 with many blaming religion for what transpired.

From 2014 to 2018, former Prime Minister Raymond Venancias' carelessness led to a near economic shut down and dangers to the country's environment, leading to many protests and riots calling for Venancias' resignation. Vincent Gatostico, the son of former Prime Minister, Apollo Gatostico, would win against Venancias in the 2018 Vitosium Election and begin to restore the economy to what it was.


Only 12% of Vitosium is mountainous and 9% of that is located in the province of Ventden. Mount Maitland makes up that 9% in Ventden. National parks cover about 15% of the country.


Annual average rainfall in the mainland varies from just over 3,200 mm.

In some areas, such as Cunzava, annual diurnal average temperatures can be as high as 34 °C, and summer highest temperatures routinely are over 42 °C. The record high of 49.4 °C was recorded in Amalfeia, although this might not be the hottest spot in summer, according to satellite readings.

Vitosium has around 2300 to 3200 hours of sunshine a year, an average of 4–6 h in winter and 10–12 h in the summer, with higher values in the south-east and lower in the north-west.


Boar, red deer, roe deer, and the Vitosian velvet panther, are reported to have expanded greatly during recent decades.

These natural environments are shaped by diverse flora and include widespread species of pine and Vitosian oak. There are 57,000 species recorded of faunal biodiversity.

Most of the avian species congregate along the Pia Peninsula.





The seven provinces of Vitosium.
Province Postal
Capital Population
Ciunia CIU Kataveza 9,655,000
Cunzava CUN Diarora 23,905,000
Entrofeira ENT Sassarta 9,924,000
Kingsland KGD Gatovita 18,091,700
Maydover Island MDI Ovavo 6,311,000
Navocalco NCO Aplatta 10,472,000
Ventden VTN Etherset 16,472,300


Government of Vitosium



Foreign Relations



Vitosian cinema has a long tradition, reaching back to the birth of the medium in the late 19th century. Cinema was introduced in Vitosium in 1892 with the screening of foreign films and the first Vitosian film, "Bittersweet", directed by Edward Lissoa. The first all-talking sound film, "Ice Cold", was made in 1933 and was directed by Ambrose Montas. Starting in 1935, with "Hold Me Tonight", the Golden Age would last the next two decades, with films such as "Lazy Pride" (1942) and "Hide Her Voice" (1944). "Things For Love" (1942), Wilson Lissoa's first feature film, marked a milestone.

Barrett Veras, Domina Craftia, Marsden Sashia, Naiaro Danilas and Wilson Lissoa are among those that gained notability as film directors. Noted Vitosian film actors include Barrett Highmore, Calla Sashia, Fae Fonnend, Felicia Varelas, Lisandras Venancias and Lucius Caligaro.



Find out more about the history of television as well as the Vitosian networks! Notable Vitosian channels include EBTV, Noble and VBC.

The following countries have allowed filming in their countries for the purpose of Vitosian television:


Vitosian music encompasses a lot of pop and rock. Artists with international recognition include Abello Oakley, Appia, and Celessa Andradia.


This is a list of Vitosian embassies located internationally. Vitosium has diplomatic and consular offices in 6 foreign countries.

Country Ambassador
Arenoran Isles TBA
Birnir Nathan Calino
Durnstaal Miranda Salviati
East Chanchajilla Melina Rowland
Emmiria Cala Maratino
Kuresa Gino Vivolo
Rio Palito Rachel Sallend
Tervali Islands Colton Barras
Zamastan Joseph Vianelli

As for embassies located in Vitosium, they are located in the Embarso District of Gatovita.



Vitosium produces a wide variety of crops and livestock products, including: vegetables (artichokes, tomatoes, olives), fruits (table grapes, bilberry, lemons, pears, apricots, hazelnuts, peaches, cherries, plums, strawberries), rice, wheat, barley, edible mushrooms, dairy products, poultry and beef.



Vitosium participates in the Iearth Football World Cup Championship as well as the Olympics.

Miscellaneous Lists

List of Big Vitosian Businesses
List of International Businesses in Vitosium
List of Names in Vitosium
List of Notable Vitosian Celebrities
List of Notable Vitosian Movies
List of Notable Vitosian Video Games
List of Vitosian Colleges and Universities


  • Alara de Calta is a musician
  • Martaliso Dosa is an Olympic swimmer
  • Nataso Cotao is an Olympic Sprinter
  • Jodi Arvesio