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## Stick the {{wp|Pathé}} logo on some old news photograph or film reel.
## Stick the {{wp|Pathé}} logo on some old news photograph or film reel.
## Employ a successful version of the !{{wp|Victual Brothers}} as my explanation for pirate cooperation during the Civil War, and Buran influences afterwards.
## Employ a successful version of the !{{wp|Victual Brothers}} as my explanation for pirate cooperation during the Civil War, and Buran influences afterwards.
## Write my own version of the {{wp|Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor}}.
# Geography
# Geography
## Administrative map:
## Administrative map:

Revision as of 20:37, 19 September 2022

Todo list for Orioni

  1. Orinese peopleOrioni (talk) 20:20, 22 December 2020 (UTC)
  2. Orinese Phi — Orioni (talk) 00:56, 22 February 2021 (UTC)
  3. Colonial history
    1. Rohini — Orioni (talk) 20:16, 22 March 2021 (UTC)
    2. Burkini — Orioni (talk) 05:27, 18 April 2021 (UTC)
    3. Astrini (= Niederoestereich) — Orioni (talk) 21:12, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
    4. Tahini (= Malindi in Miiros, southeast of Orioni)Orioni (talk) 17:21, 5 February 2022 (UTC)
    5. Baribeni (= Bainbridge Islands)
    6. Daini (= Damak Var)
    7. Mekabiri (= Emakera + Pirilao)
    8. Thubani (= north of Orioni)
  4. History of Orioni
    1. Can I borrow anything from Anitta (king)?
    2. Re-use the many ages of Elam#Elamite Empire as inspiration for my Medani Empire.
    3. During the insular era, introduce some economic cycles, as described in The Great Wave (book).
    4. Borrow Classical history of Dion from Dion, Pieria (°424 BCE).
    5. Drawing by St. Hildegarde of "Gott, Kosmos und Menschheit“ from Scivias, Table 4. (Looks similar to the Flag of Orioni.)
      Have !Saint Hildegarde (1098-1179) flee to Orioni, so she can be more independent. This fits into the post-war Restoration period (~12th Century).
    6. The Pearl Road needs some ruling council system. Look at the Hanseatic League. I require some form of tax ruling to justify the later collection of back taxes, and formation of colonial empire. See also:
    7. Use of !Catalan Company mercenaries to police the vast colonial assets (~14th Century).
    8. Vassals send tribute in the form of a golden tree (see Bunga mas). Can be larger or more frequent to punish bad vassals.
    9. Quote of some imperialist admiral: "(Political) power comes from the barrel of a cannon. It must always be an Orinese who aims the cannon."[1]
    10. See if I can re-use the story of these female monarchs for any of my empresses: Nest ferch Rhys (1085-1136), Empress Matilda (1102-1167), Razia Sultana unknown-1240).
    11. How about some pirates that come and kidnap people? Either Orinese in Volsci, or Buranians in Orioni.[2]
    12. Stick the Pathé logo on some old news photograph or film reel.
    13. Employ a successful version of the !Victual Brothers as my explanation for pirate cooperation during the Civil War, and Buran influences afterwards.
    14. Write my own version of the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor.
  5. Geography
    1. Administrative map:
  6. Politics
    1. Last Sibiseba election:
    2. Foreign relations of Orioni
    3. Do something with Synarchism (rule by a secret elite).
  7. Military
    1. Military vehicle classes named after this List of war deities: Agasaya, Agrona, Andarta, Anhur, Gurzil, Junda, Laran, Maher, Makanduk, Mangala, Montu, Muzha, Nezha, Perun, Sidapa.
    2. Profile page for Mario Ramius with a backstory like his one:
    3. Setup Vali(s) Group.
    4. Setup Buran Group as a private military company to sabotage Volsci (see fake Turan Group, supported by Wagner).
    5. Fix military ranks.
    6. 'Rumbler' aeroplane (~rumblr).
    7. How to Rebuild the Navy, after the Thalassan War.
    8. I really like the SAAB aircraft design. Use the Saab 35 Draken (1960-2005), Saab 37 Viggen (1971-2007), Saab JAS 39 Gripen (1996–present). In the future maybe get the Korean KF-21?
    9. Replace Adenhold Bruiser with the equally swole Andika Perkasa. Cool picture on Reddit:
  8. Economy
    1. Duban Air or Debon Air for the affluent
    2. B Building Company (BBC) with shady business dealibgs
  9. Culture
    1. Elitism inspired by Ayyavazhi
    2. Aroman copy of Elitism is based on Mater Matuta
    3. Giant statue of Guanyin of Nanshan.
    4. Television: Mr Tariq (knocker, morning star), first name Siteban (Stephen), a famous television detective.[3] He is assisted by Mr Tinishi (small, klein).[4]
    5. Film: Some sort of James Bond alternative, based on Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath (French version) or Max Otto von Stierlitz (Russian variant).
  10. Dispatches still left to copy over from Nationstates
    1. Cedrus Orionii
    2. Five bestowments
    3. Order of the Beautiful Empire
    4. Order of Arts and Letters
    5. Order of the Sun
    6. Military equipment of Orioni
    7. Military ranks of Orioni

Todo list for EOS

To-dos and ideas for the Entente of Oriental States.

  1. Topic for the next summit: collective defence. See also:
  2. Agree on how to deal with OCA/Anglia. Four scenarios:
  3. Agree to build a corvette together:
  4. Organise a join naval exercise:
  5. Get started on that northern radar station, possibly in cooperation with Iverica.
  6. The East Wind:


  • Mr Dante Leone (~Dandelion).
  • Mr James "Jimmy" Grant (~immigrant), a recently arrived immigrant with a bad case of culture shock.
  • Mr Tobias "Toby" Lerone.
  • Mr Rikari, another OSIS spook who runs Black Shark (or another colour from these Shades of black). All OSIS spooks are called "Rikari".
  • Mr Robert "Bob" Dobalina.[5]
  • Mr Selim Ander (~salamander).[6]
  • Mr Walter Holden, IOAF officer (inspired by Holden's Lightning flight).
  • Mr Welven Muntes.
  • Mr/s E. Nigma (~Enigma).
  • Mr/s Manenti.
  • Mr/s Ling Ling.[7]
  • Mrs Ayani Shimura.
  • Mrs Zhexigua (Jessica), as the mother in Dune (2021 film).


Based on red supergiant stars:

Based on yellow hypergiants:

Based on the most used letters in the English language:



Images to use.





  1. OOC. This is a paraphrasing of Mao Zedong's phrase: "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
  2. Diary of Ólafur Egilsson, Enslaved Icelander Describes Horror of Ottoman Slave Market (1627) by Voices of the Past (24 March 2022)
  3. OOC. Based on the German Derrick (TV series).
  4. OOC. Each case ends with translation of "Harry, hol schon mal den Wagen".
  5. OOC. Titular character from the 1991 hiphop track Mistadobalina.
  6. OOC. Based on CDR Salamander from
  7. OOC. Someone who will always be better than you, no matter what you do. TwoSetVioin created this meme, saying that Ling Ling practised 40 hours a day. They have numerous posts on people doing the Ling Ling challenge.