Acquisition by birth
Acquisition by descent
Acquisition by marriage
Acquisition by naturalization
Multiple nationality permitted
Persons born in Belfras:
- to a parent holding Belfrasian citizenship
- to a parent granted extraordinary residency status
Belfrasian citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Belfrasian citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Belfrasian citizenship not by descent
- at least one parent has Belfrasian citizenship not by naturalization
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Belfrasian citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Latin citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 5 adopted by a married couple with Belfrasian citizenship.
- 5 years of continuous legal residence or indefinite right to remain (and having no prior immigration restrictions at time of application)
Naturalization conditions
- 10 years continuous legal residence (Permanent residency granted after 5)
- Continuous residency may be reduced to 3 years for individuals serving in the Belfrasian Armed Forces
- Continuous residency may be reduced to 5 years for individuals with exceptional skills
- Holder of permanent residency at time of application
- Shows sufficient level of knowledge of Belfrasian culture, people and Basic-II level of Latin in verbal/non-verbal exam
Persons born in the Eagleland:
- to a parent holding Eaglelander citizenship or nationality.
Eaglelander nationality is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one Eaglelander national by birth or descent.
- born to two citizens by marriage or naturalization.
- minors under the age of 10 years and six months adopted by Eaglelander nationals.
Eaglelander Nationality may be passed down from the one generation to the next indefinitely. As long as either of the three criteria are fulfilled, the place of birth is irrelevant.
- 3 years of legal residency at time of petition for citizenship, however the marriage must remain for at least 2 of these 3 years.
- Eight years of continuous legal residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- Permanent residency typically granted after 2 years of continuous legal residence.
- Period may be reduced to 7 years for those with refugee status and/or are stateless.
- Period may be reduced by a year for those who have completed an integration course.
- Period may be reduced by a year to those who have attained C2 level in Hellenic, according to the the Common Belisarian Language Level Framework.
- Period may be reduced by a year to those who have attained C2 level in Illyrian, according to the the Common Belisarian Language Level Framework.
- Foreign nationals who have served in the Eagleland Armed Forces for four years are eligible for Eaglelander Nationality from the fourth year of their service onwards. Eligibility continues even after a discharge, should a time period of twelve months after an honourable discharge post discharge not be exceeded.
- Foreign nationals who are dishonourably discharged from the Eagleland Armed Forces over felony offences lose their eligibility to apply for Eaglelander Nationality under this condition.
- Holder of permanent residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- Must pass a test regarding the Eaglelander Political System, Society, and Culture.
- Based on the Common Belisarian Language Level Framework, candidates must speak Hellenic at the B2 level and Illyrian at the B1 level at the time of the application.
- Male and female applicants must be prepared to serve in the Eagleland Armed Forces should national severe defence needs arise and hence conscription is reinstated.
- No felony offences must have been committed over the entire course of the person's residence in the Eagleland. Furthermore, the Ministry of Public Order must consent to the naturalisation of the person in question, hence a background check will be conducted.
Yes, although the following restrictions and conditions apply:
- Nationals of countries hostile to the Eaglelander Republic must renounce their old nationality prior to the acquisition of Eaglelander nationality.
- Eaglelander nationals who are employed at a foreign government organisation hostile to the Eaglelander republic and its interests, should they fail to sever their employment relationship with said employer, automatically lose their nationality at the command of the Minister of Public Order. The order is irrevocable and such persons are banned from reapplying for Eaglelander nationality for 20 years. The decision may, however, be challenged before a court of law.
- Persons who have lost Eaglelander nationality due to high treason may never be naturalised as Eaglelander nationals again. Their offspring will require explicit permission from the President of the Republic to lodge their naturalisation requests. Furthermore, they must renounce their old nationality before doing so.
- Pertaining all of the above: for nationals of countries that do not allow a renunciation of nationality and are hostile to the Eaglelander Republic Eaglelander citizenship is granted but all travel and communication (electronic or any other form thereof) to such countries will be prohibited for as long as relations between both countries remain as such.
Ecclesiastical State
Persons born in Fabria:
- to a parent holding Fabrian citizenship
- to foundlings
- are stateless
Fabrian citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Fabrian citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Fabrian citizenship not by naturalization
- adhere to Fabrian Catholicism
- secure Grade III classification in the Diocese Status Record
Naturalization conditions
- 10 years continuous legal residence
- continuous residency may be reduced to 3 years for individuals that served in the Ecclesiastical Army of Christ
- continuous residency may be waived for
- individuals that serve in or are active members of any Order Militants
- minor children under the age of 10 adopted by Fabrian citizens
- adhere to Fabrian Catholicism (for at least 4 years at time of application)
- secure Grade I classification in the Diocese Status Record
Template:Country data Fakolana
Persons born in Fakolana who:
- have a parent holding Fakolan citizenship
- are stateless
- are foundlings
- are refugees
Fakolan citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- at least one parent with Fakolan citizenship at time of birth
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Fakolan citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Fakolan citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 6 adopted by a Fakolan national
- 5 years of continuous legal residence of which 2 years must be married
Naturalization conditions
- 6 years continuous legal residence (permanent residency typically granted after 5 years)
- can be reduced to 3 years to
- Persons who have completed post-secondary educational coursework of at least 4 years in a Fakolan university
- Persons who have contributed exceptional skills (civil, scientific, economic, cultural, sports)
- can be reduced to 1 year for citizens of Latium
- holder of permanent residency at the time of application
- Show sufficient knowledge of Fakolana, its culture, language, people and pass an entrance exam or pass Latin Hellenic language competency testing. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Latin is required to gain citizenship. These language requirements are typically required to obtain permanent residency if not already a Belisarian citizen.
Persons born in Garima:
- to a parent holding Gariman citizenship
- to two legal permanent residents of Garima
Gariman citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Gariman citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Gariman citizenship not by naturalization
- 8 years of continuous legal residence or indefinite right to remain (and having no prior immigration restrictions at time of application)
Naturalization conditions
- 12 years continuous legal residence (Permanent residency granted after 6)
- Holder of permanent residency at time of application
- show sufficient knowledge of Garima, its culture, language, people and pass an entrance exam or pass Gariman language competency testing. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Garima is required to gain citizenship. These language requirements are typically required to obtain permanent residency.
Persons born in Garza:
- to a parent holding Garzan citizenship
- are stateless
- are foundlings
- are refugees
Garzan citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Garzan citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Garzan citizenship not by descent
- at least one parent has Garzan citizenship not by naturalization
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Garzan citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Garzan citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 5 adopted by a married couple with Garzan citizenship
- 4 years of continuous legal residence or indefinite right to remain (and having no prior immigration restrictions at time of application)
Naturalization conditions
- 8 years continuous legal residence (permanent residency typically granted after 5 years)
- continuous residency may be reduced to 4 years for individuals that are citizens of BC nations
- continuous residency may be reduced to 4 years for individuals that served in the Garzan Armed Forces
- continuous residency may be reduced to 4 years for individual that contribute exceptional skills (civil, scientific, economic, cultural)
- holder of permanent residency at the time of application
- show sufficient knowledge of Garza, its culture, language, people and pass an entrance exam or pass Garzan language competency testing. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Garzan is required to gain citizenship. These language requirements are typically required to obtain permanent residency if not already a Belisarian citizen.
Persons born in Ghant:
- to a parent holding Ghantish citizenship
Ghantish citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Ghantish citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Ghantish citizenship not by naturalization
- 12 years of continuous legal residence or indefinite right to remain (and having no prior immigration restrictions at time of application)
Naturalization conditions
- 12 years continuous legal residence (Permanent residency granted after 6)
- Holder of permanent residency at time of application
- show sufficient knowledge of Ghant, its culture, language, people and pass an entrance exam or pass Ghantish language competency testing. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Ghantish is required to gain citizenship. These language requirements are typically required to obtain permanent residency.
Persons born in Keuland:
- to a parent holding Keulandic citizenship
Keulandic citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Keulandic citizenship at time of birth
Persons born in Latium:
- to a parent holding Latin citizenship
Latin citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Latin citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Latin citizenship not by descent
- at least one parent has Latin citizenship not by naturalization
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Latin citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Latin citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 5 adopted by a married couple with Latin citizenship
- 4 years of continuous legal residence or indefinite right to remain (and having no prior immigration restrictions at time of application)
Naturalization conditions
- 9 years continuous legal residence (permanent residency typically granted after 5 years)
- continuous residency may be reduced to 3 years for individuals that served in the Latin Armed Forces
- continuous residency may be reduced to 4 years for individual that contribute exceptional skills (civil, scientific, economic, cultural)
- holder of permanent residency at the time of application
- show sufficient knowledge of Latium, its culture, language, people and pass an entrance exam or pass Latin language competency testing. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Latin is required to gain citizenship. These language requirements are typically required to obtain permanent residency if not already a Belisarian citizen, or a Belfrasian citizen or a Fakolanan citizen.
No, unless:
- the foreign citizenship is obtained by birth (binational parents [one Latin, one foreign] or birth in a jus-soli country)
- the foreign citizenship is of a BC country, or Belfras or Fakolana and obtained by naturalization
- the foreign citizenship is obtained by naturalization and permission has been granted by the Home Department
- born in Latium to at least one legal permanent resident and grown up there. The foreign parents born and grown up abroad must not have dual citizenship themselves.
Persons born in Lihnidos:
- to a parent holding Lihnidosi citizenship
- who are foundlings
Lihnidosi citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one individual who holds Lihnidosi citizenship at the time of birth
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Lihnidosi citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Lihnidosi citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minors under the age of 6 adopted by Lihnidosi citizens
- 5 years of continuous legal residency, of which three must be during the marriage
- If the marriage is ended within two years of citizenship being granted, citizenship may be revoked
Naturalization conditions
- 5 years of continuous legal residency (permanent residency typically granted after 4 years)
- Continuous residency may be reduced to 2 years for individuals who serve in the Lihnidosi Armed Forces
- Continuous residency may be reduced to 3 years for individuals who have completed four years of post-secondary education coursework at a Lihnidosi university or who show exceptional skill in a field deemed to be beneficial to Lihnidos
- holder of permanent residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- Must pass an entrance to citizenship exam that covers knowledge of Lihnidosi culture, history, people, and values. Must also show proficiency in either the Hellenic or Latin language, both written and verbal. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Hellenic or Latin is required to gain citizenship. These language requirements are typically required to obtain permanent residency if not already a Belisarian citizen.
- Must not have any felony charges during the entire duration of residency in Lihnidos.
No, unless:
- the foreign citizenship is obtained by birth
- the foreign citizenship is of a BC country and obtained by naturalization
- permission is granted by the Ministry of the Interior
Persons born in the Mutul:
- to a parent holding Mutul citizenship
K'uhun status is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one K'uhun at time of birth
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain K'uhun status by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on K'uhun status by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 9 adopted by a K'uhun
- Marriage does not grant K'uhun status. Only convertion to the Sak Be and swearing obedience to the K'uhul Ajaw can grant it.
Naturalization conditions
- Convertion to the Sak Be faith
No, unless:
- permission is granted by the K'uhul Ajaw
Persons born in Ostmark:
- to a parent holding Osten citizenship
- to two legal permanent residents of Ostmark
- stateless, refugee, or otherwise lacking in other national allegiance.
are considered legal Osten nationals and have rights to legal residency. In order to become a full Osten citizen, a natural-born Osten national must successfully apply for citizenship and pass a National Basic Civics Assessment (NBCA).
Persons who are:
- born to at least one citizen by birth or descent.
- born to two citizens by marriage or naturalization.
- minors under the age of 8 adopted by Osten citizens.
are considered legal permanent residents or Osten nationals. In order to become a full Osten citizen, they must successfully apply for citizenship and pass a National Basic Civics Assessment (NBCA).
- 4 years of legal residency at time of petition for citizenship. Must apply for citizenship and pass a National Basic Civics Assessment (NBCA).
Naturalization Conditions
- 8 years of continuous legal residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- Permanent residency typically granted after 3 years of continuous legal residence.
- Period may be reduced for those with refugee status or those with noteworthy skills which make them a national asset.
- Holder of permanent residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- Must pass an extensive written test regarding rights, responsibilities, and traditions of Osten citizenship, Osten culture, traditions, and heritage (NBCA, see above).
Persons born in Ottonia:
- to a parent holding Ottonian citizenship
- to two legal permanent residents of Ottonia
- stateless, refugee, or otherwise lacking in other national allegiance.
are considered legal Ottonian nationals and have rights to legal residency. In order to become a full Ottonian citizen, a natural-born Ottonian national must successfully apply for citizenship and pass a National Basic Civics Assessment (NBCA).
Persons who are:
- born to at least one citizen by birth or descent.
- born to two citizens by marriage or naturalization.
- minors under the age of 8 adopted by Ottonia citizens.
are considered legal permanent residents or Ottonian nationals. In order to become a full Ottonian citizen, they must successfully apply for citizenship and pass a National Basic Civics Assessment (NBCA).
- 5 years of legal residency at time of petition for citizenship. Must apply for citizenship and pass a National Basic Civics Assessment (NBCA).
Naturalization Conditions
- 10 years of continuous legal residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- Permanent residency typically granted after 3 years of continuous legal residence.
- Period may be reduced for those with refugee status or those with noteworthy skills which make them a national asset.
- Holder of permanent residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- Must pass an extensive written test regarding rights, responsibilities, and traditions of Ottonian citizenship, Ottonian culture, traditions, and heritage (NBCA, see above).
Yes, although restrictions and conditions apply.
- the foreign citizenship is obtained by birth, descent, or marriage. Naturalization in a foreign country without a prior exemption results in the revocation of Ottonian citizenship.
- the foreign citizenship is obtained by naturalization with permission for an exemption from the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Persons born in Seredinia:
- to a parent holding Seredinian citizenship
- to two legal permanent residents of Seredinia
- stateless, refugee, or otherwise lacking in other national allegiance
Seredinian citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Seredinian citizenship at time of birth
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Seredinian citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Seredinian citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 10 adopted by a married or partnered couple with Seredinian citizenship
- 4 years of continuous legal residence or indefinite right to remain (and having no prior immigration restrictions at time of application)
Naturalization conditions
- 8 years continuous legal residence (permanent residency typically granted after 3 years)
- continuous residency may be reduced to 7 years for individuals that are citizens of Angrast Accord nations
- continuous residency may be reduced to 3 years for individuals that served in the Seredinian Armed Forces
- continuous residency may be reduced to 3 years for individuals that contribute exceptional skills (civil, scientific, economic, cultural)
- holder of permanent residency at the time of application
- show sufficient knowledge of Seredinia, its culture, language, people and pass an entrance exam or pass Velik or other national language competency testing. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Velik or other acceptable major languages is required to gain citizenship.
Persons born in Sydalon:
- to a parent holding Sydalene citizenship
- to foundlings
- are stateless
Sydalene citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Sydalene citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Sydalene citizenship not by naturalization
- adhere to Fabrian Catholicism
- 2 years of continuous legal residence
- adhere to Fabrian Catholicism (for at least 1 year at time of application
Naturalization conditions
- 10 years continuous legal residence
- continuous residency may be reduced to 3 years for individuals that served in the Sydalene Defense Forces
- continuous residency may be waived for
- individuals that serve in or are active members of the Order of the Holy Lance
- minor children under the age of 10 adopted by Sydalene citizens
- adhere to Fabrian Catholicism (for at least 4 years at time of application)
- pass an entrance exam
Persons born in Thraysia:
- to a parent holding Sydalene citizenship
- to two permanent legal residents of Thraysia
- to foundlings
- to stateless, refugee, or otherwise lacking in other national allegiance
Thraysian citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Thraysian citizenship at time of birth
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Thraysian citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Thraysian citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 10 adopted by a married or partnered couple with Thraysian citizenship
- 2 years of continuous legal residence
- baptism in the Eastern Orthodox faith
Naturalization conditions
- 6 years continuous legal residence
- continuous residency may be reduced to 2 years for individuals that served in the Thraysian Imperial Forces
- continuous residency may be waived for
- minor children under the age of 10 adopted by Sydalene citizens
- baptism in the Eastern Orthodox faith
- holder of permanent residency at time of petition for citizenship.
- take an oath of citizenship
- literacy in one or more of Thraysia's recognized regional languages
- must pass an exam regarding rights, responsibilities, and traditions of Thraysian citizenship, Thraysian culture, traditions, and heritage
- demonstrate a degree of assimilation into Thraysian culture
Persons born in Vannois:
- to a parent holding Vannoisian citizenship
Vannoisian citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Vannoisian citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Vannoisian citizenship not by descent
- at least one parent has Vannoisian citizenship not by naturalization
- a person naturalizing to a foreign state loses the ability to obtain Vannoisian citizenship by descent (if not already claimed) or to pass on Vannoisian citizenship by descent to his or her children after foreign naturalization
- minor children under the age of 5 adopted by a married couple with Vannoisian citizenship
- 8 years of continuous legal residence or indefinite right to remain (and having no prior immigration restrictions at time of application)
Naturalization conditions
- 10 years continuous legal residence (permanent residency typically granted after 5 years)
- continuous residency may be reduced to 9 years for individuals that are citizens of BC nations
- continuous residency may be reduced to 5 years for individuals that served in the Vannoisian Armed Forces
- continuous residency may be reduced to 5 years for individual that contribute exceptional skills (civil, scientific, economic, cultural)
- holder of permanent residency at the time of application
- show sufficient knowledge of Vannois, its culture, language, people and pass an entrance exam or pass Audonais language competency testing. There are no exemptions granted on the basis of language, and passable knowledge of Audonais is required to gain citizenship. These language requirements are typically required to obtain permanent residency if not already a Belisarian citizen.
No, unless:
- the foreign citizenship is obtained by birth (binational parents [one Vannoisian, one foreign] or birth in a jus-soli country)
- the foreign citizenship is of a BC country
- the foreign citizenship is obtained by naturalization and permission has been granted by the Ministry of the Interior
Persons born in Yisrael:
Yisraeli citizenship is acquired by descent under one of the following conditions:
- born to at least one parent with Yisraeli citizenship at time of birth
- at least one parent has Yisraeli citizenship not by naturalization
- 2 years of continuous legal residence
Naturalization conditions
- 3 years continuous legal residence
- continuous residency may be reduced to 1 year for individuals that served in the Royal Yisraeli Defense Forces
- continuous residency may be waived for
- take an oath of citizenship
- pass an naturalization civics examination