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Brayout (Brajөꞇ)
Years activec. 17th century to present (predecessors circa 900 years earlier)
Genre(s)Board game
Abstract strategy game
Mind sport
Playing timeCasual games usually last 10 to 60 minutes; tournament games last anywhere from about 10 minutes to 6 hours or more, rarely even days.
Random chanceNone
Skill(s) requiredStrategy, tactics

Brayout (Zhoushi: Brajөꞇ, pronounced /braju͡oc/; historical Zhengian pronounciation: /ɓrajwəːɗ/) is a game that developed in Zhousheng and combines multiple aspects of Chess and Shogi



Current setup

BrayoutBorderM.png BrayoutBorderM.png
C BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png F
BrayoutBorder0.png BrayoutFigKB.png BrayoutFigSB.png BrayoutFigBB.png BrayoutFigRC.png BrayoutFigDB.png BrayoutFigBB.png BrayoutFigSB.png BrayoutFigKB.png BrayoutBorder0.png
BrayoutBorder9.png BrayoutFigVB.png BrayoutFigIB.png BrayoutFigIB.png BrayoutFigVB.png BrayoutBorder9.png
BrayoutBorder8.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutFigPB.png BrayoutBorder8.png
BrayoutBorder7.png BrayoutBorder7.png
BrayoutBorder6.png BrayoutBorder6.png
BrayoutBorder5.png BrayoutBorder5.png
BrayoutBorder4.png BrayoutBorder4.png
BrayoutBorder3.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutFigPA.png BrayoutBorder3.png
BrayoutBorder2.png BrayoutFigVA.png BrayoutFigIA.png BrayoutFigIA.png BrayoutFigVA.png BrayoutBorder2.png
BrayoutBorder1.png BrayoutFigKA.png BrayoutFigSA.png BrayoutFigBA.png BrayoutFigRA.png BrayoutFigDA.png BrayoutFigBA.png BrayoutFigSA.png BrayoutFigKA.png BrayoutBorder1.png
P BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png P
BrayoutBorderN.png BrayoutBorderN.png
Figure Code Name Note Movement
Zhoushi Belgorian Common
BrayoutFigPA.png P Pєшag ⲡⲓⲉϣϫ Pawn If the figure reaches the other side of the board, it can be replaced with a capture piece
Black circle.png
Location dot black.svg
BrayoutFigP+A.png Drag ⲇⲣⲁⲕ Dragon Promoted figure from the pawn. Can be exchanged for a captured piece
Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg
BrayoutFigVA.png V Vєʒ ⲯⲉⲇϭ Rook Can be promoted if they reach the enemy zone into a stronghold
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-up.svg
Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-left.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg BrayoutFigVA.png Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-right.svg
Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-down.svg
BrayoutFigV+A.png Tƿrz ⲣⲓⲉⲯⲛⲟⲥⲧ Stronghold
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-up.svg
Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-left.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg BrayoutFigV+A.png Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-right.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-down.svg
BrayoutFigSA.png S Stꝛiλaч ⲥⲧⲣⲓⲉⲗϫ Bishop Can be promoted if they reach the enemy zone into a serviceman
BlackDotDartNW.png BlackDotDartNE.png
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
BlackDotDartSW.png BlackDotDartSE.png
BrayoutFigS+A.png Osadkan ⲕⲩϣⲛⲓⲓⲕ Serviceman
BlackDotDartNW.png BlackDotDartNE.png
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg BrayoutFigS+A.png Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
BlackDotDartSW.png BlackDotDartSE.png
BrayoutFigKA.png K Kөƞ ⲕⲩⲟⲛⲓ Horse Can be promoted if they reach the enemy zone into a knight
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
BrayoutFigK+A.png Ryꞇiꝛ ⲓⲁⲍⲇⲓⲉⲕ Knight
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
BrayoutFigBA.png B Bramojil ⲕⲁⲍⲛⲓⲓⲕ Preacher Can be promoted if they reach the enemy zone into a speaker
BlackDotDartNW.png BlackDotDartNE.png
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
BlackDotDartSW.png BlackDotDartSE.png
BrayoutFigB+A.png Kazaꞇel ⲣⲉⲯⲉⲣⲉⲛⲇ Speaker
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-up.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-left.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg BrayoutFigB+A.png Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-right.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-down.svg
BrayoutFigIA.png I Raƌe ⲣⲁⲇ Advisor If they reach the opposite side of the board, they can be exchanged for any figure regardless of captivity
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
BrayoutFigDA.png D Kralovna ⲕⲣⲁⲗⲟⲯⲛⲁ Queen
BlackDotDartNW.png Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-up.svg BlackDotDartNE.png
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-left.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg BrayoutFigDA.png Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-right.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg
BlackDotDartSW.png Font Awesome 5 solid arrow-circle-down.svg BlackDotDartSE.png
BrayoutFigRA.png R Kral ⲕⲣⲟⲗ King In the case the king is attacked and has no way to avoid that attack, the game ends.
Black circle.png Black circle.png Black circle.png Black circle.png Black circle.png
Black circle.png Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Black circle.png
Black circle.png Location dot black.svg BrayoutFigRA.png Location dot black.svg Black circle.png
Black circle.png Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Location dot black.svg Black circle.png
Black circle.png Black circle.png Black circle.png Black circle.png Black circle.png

First movement of pawns



Palaces are located in the squares E1, E2, F1, F2 (one palace) and E9, Eᚴ, F9, Fᚴ (the other palace). If the king is located in the palace they began in (not the opposing palace), they can do a move called "king's" leap, which allows them to jump two spaces instead of one. That doesn't mean, that kings are not allowed to move in the palace normally, just that they can perform the jump.

BrayoutBorderM.png BrayoutBorderM.png
C BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png F
BrayoutBorder0.png BrayoutBorder0.png
BrayoutBorder9.png BrayoutBorder9.png
BrayoutBorder8.png BrayoutBorder8.png
BrayoutBorder7.png BrayoutBorder7.png
BrayoutBorder6.png BrayoutBorder6.png
BrayoutBorder5.png BrayoutBorder5.png
BrayoutBorder4.png BrayoutBorder4.png
BrayoutBorder3.png BrayoutBorder3.png
BrayoutBorder2.png BrayoutBorder2.png
BrayoutBorder1.png BrayoutBorder1.png
P BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png P
BrayoutBorderN.png BrayoutBorderN.png

This move can be performed unlimited number of times, as long as the king doesn't enter opponent's promotion area. The moment the king enters the opponent's promotion zone, the palace is considered "disbanded" and the king may not perform the move anymore. The king may not perform the jump from outside into the palace, only from inside out.


The promotion of a figure is done by flipping it. The promotion of a figure can (but doesn't have to) be done when the figure enters the opposing player's promotion zone, which are the three last rows of the board.

BrayoutBorderM.png BrayoutBorderM.png
C BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png F
BrayoutBorder0.png BrayoutBorder0.png
BrayoutBorder9.png BrayoutBorder9.png
BrayoutBorder8.png BrayoutBorder8.png
BrayoutBorder7.png BrayoutBorder7.png
BrayoutBorder6.png BrayoutBorder6.png
BrayoutBorder5.png BrayoutBorder5.png
BrayoutBorder4.png BrayoutBorder4.png
BrayoutBorder3.png BrayoutBorder3.png
BrayoutBorder2.png BrayoutBorder2.png
BrayoutBorder1.png BrayoutBorder1.png
P BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png P
BrayoutBorderN.png BrayoutBorderN.png

The promotions are:

King, Queen and Advisor can not be promoted.


Just like in Shogi or Crazyhouse, captured enemy pieces may be introduced as your own piece.

BrayoutBorderM.png BrayoutBorderM.png
C BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png F
BrayoutBorder0.png BrayoutBorder0.png
BrayoutBorder9.png BrayoutBorder9.png
BrayoutBorder8.png BrayoutBorder8.png
BrayoutBorder7.png BrayoutBorder7.png
BrayoutBorder6.png BrayoutBorder6.png
BrayoutBorder5.png BrayoutBorder5.png
BrayoutBorder4.png BrayoutBorder4.png
BrayoutBorder3.png BrayoutBorder3.png
BrayoutBorder2.png BrayoutBorder2.png
BrayoutBorder1.png BrayoutBorder1.png
P BrayoutBorderA.png BrayoutBorderB.png BrayoutBorderC.png BrayoutBorderD.png BrayoutBorderE.png BrayoutBorderF.png BrayoutBorderG.png BrayoutBorderH.png BrayoutBorderI.png BrayoutBorderJ.png P
BrayoutBorderN.png BrayoutBorderN.png

The difference with the above mentioned mechanics, in Brayout, that this system is merged with Chess promotion system. There is a total of 10 captivity slots. Due to obvious reasons, pawns, advisors and a king can not be taken captive, as they can not be used in this mechanic, which leaves 9 figures that can realistically be taken hostage. That leaves unavoidably one space on the captivity line unoccupied.


