LGBT rights (Ajax): Difference between revisions

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|Only married couples have the right to adopt.
|Only married couples have the right to adopt.
|Gender changes are not regarded as valid.
|Gender changes are not regarded as valid.
| {{No}}
| {{No}}
| {{no}}
| {{No}}
| {{No}}
| {{No}}
| {{No}}
|Homosexuality is defined as a mental illness in the People's Republic and thus homosexuals are detained under mental health laws.
|Promotion of a pro-homosexual stance is considered sedition and thus is illegal.
|Mental illness prohibits military service.
|A grey area as the mentally ill are protected by law, but this rarely seems to extend to homosexuals.
|Marriage is a state recognised act between a man and a woman.
|The mentally ill are forbidden to raise children
|Gender changes are not regarded as valid

Revision as of 19:44, 13 May 2019

Country Right to practice same-sex activity Right to freedom of expression Right to serve in military Legal protection against discrimination Legal recognition of same-sex relations Right to adoption Right to change gender
 Allamunnic States Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Never illegal Never illegal Never illegal 1952 (part of comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation covering a number of factors) Antiquity Antiquity 1952 (not explicitly illegal prior, but there was previously no legal mechanism by which it could happen)
 Eagleland Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Legal. Legal. Legal. LGBT persons are fully liable for conscription. Legal. Legal. Legal. Legal for all persons aged 18 and above.
 Ecclesiastical State No No No No No No No
Sodomy is illegal in the Ecclesiastical State, and regularly prosecuted, this is also enforced against heterosexual couples. Laws make homosexuality a public indecency and are illegal. The Ecclesiastical Army of Christ is formed around several major Order Militants, where homosexuality is forbidden. There are no protections regarding sexual orientation. Marriage laws are determined solely by Church law. As such marriage is only recognised as an act between a man and woman, as under the Catechism. Only married couples have the right to adopt. Gender changes are not regarded as valid.
 Ghant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Never criminalized Never criminalized Never criminalized Since antiquity Since antiquity Since antiquity Never, gender changes are not recognized as legally valid
Template:Country data Fakolana Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Legalized by Ducal Decree in 1983 by Grand Duke Caelus V. Legalized 1983. Legalized by the 1986 Rights and Duties in National Defense Act. Protected under a 1993 amendment to the National Rights and Discriminations Act of 1952. Legalized by the National Court verdicts of the 1998 Nullius V. His Majesty's Government, and the 2002 Auspex V. His Majesty's Government. Legalized by the Civil Marriage Act of 2010. Gender changes are not yet regarded as a civil or natural right by any act of law.
 Latium Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Anti-gay laws and sodomy laws were repealed in the 1970s, only to be re-enacted by the Senate in 2014 though never enforced. The 2014 Morality Acts were repealed by Imperial Order in 2018 Never illegal; no laws in place In 2018, an Imperial Order was issued to direct the Senate to pass an act guaranteeing protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation. Marriage in Latium is only legally recognized between a man and a woman. Only married couples have the right to adopt. Gender changes are not regarded as valid.
 Liothidia Yes No Partial Yes No No No
Legalised in 1956 through the Rights of the Citizens Act. Restricted in line with all freedoms of expression Those identified as LGBT are restricted from front-line duty. In 2009, a Central Committee Decree was passed act guaranteeing protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation. Marriage in Liothidia is only legally recognized between a man and a woman. Only married couples have the right to adopt. Gender changes are not regarded as valid.
 Lyncanestria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Criminalised by most Lyncanestrian viceroys during the Cornellian age; then made illegal in 1874 across a unified Lyncanestria with a penalty of forced sterlisation. Forced sterilisation became no longer enforced beginning in the 1990s and the criminalsation of same-sex activity was officially lifted in 2006. The Imperial Constitution grants freedom of speech since 1888; caveats exists, which prevented the open expression of the subject, but this was laid to rest in court 1911 after a book publication. Never illegal. Original discrimination protections were done on the basis of sex, age and race. Protection to classes based on sexual orientation was added in 2006. Civil unions were introduced in 2008 for same-sex couples, which are a legal recognition of same-sex relations, but though hold similar don't hold equal status as actual marriages. The right to adoption for civil unions was granted in 2011. In 2015, the Conservative government retracted civil unions the right of being able to adopt, limiting adoption to married couples thereby excluding same-sex couples from adopting. Sex changed are not considered valid in Lyncanestria, and though citizens may have a surgical sex change abroad their legal sex will remain unchanged.
 Mutul Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial No No
Never illegal. However, a certain social stigma exist, where it is considered "childish" for a man or a woman to keep having homosexuals relationships beyond adolescence. Homosexuals activities are under the jurisdiction of the divinity known as Chin and are freely expressed through his cult, in the same way that heterosexuals activities are under the tutelage of Ix Chak. Never illegal With the recognition of the Cult of Chin, the Divine Throne has put under its protection its priests and practitioners and therefore they are granted the same level of protections as other cults. Two individuals of the same sex cannot marry in the Mutul, as the ritual is performed under the watch of Ix Chel, goddess of fertility and of motherhood. However, the Cult of Chin offer a similar contract, legally recognized by the Divine Throne, that can only be made between a man and a man, or a woman and another woman, and offer the exact same protection as a marriage. An individual can only take one or either of these contracts, not both, as polygamy is illegal. The "Chin marriage" does not allow for the couple to adopt children, which is one of the few differences it has with a "Chel Marriage". gender changes are not regarded as valid. The concept of gender has also yet to reach and influence both the Mutulese society and its body of laws, and as such transexuals are perceived as transvestites, which is generally considered to be the attribute of the Chin Cult's sacred prostitutes.
 Seredinia Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial Partial No
Anti-Sodomy laws repealed in 1973 by the administration of Premier Gavril Apraxin. Freedom of Speech laws covered under the Constitution of 1929. Anti-LGBT service laws repealed in 2000 by the administration of Premier Clément Ouvrier. Anti-discrimination rights laws covered under the Constitution of 1929. Civil unions legalized in Kaselia and the Zolodolina Zone in 1989 by the administration of Posadnik Osip Galperin. While valid in Vannois and other areas of Seredinia, same-sex unions cannot be performed there. Same-sex adoptions legalized in Kaselia and the Zolodolina Zone in 1989 by the administration of Posadnik Osip Galperin. While valid in Vannois and other areas of Seredinia, same-sex unions cannot be performed there. Gender or sex change procedures are illegal under both Vannoisian and Kaselian law, and legal changes have no status under Seredinian law.
 Sydalon No No No No No No No
Sodomy is illegal in Sydalon, and regularly prosecuted. Laws make homosexuality a public indecency and are illegal. Prior to 1989 no laws were in place. In 2010, the doctrine of don't ask, don't tell was implemented. There are no protections regarding sexual orientation. While Sydalon holds no statutory law on this matter, the Constitution uses church law relating to marriages as controlling. Only married couples have the right to adopt. Gender changes are not regarded as valid.
 Tarsas Partial No Partial Partial No No No
Same-sex activity was legalized in 2005 in private settings of the home. Public displays of affection, pride, and expression are banned under the Societal Morality Codes. These codes also ban homosexual clubs, bars, and parties. Gays and lesbians are permitted to serve but transgender individuals are not considered mentally fit to serve. Homosexuals are protected from violence and discrimination in most regards except for employment. Employers posses rights to hire and fire anyone they desire on whatever criteria they deem permissible with the exception of race. Marriage is enshrined in the Laws of Universal Morality as a covenant between one man and one woman. Legal recognition for any other form of marriage involving the same sexes or multiple partners is considered unlawful. Homosexuals are not permitted to adopt children under current adoption laws. Under the Peerage Consort Law of 1532, an unmarried male with no heir that has no immediate family that can inherit may father a child with one willing woman until a suitable heir is produced. This child can live in the father's house provided that the mother does as well. This particular law has been used by nobles of homosexual preference to father children and produce heirs. No such option exists for commoners. Gender dysphoria is considered a mental disorder and is treated as such. Gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments are outlawed under law.
 Yisrael No No No No No No No
Homosexual acts are illegal and carry a prison sentence. Advocacy of gay lifestyle movements is prohibited as a political crime. "Closeted" soldiers who are exposed are dishonorably discharged and given a special legal leniency to denounce their citizenship and be expelled or face a criminal prosecution. Marriage has been defined as a union between man and woman since c. 1000 CE; in reaction to the legalization of rights to gays in neighboring Fakolana, the Royal Knesset passed a statute reaffirming the definition of marriage and increased criminal penalties. Transgenderism is considered a mental illness and the patient is directed to seek psychiatric help.