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Austerian Republic
Official names
of Austeria
Coat of arms
Anthem: Liberty
and largest city
Karthaflag.png Kartha
Official languagesNone (de jure)
Çuk Tethian (de facto)
Recognised national languages
  • Tethian
  • Montsurian
  • Novalian
  • Piraean
Ethnic groups
  • 51.5% Tethian
  • 20.3% Montsurians
  • 12.1% Novalian
  • 7.6% Piraean
  • 5.1% Coian
  • 2.0% Etrurians
  • 1.4% Other
GovernmentFederal presidential directorial republic
• President
Nertilian Bushaj
Alexandru Minovici
History of Austeria
• End of Arciluco rule
7th century
• Apolitan Kingdom
• Independence from Etruria
• First republic
• Second republic
• Third republic
• Total
62,532 km2 (24,144 sq mi)
• 2020 estimate
• Density
182.75/km2 (473.3/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total
$278.2 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
$146.4 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2020)42.4
HDI (2020)0.850
very high
CurrencyFlori (RAF)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+101
ISO 3166 codeAUS

Austeria (Tethian: Austeri), officially the Austerian Republic (Tethian: Republika Austeriak), also known as Galenia, is a sovereign state located in southern Euclea bordered by Etruria to the north and surrounded by the Acheloian Sea to the south and west and the Solarian Sea to the east. Austeria's location at the southernmost point of Euclea and its proximity to Rahelia has contributed to the country's rich history and has shaped a complex national identity. Austeria has a population of 12 million people, which includes the largest Irfanic population in Euclea. The capital and most populous city is Kartha.

Historically, Austeria has been controlled by different civilisations over time, mainly the Piraeans, Solarians, Amathians, and the Etrurians. The first recorded settlements in Austeria were originally inhabited by the Gadishullorian tribes. Several important ancient Piraean colonies were also established on the coast; such as Dassaria which became the predominant Piraean kingdom during the 3rd century BCE. During that time, Irfan arrived by oceanic trade networks from Rahelia beginning its long influence in the region. Local tribes would be in regular conflict with Prassos until the region was conquered by the Solarian Empire in the 2nd century BCE. Under the Solarian Empire and its successor the Empire of Arciluco, the peninsula was a major center for trade from Coius. The Marolevic migration in the 6th century marked the end of direct rule by the Arciluco Empire, which was replaced by many Tethian and Montsurian principalities. During the Iconoclast Wars, the Principality of Senturèn took over the peninsula and established the Apolitan Kingdom. The Apolitan Kingdom clashed with Povelia until they were both were annexed by the Etrurian First Republic during the Etrurian Revolution.

The region briefly gained independence as a league of allied city-states in 1801 before it was reannexed by the restored monarchy of Etruria in 1855. However this brief period of independence sparked a national awakening known as the Austerian Renaissance, beginning a period of cooperation between the Tethians and Montsurians. The rise of the functionalist Greater Solarian Republic, led to the formation of a resistance movement led by Omer Kotta that fought for independence. Following the end of the Solarian War, the modern state of Austeria declared independence in 1946 as an Equalist socialist republic. The new Austerian state was relatively stable until a period of intense ethnic and sectarian violence from the early 1970s to the late-1980s marked by a wave of terrorism, mass killings, and violent clashes. The conflict culminated with the signing of the Yndyk Agreement which ended the one-party state and the establishment of the second Republic in 1988. Austeria was reformed into a council republic, but lingering ethnic and sectarian tensions and the 2005 global financial crisis led to its collapse.

As of the current constitution, Austeria is a federal constitutional republic with a unique system of government. The Presidium of Austeria collectively wields executive and legislative power, although the President remains head of state and government. Full legislative power is vested in the unicameral Senate, led by a Premier, appointed by the Presidency. The country's political history since the end of socialism was largely characterized by additional outbreaks of ethnic and sectarian violence, economic turmoil, and political instability; however since the mid-2010s the country has largely stablized. Nevertheless the country continues to face additional challenges such as corruption, poor diplomatic relations with Etruria and Zorasan, refugee crises, and interference by the security establishment in politics. The Austerian economy is heavily based in the service sector, international trade, and tourism. Austeria is considered one of the most visited countries in Euclea and the world due to its lush beaches and summer resorts. Other major sectors of the economy is agriculture, especially wine production, and beer brewing. The government has a considerable control on the country's economy, holding shares in key-sectors of the economy. Austeria is an active member of the Community of Nations, International Council for Democracy and the International Trade Organisation. The country is currently in the process of joining the Euclean Community.


The two common names for the country, Austeria and Galenia, both originate from the same ancient myth. In the common mythos, Austeria was an island in the Acheloian Sea that drifted around the sea and posed a hazard to seafarers and oceanic life. In frustration Poseidon, the Piraean god of the sea, used his trident to affix Austeria to the Euclean mainland. In ancient Piraean mythology, the action settled the previously rough seas and led to the birth of Galênê, the personification of calm seas. The earliest attestation of this name is by the Piraean poet Argyros, during the 7th century BCE, when he referred to the western coast of Austeria, near the city of Halinos, as “the land of Galênê (Piraean: Γαλανεια).” The same myth appears in Solarian mythology, but instead the region was associated with Auster, the Solarian god of the south wind and one of the Venti (wind-gods). For millennia, Austeria was often the first landmass sailors saw while returning from voyages in the Acheloian Sea. Despite popular belief, the name of Austeria does not directly refer to its southern location but is instead derived from the wind god.

Both names are often used interchangeably, although Austeria is more widely used. Since the Austerian Renaissance, "Galenia" is often used to specifically refer to the coast and coastal islands of Austeria.




Medieval Age

Etrurian rule

Socialist era

Contemporary period


A grove of Austeria Cedar
Highlands of Central Austeria
Mount Kasios in Montesuria
The island of Belbina in Prassos

Located in Southern Euclea, Austeria is a mountainous region at the southernmost point of the Tarantine Peninsula and of the entire Euclean continent. At the southern boundary of the Solarian Sea, its location places it at the distant intersection of Euclea and Coius, particularly Rahelia. The country has a long winding coastline with numerous islands and a shorter land boundary with Etruria.

Austeria possesses a diverse and varied landscape dominated by mountains and hills. About 70% of Austeria consists of this terrain, making it one of the most mountainous in Euclea. Karst topography makes up the majority of Austeria’s mountains and is especially prominent in the central regions. The mountains divide the country into four general regions; the northern region of rugged highlands, the central region of steep mountains and valleys, the west to south region of broad coastal plains, river basins, and rolling hills, and the eastern region consisting of hilly karstic landscapes that form numerous canyons, valleys, and caves. The lowlands are primarily located to the southern and western coasts, which constitute the key economic regions of the country.

The country’s highest point is Mount Notos (Piraean: "Νότία"; Classical Solarian: "Notos"), the mythical refuge of the god Notus, the Piraean god of the south wind, located near the geographic center of the country. The mountain is part of the Vigan Range, which runs from the northwest to the southeast, and is known as the “Spine of Austeria”. Other major mountain ranges include Prokletije to the north, the Ponte Mountains to the southeast, and the Deshat mountains to the southwest. The mountains rise up above an elevated plateau between 750 meters and 1300 meters high.

About 3,000 small islands primarily lie off the western and southern coasts of Austeria, of which a hundred are inhabited. The largest islands are Chérsos and Kyrikon, each of them having an area of around a thousand square kilometers.


Austeria’s climate is primarily Solarian climate, with hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. This climate occurs at the coastal areas of Austeria bordering the Solarian and Acheloian seas. The country’s mountains greatly affect the climate of the country. In the elevated central plateau, the summers are less hot while the temperature usually drops below freezing during the winter. The windward side of the mountain ranges experience significant precipitation and it is common for snow to occur. The highest elevations experience an Aventine climate with heavy snowfall during the winter which remains until early summer.

The mountains causes a large rain shadow in the northern interior, which results in a drier continental climate, and mostly features hot, dry summers, and cold, snowy winters. Higher plateaus with permanent settlements, are high-continental and sometimes subalpine, with frigid, snowy winters, and mild, rainy summers. Near the Etrurian border, the rain shadow recedes and the climate transitions into a humid subtropical climate or a warm-summer humid continental climates in higher elevations.

Environment and biodiversity

The golden jackal is the national animal of Austeria.

Due to Austeria’s southernmost location in Euclea, its diverse geography, and the variety of its habitats, the country is home to vibrant ecosystems not found elsewhere on the continent. The diversity of flora and fauna is thought to be significant despite overexploitation and fragmentation caused by urban expansion, overgrazing, tourism, and warfare. Most of the low-lying regions of the country, particularly the coastal plains, have been developed for agriculture or settlements.

The mountainous forests of central Austeria is the country’s most famous natural landscape, residing around 500-1500 meters above sea level. It consists of conifer forests, broadleaf deciduous forests, and alpine meadows and shrublands at the highest elevations. Notable flora of the region include the national plant, the Austeria pine, as well as the black pine, and Austerian hornbeam. This ecoregion is the only place in Euclea where the caracal resides in the wild, thought to have arrived by human intervention a few thousand years ago.

Austeria is most known for their avian fauna such as the sparrowhawk, eastern imperial eagle, lesser spotted eagle, and the grey heron. In addition, the country is often visited by many different species of migratory birds as they move seasonally between their breeding grounds and their overwintering areas. A part of the mountain forest in Prassos, known as the Evros forest, is a crucial resting spot for migrating birds. Other large mammals that reside in Austeria include the grey wolf, Euclean wildcat, and the golden jackal. Austeria’s aquatic wildlife has declined significantly since the 18th century, but numerous freshwater species still reside in the country’s lakes and rivers. The island’s coastal islands are a haven for numerous marine species, the most famous being the endemic Austerian monk seal which population numbers in the few thousands.

Government and Politics

Austeria, since the founding of the Third Republic in 2006, is a Federal republic founded on the principles established by the Yndyk Agreement. The constitution establishes the Presidium of Austeria as the country’s highest authority, collectively wielding executive and legislative powers. As President, Nertilian Bushaj is head of state and head of government and chairs the Executive Council which functions as the cabinet. The legislature of Austeria is the unicameral Senate of Austeria. The country has an independent judiciary with the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court at its apex.

Political system

The highest government authority is the Presidium, a 21 member executive council vested with significant legislative and executive powers. The members of the Presidium are elected by nationwide proportional representation, with the exception of the President who is elected by a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate . The Presidium collectively oversees the federal government and has broad powers such as proposing or vetoing legislation as well as declaring a state of emergency or state of war. The body is led by the President, who is elected by the Presidium from among its members, as head of state and head of government. The President is also ex officio Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and chairperson of the National Security and Defence Council, although the council as a whole wields this power in peacetime. The Presidium also wields significant reserve and supervisory powers. The President is assisted by the Chairperson of the Presidium, who acts as the vice-executive of the country, who serves to advise and give consent to the President. The Chairperson is not head of government, with its role serving to execute policy, rather than forming it.

The executive Government of Austeria is the Executive Council, which consists of the head of the executive ministries and other officials which functions as the country’s cabinet. It is officially chaired by the President, but is usually led by the Chairperson when the President is absent. Unlike traditional parliamentary systems, the Council serves as an advisory council and to implement decisions made by the executive, instead of collectively deciding and approving policy.

The legislature of Austeria is the Senate, commonly known as Congress. It is a unicameral body composed of 131 Senators of which five seats are guaranteed for the country’s national minorities. The non-minority seats are elected by universal suffrage according to single transferable vote in large multi-member constituencies. The Senate is described by the constitution to be one of two legislative bodies, sharing legislative powers with the Presidium. Nevertheless, the Senate has the final say on all legislation.

Political culture

Since the founding of the Third Republic, Austeria’s political culture has been sharply polarized between three major political camps, the March Bloc, April Bloc and the July Bloc. The March Bloc, led by the Socialist Party of Austeria, favor stronger ties with Valduvia and the Association for International Socialism. The April Bloc, led by the Kuvendi Party, are skeptical of joining the Euclean Community and closer ties with Euclea as a whole, in favor of increasing engagement with northern Coius. The July Bloc, led by the National Republican Party, supports the country’s ascension to the Euclean Community and stronger ties with Eastern Euclea. The majority of political parties in Austeria are loosely representative of a certain ethnic and or religious community instead of ideological principles. Unlike traditional political alliances and coalitions found elsewhere in Euclea, the Blocs are loosely defined political camps who are aligned only by shared ethnic and sectarian interests instead of ideology. As a result, unity within the blocs are nonexistent and cooperation between parties outside of their defining issue are very common.

The current constitution of Austeria is the National Constitution of 1988, which originally established the country as a council republic; however all constitutional references to socialism were removed after the Olive Revolution in 2005. Nevertheless, Austeria retains the majority of its predecessor's political system; which establishes Austeria as a de jure directorial republic with a semi-presidential system based upon the Vauldivan system. In practice, the country has shifted toward de facto presidentialism with power centralized in the Presidium. Observers have largely traced this to three political trends; no clear majorities of parties and blocs in Parliament, the appointment of Premiers based on consensus instead of ideology, and political independents playing a prominent role in government formation. As a result, the Presidium has become the main political authority of the country. Although the Presidium is a multi-member executive, the body’s significantly smaller size and high threshold for entry has created a more cohesive body.

Judiciary and Law enforcement

The judicial system of Austeria is based upon a modified form of the General Code, inherited with major changes from the socialist era. The country maintains a three-tiered hierarchical court system, with the County Courts as the primary trial courts, the Courts of Appeal as the primary appellate courts, and the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court at the apex.

A Road Police car.

The primary law enforcement agency of Austeria is the civilian National Police, which operates throughout the entire country. The agency is the successor to the Militia during the Equalist era, a decentralized agency that disintegrated during the Austerian Conflict. The National Police is subdivided into five branches with specialized units for specific law enforcement roles. The General Police is the general law enforcement agency, especially within urban areas. The Road Police administers road safety and also serves as the main force in the rural areas. The Border Police oversees the crossing of goods and people over the nation’s borders and through the country’s ports and airports. The Force for Armed Response serves as the country’s counter-terrorist and critical incident response unit. The Reserve Force responds to large-scale security operations and other major incidents that overwhelm other units such as natural disasters.

Like Etruria to the north, organized crime and other criminal organizations are active across Austeria, the most notable being the Talax Organisation. They are usually organized through blood ties through families or clans that allows them to maintain their internal cohesion and ability. The crime groups participate in a diverse range of criminal enterprises including racketeering, prostitution, and the trafficking of drugs, weapons, and humans. Following the collapse of the Etrurian mafia after Operation Gladio in 2018, they seized control of a significant portion of the drug trade into Euclea, especially in heroin and cocaine. The National Police have historically struggled with rooting out corruption within its ranks, but recent anti-corruption campaigns have rooted out many elements that have collaborated with the mafia. Alleged collaboration between some mafia families and Zorasani intelligence services have led to the Directorate for State Security taking an active role in cracking down on organized crime.

Foreign relations

President Nertilian Bushaj meets with the Estmerish ambassador.

Austeria is a member of the Community of Nations, Global Institute for Fiscal Affairs, International Council for Democracy and the International Trade Organisation. The country is also a member of the Aurean Forum, which oversees the affairs of the Aurean Straits. It was formerly a member of the Association of Solarian Nations, an organization of countries with ties to the Solarian language and culture, but withdrew in 2018. Austeria was also formerly a member of the Association of Emerging Socialist Economies and its successor the Association for International Socialism, until the country withdrew from the AIS in 2006.

Austeria and Etruria have had difficult relations since ancient times but also significant cultural exchange, with Austeria acting as a gateway between Coius and Etruria. Contemporary perceptions of Etruria, which are largely negative, are still largely defined by Etruria’s colonization of Austeria, especially during the National Solarian era from 1937 to 1946. Relations remained extremely cold after the Solarian War, especially after the beginning of the Western Emergency and the 1960 military coup d'état. The two countries did not have formal relations until 1989 after the Olive Revolution and the reconciliation process that followed. Diplomatic ties improved in the two decades that followed, but Etruria’s denial of war crimes and genocide during the Solarian era significantly hindered deeper ties. Relations worsened after the Tribune Movement’s victory in the 2016 election and further deteriorated after the passing of the 2018 National Dignity Act in Etruria, which banned any mention of historic war crimes in education. Shortly thereafter Austeria withdrew from the Association of Solarian Nations in protest. Nevertheless, Etruria is Austeria’s largest trading partner by volume.

Austeria has held aspirations to join the Euclean Community since the 2000s. However Austeria’s internal issues, especially ethnic tensions and corruption, are significant obstacles to the country’s ascension. As of 2024, the process continues to be stalled since the failure of the 2016 EC referendum in Etruria paused the organization’s southern expansion. Despite this, the EC and Austeria signed a comprehensive trade agreement in 2011 and the organization is Austeria’s second largest trading partner and is a major source of investment and business in the country today.

Austeria and Piraea share close relations since the 1980s, largely due to common animosity with Etruria and the Piraean diaspora in Austeria. Since the end of border restrictions, the Piraean community renewed their ties to their homeland and has led to a cultural renaissance in the Austerian Piraean community. In 1997, the two countries signed a free trade agreement with both countries lowering trade barriers. In 2011, the two countries signed an agreement for cooperation between the militaries of both countries. Austeria recognized Piraea’s claim over Tarpeia until 1994. Today, Piraea is one of Austeria’s largest trading partners by volume, third only to Etruria and the Euclean Community.

Despite the fall of socialism, Austeria’s ties with Valduvia has remained relatively close, albeit with major swings in relations depending on the political party in power. Diplomatic relations were fully restored in 2011 after the Socialist Party won a majority of seats in the Presidency. A year later, the two countries founded the Auster Development Bank, a bank to fund joint projects, and the Auster Forum, an organization to promote further cooperation. Both organizations are part of Valduvia’s efforts to deepen economic ties and promote economic development.

Austeria’s diplomatic ties with Tsabara are the country’s oldest, established shortly after socialist forces in both countries seized power in 1948. Relations were briefly suspended after the fall of the socialist government in Tsabara in 1986 but ties were restored following the fall of Equalism in 1990. Tsabara is a major source of natural gas and a major exporter of manufactured goods to Austeria. Tasabaran relations are also influenced by domestic politics, as Galeneism promotes stronger economic and political ties with Irfanic countries. Austeria opposed Atwan al-Tughluq’s attempts to dismantle the confessionalist system, but openly supported the government during the Tsabaran Civil War. Austeria has provided small arms and ammunition to Tsabara throughout the conflict.

Relations with Zorasan are very negative and the two countries have had no formal ties since 2007. Austeria has historically opposed Zorosani interests, starting when the Equalist government accepted political refugees fleeing the Zorasani Unification and the Sattarist consolidation of power in the 1980s. Today Austeria hosts one of the largest dissident communities in Euclea, which further grew in the aftermath of the Turfan. Relations further deteriorated after the Austerian government accused Zorasani intelligence services of attempting to build an intelligence network in the country by cooperating with the local mafia. The Tsabaran Civil War brought both countries into indirect conflict, with Austeria supporting the government and Zorasan supporting the Irfanic rebel forces, the Supreme Political and Resistance Committee. In 2021, the National Security and Defence Council warned that the Zorasani government had intensified its propaganda efforts against Irfani Austerians and its activities against Zorasani dissidents.

Armed forces and intelligence

Austeria’s military and security is overseen by the National Security and Defence Council, the highest state institution for national security, intelligence, and defence matters. Although the President has ultimate authority as commander-in-chief, the Council wields significant influence over determining security policy. In addition, since the military and the security services report to the Council directly, they are only under indirect civilian control. Its influence is so great that academics consider that it forms a crucial part of a deep state formed by the Austerian security and defence establishment known as Trident.

The Austerian Armed Forces is the military of Austeria, which is divided into three branches; the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Austerian military personnel totals around 327,000 of which 115,000 are active and 212,000 are in reserve. Mandatory military service is generally one year for 19 to 45 year olds. According to the Constitution, the Armed Forces are tasked with protecting the country’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity from both domestic and international threats. The former clause has been used to justify the presence and influence of the military in Austerian society. The mission of the Armed Forces has also expanded during peacetime to include supporting the government during emergency situations such as natural disasters and providing forces for peacekeeping missions.

The General Directorate for Security, commonly known as the Sigurimi, is the primary intelligence and security agency of the country, specializing in counterintelligence, intelligence gathering, and internal security. The Sigurimi is responsible for a broad range of domestic and foreign matters, ranging from investigating organized crime, to monitoring ethnic paramilitaries, to counterterrorism and counterespionage. Despite its broad mandate, the Sigurimi does not have prosecutorial and detention powers, which are left to the National Police. The Sigurimi is part of the wider Austerian intelligence community, which it heads due to its influence on the National Security and Defence Council. The agency has been associated with several controversies due to its central role in Austerian security, the lack of direct civilian control, allegations of various abuses within the country, and its significant role in domestic politics.

Administrative divisions


