Human rights (Ajax)

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This is a list of human rights as written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their realization in various Ajax countries.


Right Country Realised Details
Right to Equality  Allamunnic States Yes All Allamunnic citizens are considered equal before federal law.
 Benaajab No Many legal and social privileges are retained by the aristocracy and the clergy.
 Eagleland Yes The Eaglelander Constitution guarantees that all persons residing or situated in the Eagleland are equal before the law.
 Ghant Yes The Constitution of Ghant guarantees equality before the law, with all rights and freedoms given to all.
 Latium Yes Article 18 of the Modern Constitutional Act guarantees equality before the law, providing rights and freedoms.
 Lyncanestria Yes Right to equality before the law is guaranteed in the Royal Charter.
 Mutul Partially The Constitution of 1828 disbanded the separated courts for the commoners and nobles and allowed for commoners to access superior education. However, the religious caste and the aristocracy still enjoy some form of minor privileges over commoners.
 Tarsas Partially Provided the accused is a Hellenic citizen, they are considered equal before the law. As an aristocrat, you are permitted to request a grand jury of aristocrats. An aristocrat may also invoke the right to have their trial presided over by the Autokrator as a judge.
 Sydalon Partial
 Vannois Yes
Freedom from Discrimination  Allamunnic States Yes Discrimination based on any socio-economic status (age, sex/gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, nationality, social class, income, ability/disability, or religion) is illegal in housing, employment, service, and allocation of benefits. Certain factors (pet ownership, criminal background) can legally be discriminated against for health, safety, or security reasons, according to specific guidelines.
 Benaajab Yes Discrimination on the basis of caste is a particularly enduring problem in Benaajab, but is clearly outlawed in the Civil Rights Act of 1975.
 Eagleland Yes All kinds of discrimination, be it based on disability, age, gender, sex, religion, nationality, or religion is prohiobited - although Eaglelander Nationality is a requirement for employment with the Civil Service, there is otherwise no legal authorisation or justification for discrimination.
 Ghant Yes Discrimination on the basis of ability/disability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation is banned.
 Latium Yes Acts of the Senate, as well as imperial edits, prohibit discrimination on the basis of age, gender, race, nationality or religion.
 Lyncanestria Yes Legislation prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, age, race, orientation, nationality and religion.
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial
 Vannois Yes
Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Partial While the central government has taken steps to protect liberal society, reactionary elements of aristocracy often implement profoundly archaic laws.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Freedom from Slavery  Allamunnic States Yes Slavery and indentured servitude have never been legal in the Federation; the practice was outlawed among the Allamunnic predecessor nations in the late 18th century, prior to unification.
 Benaajab No Slavery remains legal in Benaajab, though there are many protections for bonded laborers.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes Slavery was never legal.
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes The indentured servitude system that had been common in the medieval times was largely gone by the 16th century. Slavery and serfdom has been illegal in Lyncanestria since its independence in 1867.
 Mutul Yes The enslavement of any free man was forbidden by Divine Decree in 1771. Because the status of slave is not inherited per traditional Mutuleses laws, slavery had been effectively eradicated in the Mutul by the following generation.
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment  Allamunnic States Yes Torture and degrading treatment have been illegal for use against Allamunnic nationals since 2001. Their legality against non-nationals, particularly enemy combatants, is ambiguous, although the Allamunnic Federal Defense Service officially maintains that it does not use torture or degrading treatment in intelligence-gathering activities.
 Benaajab Yes Benaajab takes a hard-line stance on torture and degrading treatment as a way to push for humane treatment internationally and to crack down on caste discrimination domestically.
 Eagleland Yes Torture is illegal in the Eagleland and in fact torture during interrogations renders any statements invalid before a court of law.
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Partially
 Lyncanestria Partially Though illegal by statute to implement on Imperial citizens in times of peace, the Lyncanestrian military is known to exploit loopholes in these laws; most notably in the Revolts of 1989.
 Mutul No Torture and corporal punishment are still used by the justice system for some crimes, such as the Wayeb Mark.
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Right to Equality before the Law  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Partial The aristocracy retains certain privileges.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Partial
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Partial The aristocracy have certain privileges before the law that commoners do not enjoy in the court system.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Partial Though every citizen is guaranteed access to normal courts of justice, many individuals still seek out religious law to remedy their disputes. The practice of seeking religious amelioration is protected.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes Writs of attainder have been illegal since 1893.
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial
 Vannois Yes
Right to Fair Public Hearing  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab No While hearings are normally made public after the fact, the judiciary retains the privilege of secret counsels.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes All persons accused of wrongdoing are given the right to a fail and speedy public trial.
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes Guaranteed by the Constitution of 1828
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Right to Free Movement in and out of the Country  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab No Many citizens are constrained by labor contracts that restrict their movement.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial
 Vannois Yes
Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It  Allamunnic States Yes The Allamunnic States permits dual nationality, but denies dual citizenship; a person cannot be a full citizen of another country while still exercising Allamunnic citizenship. However, they may still identify themselves as an Allamunnic national or legal resident.
 Benaajab No Benaajab does not recognize nationality as protected status or promote itself as a national identity.
 Eagleland Partial Eaglelander Nationality can be freely obtained and the Eagleland recognises dual nationalities/citizenships, however Eaglelander Nationality can never be renounced. Instead, it can only be irrevocably and perennially stripped before a court of law for High Treason. Furthermore, courts are also allowed to strip citizenships of persons working in the civil service of other countries, in positions deemed by the Ministry of Public Order, Ministry of National Defence, or Ministry of Finance, as contrary to the Eagleland's interests. Also, the dual citizenship authorisation has a critical exception: with some states hostile to the Eagleland's interests, Eaglelander Nationals may be legally forced to either retain their Eaglelander Nationality or that of the hostile to the Eagleland state.
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Partial
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul No Dual nationality and dual citizenship are not recognized by the Mutulese law. Mutulese nationality is also linked to the practice of the White Path and therefore one cannot change religion without loosing his Mutulese citizenship in the process.
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes
Right to Marriage and Family  Allamunnic States Yes Members of state royal families may have prospective marriages vetoed by the federal government if the union is deemed to be contrary to the interests of the Allamunnic people. However, all private citizens have the right to marry, regardless of sex or gender.
 Benaajab No Many citizens who hold an aristocratic office are forced to surrender their right to or control over marriage and family rearing.
 Eagleland Yes Although marriage is defined as a sacred bond between man and woman, homosexual or transgender couples are authorised to enter into a civil partnership, which is legally equal to marriage.
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Partially Marriage is legally defined as solely between a man and a woman.
 Lyncanestria Partially Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman; though same sex couples may enter into a civil union, legally these two distinctions are not given the same rights and privileges.
 Mutul Yes Even if with technical differences in the rituals, a couple can be formed and be officialy recognized in the Mutul, be it between a man and a woman or same sex. Marriage between a commoner and a noble are allowed, but the agreement of the noble's family is necessary.
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial Marriage is defined as a covenant between one man and one woman.
 Vannois Partially Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. Additionally, a marriage between a noble-class individual and a common-class individual will disinherit the child of that union from any noble inheritance including but not limited to titles, money, and land.
Right to Own Property  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Partial All citizens are allowed to own property, but enduring discrimination against caste-members who make large investments in non-traditional resources can lead abnormal property-owning habits.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Partial Property rights for non-citizens are restricted and forfeiture of property ownership rights is a punishment for certain crimes.
 Vannois Yes
Freedom of Belief and Religion  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab No All citizens are required to declare a faith
 Eagleland Partial Religions classified by the Eaglelander Orthodox Church as heresies are prohibited - this classification, however, must be voted into law by both the Parliament and Senate in a 2/3 majority in each of them.
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul No The White Path is the only religion who's practice is officialy allowed in the Mutul.
 Sydalon Partial Catholicism if the official state faith, though other religion must be recognized by the government to be freely practiced.
 Tarsas Partial The Tarsan Orthodox Church is the primary religion of the nation though there are other religions that can permissibly be practiced.
 Vannois Yes
Freedom of Opinion and Information  Allamunnic States Yes Some standing allowance is made for the abridgement of public information for national security purposes, particularly classified information. However, publicly-available information may be freely exchanged, and Allamunnic nationals and residents are freely permitted to express their opinions, provided those opinions are not used to incite violence.
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Partial The Eaglelander Government reserves the right to censor any and all media outlets that release information about the composition, armament, location, or any other classified information of the Eagleland Armed Forces and of the Eagleland National Intelligence Service, as well as classified information on the Eagleland's law enforcement organisations. No one has any legal entitlement to classified information in these areas, and the possession thereof without proper authorisation and security clearance is a criminal offence. Their publication is considered High Treason and is punished as such. Law 7843/1987 "On Freedom of Information from the Eaglelander Government" actually prohibits the Government from disclosing such information. However, besides this exception, this freedom is guaranteed.
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Partial Limited lèse-majesté laws protect the Emperor from certain press coverage.
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul No All form of medias need the Government approval before being diffused in the Mutul.
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial Certain documents and information can be censored by the government for national security purposes based on a vote of the Information Security Committee of the Synod, though this can be challenged in the courts. Additionally, the monarchy can issue a decree that bars reporting and dissemination of certain information which cannot be challenged or overruled. There are also lèse-majesté laws that protect members of the Imperial Family.
 Vannois Yes Vannois is subject to lèse-majesté laws which protect the Imperial Family from certain press coverage.
Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association  Allamunnic States Yes Large assemblies in public spaces generally require permits from the appropriate municipal organization, but the standards for obtaining one are not particularly strict. Public protest is legal.
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes Eaglelanders have the right to protest freely, without weapons.
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Partial
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial Assemblies are permitted in specific designated areas and venues for most reasons. For assemblies over a specific number, a permit may be required for certain areas. Religious assemblies that are not of the Orthodox Church are limited in number and location, being relegated to approves houses of worship.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections  Allamunnic States Yes The rights to vote and run for public office is reserved for those who have obtained Allamunnic citizenship. Nationals have the right to petition the government and demand some sort of response, and participate in public hearings.
 Benaajab Yes All citizens are guaranteed participation in legislative sortition.
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Partial The Ch'ob delegates are elected by their Batabil's citizens. They are the only free elections of the Mutul and happen only when the K'uhul Ajaw gather the Ch'ob.
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Partial All Hellenic citizens that own a dwelling or at least 1/2 acre of land may vote in Synod elections.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Social Security  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes Hellenic citizens are entitled to partake of any social security offered by the government.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Partial Only specified professions are eligible for unionization
 Eagleland Partial Unionisation is authorised in the private sector as well as in much of the civil service, with the notable exceptions of the Eagleland Armed Forces, all of the Eagleland's national and municipal law enforcement agencies, as well as the Eagleland National Intelligence Service and the judiciary. Creating, organising, or administrating such unions, as well as executing strikes, in these government agencies is prohibited and punished with imprisonment and/or a fine and/or dishonourable discharge.
 Ghant Yes Employers are banned from discriminating against potential employees based on trade union membership and must offer equal compensation for equal work.
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes Nuk Najob act as Trade Unions and are mandatory for all professions.
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial Employers do not have to honor unionization and may fire employees who form unions and strike at will. While unionizing is not a protected right, employees may negotiate and form unions within companies who choose not to or cannot afford to fire large numbers of capable workers as it is not inherently illegal to unionize despite the lack of legal protection for unions.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Rest and Leisure  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes The Ghantish Labor Code mandates 30 days of paid vacation every year and a 40-hour work week with 2.0x overtime pay.
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes A Certain number of religious festivities are national holidays by Mutulese laws.
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes Many religious feasts and holidays are required holidays. Full time employees are entitled to at least one week's paid leisure per calendar year.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Adequate Living Standard  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland No While social security exists and welfare is available on a need-based system, there is not a guaranteed national standard of living.
 Ghant Partially While welfare and social security is plentiful in Ghant, there is not a guaranteed standard of living.
 Latium Partially
 Lyncanestria No While social security exists and welfare is available on a need-based system, there is not a guaranteed federal standard of living; about 8% of the population lives below the national poverty line, though <1% live in extreme poverty.
 Sydalon Partial
 Tarsas Partial Though limited social security exists, there is no legislated standard of living. However, there are legislated national housing and building codes that dictate the condition of rentals and public spaces. Private dwellings are also required to keep an acceptable standard of safety and appearance based on the standard of the area they are located in. Additionally, charities that offer low income housing options for the poor are subject to significant property tax breaks on properties that are apart of the national program.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Education  Allamunnic States Yes Primary and secondary education is free, tertiary education is typically free or available at low cost, provided students follow placements determined by grades and course competencies; deviating from these competencies typically incur financial obligations.
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes Primary and secondary education is free, tertiary education is free except for books and other materials.
 Latium Yes Public primary and secondary schooling are free. Tertiary eduction is not free for citizens, except for in the devolved administration of Hellas.
 Lyncanestria Yes Education is a right as well as a legal requirement until the age of 17. Primary and secondary education is a free public good, though a majority of people pursue higher education, which is a right as well–albeit not free.
 Mutul Yes Education is a legal requirement in the Mutul until the age of 13. Further education depends on scholarship results and the wish of the students.
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes Education is a right and a requirement and is provided as a free service up to higher education, which must be paid for by the student. Many charity scholarships for low income families are also available.
 Vannois Yes
Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community  Allamunnic States Yes
 Benaajab Yes
 Eagleland Yes
 Ghant Yes
 Latium Yes
 Lyncanestria Yes
 Mutul Yes
 Sydalon Yes
 Tarsas Yes
 Vannois Yes