Senate (Montecara)

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il Senàt
Political groups
  •   Trade unions (30)
  •   Industry and commerce (30)
  •   Professions (10)
  •   Trades and crafts (10)
  •   Cooperatives (5)
  •   Outside labor market (3)
  •   Local constituencies (41)
Meeting place

The Senate (Montecaran: il Senàt) is the upper house of the legislature of Montecara. Its members are elected from a combination of social constituencies representing various socioeconomic groups in Montecaran society and local constituencies representing everyone in a limited geographic area.

The Senate considers legislation proposed by the Colegio as well as initiatives made directly by the Popular Assembly, and has the power to approve, reject, or amend its proposals. It cannot initiate legislation, though it can issue its own resolutions which do not carry the force of law. It also elects the Colegio at the beginning of every four-year mandate.

The Senate meets in a purpose-built seat, the Palaço Capitolìn, that was constructed in a baroque style and substantially completed in 1315, with major renovations in the 1550s and 1890s.


The Montecaran Senate in session c. 1650

Montecara's Senate traces its lineage to the ancient Senate of the Solarian Republic, the ultimate source of state authority. As an independent state after the fall of the Solarian Empire, Montecara's leading patrician families constituted their own deliberative assembly to fill the power vacuum that was created when central state authority receded. In time, this body came to be seen as the reconstitution of the original Senate, and it is still regarded as such by Montecaran state.

As it existed from the fall of the Latin Republic through the late 18th century, the Senate was largely an aristocratic body that served the interests of Montecara's ruling class. It was a forum for leading families to smooth out friction created by competing business interests, promote trade, provide for a navy and an army that would defend them and their property, and create laws that kept the plebeians in check. It also performed the crucial function of choosing the Doxe, the head of state of the crowned republic, who ruled for life. Elections of senators were sporadic and perfunctory, with certain families guaranteed that their candidate of choice would be elected by his fellows. Although this system was undemocratic by modern standards, it provided an essential mechanism for preventing the internecine conflicts that plagued other medieval city-states and forced the wealthy to work together to promote their, and the state's, best interests.

The Palaço Capitolìn


According to the Constitution of Montecara, membership in the Senate is apportioned based on a combination of social constituencies representing groups with specific connections to the labor market and local constituencies representing all inhabitants of a given geographic subdivision.

Social constituencies are represented by senators elected by and from a particular electoral body representing that social group. For example, the Montecaran Trade Union Center is responsible for electing 30 senators from among its members.

Local constituencies are represented by senators elected by and from among the citizens of one of eight geographic areas. These areas are intended to form coherent and distinct communities and territories and to ensure broad geographic representation in national decision-making.

Senators are elected to a four-year mandate. There are no term limits.

Social constituencies Jurisdiction Represented group Electoral body Seats
Trade unions Unionized workers Montecaran Trade Union Center 30
Industry and commerce Enterprise ownership/management Montecaran Chamber of Commerce and Industry 15
Small business ownership/management Federation of Montecaran Employers 15
Professions Architects and engineers Montecaran Society of Architects and Engineers 2
Financial professionals Montecaran Society of Financiers 2
Lawyers Barreau Montecarà 2
Medical professionals Medical Society of Montecara 2
Psychologists and social workers Psychological Society of Montecara 2
Trades and crafts Artists and artisans Guild of Artists and Artisans 5
Self-employed trades United Guilds of Montecara 5
Cooperatives Cooperative workers Montecaran Congress of Cooperatives 5
Outside labor market Persons with disabilities LEGA 1
Retirees United Pensioners 1
University students Student Union of the University of Montecara 1
Total social constituencies 88
Local constituencies District Population (2020) Seats
1 74,805 2
2 290,876 7
3 187,803 4
4 84,305 2
5 173,498 4
6 359,040 8
7 278,854 6
8 338,431 8
Total local constituencies 41
Total Senate 129


Senate president Everàrd Torsièl
Bancone of the Senate
Office Incumbent
President Everàrd Torsièl
First Vice-President Metelo Adorno
Second Vice-President Aurelia Corxiòn
First Secretary Olivia Casèl
Second Secretary Albìn io Saco

The Senate is presided over by a council of five officers collectively known as the Bancone. This consists of the president, two vice presidents, and two secretaries. The president is responsible for convening the Senate for regular debate and presiding at its sessions; the vice presidents assist in these functions and preside in the absence of the president. The secretaries are responsible for organizing and reading out documents, maintaining the Senate's calendar and files, and generally attending to day-to-day operations.

Decision-making process

The Senate is unusual among legislatures for operating on the basis of consensus and deliberation rather than majoritarianism. While the Senate does take recorded votes, the preferred method of decision-making in both law and custom is to obtain the general consent of the chamber whenever possible.


Standing committees

  • Committee on State Affairs
  • Committee on Foreign Affairs
  • Committee on Finance
  • Committee on Defense
  • Committee on Security and Police Matters
  • Committee on Trade and Industry
  • Committee on Social Protection
  • Committee on Planning and the Environment
  • Committee on Education and Culture

Special committees

  • Executive Committee
  • General Committee

See also