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Federal Agencies of Morrawia

Revision as of 12:55, 1 February 2023 by VOJTA (talk | contribs)
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Legislative definitions of a federal agency are varied, and even contradictory. The official Morrawian Government Manual offers no definition. While the Administrative Organization Act definition of "agency" applies to most executive branch agencies, Federal Congress may define an agency however it chooses in enabling legislation, and through subsequent litigation. But despite this, the most common definition can simply be organization under either of 3 branches of government, whose purpose is to be an extension of the said government.

The executive branch of the federal government includes the Executive Office of the President of Morrawia, Office of Vice President of Morrawia and federal executive departments (whose secretaries belong to the Cabinet). Employees of the majority of these agencies are considered civil servants.

Federal Congress

Congressional Standard

Federal Congress is a bicameral legislature of the Morrawian government, and is made up of two chambers: Senate of the Republic (the upper chamber), and House of Representatives (The lower chamber). Together, the two chambers exercise authority over the following agencies:

  • Government Investigative Office
  • Government Office for Workplace Rights
  • Government Publishing Office
  • National Library
    • National Copyright Office
    • National Royalty Office
  • Congressional Guard Department
    • Congressional Security Board (part of President Service)

Federal judiciary of Morrawia

Supreme Court Standard

Agencies within the judicial branch:

  • Supreme Review Commission
  • Federal Court Security Service
  • Office of Public Defender
  • Morrawian Prison System Service
  • Trial Services Bureau

Specialty courts

  • Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
  • Court of Appeals for the Minorities and Foreigners
  • Court of Appeals for Federal Employees
  • Court for Federal Claims
  • Court for Tax Claims
  • Court of Morrawia for International Trade
  • Intelligence Court

Executive Office of the President of Morrawia

Presidential Standard
  • National Security Council
  • Council for Legislature
  • Council for Environmental Policy
  • Council for International Cooperation
  • Human Rights Council
  • National Intelligence Council
    • Statistics Council of the President of Morrawia
  • National Monetary and Budget Policy Council
  • Council of Federal Cooperation
  • Trade Advisory Council
  • Economic Advisory Commitee
  • Council for Cyber Security
  • Internal Security Council
  • Office of the Vice President of Morrawia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
    • Department of Intelligence and Research
    • Legislative Office
    • Legal Affairs Office
  • Office of Hostage Affairs
  • Office of Cooperation and Deescalation
  • Office of Human Rights
  • Cyber Coordination Council
  • Office of Regional Development and Cooperation
  • Office of the Special Representative for Vedoti Pact
  • Office of the Special Representative for World Assembly
  • Office of the Special Representative for the Hylian Republic
  • Council for the Research and Study of Totalitarian Regimes
  • Policy Planning Board
  • Office of Special Foreign Assistance
  • Allied Cooperation Effort Council
  • Office of Counterterorrism
  • Bureau of Embassy and Consulate Cooperation

Specialty departments

  • Bureau for Caleren
  • Bureau for Thuadia
  • Bureau for Thrismari
  • Bureau for Caliandia
  • Bureau for Hiraethia
  • Bureau for Olivacia
  • Bureau for Meredonne

Ministry of Energy

Ministry of Energy Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Energy
  • Office of Science and Research
  • Nuclear Safety Council
  • Office of Planning Policy
  • Office of Cybersecurity
  • Emergency Response Council
  • Office of Electricity
  • Bureau of New Energy
  • Office of Environment
  • Federal Regulatory Administration
  • Provincial Regulatory Board
  • Federal Energy Bureau
    • Great Western Energy Board
    • Central Morrawian Energy Board
    • Turynia Peninsula Energy Board
    • Southern Morrawian Energy Board
    • Shoomoshi Islands Energy Board
  • Federal Oil & Gas Company
  • Department of Economic Impact
  • Grid Malfunction Council
  • Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Council for Financial Policy

Ministry of Treasury

Ministry of Treasury Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Treasury
    • Legislative Office
  • Office of Domestic Finances
    • Provincial Funds Council
    • Federal Funds Council
  • Office of International Finances
  • Office of Financial Research
  • Emergency Fund Council
  • Ordinary Fund Council
  • Office of Economic Policy
  • Council of International Affairs
    • Department of Foreign Investment in Morrawia
    • Department of International Investments
  • Office of Tax Policy
  • Financial Intelligence Council
    • Office of Intelligence and Analysis
    • Council for Counterterrorism
  • Office of Federal Treasurer


  • Federal Revenue Service
  • Financial Enforcement Department
  • Federal Banking Comptroller Agency
  • Federal Social Security Administration
  • National Mint of Morrawia
  • Vice Department

Ministry of Defense

Ministry of Defense Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Defense
  • Office of Policy
  • Office of Reasearch, Development and Engineering
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Personnel
  • Office of Intelligence and Security
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Professional Assesment Council

Defense agencies

  • Defense Research Agency
  • Defense Administrative Bureau
  • General Defense Bureau
  • Department of Strategic Services
  • Nuclear Security Administration

National intelligence agencies

  • Military Defense Agency
  • Central Security Agency

Unified combatant commands

  • Morrawian Calerenian Command
  • Morrawian Thuadian Command
  • Morrawian Thrismarian Command
  • Morrawian Proximity Command
  • Morrawian Caliandian Command
  • Morrawian Hiraethian Command
  • Morrawian Olivacian Command
  • Morrawian Northern Meredonne Command
  • Morrawian Southern Meredonne Command
  • Morrawian Homeland Command
  • Morrawian Space Command
  • Morrawian Special Operations Command
  • Morrawian Strategic Command
  • Morrawian Cyber Command
  • Morrawian Supporting Command

Joint agencies

  • Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • National Guard Bureau

Defense Departments

Department of the Army

  • Office of the Secretary of the Army
    • Office of Chief of Staff of the Army
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Logistics and Management
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Personnel Affairs
  • Office of Infrastructure and Development
Army direct reporting units
  • Medical Department of Army
  • Army Intelligence Command
  • Army Legal Services Department
  • Army Analysis Council
  • Marketing Division of The Army
  • Army Corrections Command

Department of the Navy

  • Office of the Secretary of the Navy
    • Office of Chief of Staff of the Navy
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Logistics and Management
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Personnel Affairs
  • Office of Naval Operations
Navy functional operating forces
  • Navy Force Reserve
  • Bureau of Medicine
  • Bureau Air and Sea Systems
  • Naval Supply Systems Command
  • Naval Intelligence Agency
  • Office of Naval International Programs

Department of the Air Force

  • Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
    • Chief of Staff of the Air Force
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Logistics and Management
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Personnel Affairs
  • Office of Science and Development
  • Office of Chief Surgeon of the Air Force

Department of Coast Guard

  • Office of the Secretary of Coast Guard
    • Office of Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Logistics and Management
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Personnel Affairs
  • Coast Guard Intelligence
  • Coast Guard Reserve
  • Coast Guard Research and Development Council

Department of the Marines

  • Office of the Secretary of the Marines
    • Office of Chief of Staff of the Marines
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Logistics and Management
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Personnel Affairs
  • Marines Combat Development Command
  • Marines Intelligence Council
  • Marines Recruiting Command
  • Marines Forces Command
  • Marines Reserve
  • Marines Special Security Bureau
  • Marines Special Operations Command

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice Logo
  • Office of the Attorney General
  • Office of the Solicitor General
  • Antitrust Bureau
  • Civil Affairs Agency
  • Federal Law Council
  • Environmental Resources Department
  • Asset Management Division
  • National Security Division
  • National Abuse Prevention Agency
  • Tax Office of the Ministry of Justice
  • Federal Weapon Regulatory Board
  • Special Tax Evasion Office
  • International Cooperation Council
  • International Court Cooperation Council
  • Federal Prisons Authority
    • Federal Prisons Management Council
    • Federal Prisons Policy Council
  • Community Relations Office
  • Federal Bureau of Narcotics
    • Office of Intelligence
  • President Service of Morrawia
  • Federal Investigation Bureau
    • Intelligence Branch
    • FIB Academy
    • National Security Branch
      • Counterterorrism Division
    • Criminal Services Branch
      • Critical Response Unit
      • National Centre for Violent Crimes
      • Strategic Office
      • Crisis Negotiation Unit
      • Human Analysis Division
    • Science and Technology Branch
      • FIB Laboratory
    • Information and Technology Branch
    • Human Resources Branch
  • Foreign Claims Division
  • Office of Legal Policy
  • Office of Justice Programs
    • National Institute of Justice
    • National Crime Victim Register
    • Office of Sexual Crimes
      • Office for Management of Sex Offenders
  • Office of Morrawian Attorneys
  • Office of Pardon Attorney
  • Morrawian Parole Commission
  • Office of Information Policy
  • Office of Legislative Affairs
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Human Rights
    • Office of Ombudsman
  • Office of Responsibility
  • Office of Native Justice

Ministry of Immigration & Border Affairs

Ministry of Immigration & Border Affairs Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Immigration & Border Affairs
  • Office of Legislative Affairs
  • Office of Ombudsman for Foreign Nationals
  • Office of Civil Rights
  • Office of Cooperation
  • Office of Public Relations
  • Office of Emergency Management
  • Office of Border Response
  • Bureau of Immigration & Citizenship
    • Board of Appeals for Immigration
    • Office of Immigration Statistics
    • Immigration Office Cooperation
    • Citizenship Board of Appeals
    • Citizenship Council of Morrawia
  • Border Protection and Customs Enforcement Bureau
    • Border Patrol of Morrawia
    • Office of Field Operations
    • Amphibious Operations Office
    • Operations for Removal and Enforcement of Customs
    • Bureau of Border Investigations

Ministry of Commerce

Ministry of Commerce Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Commerce
  • Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Office of Strategic Planning
  • Office of Sustainable Development
  • Office of Setting Policy
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Secure Transportation
  • Economic Development Bureau
  • Council for Technical Information
  • Council of Telecommunications

Specialty departments

  • Department of Export Policy
    • Office of Strategic Decisions
    • Office of Treaty Compliance
    • Ofice of Economic and National Security
    • Office of Export Enforcement
  • Bureau of Economic Analysis
  • Census Bureau of Morrawia
  • Patent Trial and Appeal Board
  • Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

Ministry of the Interior

Ministry of the Interior Logo
  • Office of the Minister of the Interior
  • Office of Science
  • Office of Civil Rights
  • Office of Regional Development
  • Office of Management and Administration
  • Office of Public Affairs and Communication
  • Office of Public Services
    • Council of Emergency Services
    • Council of Public Funds
  • Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Office of Emergency Management
    • Council for Natural Disasters
    • Council for Civil Unrest
    • Council for Foreign Intervention
    • Special Emergency Council
  • Morrawian Bureau of Rangers
  • Bureau of Native Affairs
    • Council for Native Education
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Office of Interior Intelligence
  • Office of Land Management
  • Office of Water Management

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health Logo
  • Office of the Ministry of Health
  • Office of Financial Resources
  • Office of Legislation
  • Office of Planning
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Public Health
  • Office of Response
  • Office of Global Affairs

Specialty institutions

  • National Healthcare Bureau
    • Federal Healthcare Fund
    • Emergency Insurance Council
    • Council for Children and Families
    • Office of Native Affairs
    • Administration for Disabilities
    • Governmental Oversight Board
    • Office of Insurance Appeals
    • Child Care Office
      • Office of Child Support Enforcement
  • Bureau of Children´s Services
    • Department of Pregnancy Services
  • Bureau of Family Services
  • National Healthcare Program for Non-Citizens
  • Bureau of Disease Control
    • Centre for Global Coordination
    • Emergency Council for Disease Control
    • Advisory Council on Health
  • Federal Agency for Drug Research
  • National Bureau for Food and Drugs
  • Native Healthcare Council
  • National Research Institute
  • Scientific Review Office
  • Substance Abuse Agency
  • Public Health Service

Ministry of Labour & Industry

Ministry of Labour & Industry Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Labour & Industry
  • Office of Public Defender of Employees
  • Federal Ombudsman Bureau
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Emergency Management
  • Office of Federal Contracts
  • Labour Regulatory Board
  • International Companies Regulatory Board
  • Office of Labour Standards
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office of Disability Policy
  • Board of Appeals for Employees

Specialty departments

  • Federal Labour Bureau
  • Workers Protection Agency
  • Financial Benefits Board
  • Safety Enforcement Agency
  • Benefits Review Board
  • Bureau of International Labor Affairs
  • Payment Enforcement Bureau

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Education
  • Office of Communication and Public Relations
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Civil Rights
  • Office of Technology
  • Office of Development
  • Department of Appeals
  • Budget Council of the Ministry of Education
  • Emergency Council

Specialty offices

  • Office of Pre-School and Elementary Education
  • Office of Secondary and Higher Education
  • Office of Special Needs

Specialty institutions

  • Equal Education Enforcement Agency
  • National Centre for Research and Statistics
  • Federal Educational Board
    • National Curriculum Board
    • Council for Provincial Cooperation
    • Council for Federal Cooperation
    • Bureau of School Psychiatric Services
  • School Services Authority
  • National Accreditation Bureau

Ministry of Transportation

Ministry of Transportation Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Transportation
  • Office of Finances
  • Office of Information
  • Office for Governmental Affairs
  • Office of Hearings and Complaints
  • Office of Intelligence and Security
  • Emergency Response Council
  • Office of Research and Technology
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Office for Policy

Specialty departments

  • Federal Aviation Bureau
  • Federal Roads and Highways Agency
  • National Railways Administration
  • Federal Transit Administration
  • Maritime Administration
  • Federal Safety & License Bureau
  • Federal Safety Bureau for Railroads
  • Federal Regulatory Board for Railroads
  • Pipeline Regulatory Council

Ministry of the Environment

Ministry of the Environment Logo
  • Office of the Minister of the Environment
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Emergency Environmental Agency
  • Provincial Coordination Board
  • International Board of Coordination
  • Bureau of Reclamation
  • Bureau of Land and Water Projects
    • National Dam Council
  • Fish and Wildlife Service
    • National System for Wildlife
    • Endangered Species Program
  • National Park Service
  • Federal Ocean Service
    • Bureau of Ocean Management
  • Federal Weather Bureau
    • Public Branch
    • Federal Branch
    • Research Branch
  • Bureau of Native Environmental Affairs
  • Federal Authority for Environment
  • Morrawian Geological Service
  • Bureau of Water Services

Ministry of National Heritage

Ministry of National Heritage Logo
  • Office of the Minister of National Heritage
  • Office of Arts
    • Council for Paintings and Statues
    • Council for Buildings and Monuments
    • Council for Environmental Heritage
    • Council for Filmography and Photography
    • Council for Historical Knowledge
  • Office of Cultural and Educational Activities
  • Office of Religious Heritage
  • Office of Public Relations
  • National Heritage Bureau
    • Office of Preservation
    • Office of Economic Activity
    • Office of Religious Heritage
    • Regional Heritage and Languages Office
    • Lost Heritage Research Council
  • National Heritage Library
  • National Heritage Fund
  • Federal Native Heritage Bureau
    • Native Heritage Fund
  • Emergency Fund Council

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Agriculture Logo
  • Office of the Minister of Agriculture
  • Office of Native Relations
  • Department of Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture
    • Office of Complaints and Appeals
    • Office of Human Resources
    • Office of Property and Environmental Management
    • Safety and Protection Council
  • Building and Facilities Management
  • Dangerous Material Management
  • Office of Finances

Specialty departments

  • Farmers Administration
  • Emergency Situations Council
  • Federal Insurance Program for Agriculture
  • Food & Nutrition Service
  • Food Safety Inspection Bureau
  • Agricultural and Economic Research Bureau
  • Office of Chief Scientist
  • Council for Rural Development
  • Agricultural Service of Foreign Affairs

Independent Agencies

Federal and public institutions

  • Federal Election Commission
  • Election Assistance Commission
  • National Archives of Morrawia
  • Document Declassification Board
  • Conflict of Interest Prevention Office
  • Federal Trade Agency
  • Morrawian International Trade Commission
  • Federal Communications Bureau
  • Morrawian Broadcasting Corporation
  • Morrawian News Agency
  • Morrawian Radio
  • National Academy of Sciences
  • Press Bureau of Morrawia
  • Federal Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • National Science Board
  • Morrawian Polar Program
  • Morrawian Marine Program
  • Oil & Gas Regulatory Board
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • Federal Labour Relations Authority
  • Heavy Industry Safety and Health Review Commission
  • Federal Bank of Morrawia
  • Exchange Manipulation Prevention Council
  • National Statistics Bureau
  • Morrawian Post
    • Morrawian Post Security Service
  • Morrawian Medical Association
  • Morrawian Philaletic Bureau
    • Morrawian Stamp Printing Services
  • Federal Retirement Board
  • Public Retirement Board

Defense and security agencies

  • Federal Bureau of Internal Affairs
  • Foreign Intelligence Agency
  • Office of the Director of National Security
    • National Intelligence Board