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United Kingdom of Triary and Saek
Flag of Triame
Motto: “Uni'ag tsa roi”
United by our king.
Anthem: "The rose of the glory"
Royal anthem: "God bless the king"
LocationNorthwestern Olivacia, east of the Sunadic Ocean
Official languagesTriamian
Ethnic groups
82% White, 11% Asian, 7% Other
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary semi-constitutional one-party monarchy
House of Royal-elected
House of the People
• Duchy of Triary
• Union with the County of Saek
• Absolute Monarchy of Triame
• First Civil War
1489 - 1491
• Grand-Duchy of Triame
• Second Civil War
1783 - 1795
• Republic of Triary
• Revolution of the Royals
• United Kingdom of Triary
• Constitution of the Royal Kingdom
• Prohibition of Serfdom
• "Triamian Economic Miracle"
1956 - 1979
• Military Dictatorship
1985 - 1990
• Return of the monarchy and creation of a new constitution
• 2022 estimate
Increase2.svg 96,203,982
• 2022 census
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total
Increase2.svg 5.411 Trillion ACU (not ranked)
• Per capita
Increase2.svg 56,244 ACU (not ranked)
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
Increase2.svg 3.404 Trillion ACU (not ranked)
• Per capita
Increase2.svg 35,388.29 ACU (not ranked)
Gini (2022)37.5
medium (not ranked)
HDI (2022)Increase 0.919
very high (not ranked)
CurrencyDitrio (₯) (TRI)
Time zoneUTC-6
Date formatdd/mm/yy
Driving sideright
Calling code+130

Triame, officialy the United Kingdom of Triary and Saek (Triamian: Roiamo Uni'de Triaria'et Saek) is a country in northwestern Olivacia. Triame covers a land area of TBA2 , with a population of 96,203,982 inhabitants, ammounting to a population densitsy of TBA inhabitants per km2 , it is one medium-high populated nation in Anteria, and one of the largest christian majority country, with over 79% of the population identifying as christian. The majority of the population (about 52%) live in the northern part of the country.

Triame is a unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional one-party monarchy, with a parliament divided in the House of Royal-elected and the House of the People. It has TBA provinces, that have certain administrative powers granted by the central government. Triame's capital, Riosar, is the largest city in the country and among the largest in Olivacia. Triame shares land borders with Sukong in the south, and Riamo in the north.





Biodiversity and conservation


Government and politics


Filipo X, King of the United Kingdom of Triary and Saek.
Eleni Morice, Prime Minister of the country.

Triame is a unitary semi-constitutional one-party parliamentary monarchy, as established in the 1992 Constitution. The king serves as head of state and the armed forces, and can elect half of the members of the upper house of parliament. In addition, he is also in charge of giving final approval to the laws (although in practice he is obliged to do so) and has complete inviolability before justice. The only legal party in the entire country is the Monarchist-Democratic Party. The seat of government, the party headquarters and the residence of the monarch are located in Riosar, the nation's capital.

The government is divided into three branches:

The legislative branch consists of the National Parliament, which is divided into two chambers: the House of Royal-elected and the House of the People. The House of Royal-elected is the upper house, and has 120 seats. 60 of them are chosen by nomination by the king, and the rest are chosen by vote among all members of the Monarchist-Democratic Party. This legislative chamber is in charge of approving or not approving the laws coming from the lower house. The House of the People is the lower house, and has 300 seats. The members are elected by vote among all affiliates of the Monarchist-Democratic Party, and any person who is affiliated with it can stand in these elections. The House of the People is responsible for electing the Prime Minister and the National Party Leader. It is also responsible for approving budgets, laws,... It is common that, although all members of parliament are from the same political party, there are different differentiated ideological branches that organize to propose specific laws.

The executive branch consists of the king and the prime minister. The prime minister has the ability to appoint his advisors and his ministers, who would also be within the executive branch. These are responsible for enforcing and applying the laws passed in parliament, and can promulgate so-called "executive regulations." These are temporary laws, which are valid for a maximum of 4 years and can be enacted in extraordinary situations (wars, mass protests, pandemics,...). All executive regulations must have the approval of the king.

The judicial branch consists (in order of rank) of the Supreme National Court, Regional Administrative Courts and local courts. The courts are responsible for interpreting the laws enacted as set out in the constitution, and judging those who do not comply with them. The judiciary is strongly linked to the executive, and the 19 members of the Supreme National Court are chosen by nomination by the Prime Minister, the president of the Monarchist-Democratic Party and the king. The rest of the members of lower courts are elected by the judges of the Supreme National Court.


Financial district of Riosar, the capital city of Triame.

Triame's economy is a mixed capitalist economy, with abundant natural resources and developed infrastructure. It is a high-income developed country with a GDP per capita superior to $35,000, making it one of the richest countries regionally. The service sector is the one that contributes most of the annual GDP, representing 72% of the total. The richest region in the entire country is the capital Riosar, representing 26% of the total GDP and having a GDP per capita of approximately $82,000. Triame is an economy with very little state intervention, and the government only regulates strategic sectors such as telecommunications, energy, defense, health or education to guarantee social well-being.

The Triamian economy is one of the most open in Anteria, with extensive internationalization in its financial products, services, etc. Being an export-oriented economy, it has a positive balance of payments with respect to the rest of the world. Its companies stand out in some very important fields, such as banking, insurance, the pharmaceutical industry or the energy industry. More than 85% of the country's workers are salaried, and of these, 15 out of every 100 are employed in the public sector. The remaining 15% is made up of self-employed workers and business owners (the majority being small and medium-sized). The industrial sector is the one with the highest average salary, offsetting agriculture and livestock farming, which usually have lower salaries. Some problems present in the economy are the underground economy and relatively high levels of inequality, but these have been improving in the last 15 years.

The beginnings of Triame's industrialization were late and scarce, the process beginning in the mid-19th century. Most of the industry was concentrated in a few regions in the north of the country (including the capital), giving rise to significant economic inequalities between regions. At first, the food, naval and metallurgical industries stood out. A series of development plans aimed at the export of cheap products that began in the 1960s allowed the economy to expand, transitioning from a mainly agrarian economy to a more industrialized one, and become one of the countries with the highest economic growth rate of the world. This growth was consolidated in the 1970s, in which the welfare state slowly began to consolidate; gradually improving the quality of life of the population. At the end of the 80s, a trend towards the outsourcing of the economy began to be noticed, going from being an industrial economy to one based mainly on services. In these years, the country's banking and insurance companies had a rapid growth, consolidating their important role in the economy. In the late 90s there was an economic crisis, caused by a real estate bubble. Unemployment levels skyrocketed and economic growth was negative. This crisis would be considered overcome at the end of the 2000s, thanks to economic investment measures, fiscal control and a certain austerity. During the 2010s, positive economic growth was consolidated again; driven mainly by the tourism and banking sectors.

Triame is one of the main exporters of certain goods, highlighting pharmaceutical products, refined oil, coal, heavy vehicles and uranium.


Triame has abundant reserves of oil, coal, uranium, iron, copper and aluminum. There are also some smaller reserves of natural gas, gold, diorite, shale or diamond. Mining is a sector that has traditionally been important in the country, although its weight in the country's economy has gradually decreased, currently representing 7.5% of GDP.

Agriculture is also a strategic sector for the country, being of special importance in the south of the country where most of the crops are concentrated. The cultivation of bananas, mango, dates, coconuts, corn, wheat or barley stands out. Livestock farming is centered in the center of the country, being one of the main producers of beef and pork in Eastern Anteria. Fishing is centered in the southeast of the country, highlighting mackerel, octopus, squid, shrimp and prawns.


Triame's infrastructure is extensive, with a large network of roads, railways, air routes and ports. It has one of the largest highway networks in the world, and being present in practically the entire territory. Most are toll roads, and are owned by private companies that have a concession with the Ministry of Infrastructure. The railway network is also quite large, and is mainly used for freight transport (although there are some high-speed trains in the north of the country, and some passenger trains between some cities). For intercity transport, the most popular means of transport are (in order of importance) the car, the plane, the bus and the train, although there are great variations within the country.

Urban transport is based on an extensive network of urban highways, ring roads and public transport. In large cities, it is common for have a metro, light rail or extensive suburban train system; especially in the north of the country where public transportation is much more developed. In small and medium-sized cities, public transport is usually based on a bus network, and cars are used more frequently.









Triame's health system is public and universal for all its citizens, following a Beveridge model. Hospitals within public healthcare are owned by the government, or managed by a private insurer that has a contract with the Ministry of Health. In 2023, the Ministry of Health spent 8.1% of its GDP on health, representing 2,863.56 ACU per person.

All people under 16 years of age or in poverty receive completely free health care, having a national health card that allows them to access these services. The rest of the patients who are not in any of these situations must pay co-payments, ranging from 20 ACU to a maximum of 500. At the end of each month, a portion of the cost is reimbursed depending on the patient's monthly income, number of dependents, and expenses incurred. On average, approximately 65% of the total costs are reimbursed, although this can vary greatly depending on the treatment. For example, a visit to the GP may have absolutely no reimbursement in certain cases, while a surgery typically has reimbursement rates above 80%.

The expense that is not paid by the Ministry of Health can be reduced by contracting private insurance, something quite common among the population. These can also cover aspects that are not included in public health, such as the dentist, the eye doctor, and aesthetic medicine. It is also commonly used to go to private hospitals, where waiting lists are usually shorter and care is more immediate. According to a survey conducted in 2023, approximately 76% of the population has private insurance.

Triame has a wide network of hospitals, medical centers and outpatient clinics, both public and private, which are distributed throughout the territory. Health care is of good quality, with updated technological equipment and highly trained staff. The biggest complaints among users tend to be the waiting lists in public healthcare and the high co-payments present in the system despite being public (representing 1,897 ACU per year per person on average). Despite these problems, the country has one of the highest life expectancies in the world (standing at 81 years for men and 86 years for women).











See also


External links