Trident State-Owned Organization's
The Trident Union owns multiple companies and organizations, including government-controlled, government-funded, government departments, and other government owned organizations.
Government Departments
A Trident Government Department is a declared department of the Trident government, which helps operate the Trident Union as a nation. These departments operate in the Capital Tower at Pinal City. They are all controlled by the Prime Minister, who appoints their minister's. These department's manage their area of expertise except for major decisions, in which they take approval from the prime minister.
Trident Department of Foreign Relations
The Trident Department of Foreign Relations is a major department of the Trident Union which manages, operates, and controls the foreign relations of the Trident Union. It also advises the president on relations. The Department is managed by Minister Jake Lopimfo, and was appointed by President Kintomz in 1998. It operates in Suite 07 in the Trident Capital Tower's eleventh floor. The Department of Foreign Relations was one of the first department's to be created by Mathew Milgorn during the revolution. In the Trident Constitution, it was declared and defined as "the manager of the official foreign relations for this Union." At first, the department as very quiet, due to the isolationist manner of the early presidents. However, in Jeanne Milgorn's term, she expanded the department and began opening up foreign relations. Now, it is an active department which maintains relations. It conducts multiple communications with other nations, and advises the President on major decisions.
Trident Department of Utilities
The Trident Department of Utilities manages and operates all utilities for all counties of the Trident Union.