Mascyllary Army

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Mascyllary Army
Mascyllary Army logo.png
Emblem of the Reichsheer administration
Founded19 April 1796; 224 years ago
Country Mascylla
RoleLand warfare
Size62,270 (December 2019)
40 aircraft
19,600 reserve personnel
Part ofReichswehr
Motto(s)Schützen und wahren. ("Protect and preserve.")
Colors  blue
Minister of Defence of the RealmRüdiger Meißert
Ceremonial chiefWilhelm Brünar
Colonel of
the Regiment
General Ulrich Nielsen
General Markus Schmidt
Generalleutnant Christoph Tichert
Obermajor Eberhard Schlag
War flagWar flag Mascylla.png
Ceremonial flagCeremonial flag Mascyllary Army.png

The Mascyllary Army (Hesurian: Maskillisches Reichsheer, lit. 'imperial army', Hesurian pronunciation: [ˈʁaɪçsˌveːɐ̯]) is the army and branch for land warfare of the Reichswehr of Mascylla. The commander of the Army is General Ulrich Nielsen, and is supervised by the Chief of Defences and Feldmarschall Wilhelm Brünar, Minister of Defence of the Realm Rüdiger Meißert and Prime Minister Thomas Falkner. As of 2020, the branch had a strength of 62,270 active soldiers and 19,600 reserve personnel, 40 aircraft, operated fiveteen army bases, and maintained presence at three other military installation. Its size makes it the second-largest army within the Erdaran Union. The Mascyllary Army was founded in 1796 as part of the military of the Mascyllary Kingdom following its foundation. It has been since then the contination of the country's land military.

The Army's mission is to support the objectives of the Reichswehr and the Ministry of Defence at large: "to protect the integrity and safety of Mascylla and to promote, sustain, and support peace and security internationally." In comparison to its other branches, it receives sufficient funding and is equiped with more modern technology, though it is usually behind the Air Force in terms of modernness and readyness. Though it is specifally for land-based affairs, the other branches of military also maintain land power suited for their maritime, lettoral and land environments respectively. The Army also maintains a small fletilla of aircraft for reconaissance and rescue operations.

Structure and organisation

The Mascyllary Army is de facto administered by the Mascyllary Ministry of Defence and thus its executive minister, but retains a ceremonial position under the sitting Monarch as the country's commander-in-chief of all of its armed forces which is in turn exercised by the Prime Minister as head of government. The most senior army officer is the Field Marshal of the Army (Feldmarschall des Heeres, FMH) who, though ceremonial in essence and not part of the chain of command in peacetime, reports directly to the Minister of Defence, the Monarch and Prime Minister. The Colonel of the Regiment of the Army (Oberst des Heeresregiments, OHR) is the main administrative and command position within the Army, and is a member of and supported by the Supreme Command of the Army (Oberkommando des Heeres).

  • Kommando Heereskorps Maskillien Schild.png Army Corps Command (Kommando Heereskorps), HQ in Augusthal
    • 1. Panzerdivision Maskillien Schild.png 1st Armored Division (1. Panzerdivision), HQ in Weidenau
      • Divisional troops
      • 2nd Armored Brigade (2. Panzerbrigade) in Barnau
      • 9th Mechanized Infantry Brigade (9. Panzergrenadierbrigade "Aussland") in Weissenfeld
      • 4th Armored Brigade (4. Panzerbrigade) in Gieben
      • 17th Armored Brigade (17. Panzerbrigade) in Kinzighausen
      • 8th Mechanized Brigade (8. Brigade Gieben) in Gieben
      • 73rd Artillery Battalion (73. Artilleriebattalion) in Mayern
    • 2. Infanteriedivision Maskillien Schild.png 2nd Infantry Division (2. Infanteriedivision), HQ in Böhmkirch
      • Divisional troops
      • 20th Armored Brigade (20. Panzerbrigade) in Zweitstrom
      • 5th Mechanized Infantry Brigade (5. Panzergrenadierbrigade "Eystrun") in Gessbach
      • 49th Armored Demonstration Brigade (49. Panzerlehrbrigade) in Lehpold
      • 1st Mountain Infantry Brigade (1. Gebirgsjägerbrigade "Weißenhaupt") in Manneskirchen
      • 13th Mechanized Brigade (13. Brigade Mickop) in Mickop
    • 9. Infanteriedivision Maskillien Schild.png 9th Infantry Division (9. Infanteriedivision), HQ in Olserbrünn
      • Divisional troops
      • 56th Armored Brigade (56. Panzerbrigade) in Wittenbreit
      • 192nd Mechanized Brigade (192. Brigade Dreiwalde) in Dreiwalde
      • 5th Armored Brigade (5. Panzerbrigade) in Geinau
      • 1st Airborne Division (1. Fliegerdivision) in Halnburg
    • 24. Kavalleriedivision Maskillien Schild.png 24th Cavalry Division (24. Kavalleriedivision), HQ in Sindeln
      • Divisional troops
      • 397th Mechanized Infantry Brigade (397. Panzergrenadierbrigade "Amsern") in Dalbeck
      • 30th Armored Brigade (30. Panzerbrigade) in Kahlfels
      • 11th Mechanized Brigade (11. Brigade Lauplatz) in Lauplatz
      • 82nd Mountain Infantry Brigade (82. Gebrigsjägerbrigade) in Freida
      • 104th Armored Brigade (104. Panzerbrigade) in Ordenberg
      • 17th Artillery Battalion (17. Artilleriebattalion) in Marlau
      • 2nd Artillery Demonstration Battalion (2. Artillerielehrbattalion) in Lehpold
    • Spezialdivision Maskillien Schild.png 1st Rapid Forces Division (1. Schnellkräftedivision), HQ in Theodorichheide
      • Divisional troops
      • Special Operations Command (Kommando Spezialoperationen, KSO) in Woltzar
      • 101st Airborne Division (101. Fliegerdivision) in Manneskirchen
      • 4th Air Assault Brigade (4. Luftangriffsbrigade) in Stakau
      • Special Aerial Command (Kommando Spezialflieger, KSF) in Sternburg
      • 67th Airborne Infantry Brigade (67. Fliegerinfanteriebrigade) in Lingen
      • 141st Air Assault Brigade (141. Luftangriffsbrigade) in Stakau
      • 90th Air Assault Infantry Brigade (90. Luftangriffsinfanteriebrigade) in Ausern
    • Army Logistics and Reserve Command (Kommando Heereslogistik- und reserve), HQ in Stättveilheim
      • Army Central Depot (Zentrales Heereslager) in Hammelheide

Modern equipment

Ranks and insignia


 Mascylla Feldmarschall General Generalleutnant Generalmajor Brigadegeneral Oberst Oberstleutnant Major Hauptmann Oberleutnant Leutnant Fähnrich
OF-10 (DB) OF-9 (DB) OF-8 (DB) OF-7 (DB) OF-6 (DB) OF-5 (DB) OF-4 (DB) OF-3 (DB) OF-2 (DB) OF-1 (DB) OF-(D) (DB)
Spain-Army-OF-10.svg Spain-Army-OF-9.svg Spain-Army-OF-8.svg Spain-Army-OF-7.svg Spain-Army-OF-6.svg Spain-Army-OF-5.svg Spain-Army-OF-4.svg Spain-Army-OF-3.svg Spain-Army-OF-2.svg Spain-Army-OF-1b.svg Spain-Army-OF-1a.svg Spain-Army-OF-1a.svg

Non-commissioned officers and others

 Mascylla Hauptfeldwebel Oberfeldwebel Feldwebel Stabsunteroffizier Unteroffizier Stabsgefreiter Hauptgefreiter Obergefreiter Gefreiter Soldat
OR-9 (DB) OR-8 (DB) OR-7 (DB) OR-6 (DB) OR-5 (DB) OR-4 (DB) OR-3 (DB) OR-2 (DB) OR-1 (DB)
14ej.png 15ej.png 16ej.png 17ej.png 18ej.png 19ej.png 20ej.png 21ej.png 22ej.png 23eje.png