This article belongs to the lore of Anteria.

Traffic Laws in Anteria

Revision as of 01:12, 6 September 2020 by Layfet (talk | contribs)
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Country Speed limit on motorway (km/h) Speed limit on dual carriageway (km/h) Speed limit on single carriageway (km/h) Speed limit in urban area (km/h) Traffic direction Permitted alcohol level (%) Minimum child age (front seat) Minimum driver's age Toll roads Seatbelt required Triangle required First aid required Fire extinguisher required Spare bulb required Tow rope required
 Ganji Islands 120 100 80-90 40-50 Right 0.0 10 18 No Yes Certain Vehicles Yes Certain vehicles Yes Certain vehicles
 Hatstheput 130 120 90 40-50 Right 0.05 12 16 Yes Only for minors Yes Certain Vehicles Certain Vehicles No No
Template:Country data Layfet^ 136.794* 112.654* 112.654* 104.607* Right 0.05 8 16 No Yes Certain Vehicles Certain Vehicles Certain Vehicles Certain Vehicles Certain Vehicles
 Kissankyla 130 100 100 50 Left 0.09 12 12 No No No No No No No
 New Gujo 120 110 90 45 Right 0.0 12 17 No Yes No No No No No
 Toubaze 120 100 80 40 Right 0.03 11 18 No Yes Certain Vehicles Yes Yes No No
^denotes the nation uses miles per hour
*denotes highest speed limit posted in the nation, as many are variable