Crime in Gylias
Crime in Gylias is combated by various law enforcement agencies.
In general, Gylias has one of the lowest crime rates in Tyran.
Crime by type
In 2018, Gylias had a murder rate of 0,15 per 100.000 inhabitants.
Sexual assault
Harsh punishments, extensive activism and education, and supportive law enforcement contribute to Gylias' extremely low rate of sexual violence.
Sex trafficking is subject to harsh crackdowns by law enforcement.
Corruption levels are extremely low, and Gylias scores highly in rates of transparency and trust in the political system.
Organised crime
The Mava Organisation is involved in drug trafficking, illegal gambling, and the informal economy. They have links with the Provenzano Syndicate in Cacerta.
Crime dynamics
According to Ministry of Interior Affairs and Public Security reports, a significant percentage of crime is committed by criminals from overseas, motivated by the perception of a lenient justice system due primarily to the abolition of prisons.
The Gylian Police's approach of controlling crime and cultural aspects such as the wicked-evil distinction are seen by some foreign commentators as an obstacle to law enforcement.
Historical crimes
- Ranyi Sesyk
- Kaþi Mofat
- Maria Vasilieva and Valeria Morozova