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Voting rights in Anteria

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Country Voting Age Gender Intelligence Race Religious Beliefs Criminal Record
 Agarntrop 161 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1905 Since 1787 Since 1787 Since 1787 2
1. This is for national elections, the voting age for district and local elections is up to the district/local authorities. Currently they range from 15 to 18. 2. Criminals who have finished their sentence and are not on any form of probation have been able to vote since 1787, criminals serving a sentence or on a form probation were allowed to vote since 2016.
 Albithica 20 Yes Partial1 Yes Yes Partial2
Since 1796 Since 1994 Since Foundation Since Foundation Since Foundation
1. Elections for County Congressmen require voters to hold an Associates degree or higher to participate. 2. Incarcerated criminals can not vote for the duration of their sentence. Criminals on probation can not vote until their probation expires. Criminals on Parole (life-time probation) can never vote.
 Astariax 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since Foundation Since Foundation Since Foundation Since Foundation Since Foundation
No Astariaxi citizen may be deprived of their right to vote, regardless of previous crimes or mental state.
 Aziallis 18 Yes Partial1 Yes Yes Partial2
Since 1862 Since 1927 Since 1862 Since 1862 Since 1917
1. Under the Election Commission Voting Rights Amendment, 1927, persons in the late stages of diseases leading to diminished mental capacity or suffering from psycological conditions which are proven to impair udgement (as listed in the Amendment) cannot vote.

2. Incarcerated criminals currently serving time cannot vote. If the Court deems it fit, an individual may be stripped off their right to vote for a gievn period of time and the period can extend upto a lifetime.

 Bendan 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1989 Since 1989 Since 1989 Since 1989 Since 1989
All Bendanian citizens are free to vote.
 Ganji Islands 15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1832 Since 1960 Since 1832 Since 1832 Since 1920
All Gijis can vote without exceptions
Template:Country data Ghijuko 15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity
All Ghijukivens can vote without exceptions
 Hatstheput 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Na*
Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since 1898
*For the well being of the community, citizens with criminal record shall not vote in the elections, except if the jury considers he is rehabilitated.
 Kilowatt 16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial*
Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since 1985
*A citizen of Kilowatt may only lose their right to vote because of a crime committed if the judge for their case deems it necessary
 Prybourne 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial*
Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity
*Any Prybourne citizen convicted of a federal offense will be suspended from voting for the duration of their sentence.
Template:Country data Sibantis 21 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since foundation Since foundation Since foundation Since foundation Since foundation
No Sibantian citizen will be negated the right to vote, respecting previous crimes or mental state.
 Tekkasland 16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial*
Since formation Since formation Since formation Since formation Since formation
Tekkasland has very liberal voting laws, except in the circumstance of someone that has participated in electoral fraud, resulting in a permanent ban on voting in both local and national elections. Additionally, any criminal awaiting execution will be denied the right to vote.
 Tsokeiku 21 Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial*
Since 1985 Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since Antiquity Since 2005
Due to the functions of Tsokeiku's governance, "voting right" in this context is synonymous with "right to speak in the Forums". * = Unless the subject regards the environment of prisons convicts are excommunicated from the Forums up to seven years after their release depending on the severity of their crimes.
 Velnotia 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial*
Since 1824 Antiquity Since 1790 Since 1980 Since 1999
*Should an individual be found guilty of the crimes of treason and/or murder, the right to vote is thereby revoked from the convicted individual. This does not limit the ability for the Velnotian High Court, however, to revoke this right as a result of other trials regarding different charges.
Viha 859365.png Viha 6 Yes Yes No Yes No
Since 1927 Since 1927 Since 1927 Since 1927 Since 1927