Discrimination in Esquarium

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The following list shows the legality and frequency of discrimination in Esquarium in different countries.

Country Race Sex Age Religion LGBT+ Nationality Pregnancy Disability Genetic Criminal Record Pet Owning
Template:Country data Ceresnia Legal Partial Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Partial Partial Legal Legal
Common Moderate Uncommon Common Common Common Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Uncommon
The Constitution of Ceresnia does not explicitly outlaw any forms of discrimination, however there are laws and legislation that restrict discrimination based on sex, disability and genetic conditions.
 Lecia Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal
Moderate Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Moderate
Lecia has no laws that make discrimination illegal. As such, sexism, ageism, ableism, and moderate cases of racism are common. Demonstrating for female suffrage is considered illegal.
 Luziyca Partial Partial Legal Illegal Partial Illegal Partial Illegal Illegal Legal Legal
Common Uncommon Common Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Moderate Moderate Uncommon Common Common
State and federal government institutions are forbidden to discriminate against race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, pregnancy, disability, genetic and pet-ownership status. However, private entities are permitted to discriminate by race, sex, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, criminal record, or pet-ownership. A survey in 2013 shows that 35% of businesses in Mikrago restricted Shudri, who are perceived to be a harbinger of crime, though elsewhere, businesses rarely discriminate by race.
File:Slovunia-flag.jpg Slovunia
Partial Illegal Partial Legal Legal Legal Illegal Partial Partial Legal Legal
Common Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Common Moderate Uncommon Common Uncommon Common Moderate
Laws regarding discrimmination are non-exsistant in many instances in Slovunia. The Constitution of Slovunia does only protect certain kinds of people groups from discrimmination. It is not uncommon for homosexuals, immigrants or people with a criminal record to not to get employed or to find an appartment easily. Foreigners who are not applying for temporary or permanent residency are not subject to discrimmination in many cases, though this varies based on the country one is from as there is more prejudice against certain nationalities.
 Xiaodong Illegal Illegal Partial Partial Illegal Partial Partial Legal Illegal Legal Partial
Moderate Uncommon Uncommon Common Uncommon Common Uncommon Moderate Uncommon Common Moderate
Discrimination in Xiaodong is restricted by both the constitution and a variety of laws. Although gender discrimination is heavily penalised, other anti-discrimination laws only see patchy implementation. Discrimination based religion, nationality and criminality are still common in Xiaodong.