Languages spoken in Anteria
Anteria is a rich diverse world in where numerous languages are spoken. Currently, there are 5 major language families in Anteria, which are Korpurian, Norgovian, Hofflandian, Eastern Peninsular and Indo-European. Most of these languages, if not all, are very unique and have their own way of communicating ideas across minds. With that, it is no wonder that languages in Anteria are what make its citizens special.
Languages can vary largely from its phonological, grammatical and relations with other languages. For example, the Txujna language spoken in Eastern Gabrielland has a very complex phonological system incomparable to any other language. The Astariaxi language is so unique that it has no distinct relatives, which makes it tougher than usual to learn it.
The Gabrielt language has a very dictated system of complex rules to actually speak it, making it one of the hardest languages to learn, and could take years of study to master it. Other languages like Hofflandic and Viraams are easy enough to make it user and beginner friendly, and these languages are gaining rapidly as 2nd language or 3rd language options by many Anterians.
Still, Languages do make up the charm in every citizen of Anteria, no matter how simple, no matter how hard.
List of Languages
Language | Number of native speakers | Number of total speakers | Language family | Native to | Hours needed to reach fluency English = 350 hours |
Agarn | 8,000,000 | 25,000,000 | Protoagar | Agarntrop | 300 |
Avadian, Modern | ~3,500 | ~4,200 | Language Isolate | Layfet | 360 |
Bwinu | 1,100,000 | 3,000,000 | East-Savakian | Ganji Islands | 650 |
Çazaprada | 43,542,420 | 59,551,091 | East-Savakian | Figanca | 520 |
Dulkrik | 2,663 | 2,663 | ProtoDulando | Dulando | 150 |
English | - | - | Indo-European | Majority of Anteria | 350 |
French | - | - | Indo-European | Layfet | 480 |
Galee | 29,000,000 | 38,000,000 | Language Isolate | Wolfgalia | 400 |
Gelielandic | 116,000,000 | 116,000,000 | Protoneuew | Gelielandt | 370 |
Ghikaru | 14,600,000 | 15,000,000 | Language Isolate | Ghijuko | 2000 |
Grang Luasu | 890,000 | 900,000 | Granguan | Grangua | 200 |
Hofflandic | 26,000,000 | 30,000,000 | Hofflandian | Hofflandian Union | 100 |
Houghlander | 10,000,000 | 10,010,000 | Hofflandian | Hofflandian Union | 1000 |
Hyrteneu | 2,450,000 | 2,990,000 | Protoneuew | Hyrtexia | 385 |
KiHuta | 1,000 | 1,000 | Language Isolate | Tsokeiku | 250 |
Kistol | 21,700,000 | 21,700,000 | Indo-European | Kistolia | 325 |
Kiyortzani | 214,186,000 | 523,907,000 | Kiyortzani | Kiyortza | 275 |
Kos | 30,000 | 30,000 | Indo-European | Columbine and Mosley | 300 |
Kohharuese | TBD | TBD | Japonic | Layfet | 720 |
Kwiji | 5,800,000 | 15,250,000 | East-Savakian | Ganji Islands | 450 |
Latin | 25,000,000 | 200,000,000 | Indo-European | Viha | 432 |
Minszesi | 800,000 | 1,670,000 | East-Savakian | Ganji Islands | 1200 |
Neuew | 16,000,000 | 17,000,000 | Protoneuew | Neuewland | 370 |
Nucleox | 393,888,200 | 405,112,900 | Prototekkas | Hyrtexia | 160 |
Nushtur | 1,300,000 | 1,925,000 | Central Eucatan | Gabrielland | 350 |
Ohharuese | ~6,800 | ~7,100 | Japonic | Layfet | 700 |
Plejka | 800,000 | 1,000,000 | Language Isolate | Gabrielland | 1600 |
Riyaki | 55,730,000 | 130,651,000 | Kiyortzani | Kiyortza | 300 |
Russian | 68,000,000 | 68,000,000 | Indo-European | Russatrova | 1100 |
Sebric | 89,200,000 | 198,800,000 | Moderno-Batri | New Sebronia | 770 |
Singa | 870,000 | 2,465,000 | Eastern Eucatan | Hatstheput | 1200 |
Spanish | - | - | Indo-European | Prybourne, Layfet | 600 |
Tenurindji | 11,296,000 | 12,409,000 | Pama-Nyungan | Halsuntria | 290 |
Tsokeikanese | 247,875,000 | 920,200,000 | Eastern Eucatan | Tsokeiku | 700 |
Txujna | 2,100,000 | 2,158,000 | Central Eucatan | Gabrielland | 3600 |
Vihish | 16,048,000 | 18,050,000 | Protoviha | Viha | 620 |
Viraams | 50,000 | 55,000 | Korpurian | Gabrielland | 100 |
Xuta | 10,900,000 | 11,000,000 | Oto-Manguean | Xutananki | 1250 |