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Lhaeraidh-Newreyan Treaty
Cytuniad Lhaeraidh-Newraidh
Lhaerweyan-Newreyan Foreweard
AbbreviationL-NT, CL-N, L-NF
FounderNewrey, tir Lhaeraidd
Founded atAurharbwr, tir Lhaeraidd
Legal statusActive
Signing Date
6th June 1987
Latest Amendment

The Lhaeraidh-Newreyan Treaty also referred to as L-NT is a bilateral treaty between Newrey and tir Lhaeraidd which was formalised and signed in 1987.


Diplomatic relations between Newrey and tir Lhaeraidd are among the most historically positive in the world. Since the end of the Golden Age of Raiding the two countries have consistently worked together internationally, especially in areas of trade, education, and science. The close cultural bonds between the two nations have fostered an attitude of trust and good faith between the countries, and Newrey was one of the first Asuran nations to recognise tir Lhaeraidd's neutrality, in 1905. During the Great War both nations fought on the side of the Grand Alliance, and focused their efforts on neighbouring Oserland, which led to close military cooperation and coordination. Post-war the two countries worked hard to rebuilt their economies and trade networks, and continued in the spirit of cooperation by mutual investment and expansion of global markets.

In 1987, following the formation of the West Asuran Concordat by tir Lhaeraidd (among others), Prime Minister Richard Cawt approached the Lhaeraidh government requesting a summit to discuss the future of Newreyan-Lhaeraidh relations and therefore the Concordat's position in relation to Newrey. What followed were a series of diplomatic meetings held in Norlynn, Newrey, in which the initial terms of the Accords were agreed. The initial terms of this treaty would form the base framework of all future diplomatic endeavours and treaties proposed by the Lhaeraidh government, and was second only to the WAC in terms of its comprehensive nature. The fact that it has not undergone any amendments in the time since and that it still holds strong today is a testament to the signatories' close relationship and cooperation.

The Accords were officially signed by Prime Minister Richard Cawt of Newrey and Teyrn Bedwyr XV of tir Lhaeraidd on the 6th June 1987.

Summary of the Treaty

The Saied Convention's formal summary is given in the overview of the written document itself. The agreement covers almost all areas of Vrnallia and tir Lhaeraidd's mutual relations and as such covers military, diplomatic, political, legal, and economic matters, making it one of the most comprehensive bilateral treaties in the world.

Military Agreements

The summarised points of the military agreement between Newrey and tir Lhaeraidd are as follows:

  1. A full Non-Aggression Pact, including direct military activity as well as economic and covert attacks.

Legal Agreements

The summarised points of the legal agreement between Newrey and tir Lhaeraidd are as follows:

  1. A Mutual Recognition Agreement, whereby both parties recognise the legitimacy of their other's justice system and jurisdiction within its own territory, and respects the validity of their judicial rulings and sentences.
  2. An Extradition Treaty, whereby both parties agree to extradite convicted criminals, criminal suspects, and exchange citizens convicted of a crime in the other's jurisdiction.

Economic Agreements

The summarised points of the economic agreement between Newrey and tir Lhaeraidd are as follows:

  1. An Open Trade Agreement, whereby both parties are able to openly and freely trade with the others and make use of their ports without the need for documentation.
  2. A Free Trade Agreement, whereby a free trading area exists between the two nations.
  3. An Educational Exchange Agreement, whereby students from either country may freely study in the other.