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[[File:Domenico_Fetti_004.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Alydian before the burning bush which revealed the word of god]]
[[File:Domenico_Fetti_004.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Alydian before the burning bush which revealed the word of god]]
'''Alydianism''' is a {{wp|monotheism|monotheistic}} {{wp|religion}}, philosophy, tradition and way of life dominant among the nations of central [[Asura]]. The faith is based on the teachings of Saint Alydian, the Prophet of Truth and his followers, though with its origins in classical Fiorentine religion. The faith came to prominence during the Third Century BCE throughout the [[Fiorentine Empire]]. Although originally persecuted, it came to be adopted as the official faith of the [[Fiorentine Empire]] following the conversion of Emperor Minucius. A number of canonical texts make up Alydian beliefs and worship along with supplemental oral traditions; the most important being the Caudex which is the central reference of Alydianism. The Caudex is supported by a number of other written sources, not all of which are regarded as canonical by the Orthodox Church. The Emendo, otherwise known as the book of Amendment or Reform, is particularly disparaged by the Orthodox and Testimonial churches, though remains central to Puritan Alydianism. With around 500 million followers worldwide, Alydianism is one of the largest religions in [[Aeia]].
'''Alydianism''', also known as '''Ardentism''', is a religion which emerged in [[Arabekh]] around two thousand years ago by the eponymous [[Saint Alyde]]. Its adherents are known as Alydians and they believe in a single, omnipotent God who has appeared to many people throughout history. In ancient times, this God appeared to the first prophet and gave mankind control over fire. Thousands of years later, God appeared to Saint Alyde in the form of a burning bush and entrusted him knowledge of all things. Saint Alyde traveled around Arabekh teaching people what he knew and those teachings were later collected by Alydians and compiled into the Caudex, the principle scriptures of the religion.

Alydianism grew out of the original Fiorentine pantheon of gods which dominated much of ancient Asuran history. Many aspects of the Fiorentine pantheon were interwoven into the Caudex, which is believed to have been compiled at some point in the Third Century BCE. Initially a heretical faith, Alydians were persecuted by Fiorentine authorities, though the faith remained tolerated more than other foreign religions due to its rooting in the Fiorentine customs and worship. Despite attempts to stamp out the faith, Alydianism quickly spread throughout the core provinces of the Empire, leading to the official conversion of the Emperor in the First Century CE. Following the collapse of the empire, Alydianism managed to retain its position in central Asura, in spite of significant threats from overseas. During the Sixteenth Century, Alydianism spread across much of the globe through the Asuran discoveries and missionary activities, though it remained in contention with faiths such as [[Ksaiism]] in territories outside of Asura.
Alydianism began as a sect of the state religion of the [[Fiorentine Empire]] in the province of [[Aramas|Aramatheria]] between the second and first centuries BCE. Alyde’s seven disciplines and their own disciples spread his ideals, which they compiled into the “fides”, along with their own commentaries and thoughts. Their additions to the Fides were compiled later in the form of the “Breve”. The Fides was spread throughout the Arabekh region of the empire and eventually attracted the attention of citizens in the central provinces of the empire, especially among young people who felt that they lacked a spiritual connection to their native faith. The attraction of Fiorentines looking for something different from their ethnic henotheism exerted pressure on Alydianism to innovate and distinguish itself from its origins. Several Fiorentine emperors saw this shift as a challenge to their authority and attempted to suppress it.  

Today the Alydian faith is split between several branches. The Orthodox faith, centred around the Pontiff of Laterna is the oldest branch still in existence and boasts the largest number of followers. The second largest branch of Alydianism is the Puritan church which established itself in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. The faith boasts no official religious head and holds a number of theological disagreements with the other branches of the faith. The Puritan church is primarily based in [[Veleaz]], [[Elhazia]] and [[Vestrim]]. The Testimonial church is centred on the Pontiff of Krada in [[Miersa]]. The Testimonial church remains theologically similar to the Orthodox branch, though it holds the belief that the Pontificate of Laterna is held by an illegitimate candidate. Many theologians have come to describe the Testimonial Church as Miersan 'National Alydianism'. A number of other smaller branches of the faith exist, though with far lower numbers than the main three branches. Most of those who follow these minority branches reside either in Vestrim or [[Rennekka]].
The Emperor Minucius secretly converted to Alydianism at some point during his youth and, soon after his assumption of the throne, purged his government of traditionalists and replaced them with Alydians before announcing his acceptance of Alydianism. Alydianism became the state religion of the Fiorentines and later scholars reorganized their dating systems to reference that change. Over time, Alydianism came to dominate much of central Asura, though undergoing a decline in the immediate aftermath of the empire's collapse, Alydianism remained strong within its core territories. The crusades of the High-Middle Ages also allowed the faith to expand significantly, retaking territories in northern Arabekh and pushing into areas such as Vaellenia and Alemmania. Additionally, Asuran discoveries overseas led to the spreading of the faith into continents such as Vestrim, Rennekka and Catai.

Alydianism has many sects around the world with a great deal of variety in each sect’s interpretation of the Caudex and other sources. Most of them agree, however, on the sacredness of fire as an instrument of God’s will, on the verity of the information in Caudex, the person of Saint Alyde, and the need for salvation. The largest denomination is the Orthodox Church. The second largest branch of Alydianism is the Puritan church which established itself in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. A number of other smaller branches of the faith exist, though with far lower numbers than the main branches. Most of those who follow these minority branches reside either in Vestrim or Rennekka.
[[image:Erasmus hieronymus.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Engraving of the ''Emendo'' compiled at the Council of Tolvas, dated 1478]]
Saint Alydian is regarded as the official founder of Alydianism. His writings, along with those of his followers, constructed at some point within the Third Century BCE form the basis of the Caudex, the primary canonical text of the Alydian faith, from which the philosophy and creed of Alydianism are derived. The first section of the Caudex to be completed was the ''Fides'', or 'the belief'. The ''Fide'' was believed to be directly written by Alydian and his contemporaries and details the core nature of Alydian worship and belief. Included within are the nature of the world, its creation under god and gods interactions with the humanity. Historians also suggest that elements of the section book of the Caudex, the ''Breve'' were initially already included within the ''Fides'', though were moved to a separate text by Alydian's successors. Throughout his lifetime, Alydian was alleged to have roamed the provinces of the Fiorentine Empire, spreading his gospel to any who would listen. Within his travels, he gained a core group of seven followers: Aelia, Amatia, Canus, Decius, Faustus, Lar, and Vel. With this group, Alydian set off on a treck across the empire, dictating his visions to his followers who compiled his writings. During his time, Alydian secured a sizeable following within the empire, attracting the attention of the Fiorentine authorities. After a number of warnings from provincial governors, Alydian was eventually captured by Fiorentine authorities in the province of Cebrigasia and was believed to have been badly beaten, resulting in a riot in response. Following this incident, Alydian continued his journey, though soon fell ill and died. He was cremated by his followers who pledged to continue spreading God's word as per his instructions.  

Several years later, it is believed that the second book of the Caudex, the ''Breve'', or 'the writ' was written. The second book details the philosophy of Alydianism as the way of life a pious Alydian must follow in order to achieve peace on Aeia and in heaven. The Breve itself is derived from the commandments of god outlined within the ''Fides'', acting as an extrapolation of God's word and what exactly it means to live by his creed. These teachings are similar in nature to the Eight Divine tenents of Ksaiism and are believed by many historians to be the inspiration for such later teachings. The ''Breve'' was quickly added to the Caudex soon after its completion and remains an integral part of Alydian theology and philosophy in all branches of the faith.
The beliefs and traditions of Alydianism come primarily from the Caudex (the written account of Saint Alyde’s life), commentaries on the Caudex, and the succession of the saints.  

The final section of the Caudex, the ''Suerit'', or 'the guardians', sometimes referred to as the Hagiographa, is a series of writings from many Alydian philosophers, theologians and preachers over many generations. The ''Suerit'' has seen multiple revisions and additions over the years, with its first publication believed to date back to the First Century BCE. The ''Suerit'' is generally composed of canonical commentaries on the Caudex, detailing the implementation of its teachings and the ordained role of the established church in maintaining the purity of the faith.
According to Alydianism, there is one supreme God in Alydianism and he is assisted by eight great spirits, each of which was created to care for a particular aspect of the world and human spirit. The division between single God and plurality of spirits is unclear and extends to the human spirit, which is supposed to be unified with God in a manner similar to the octet. Generally speaking the great spirits are considered helpers who should be entreated for aid, but worship and praise should be directed to God. This is why there are no churches devoted to spirits, although there are many shrines. Enforcement of the hierarchy of the higher spirits has been an important work of the church.

Throughout the First Century BCE, the number of those who followed the worship of the Alydian god and the teachings of the Caudex increased dramatically, soon becoming the most dominant religion within the Fiorentine Empire. The growing influence of the church had even infiltrated the Fiorentine court, where a significant section of the imperial household held adherence to Alydian teachings. This influence within the church angered many prominent Fiorentine pagans within the household and the Laterna Senate. The accession of Emperor Marcius, who was believed to be under Alydian influence, though not a self-proclaimed Alydian, was the final straw for the traditionalist faction, who overthrew the emperor, proclaiming Claudius II to be the true ruler. What resulted was a bitter civil war, which was won by Claudius' uncle, Minucius who officially converted to Alydianism on his deathbed. The conversion of the Emperor saw Fiorentina officially transition from its pagan pantheon to accepting Alydian monotheism. Nevertheless, Fiorentine influences remained heavy within the church, especially in the shaping of the Eight Manifestations.
In Alydianism, churches teach that it is the only path to salvation since it holds the two keys; spiritual enlightenment and physical purification.  

Over time, Alydianism came to dominate much of central Asura, though undergoing a decline in the immediate aftermath of the empire's collapse, Alydianism remained strong within its core territories. The crusades of the High-Middle Ages also allowed the faith to expand significantly, retaking territories in northern [[Arabekh]] and pushing into areas such as [[Vaellenia]] and Alemmania. Additionally, Asuran discoveries overseas led to the spreading of the faith into continents such as Vestrim, Rennekka and Catai.
Purification is the lifelong process of preparing to be unified with God. Perhaps the most important step is cremation, in which the body is literally burnt away and allows the soul to reach God instead of being confined to the natural cycles of the world, especially decaying and becoming food for other creatures, which is an especially arduous experience.

Nevertheless, divisions within the church began to show following the conclusion of the crusading era. Criticisms' of the Orthodox churches' temporal actions as well as new interpretations of scripture brought about by the Asuran discoveries led a number of new reformers to officially break with the established church. Figures such as Marco Santángel and Turbert Woodbrygge came to denounce the church, offering new interpretations of scripture which directly contradicted orthodox tenants such as the Eight Manifestations. In an ecclesiastical council at Tolvas in the 1470s, a group of reformers officially compiled the ''Emendo'', an addition to the Caudex which attempted to clarify church doctrine, which was sent to Laterna for review by church officials. Although initially compiled to facilitate debate of church failings and potential mistranslations within the Caudex, the book was immediately cast aside by the Orthodox church and placed on a register of forbidden texts. In response, the Tolvas council adopted the ''Emendo'' as ecclesiastical canon, leading to the widespread excommunication of its attendees. In the following years' the number of those following the teachings of the ''Emendo'' grew. These people tended to take issue with Pontiff Alexander V and the College of Bishop's leadership. Their decision not to embrace the ''Emendo'', or at least consider surface level church reform was the last straw for many of these disaffected Alydians, who now called themselves Puritans because they believed that their practice was the most pure form of Alydianism. Further Puritan theologians built upon the ''Emendo'' introducing reforms to do away with the hierarchy of the Orthodox Church which they saw as corrupt and unable to properly lead the faithful. Puritan groups were significantly persecuted in many of the central and western kingdoms causing them to flee east to places like Veleaz where they were for the most part ignored by the political authorities.  
The saints were historically important individuals who have played an important role in the transmission of divine truth to mankind. Special status is afforded to Saint <Adam or Enoch type figure> who gave mankind fire from God and later Saint. Alyde, who gave mankind enlightenment. These two saints are called the Prophets.

Though eventually considerable reform was implemented within the Orthodox church, the two branches of the faith remained distant, unable to rectify their differences both in temporal and spiritual matters.
Ardention is the ritual burning of wood, especially cedar, and occasionally other material to evoke the wisdom and spirit of God. This ritual takes place both in the home in the form of tapers (thin wooden rods), in houses of worship as braziers and torches, and in the large stoves and bonfires kept constantly burning by certain monastic communities. Fire represents God's relationship with people, both as an important gift that is essential to mankind and as an enlightening flame that has brought truth and meaning to the world.

[[image:Gutenberg Bible, Lenox Copy, New York Public Library, 2009. Pic 01.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Copy of the Fides Caudex, printed in the 1450s]]
Cremation is the last rite of Alydianism and occurs both as a symbol of unification with the divine and as a physical realization of the same. Saint Alyde, as his last request in the last book of the Caudex, ordered that his own body be burned to be reunified with God. Alydians believe that the soul is bound physically to the body and so, if the body is not purified with fire after death, the dead person’s soul will have to endure the experience of their body slowly rotting and might never actually be able to leave the world, unless the deceased’s friends and family entreat God for mercy.
Alydian theology revolves around the human pursuit of peace, both on Aeia and in Elysium (otherwise known as heaven), a position which is regarded by Alydian theologians as spiritual enlightenment. Only through the achievement of enlightenment on earth may one be able to access the heavens. Those who are unable to achieve peace and enlightenment on Aeia are doomed to wander the skies eternally in search of Elysium. Humans may achieve enlightenment through following the teachings of God and Saint Alydian as outlined within the Caudex.

The nature of achieving peace and enlightenment involves spiritual prayer, contemplation of ones place within the universe, the upholding of God's word and his commandments, as well as abiding by the theological and philosophical conditions outlined within the Caudex and Adjutus'. The primary teaching of Alydian philosophy is for one to accept the moment as it presents itself, preventing one from becoming overwhelmed by their desire for pleasure, or their fear of pain. Additionally, pious Alydians are expected to utilise their own rationality and mind to understand the material and spiritual world, allowing them to do their part in God's plan and contribute to society as a whole by working with others and treating them justly.
In a cremation ceremony, the body is taken to a sacred stove, which is kept burning constantly. Especially pious individuals seek out the longest burning stoves for their eventual cremations, often making large donations to a particular church for the right to be purified in their stove. The body is bathed and prepared by a priest before and then laid on a large tray which is inserted into the stove. After the remains have been reduced to ashes, the tray is removed and the ashes are cursed to ensure that the soul has truly departed. After this the ashes are returned to the family or, if the deceased was wealthy enough to afford a place, their urn is kept in the crypt

Alydianism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions and thus achieving salvation. Alydian philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason and God's plan for humanity. A primary aspect of Alydianism involves improving the individual's ethical and moral well-being in accordance with the ''Breve'': "Virtue consists in a will that is in agreement with Nature." This principle also applies to the realm of interpersonal relationships; "to be free from anger, envy, and jealousy," and to accept even slaves as "equals of other men, because all men alike are products of God"
[[image:Gutenberg Bible, Lenox Copy, New York Public Library, 2009. Pic 01.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Copy of the Fides Caudex, printed in the 1450s]]
===God and the Eight Manifestations===
Saint Alyde’s writings, along with those of his followers, constructed at some point within the Third Century BCE form the basis of the Caudex, the primary canonical text of the Alydian faith, from which the philosophy and creed of Alydianism are derived. The first section of the Caudex to be completed was the Fides, or 'the belief'. The Fide was believed to be directly written by Alydian and his contemporaries and details the core nature of Alydian worship and belief. Included within are the nature of the world, its creation under god and gods interactions with humanity. Historians also suggest that elements of the section book of the Caudex, the Breve were initially already included within the Fides, though were moved to a separate text by Alydian's successors.  
[[image:Eight Manifestations.png|thumb|right|250px|Orthodox depiction of the symbols of God and the Eight Manifestations]]
Alydian belief is centred around the one {{wp|omniscient}} and {{wp|omnipotent}} God, described in the Caudex as the 'Mother of Creation and the Father of the Universe'. This contradiction in the gender of the Alydian god has led scholars to interpret that Gods divine nature transcends human gender. Nevertheless, most references to the Alydian god utilise the male pronoun. As a result, depictions of the Alydian god are rare and usually outright forbidden within the official church. Usually, the symbol of the holy flame is used to depict the Alydian god. This figure is said to govern the laws and balances of the universe, however, plays no direct interfering role in the lives of those within the universe. As a result, all human contact with humanity is conducted through the ''Eight Manifestations of God'' who are directly responsible for the spreading of his word and the interactions of Elysium with Aeia
Interpretations as to what exactly is meant by the Eight Manifestations differ across the Alydian church. Little reference is given to their nature within the Caudex, with most descriptions of their nature being limited to the ecclesiastical canon within the Adjutus. The Orthodox and Testimonial churches take the Eight Manifestations to refer to a series of eight {{wp|consubstantial}} deities, or ''{{wp|Hypostases}}'' which are each part of the one God. These beings each represent an aspect of the Alydian God and are responsible for spreading his word, thus allowing humans to better connect with God's word.
These deities are:
* '''Arator''' - who represents: harvest, labour & fortitude, and is symbolised by wheat.
* '''Astraeus''' - representing: wisdom, knowledge & logic, and is symbolised by the book.
* '''Eudocia''' - representing: law, order & justice, and is symbolised by the scales of justice.
* '''Horus''' - representing: life, death, space & time, and is symbolised by the sand timer.
* '''Muse''' - representing: art, music, oratory & writing, and is symbolised by the harp.
* '''Praeses''' - representing: war, peace & governance, and is symbolised by the sword and shield.
* '''Soteria''' - representing: beauty, fertility, motherhood, love & mercy, and is symbolised by a dove.
* '''Tellus''' - representing: climate, nature & the elements, and is symbolised by a tree.
Many of these deities bare resemblance to those within the classical Fiorentine pantheon, from which their influence was drawn. The ''Annotatio'' explains that this is due to the religious quagmire of the ancient era in which God's servants and his words existed within the world, though were fragmented and surrounded by imposters and false icons who were incorrectly worshipped. The Eight Manifestations themselves are usually prayed to individually to give pious Alydian's strength in their endeavours. For example, farmers would regularly keep shrines to Arator in hope for a good harvest, whilst mothers would keep necklaces of Soteria to aid in the raising of a child. Additionally, Orthodox Alydians would associate themselves with a specific diety based upon their date of birth. These dates correspond with the star signs of the {{wp|zodiac}} and within Asuran {{wp|astrology}} are believed to give those under a specific diety certain protections.
Within the Puritan church, however, the Eight Manifestations directly refer to the original eight preachers of the world of God: Saint Alydian, Aelia, Amatia, Canus, Decius, Faustus, Lar, and Vel. As a result, Puritan Alydianism viewes the original preachers as divine agents, rather than human agents of God. Through this theology, the Orthodox consubstantial deities are believed to be idolatry, detracting from the word of the one true God. As a result, the Puritan church can be seen to believe in a ''{{wp|Deus otiosus}}'', wherein the Alydian God created the universe, though withdrew following his interactions with Saint Alydian, thus demanding that humanity find salvation without his direct intervention.
===Saint Alydian===
<!---The Alydian faith was believed to have been founded by Saint Alydian seen as the Prophet of Truth at some point during the Third Century BCE. Saint Alydian, born as the son of a lowly farmer received visions of God and Utopia seen within a burning bush on a food gathering trip. Within these visions, Alydian saw the creation of the universe and the table of laws by which humanity must live to achieve harmony both on earth and in the heavens. Upon the conclusion of these visions, God himself directly spoke with Alydian who is believed to have been the only one to receive direct communication with the lord. God told Alydian of his teachings to humanity and their corruption through the worship of false gods and men. Within his communication with God, Alydian was told that there was but one lord, though that he could only interact with the world through his eight manifestations. Alydian was told to take the burning bush as a symbol of God's truth and his demand that these teachings be spread to ensure the salvation of the faithful.

The burning bush within which Saint Alydian saw his visions remained burning throughout the remainder of his life, whereupon the remaining embers were interred within Laterna, where they reignited with the spread of the faith within the Empire. St. Alydian's visions empowered him to spread his teachings to those within his local village. It is also believed that following these visions, St. Alydian was empowered with the ability to perform miracles, healing ailments feeding the hungry.
Several years later, it is believed that the second book of the Caudex, the Breve, or 'the writ' was written. The second book details the philosophy of Alydianism as the way of life a pious Alydian must follow in order to achieve peace in Aeia and in heaven. The Breve itself is derived from the commandments of God outlined within the Fides, acting as an extrapolation of God's word and what exactly it means to live by his creed. The Breve was quickly added to the Caudex soon after its completion and remains an integral part of Alydian theology and philosophy in all branches of the faith.

The final section of the Caudex, the Suerit, or 'the guardians', sometimes referred to as the Hagiographa, is a series of writings from many Alydian philosophers, theologians and preachers over many generations. The Suerit has seen multiple revisions and additions over the years, with its first publication believed to date back to the First Century BCE. The Suerit is generally composed of canonical commentaries on the Caudex, detailing the implementation of its teachings and the ordained role of the established church in maintaining the purity of the faith.

The biggest symbol of Alydianism is the Holy Flame. Fire plays a major role in various rites and activities of the church. Fire represents the balance of the universe in that it can cause great harm to civilization, while at the same time is necessary for the very idea of civilization. Fire also represents the burning bush that St. Alydian saw his visions for humanity in.
[[File:Cosmo Lang by Laszlo.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Alexander VII, the current Pontiff of Laterna]]
{{main|Alydian Orthodox Church}}
The Orthodox Church is head by the Pontiff of Laterna in the [[Pontifical Domain]]. The Pontiff is assisted by the College of Bishops which is made up of the various archbishops and bishops that are leading dioceses around Aeia. The Pontiff appoints Archbishops and Bishops for the various dioceses when a vacancy comes up and the College of Bishops gathers to elect a new Pontiff when the former one has passed on.
Orthodoxy, which are the beliefs promoted by the Orthodox Church, are focused primarily on the succession of clerical authority through the ages and the traditions that emerged during that process.
The Orthodox Church is very hierarchical with many levels in the priesthood. In each country there is a Primate that acts as the first among equals of the archbishops of the Orthodox Church in that nation, usually the primate is the archbishop of the largest city that isn't the capital of the nation, for example in Ardaima the Archbishop of San Cadmaria is the primate. Under the primate are the other archbishops in the nation, archbishops are the leaders of the archdioceses in the country. Under the archbishops are the bishops that oversee smaller parts of the archdioceses, called dioceses. Under the bishops are the individual churches lead by ordained priests that preach to the community that the church is in.
The Orthodox Church is most prominent in Asura and in northern Arabekh in places like Torroso and Aramas.
The smallest branch, the Puritan branch has no official head of the church and developed after schisms in the 15th century. This denomination is mostly practised among religious communities within [[Veleaz]] and [[Elhazia]]. Human rights organizations say that the Puritan branch of the faith is slowly dwindling in number due to the harsh rule of the communist regime in Veleaz which actively attempts to stamp out religious practice by its people however, since Veleaz is isolationist it is hard to know for sure.
The Puritans do not have a hierarchy like that of the Renvelic or Orthodox churches. Most Puritan churches have a Reverend who preaches to their congregation and may be loosely affiliated with other nearby reverends and congregations. Puritans do not believe that the third holy book used by the Renvelic and Orthodox churchs, the Liberalia, is a legitimate book of the faith. Puritan congregations vary when it comes to their worship, it largely comes down to individual reverends to decide how to administer to their congregation.
The Renvelic Church is the result of Alydianism missionaries mixing the faith with some of the traditions and customs of the native Rennekka faiths. Mostly found in northern Rennekka in the nations of Volgaria and Tyronova, the faith is led by the High Archbishop of Constantia. Unlike in the other parts of Rennekka, the people in the northern part of the continent, in what is now Volgaria and Tyronova, were receptive to the missionaries and adapted the faith to their already existing customs. One of the biggest customs folded in to the Renvelic denomination was the idea that only men could be priests a notable difference from the Asuran based Orthodox Church.
The Renvelic Church is the most conservative denominations of Alydianism due to the mixing of traditional Rennekka values into the faith. The Kovaknia Empire and the Renvelic Church had an antagonistic relationship with each other and despite the best efforts of the Empire the church was too large and too firmly rooted into the culture that it could not be fully repressed. After several attempts by different empires to suppress the church, the Emperor and the High Archbishop came to an tacit agreement to stay out of each others way.
Upon the fall of the Empire, the church rose and continued to grow in both Tyronova and Volgaria. Today the Kingdom of Volgaria is the only nation in Aeia that has a majority of its population claiming to be Renvelic Alydians at 51% or around 51 million Volgarians.
Once largely seen as heterodoxy by most other denominations, Eucidean was developed originally as a splinter sect of Alydianism by a group of reformers and followers of [[Cebragas|Cebragai]] Theologian, Eucid, and syncretic; influenced heavily by [[Ksaiism|Ksaiist]] teachings. Following a total revision of the holy scriptures in 1482, the XXX was formed, being the official holy scripture of the local priesthood in Saros, Cebragas, resulting in its total excommunication of its members from the Orthodox Church and declared the XXX to be a forbidden text. The Cebragai Clergy went on to outlaw the sect and its teachings. Despite their efforts, Eucidean Alydianism did continued to grow in secret in followers across the country and [[Asura]], with open practitioners often being a target of oppression by other Alydian Sects and suffered continuous sectarian violence. Many follows chose to migrate to [[Vestrim]] and [[Rennekka]] to avoid further persecution. To this day, Eucidean Alydianism is still an illegal faith in [[Cebragas]], and usually result in capital punishment.
Unlike most other denominations, Eucidean beliefs stray away from {{wp|monotheism|exclusivist monotheistic}} nature of the religion, shifting it towards a more {{wp|Panentheism|pluriform}} version of the faith, incorporating several {{wp|Gnosticism|gnostic}}, {{wp|pandeism|pandeist}} and {{wp|Neoplatonism|NeoXXXist}} teachings. God is described as the very, literal and metaphorical, embodiment of life, creation and existence itself, composing of much of the universe and existing synonymous within various lower and higher planes of reality. God is described as that is material and immaterial and the {{wp|four causes|cause}} of all things that exist, the {{wp|the all}}, {{wp|absolute philosophy|the absolute}}, but also {{wp|personal god|personal}}. All of creation is endowed with a 'divine spark', but Humanity was created differently, being endowed with {{wp|nous|the ability to convey reason}}, an ability that is shared with God, with Eucidean Theology going as far as to denote that Humanity collectively is a representation of god in a lower or the lowest plane of reality where God has effectively been "disconnected" with itself and stops being a separate and conscious figure, with the concept of religion and deities being described as {{wp|Egotheism|miscommunications of God's divine self}}. The Eight Manifestations are believed to just be a misinterpretation of the Eight Messengers; Alydian and his first followers, who attempted to spread truth to Humanity. As humanity continue to distance itself for its true divine origin via evil deeds, then we continue further downgrade our state of reality and slowly loose our divine spark, slowly resulting in what is described as an excommunication of god in that state of reality, destroy all of existence in it. Only through the spreading of love, peace, happiness and the end of suffering, violence and discrimination, will be finally {{wp|Hypostatic union|reunite ourselves with god}}.

[stuff about fire as a higher representation of god in Humanity's lower state]. Unlike most other denominations and similar to the Puritans, Eucidean Alydianism lack any form of hierarchical structure.
Agnopraxy, commonly is the denomination commonly associated with the Puritans, is a sect that emerged in the 14th century CE in reaction to the strict dogma of Orthodoxy. Agnopraxy comes from ἁγνός, meaning pure, and πρᾶξῐς, meaning activity.  

The culture of those who practice Alydianism varies widely based on the denomination and location but, there are some notable teachings of the faith that influences the Alydians throughout the world. Charity plays a big part in the faith and many community churches and dioceses have charitable organizations and events that members can volunteer at and donate too. 

Latest revision as of 21:02, 23 March 2020

Alydian before the burning bush which revealed the word of god

Alydianism, also known as Ardentism, is a religion which emerged in Arabekh around two thousand years ago by the eponymous Saint Alyde. Its adherents are known as Alydians and they believe in a single, omnipotent God who has appeared to many people throughout history. In ancient times, this God appeared to the first prophet and gave mankind control over fire. Thousands of years later, God appeared to Saint Alyde in the form of a burning bush and entrusted him knowledge of all things. Saint Alyde traveled around Arabekh teaching people what he knew and those teachings were later collected by Alydians and compiled into the Caudex, the principle scriptures of the religion.

Alydianism began as a sect of the state religion of the Fiorentine Empire in the province of Aramatheria between the second and first centuries BCE. Alyde’s seven disciplines and their own disciples spread his ideals, which they compiled into the “fides”, along with their own commentaries and thoughts. Their additions to the Fides were compiled later in the form of the “Breve”. The Fides was spread throughout the Arabekh region of the empire and eventually attracted the attention of citizens in the central provinces of the empire, especially among young people who felt that they lacked a spiritual connection to their native faith. The attraction of Fiorentines looking for something different from their ethnic henotheism exerted pressure on Alydianism to innovate and distinguish itself from its origins. Several Fiorentine emperors saw this shift as a challenge to their authority and attempted to suppress it.

The Emperor Minucius secretly converted to Alydianism at some point during his youth and, soon after his assumption of the throne, purged his government of traditionalists and replaced them with Alydians before announcing his acceptance of Alydianism. Alydianism became the state religion of the Fiorentines and later scholars reorganized their dating systems to reference that change. Over time, Alydianism came to dominate much of central Asura, though undergoing a decline in the immediate aftermath of the empire's collapse, Alydianism remained strong within its core territories. The crusades of the High-Middle Ages also allowed the faith to expand significantly, retaking territories in northern Arabekh and pushing into areas such as Vaellenia and Alemmania. Additionally, Asuran discoveries overseas led to the spreading of the faith into continents such as Vestrim, Rennekka and Catai.

Alydianism has many sects around the world with a great deal of variety in each sect’s interpretation of the Caudex and other sources. Most of them agree, however, on the sacredness of fire as an instrument of God’s will, on the verity of the information in Caudex, the person of Saint Alyde, and the need for salvation. The largest denomination is the Orthodox Church. The second largest branch of Alydianism is the Puritan church which established itself in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. A number of other smaller branches of the faith exist, though with far lower numbers than the main branches. Most of those who follow these minority branches reside either in Vestrim or Rennekka.


The beliefs and traditions of Alydianism come primarily from the Caudex (the written account of Saint Alyde’s life), commentaries on the Caudex, and the succession of the saints.


According to Alydianism, there is one supreme God in Alydianism and he is assisted by eight great spirits, each of which was created to care for a particular aspect of the world and human spirit. The division between single God and plurality of spirits is unclear and extends to the human spirit, which is supposed to be unified with God in a manner similar to the octet. Generally speaking the great spirits are considered helpers who should be entreated for aid, but worship and praise should be directed to God. This is why there are no churches devoted to spirits, although there are many shrines. Enforcement of the hierarchy of the higher spirits has been an important work of the church.


In Alydianism, churches teach that it is the only path to salvation since it holds the two keys; spiritual enlightenment and physical purification.


Purification is the lifelong process of preparing to be unified with God. Perhaps the most important step is cremation, in which the body is literally burnt away and allows the soul to reach God instead of being confined to the natural cycles of the world, especially decaying and becoming food for other creatures, which is an especially arduous experience.


The saints were historically important individuals who have played an important role in the transmission of divine truth to mankind. Special status is afforded to Saint <Adam or Enoch type figure> who gave mankind fire from God and later Saint. Alyde, who gave mankind enlightenment. These two saints are called the Prophets.



Ardention is the ritual burning of wood, especially cedar, and occasionally other material to evoke the wisdom and spirit of God. This ritual takes place both in the home in the form of tapers (thin wooden rods), in houses of worship as braziers and torches, and in the large stoves and bonfires kept constantly burning by certain monastic communities. Fire represents God's relationship with people, both as an important gift that is essential to mankind and as an enlightening flame that has brought truth and meaning to the world.


Cremation is the last rite of Alydianism and occurs both as a symbol of unification with the divine and as a physical realization of the same. Saint Alyde, as his last request in the last book of the Caudex, ordered that his own body be burned to be reunified with God. Alydians believe that the soul is bound physically to the body and so, if the body is not purified with fire after death, the dead person’s soul will have to endure the experience of their body slowly rotting and might never actually be able to leave the world, unless the deceased’s friends and family entreat God for mercy.

In a cremation ceremony, the body is taken to a sacred stove, which is kept burning constantly. Especially pious individuals seek out the longest burning stoves for their eventual cremations, often making large donations to a particular church for the right to be purified in their stove. The body is bathed and prepared by a priest before and then laid on a large tray which is inserted into the stove. After the remains have been reduced to ashes, the tray is removed and the ashes are cursed to ensure that the soul has truly departed. After this the ashes are returned to the family or, if the deceased was wealthy enough to afford a place, their urn is kept in the crypt


Copy of the Fides Caudex, printed in the 1450s

Saint Alyde’s writings, along with those of his followers, constructed at some point within the Third Century BCE form the basis of the Caudex, the primary canonical text of the Alydian faith, from which the philosophy and creed of Alydianism are derived. The first section of the Caudex to be completed was the Fides, or 'the belief'. The Fide was believed to be directly written by Alydian and his contemporaries and details the core nature of Alydian worship and belief. Included within are the nature of the world, its creation under god and gods interactions with humanity. Historians also suggest that elements of the section book of the Caudex, the Breve were initially already included within the Fides, though were moved to a separate text by Alydian's successors.

Several years later, it is believed that the second book of the Caudex, the Breve, or 'the writ' was written. The second book details the philosophy of Alydianism as the way of life a pious Alydian must follow in order to achieve peace in Aeia and in heaven. The Breve itself is derived from the commandments of God outlined within the Fides, acting as an extrapolation of God's word and what exactly it means to live by his creed. The Breve was quickly added to the Caudex soon after its completion and remains an integral part of Alydian theology and philosophy in all branches of the faith.

The final section of the Caudex, the Suerit, or 'the guardians', sometimes referred to as the Hagiographa, is a series of writings from many Alydian philosophers, theologians and preachers over many generations. The Suerit has seen multiple revisions and additions over the years, with its first publication believed to date back to the First Century BCE. The Suerit is generally composed of canonical commentaries on the Caudex, detailing the implementation of its teachings and the ordained role of the established church in maintaining the purity of the faith.



Orthodoxy, which are the beliefs promoted by the Orthodox Church, are focused primarily on the succession of clerical authority through the ages and the traditions that emerged during that process.


Agnopraxy, commonly is the denomination commonly associated with the Puritans, is a sect that emerged in the 14th century CE in reaction to the strict dogma of Orthodoxy. Agnopraxy comes from ἁγνός, meaning pure, and πρᾶξῐς, meaning activity.