This article belongs to the lore of Anteria.

State religions in Anteria: Difference between revisions

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|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|The United Kingdom of Aziallis strongly believes in the separation of State and Church. More than half of the Azillian population are indifferent to any religion and are Spiritual Agnostics. It is considered very rude to inquire about someone's religion in public in [[Aziallis]]  
|Aziallis strongly believes in the separation of State and Church. Several tribal communities within Aziallis and Azillian territories have spiritual deities and practices, but have no religion. The number of folks who report to be atheists is rising and many adults in Aziallis identify as arreligious and just spiritual. It is considered very rude to inquire about someone's religion in public. The State isn't allowed to give children religious affiliations as court rulings interpret such affiliations as a choice an adult gets to make, and several court rulings prevent organisations from asking for religious affiliations unless absolutely necessary.  
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The national religion of the state is Barcerian Paganism, however the government, education, and all other state owned areas are required to stay secular.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|Majority of Bendanian citizens are religious and the freedom of religion is guaranteed.
|Majority of Bendanian citizens are religious and the freedom of religion is guaranteed.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The national religion of Bikinia is Neptunism, however the government, education, and all other state owned areas are required to stay secular. The country is also mostly irreligious.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
| Cordomonivence is officially declared as a secular state. The most popular religion in Cordomonivence is Catholic, with around 20% of the population declaring themselves to be Catholic believers, then followed by Orthodox, with around 15% of the population declaring themselves to be Orthodox believers. The rest of the population declares itself either agnostic,atheist or from another minor religion
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The national religion of the state is Catholicism. This is a compulsory subject in all schools in the country, and ecclesiastical institutions receive government funds and tax exemptions. Citizens can practice the religion they want in the private sphere. The construction of religious buildings that are not related to Catholicism, nor the propaganda of other religions is not allowed.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The Constitution of Eldmora establishes both the [[Church of Eldmora|Protestant]] and [[Catholic Church in Eldmora|Catholic]] church as the State religion, the Royal Family is established as [[Church of Eldmora|Protestant]]. However freedom of religion is guaranteed and education is required to remain secular for the general populace.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The national religion of of the state is Eastern Orthodoxy and is the most common followed. However freedom of religion is guaranteed and education is required to remain secular.
|The national religion of of the state is Eastern Orthodoxy and is the most common followed. However freedom of religion is guaranteed and education is required to remain secular.
|width=100px|{{flag|Eretz Shalem}}
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The official religion is Judaism, primarily due to the importance of the Rabbinate of Eretz Shalem (whose leader is also the Head of State). Religious institutions receive government funding, and Judaism is taught in schools as an optional subject.
|width=100px|{{flag|Federation of Yugoslavia}}
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|Federation of Yugoslavia is dominated by two religions, Slavic folk religion and Orthodoxy. Throughout history, these religions were hostile to each other and strived to diminish the other. Today, the Constitution of Yugoslavia guarantees absolute religious freedom, and adherents of both are mostly tolerable of one another. There is a substantial atheist minority.
|[[File:Flag of Freice.png|border|link=|24px|frameless]] [[Freice]]
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|Christianity is the predominant religion in Freice, being practiced by 96.1% of the Freician population. There are, however, small pockets of Muslim, indigenous, and non-religious communities. Church and state are separate.
|width=100px|{{flag|Ganji Islands}}
|width=100px|{{flag|Ganji Islands}}
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|Christianity used to be the state religion until October 2019.
|Christianity used to be the state religion until October 2019.
|bgcolor=sandybrown|There is a state religion or creed, and citizens are encouraged or forced to adhere to it.
|The only legal and official religion in Gilead is Catholic Christianity, with all other religions being completely illegal. All citizens must profess this religion and complete all sacred rites.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The national religion in Gorabo, as designated by the Constitution, is Sunni Islam. However, the Consitution also specifies that anyone is allowed to practice any other religion and be entitled to the same rights as Sunni Muslims. Over 90% of the population practices Sunni Islam according to figures from the 2015 Census.
|The official religions of the Democratic Republic of Hatstheput are the Catholicism and the Protestanism, as stated in the Hatstheputean Constitution of 1898, for providing stability between catholic and protestant communities. There is reported to be several religious minorities, the most relevants are buddhism, sinthoism and the animist malay cults.
|bgcolor=wheat| There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|There are two state religions in Halsuntria, Catholicism, and Lutheranism. They are the main religions in Halsuntria making up ~94% of the population. Avorniism is the most notable minority religion with 5% with other minority religions making up the last 1 percent.
|The nation of Hiblund is very religious-centered, being one of the highest in Anteria. Most people in Hiblund believe in Reformed Christianity specifically, but others are more generalized in their beliefs and are simply Protestant. Because of this many of the laws in Hiblund's government is based off of Reformists, so the Government is heavily in favor of Reformists alone. However when crossroads meet with different or obscure religions, such as cults, they are all deeply respected but a religious debate might flare up here and there. Even with all the power that the Reformists have in the Government, they do not force anyone to become reformist, because they believe if one comes to God by force, it's not true Christianity.  
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The official religions of the Democratic Republic of Hatstheput are the Catholicism and the Protestanism, as stated in the Hatstheputean Constitution of 1898, for providing stability between catholic and protestant communities. There is reported to be several religious minorities, the most relevants are buddhism, sinthoism and the animist malay cults.
|Inchyroans follow many religions, notably {{wp|Buddhism}}, {{wp|Christianity}}, {{wp|Islam}}, and [[Inchyroan folk religions]]. Church and state are sepparated, as is written in the [[Constitution of Inchyroa|Constitution]].
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|Even though Kistolia has freedom of religion, most citizens freely practice Christianity.
|Even though Kistolia has freedom of religion, most citizens freely practice Christianity.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|Citizens of Layfet are largely irreligious. There are no mentions of religion in the Layfetian Constitution, instead, freedom to practice any religion is protected by The Freedom of Religion Act of 1725, the very first act passed by the Layfetian Congress.  
|Lusotanie is a predominantly Catholic country, although there are minority religions such as Buddhism and Paganism. According to the 1931 constitution, it is a non-confessional state with no official religion. However, while the state remains neutral and does not promote any religion, limited links and collaborations with religious institutions are permitted, as long as no particular religion is favored. For example, the government funds schools and hospitals run by religious foundations and provides financial support for the maintenance of places of worship.
|bgcolor=sandybrown|There is a state religion or creed, and citizens are encouraged or forced to adhere to it.
|The national religion in Melide is Melidian Protestantism. The construction of buildings related to another religion is not allowed, and the only religious dogma available in the country is the Bible.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The official religion is Catholicism, which is the predominant faith among the population. The government allocates public funds to the Church, it is exempt from paying taxes, and there is an optional Catholic religion class in all schools nationwide. Despite this, any citizen is free to practice the religion of their choice, and other religions are permitted to build places of worship.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|Morrawia has always been a christian nation, and the Catholicism have always been a dominant force in civil and even political lives of the country. Since the 16th century and the Protestant Reformation, Protestantism emerged as the dominant form of Christianity. When the Republic of Morrawia was proclaimed, in the Constititution, it established secular state, with great religious freedoms.
|width=100px|{{flag|La Montilla}}
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|La Montilla ''de jure'' practices state atheism, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please in private and in secularized temples, public practice may be considered public disturbance in a case-to-case basis.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|Nexalanian's are free to do any religion they would please, Nexalan is a free country for anyone to be who they wish to be, religion is not forced on anyone, we let citizens do religions that make them confortable, non-religious people are not descriminated, as it is against the law to fire, punish, or put someone in prison for there religion, however dangerous cults and demonic religions are illegal and anyone who is a member of those kinds will be sentenced to prison for 7 years. (Depending on how demonic or dangerous it is to the public.)
|The Church in Norvinia is discouraged as early in 18th century during foreign occupation. To some extent, more than half of the population were irreligious since then
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|Prybourne contains highly religious populace of 70% citizens who identify with Capitology, prompting the government to adopt the religion as it's official one which is seated in the Sacred Marketplace of the [[Tower of Commerce]].
|Prybourne contains highly religious populace of 70% citizens who identify with Capitology, prompting the government to adopt the religion as it's official one which is seated in the Sacred Marketplace of the [[Tower of Commerce]].
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|Although Sauthar is a monarchy, about 60% of its population is atheistic and no state religion is currently present. The first state religion of Sauthar was Nordic Paganism (implemented with the establishment of the country in circa 9th century CE), which was subsided by christianity in circa 12th century CE. State religion was abolished in 1892. Monarchy remains in place mostly as a sign of respect for history and traditions.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The Salamati Constitution of 1969 (revised in 1999 and 2014) guarantees the right to practice any religion, and states that the State Religion is Islam. There are a minority of Jews and Christians in Salamat and they are allowed to practice their religion and have dedicated worship buildings.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|Christianity has been the majority religion in Shirua since at least the early 5th century and the 1831 Constitution of the Shiruan Kingdom formally enshrined it as the state religion, though religious minorities were also guaranteed freedom of religion and the right to establish their own places of worship.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|There is no federal religion, however, most states have a state religion, most commonly Buddhism. Federal law bans states from enforcing the state religion onto its citizens, and public worship may be considered as disturbance of public peace in certain cases.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
| The state religion of Tiskaiya is Orthodox Christianity, however the 1697 Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Various places of worship for different religions have been in the country since the 1400s. The church and state have separated in 1694, and whilst many government officials follow their Orthodox faith openly, it is not a requirement.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The 1873 Constitution embeds the "right to practice or abstain from religious commitments and beliefs" as a core citizen right.
|The 1873 Constitution embeds the "right to practice or abstain from religious commitments and beliefs" as a core citizen right.
|width=100px|{{flag|The Vanna}}
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|Citizens of the Vanna are largely irreligious. There are no mentions of religion in the Consititution, instead, freedom to practice any religion is protected by The Freedom of Religion Act of 1881, the very first act passed by the Congress.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|While the USWR is secular on paper, in practice the national ideology is influenced heavily by [[Innaniazh]] practices and Innaniazh holidays are considered national ones. Despite this, religious discrimination is strictly forbidden and there is no preferences given to whether or not someone follows Innaniazh.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The Velnotian Constitution establishes the separation of church and state, while also ensuring the criminality of professional discrimination against and the free practice of such.
|The Velnotian Constitution establishes the separation of church and state, while also ensuring the criminality of professional discrimination against and the free practice of such.
|bgcolor=sandybrown|There is a state religion or creed, and citizens are encouraged or forced to adhere to it.
|The Vihish Constitution says that citizens of Viha are encourage to join Buddhism
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|The 1989 Constitution establishes the Catholic Church as the state religion, but also guarantees the right to free exercise of religion "in a manner that does not run counter to morality and the public order."  
|The 1989 Constitution establishes the Catholic Church as the state religion, but also guarantees the right to free exercise of religion "in a manner that does not run counter to morality and the public order."  
|bgcolor=wheat|There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
|A vast majority of Wolfgalian citizens believe in the Galea twin gods Farran and Stel, god and goddess of land and water respectively.  Individuals in Wolfgalia are free to practice any religion they please, but it is extremely unlikely anyone will be found believing in something other than the twin gods unless they are an immigrant to Wolfgalia.
|width=100px|[[File:Screenshot 2021-04-13 140436.png|link=|border|23px]] [[Lyonheimer]]
|width=100px|[[File:Screenshot 2021-04-13 140436.png|link=|border|23px]] [[Lyonheimer]]
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|As written into the constitution, citizens are free to practise any religions
|As written into the constitution, citizens are free to practise any religions
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|The Constitution of Hyliastor separates religion from the state, and grants the right to practice any religion, however, there is legislation in place to prevent radicalization and violence.
|bgcolor=skyblue|There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please
|Nicakher is largely athiest, with only one region being majority religious.

{{Template:Anteria info pages}}
{{Template:Anteria info pages}}

Latest revision as of 18:53, 11 February 2025

A summary of state religions in Anteria

  There is a state religion or creed, and citizens are encouraged or forced to adhere to it.
  There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
  There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please.
  There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are prohibited from practicing any religion.

Nation Status Details
 Albithica There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Citizens of Albithica are largely irreligious, and the Grand Republic Constitution enforces the separation of church and state, while also upholding freedom of religion.
 Aziallis There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Aziallis strongly believes in the separation of State and Church. Several tribal communities within Aziallis and Azillian territories have spiritual deities and practices, but have no religion. The number of folks who report to be atheists is rising and many adults in Aziallis identify as arreligious and just spiritual. It is considered very rude to inquire about someone's religion in public. The State isn't allowed to give children religious affiliations as court rulings interpret such affiliations as a choice an adult gets to make, and several court rulings prevent organisations from asking for religious affiliations unless absolutely necessary.
 Barceria There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The national religion of the state is Barcerian Paganism, however the government, education, and all other state owned areas are required to stay secular.
 Bendan There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Majority of Bendanian citizens are religious and the freedom of religion is guaranteed.
 Bikinia There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The national religion of Bikinia is Neptunism, however the government, education, and all other state owned areas are required to stay secular. The country is also mostly irreligious.
 Cordomonivence There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Cordomonivence is officially declared as a secular state. The most popular religion in Cordomonivence is Catholic, with around 20% of the population declaring themselves to be Catholic believers, then followed by Orthodox, with around 15% of the population declaring themselves to be Orthodox believers. The rest of the population declares itself either agnostic,atheist or from another minor religion
 Chantadea There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The national religion of the state is Catholicism. This is a compulsory subject in all schools in the country, and ecclesiastical institutions receive government funds and tax exemptions. Citizens can practice the religion they want in the private sphere. The construction of religious buildings that are not related to Catholicism, nor the propaganda of other religions is not allowed.
 Eldmora There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The Constitution of Eldmora establishes both the Protestant and Catholic church as the State religion, the Royal Family is established as Protestant. However freedom of religion is guaranteed and education is required to remain secular for the general populace.
 Encessia There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The national religion of of the state is Eastern Orthodoxy and is the most common followed. However freedom of religion is guaranteed and education is required to remain secular.
 Eretz Shalem There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The official religion is Judaism, primarily due to the importance of the Rabbinate of Eretz Shalem (whose leader is also the Head of State). Religious institutions receive government funding, and Judaism is taught in schools as an optional subject.
 Federation of Yugoslavia There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Federation of Yugoslavia is dominated by two religions, Slavic folk religion and Orthodoxy. Throughout history, these religions were hostile to each other and strived to diminish the other. Today, the Constitution of Yugoslavia guarantees absolute religious freedom, and adherents of both are mostly tolerable of one another. There is a substantial atheist minority.
Flag of Freice.png Freice There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. Christianity is the predominant religion in Freice, being practiced by 96.1% of the Freician population. There are, however, small pockets of Muslim, indigenous, and non-religious communities. Church and state are separate.
 Ganji Islands There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. Christianity used to be the state religion until October 2019.
 Gilead There is a state religion or creed, and citizens are encouraged or forced to adhere to it. The only legal and official religion in Gilead is Catholic Christianity, with all other religions being completely illegal. All citizens must profess this religion and complete all sacred rites.
 Hatstheput There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The official religions of the Democratic Republic of Hatstheput are the Catholicism and the Protestanism, as stated in the Hatstheputean Constitution of 1898, for providing stability between catholic and protestant communities. There is reported to be several religious minorities, the most relevants are buddhism, sinthoism and the animist malay cults.
 Hiblund There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The nation of Hiblund is very religious-centered, being one of the highest in Anteria. Most people in Hiblund believe in Reformed Christianity specifically, but others are more generalized in their beliefs and are simply Protestant. Because of this many of the laws in Hiblund's government is based off of Reformists, so the Government is heavily in favor of Reformists alone. However when crossroads meet with different or obscure religions, such as cults, they are all deeply respected but a religious debate might flare up here and there. Even with all the power that the Reformists have in the Government, they do not force anyone to become reformist, because they believe if one comes to God by force, it's not true Christianity.
 Inchyroa There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. Inchyroans follow many religions, notably Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Inchyroan folk religions. Church and state are sepparated, as is written in the Constitution.
 Iwonia There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. A minority of Islam and Catholics are present, especially in the rural areas. Folk religion seems to be mainly in Schizenn.
 Kilowatt There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The separation of church and state and freedom of religion are both guaranteed by the Constitution of Kilowatt
 Kistolia There is no mandatory religion, Kistolia has freedom of religion. Even though Kistolia has freedom of religion, most citizens freely practice Christianity.
 Lusotanie There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Lusotanie is a predominantly Catholic country, although there are minority religions such as Buddhism and Paganism. According to the 1931 constitution, it is a non-confessional state with no official religion. However, while the state remains neutral and does not promote any religion, limited links and collaborations with religious institutions are permitted, as long as no particular religion is favored. For example, the government funds schools and hospitals run by religious foundations and provides financial support for the maintenance of places of worship.
Melide There is a state religion or creed, and citizens are encouraged or forced to adhere to it. The national religion in Melide is Melidian Protestantism. The construction of buildings related to another religion is not allowed, and the only religious dogma available in the country is the Bible.
 Melvenia There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The official religion is Catholicism, which is the predominant faith among the population. The government allocates public funds to the Church, it is exempt from paying taxes, and there is an optional Catholic religion class in all schools nationwide. Despite this, any citizen is free to practice the religion of their choice, and other religions are permitted to build places of worship.
 Morrawia There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. Morrawia has always been a christian nation, and the Catholicism have always been a dominant force in civil and even political lives of the country. Since the 16th century and the Protestant Reformation, Protestantism emerged as the dominant form of Christianity. When the Republic of Morrawia was proclaimed, in the Constititution, it established secular state, with great religious freedoms.
 La Montilla There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. La Montilla de jure practices state atheism, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please in private and in secularized temples, public practice may be considered public disturbance in a case-to-case basis.
 Norvinia There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The Church in Norvinia is discouraged as early in 18th century during foreign occupation. To some extent, more than half of the population were irreligious since then
 Prybourne There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. Prybourne contains highly religious populace of 70% citizens who identify with Capitology, prompting the government to adopt the religion as it's official one which is seated in the Sacred Marketplace of the Tower of Commerce.
 Sauthar There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. Although Sauthar is a monarchy, about 60% of its population is atheistic and no state religion is currently present. The first state religion of Sauthar was Nordic Paganism (implemented with the establishment of the country in circa 9th century CE), which was subsided by christianity in circa 12th century CE. State religion was abolished in 1892. Monarchy remains in place mostly as a sign of respect for history and traditions.
 Salamat There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The Salamati Constitution of 1969 (revised in 1999 and 2014) guarantees the right to practice any religion, and states that the State Religion is Islam. There are a minority of Jews and Christians in Salamat and they are allowed to practice their religion and have dedicated worship buildings.
 Shirua There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. Christianity has been the majority religion in Shirua since at least the early 5th century and the 1831 Constitution of the Shiruan Kingdom formally enshrined it as the state religion, though religious minorities were also guaranteed freedom of religion and the right to establish their own places of worship.
 Sukong There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. There is no federal religion, however, most states have a state religion, most commonly Buddhism. Federal law bans states from enforcing the state religion onto its citizens, and public worship may be considered as disturbance of public peace in certain cases.
 Tiskaiya There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The state religion of Tiskaiya is Orthodox Christianity, however the 1697 Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Various places of worship for different religions have been in the country since the 1400s. The church and state have separated in 1694, and whilst many government officials follow their Orthodox faith openly, it is not a requirement.
 Toubaze There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The 1873 Constitution embeds the "right to practice or abstain from religious commitments and beliefs" as a core citizen right.
 The Vanna There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Citizens of the Vanna are largely irreligious. There are no mentions of religion in the Consititution, instead, freedom to practice any religion is protected by The Freedom of Religion Act of 1881, the very first act passed by the Congress.
 USWR There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. While the USWR is secular on paper, in practice the national ideology is influenced heavily by Innaniazh practices and Innaniazh holidays are considered national ones. Despite this, religious discrimination is strictly forbidden and there is no preferences given to whether or not someone follows Innaniazh.
 Velnotia There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The Velnotian Constitution establishes the separation of church and state, while also ensuring the criminality of professional discrimination against and the free practice of such.
 Whitmarche There is a state religion or creed, but citizens are free to practice any religion they please. The 1989 Constitution establishes the Catholic Church as the state religion, but also guarantees the right to free exercise of religion "in a manner that does not run counter to morality and the public order."
Screenshot 2021-04-13 140436.png Lyonheimer There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please. As written into the constitution, citizens are free to practise any religions
 Hyliastor There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please The Constitution of Hyliastor separates religion from the state, and grants the right to practice any religion, however, there is legislation in place to prevent radicalization and violence.
Image 2023-08-19 224740933.png Federation of Nicakher There is no state religion or creed, and citizens are free to practice any religion they please Nicakher is largely athiest, with only one region being majority religious.