Aeian Freedom Index

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The International Aeian Freedom Index (IAFI), also known as the Aeian Freedom Index (AFI) is an index published annually by the Aeian Human Rights Monitor (AHRM) that assess the human and civil rights of each Aeian country based on its current sociopolitical conditions.


The IAFI is based on a scale of from 0 ("Repressed") to 20 ("Free"). There are five categories:

Index Scale
Aeian Freedom Index free (20 to 17) mostly free (16 to 13) moderately free (12 to 9) mostly unfree (8 to 5) repressed (4 to 0)

The IAFI assesses each country by two main areas - political freedoms and civil freedoms, each with a scale from 0 ("repressed") to 1 ("free").

The following questions are asked when assessing a country's political freedoms:

  • Does the country hold free and fair elections that meet international standards?
  • Are there any politically motivated restrictions against certain groups?
  • Do citizens of the country have the right to criticize their government through speech, writing or peaceful demonstration?
  • Is there an independent judiciary?
  • Is political violence a frequent occurrence?

Each question is worth one mark. The score for political freedoms is then divided by the total number of questions (five) and then is multiplied by ten.

The following questions are asked when assessing a country's civil freedoms:

  • Do citizens have a right to life?
  • Do citizens have a right to live their normal lives without worrying about government repression, terrorism or other activities that may foster fear?
  • Does the state ensure the separation of religious organisations from the government?
  • Is the press and media largely independent?
  • Are citizens guaranteed the right to assembly?
  • Are citizens guaranteed the right to free and mostly unrestricted movement in their country's national borders?
  • Are foreign nationalities and immigrants treated fairly and protected from prejudice?
  • Are citizens guaranteed gender equality?
  • Are citizens protected from, either official or unofficial, discrimination due to their race, gender, religion, ethnic background, creed or sexual orientation?
  • Are citizens employed in potentially dangerous or life-threatening jobs guaranteed adequate wages, due compensation and other things that protect their well-being?
  • Are citizens guaranteed the right to privacy from unwarranted intrusions?
  • Are prisoners treated humanely?

Each question is worth one mark. The score for civil freedoms is then divided by the total number of questions (twelve) and then is multiplied by ten.

The two respective score from both categories are then added to give the total score.


  • Free — TBA
  • Mostly Free — TBA
  • Moderately Free — TBA
  • Mostly Unfree — TBA
  • Repressed — TBA


Region Free Mostly free Moderately free Mostly unfree Repressed No data available
0 / 30
1 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
5 / 30
3 / 30
2 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
1 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
0 / 30
1 / 30
0 / 30
5 / 30
4 / 30
3 / 30
0 / 30
3 / 30
0 / 30


Country/Region Political Freedoms Civil Freedoms Total Score Change from last year Notes
 Aleia/As 4 6 10 Increase 1 Civil rank increased following reassessment of prison conditions in Aleia.
Template:Country data Aquidneck/As 10 9 19 High levels of civil and political freedoms remain consistent in Aquidneck.
 Aramas/Ar 0 2 2 Increase 1
 Arzvan Republic/As 10 8 18
 Ashihara/C 0 0 0
 Brilliania/As 8 6 14 Decrease 1 The introduction of the Morality Bill 2017 which effectively legalized discrimination against LGBT people caused a decrease in the AFI for 2018.
Cebragas Flag.png Cebragas/Ar 4 5 9 Increase 1
 Crylante/As 10 9 19
 Goulong/C 10 9 19 Increase 1
Template:Country data Hipasia/Ar 8 5 13 Increase 1 The introduction of legal protections for minority groups has seen HIpasia enter the "mostly free" category.
 Indragiri/S 2 3 5
File:KavalerishFlag1.png Kavalerilant/As 4 5 9
 Mascylla/As 8 10 19
 Midrasia/As 10 8 18
 Nordhurlant/V 0 2 2
 Renneque/R 10 9 19
Template:Country data Sarpory and Vemnia/As 8 8 16 Increase 1 Formalizing the place of non-Ksaiist immigrants as a protected class allowed an improvement in rank.
Template:Country data Songdang/S 10 8 18 Increase 1 Increased protections for laborers saw Songdang move up a rank.
Template:Country data tir Lhaeraidd/As 8 10 18 Increase 1 Political violence is seldom experienced in tir Lhaeraidd.
 Transcandar/C 5 6 11
 UVSS/V 6 10 16
 Ústekia and Dýnaria/C 10 6 16 Decrease 1
Template:Country data Vrnallia/As 10 9 19 Vrnallia misses out only on the separation of religion and government.