List of Esquarian countries by GDP

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This is a list of Esquarian countries by their gross domestic product. All figures are expressed in Universal Standard Dollars (US$).


Country/Region GDP (nominal)
in millions
GDP (nominal)
per capita
in millions
per capita
 Ainin $5,960,198 $45,135 $5,579,107 $43,452
 Akai $2,969,496 $5,582 $4,432,975 $8,333
 Ambrose $x $x $x $x
Template:Country data Andria $1,762,000 $20,211 $1,762,000 $20,211
 Aucuria $404,280 $31,647 $365,960 $28,651
 Aurega $1,701,978 $47,679 $1,940,966 $54,374
Template:Country data Ceresnia $426,824 $10,859 $1,116,000 $29,825
 Champenia $947,731 $31,578 $1,038,128 $34,590
 Eibenland $1,468,000 $46,170 $1,404,000 $44,341
Template:Country data Jabar $28,725 $1,826 $63,815 $4,058
Template:Country data Jathana $289,550 $1,342 $289,550 $1,342
 Jorland and Lothican $495,320 $32,182 $429,290 $27,892
 Karazawa $945,000 $10,500 $945,000 $10,500
 Katranjiev $746,315 $31,222 $802,877 $35,588
 Kheratia $296,522 $6,733 $687,000 $15,600
 Lecia $100,220 $17,212 $101,610 $17,451
 Luziyca $14,786,375 $54,800 $14,731,601 $54,597
Template:Country data Mazaristan $123,883 $4,201 $134,233 $4,552
 Min $931,000 $17,143 $931,000 $17,143
 Montecara $136,400 $79,329 $175,561 $102,100
 Namor $8,784,067 $16,837 $14,956,551 $28,668
Template:Country data Nautarya $250,000 $5,450 $250,000 $5,450
 Nunalik $50,900 $17,092 $50,900 $17,092
 Razaria $96,600 $2,310 $375,970 $8,990
 Senria $1,465,000 $11,328 $2,245,000 $17,350
 Sjealand $1,847,254 $69,296 $2,600,000 $97,534
 Siphria $94,448 $8,060 $137,993 $11,776
 Swastria $724,599 $41,908 $1,194,871 $67,433
 Tinza $1,058,000 $12,782 $1,335,000 $16,129
 Tuthina $3,465,000 $36,404 $3,843,000 $40,381
 UNIR $941,738 $7,455 $1,516,000 $12,003
 Vasturia $1,969,190 $49,700 $1,759,196 $44,400
 Xiaodong $402,426 $5,202 $1,201,787 $15,535