Legal status of abortion (Aeia)

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Country To protect woman's life Physical health Mental health Rape Fetal Defects Socio-economic factors On request
 Ajerrin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Abortion is available in cases of risk to the mother's physical health, mental health or life, and in cases of rape or fetal defects (as of 2013), but it is not available on demand.
 Aleia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial
Pregnancy can be terminated on request for the first and second trimesters, and in case of emergencies.
Template:Country data Aquidneck Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1971, a pregnancy may be terminated upon request during the first and second trimesters.
 Ashihara Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Abortion is available on request de jure, but due to the corrupt nature of the Ashiharan government it is extremely difficult for most of the population to access.
File:Flag of Biladia.png Biladia Yes Partial Partial Yes Partial No No
Unless the mother's health in in danger, the pregnancy is a result of rape or the baby is known to have defects, abortion is illegal. Since 1968, women can get an abortion after being impregnated because of a rape and since 1975, men can ask for the baby to be aborted if they have impregnated their rapist, though this has to be approved by a judge. In case of fetal defects, an abortion is not illegal if the child would otherwise «life of suffering». In very few cases, the women's physical and mental health can allow for an abortion. An unauthorized abortion is defined as murder by Biladian law, thus being punishable by death, however, this is barely enforced.
 Brilliania Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes For first 12 weeks For first 12 weeks
Liberalized abortion laws took effect on the 1st of January 2016, legalizing abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Template:Country data Carcossica Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial Partial Partial
Since 1963, abortions have been unrestricted in the nation through the 1st trimester, and for pregnancies which risk physical hazard, may be handicapped by parental mental illness, or are result of sexual abuse and rape. All further exceptions must be approved by a nationally-registered Kaevha or approved Layminister from the requester's See or Parish.
 Crylante Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Abortion in Crylante requires the authorisation of a doctor before performing, and cannot be done past 24 weeks unless in cases of danger to the mother's health, but is legal provided these two conditions are met, despite opposition from more socially conservative forces in the Federation.
 Cuirpthe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Cuirpthean abortion laws permit abortion to protect the life and health of the mother, and for rape victims or fetal defects, but only the last two can be done on request.
 Elhazia Yes Partial No Partial Partial No No
Legality of abortion in cases of rape, fetal defects and mother's physical health varies by Voivodeship.
 Goulong Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Established by the 1958 Revised Women's Rights Act which allows all abortions in the first trimester of a pregnancy.
Template:Country data Hipasia Yes Yes Partial Partial Yes Partial No
Abortion is not available on demand. When an abortion is sought on grounds not related to physical health a psychiatrist or social worker must provide consent to termination.
 Indragiri Yes No No No No No No
Abortion only permitted if mother's life is at risk.
 Isolaprugna Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Abortion is available in cases of risk to the mother's physical health, mental health or life, and in cases of rape, but it is not available on demand.
 Mardin Isles Yes Yes Partial Yes Yes No No
Since 1992, abortion has been available in cases where there is a risk to the mother's life of physical health, in cases of rape and cases of fatal fetal abnormalities. The law was amended in 2014 to permit abortion on grounds of mental health, provided that an evaluation has been carried out and approved by a psychiatrist. Abortions on request and under socio-economic grounds remain illegal.
 Mascylla Yes Yes Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1949 Abortion has been opened up for request under a ruling passed by King Lukas II.
 Midrasia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1970 a pregnancy may be terminated on request during the first 90 days.
 Motsvara Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1971, termination on request has been legal, but limited to the first trimester.
 Nordhurlant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
All pregnancy terminations legal since the Freedoms Act (1976).
 Onza Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1965 a pregnancy may be terminated on request during the first and second trimesters.
 Ovandera Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Since 1994, Laws were relaxed regarding Abortion and were reformatted similarly to those of other Almannic nations; They would be shifted to their current state in 2017 by the the Ovan Communist Party
 Pharexia Partial No No No No No No
The "unequivocal right to life of the unborn" is enshrined in Pharexia's constitution, the Canon of Prosperity and Fidelity. While there are no federally guaranteed exceptions, several provinces have passed laws allowing abortions to occur in situations where the mothers life is seriously endangered.
Template:Country data Songdang Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
As of 2015, abortion is available in cases of risk to the mother's physical health, mental health or life, and in cases of rape or fetal defects, but it is not available on demand.
Tiwura flag.png Tiwura No No No No No No No
Abortion has been illegal since independence in 1956, and it has stayed illegal even after the 1966 Revolution.
Template:Country data Vrnallia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial Partial
The state of Hujre requires any medical practitioner to consent to a termination on socio-economic grounds. In other states termination is available on demand.