This article belongs to the lore of Anteria.

List of international treaties of Anteria

Revision as of 14:00, 28 May 2022 by Halsuntria (talk | contribs)
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This list of treaties contains known historic agreements, pacts, peaces, and major contracts between states, armies, governments, and tribal groups in Anteria.

Treaties Before 1200 CE

Year Date Treaty Name Parties Description Notes
1192 17th April Magylonheimerzstag-Saruss Alliance Screenshot 2021-03-04 085120.png Lyonheimer
Sarussia 399190.png Sarussia
The 'Worlds Oldest Alliance', Lyonheimer and Sarussia signed a friendship deal in 1192, that was never rectified despite the changes to either nation. It stands as the oldest alliance in history, and on the 17th of April Sarussians and Lyonheimerish celebrate the day as a day for friendship. Although the pact is mostly just a friendship pact, either nations have never fought in history.

1200 - 1399

Year Date Treaty Name Parties Description Notes

1400 - 1599

Year Date Treaty Name Parties Description Notes

1600 - 1799

Year Date Treaty Name Parties Description Notes

1800 - 1899

Year Date Treaty Name Parties Description Notes

1900 - 1999

Year Date Treaty Name Parties Description Notes
1902 Pact of the Republics  Kentalis

 New Sebronia

*see wiki page*
1946 April 20 Charter of the Anterian Numbering Plan  Iwonia

 New Sebronia

*see wiki page*
1954 January 15 Treaty of Itæstre  Dutchy Empire

 New Sebronia

Treaty that ended The Dutchy-Sebric War. (Terms in wiki)
1988 October 19 Peace treaty of Ganjiland  North Ganjiland
 South Ganji
The treaty officially ended the civil war of Ganjiland
1994 March 2 Treaty of Portland  North Ganjiland
 South Ganji
Treaty that reunified North Ganjiland, Denver and South Ganji into the brand new Ganji Islands

2000 - Present

Year Date Treaty Name Parties Description Notes
2020 1 October Anterian Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons  Canton River Delta
*see wiki page*
2021 24 May Eastern Energy Group  Gran Rugido
Template:Country data Moroavia

1 - Signatories shall reduce tariffs and provide for preferential treatment to other signatories' energy entities.

2 - Signatories shall provide grants for green energy startups
3 - Signatories shall set aside 0.8% of their GDP for environmental impact prevention as it relates to mutual defense. This pool being run by the said below alliance
4 - Signatories shall create an informal alliance dubbed the Eastern Energy Group, which shall consist of signatories' energy entities or corporations to better create a dialogue and continue to build, invest, develop, and enhance each other for purposes of bettering eastern energy reserves, stability, cooperation, and dependency.