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Citizenship in Anteria

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The concept of citizenship varies depending on the nation, and so does the privileges and requisites of this. In the next table, each nation's policy regarding citizenship is shorted out:

  Citizenship is given to all the individuals residing within the given nation
  Citizenship is given to individuals born within the given nation and/or with national parents. Individuals who have resided within the given nation for a fixed set of time and/or have passed a citizenship exam may also obtain the citizenship
  Citizenship is only given to individuals born within the given nation and/or with national parents

Key Country Year implemented Notes
 Austilos 1999 Anyone with proof of residence in Austilos is granted citizenship.
Aziflag.png Aziallis 1976 (Last revised 2016) Individuals born in Aziallis (within the sovereign borders of Aziallis, including the Overseas Regions) automatically gain Azillian citizenship. Immigrants willing to become Aziallis Citizens can easily do so. Aziallis grants Permanent residency to Non-DU citizens after 18 months of continuous inhabitation and citizenship after 4 years of continuous inhabitation while the figures for DU citizens are 6 months and two years and for Special Schedule Nations are 12 months and 3 years. For non-continuous inhabitation, citizenship is granted after spending 7 years in Aziallis within 12 years of non-continuous inhabitation. Individuals investing more than 7.5 million Quasa in Aziallis within a year (in any of the yearly revised industries or scheduled properties) are given Dual Azillian Citizenship. The Government, the Parliament, and the Union Monarchy are allowed to grant Honorary Citizenship of Aziallis to individuals having done excellent work in their respective fields. Such citizenships are also granted along with the Medallion e Aazilaan to foreign scientists along with a huge grant to attract them to pursue their work in Aziallis. Asylum seekers are also given Citizenship within six months of application. Illegal Migrants are given a period of 1 year to declare themselves and an additional year of assessment after which they are granted citizenship.

1. For Non DU individuals- 18 months for PR and 4 years (after the completion of 18 months) for Citizenship (Total of 5 years and 6 months)
2. For DU individuals - 6 months for PR and 2 years for Citizenship (Total of 2 years and 6 months)
3. For Special Schedule Nations individuals- 12 months for PR and 3 years for Citizenship (Total of 4 years)
4. For Non-Continuous Inhabitation- Living time equalling 7 years in Aziallis within 12 actual years
5. For Monetary Dual Citizenship- Investing at least 7.5 million Quasa in specific industries or properties

Special Cases:
1. Honorary Citizenship- Granted by the State to individuals doing excellent work in their fields
2. Merit Citizenship- Granted by the State along with Medallion e Aazilaan to foreign researchers and educationists
3. Asylum Evolution- After an assessment of 6 months, almost always Citizenship is granted to Recognised Asylum Seekers
4. Declaration Evolution- After a window of 1 year of declaring oneself to the National Registry and opening oneself to a year of Government inspections and assessment, citizenship is granted
5. Vulnerables' Evolution- Children of the ages 16 and below and expecting single mothers are granted automatic citizenship after the declaration to the National Registry without any question

 Encessia 1994 The new constitution of Encessia after the establishment of the Auteker included a clause that defined the circumstances of citizenship. This extends to those born in in an Encessian province or territory or with Encessian parents. Immigrants can achieve citizenship in Encessia through a immigration program after passing a series of tests, checks, and documentation. New migrants receive a residential pass that they must maintain for three years before getting a full-fledged residency and citizenship.
 Freice Freice 1972
(revised in 2021)
Aside from a limited number of cases, almost all persons born within the territory of Freice are automatically citizens at both, regardless of the citizenship status of their parents. Foreign nationals may naturalise after living in Freice for at least four years, with a minimum of three years of permanent residency. In 2021, a revision was made that made proficiency in the Freician language a requirement for naturalisation.
 Gabrielland 1927 Gabrielt citizenship is not automatically given to any individual born within the borders. One must have at least one parent who is a citizen (if born within the borders of the nation). If an individual is born outside the borders of Gabrielland, both parents must be citizens. Citizenship tests are available for Permanent Residents after living 15 years continuously or 20 years noncontinuous.
 Ganji Islands 1970 People born in Ganji Islands get a citizenship automatically. Immigrants, emigrants and refugees can apply for citizenship after they've lived in Ganji Islands for atleast 36 months.
 Gassasinia 1979
(Last revised 1984)
According to the Gassasinian Constitution, all individuals born to at least one permanent resident parent, along stateless and orphaned children, are subject to Gassasinian citizenship. When a parent naturalises or registers are a Gassasinian citizen, that citizenship is passed on down to their children.

According to the Citizenship Act 1984, individuals who have spent at least half their childhood within Gassasinia, previously held but since renounced Gassasinian citizenship, and those who have lived within Gassasinia continuously for at least 30 years can seek citizenship through registration rather than through naturalisation, waiving their requirement to pay a fee, seek sponsors and fill a citizenship test.

For other conditions one must seek Gassasinian citizenship through naturalisation, meaning one must be able to list any five Gassasinian citizens as references who can sponsor their Gassasinian citizenship, complete a citizenship test and prove their ability to speak and write in Gassasinian and English language. Furthermore, they must fill at least one of the following criteria:

  • Have lived in Gassasinia continuously for at least ten years.
  • Are a stateless individual, but not because of renunciation of citizenship.
  • Have a child who is a citizen of Gassasinia.
  • Have been living in Gassasinia with a child for at least five years.
  • Married to a citizen of Gassasinia for at least two and a half years.

For individuals diagnosed with certain disabilities which reasonably affect one's ability to function socially, the needed amount of references is reduced to two. The cost of starting the naturalisation process is $7,500.
Gassasinian law recognises multiple citizenship and those who renounce their citizenship because their other citizenship does not allow multiple citizenship are entitled to the right to abode, diplomatic protection and the right to register as a Gassasinian citizen.

File:Halsunt Flag.png Halsuntria 1999 In order to apply for citizenship, you must've lived in Halsuntria for 2 years with a FIRST-CARD. You must conduct an interview where you recite the Halsuntrian Pledge in an interview where you can be deported if you have more than 5 crimes on your record (including speeding and littering etc.) Then, you get your SECOND-CARD which you posses until you complete the 20 hours of community service, demonstrate fluency in Tenur or English, live in Halsuntria for an addition 6 months without commiting a serious offence & recite the Parish Alliance. Then, when your six months are done, you get a THIRD-CARD until your citizenship files get processed and don't any crime which usually takes 5 weeks. Finally, when your files get processed, you get brought to your Borough Citizenship Center where you or a group of people recite the Borough Oath. The entire process takes about 3 years assuming you already know either English or Tenur.
 Hatstheput 1896 Individuals born within Hatstheput's borders or with national parents will be automatically given the citizenship. Immigrants who have lived inside Hatstheput for more than 10 years may carry out a citizenship test in order to earn their citizenship.
 Hoterallia 1910 According to the Constitution of Hoterallia, Chapter II:
  • 1. A citizen of the Second Empire of Hoterallia is a person with Hoterallian nationality.
    • 1a. A citizen of the Second Empire of Hoterallia is a person born within the territory of the Empire.
    • 1b. A citizen of the Second Empire of Hoterallia is a person whom parents are Hoterallian (one parent are the same).
    • 1c. A person who are born outside the nation with parents who are Hoterallian are allowed to be citizens with consent of the parents and the government of the nation where the parents are living.

  • 2. A Hoterallian citizen residing abroad shall be protected by the Second Enpire of Hoterallia.

According to the Free Immigration Act of 1910, still in effect today, stated:
If a person with a different nationality from Hoterallian, these person who have these following criteria can become an official citizen of the Second Empire of Hoterallia:

  • 1. Lived and worked in the Empire for 2 years and a half.
  • 2. Lived and worked with major helps for the Empire (governmental) for 1 year.
  • 3. Married to another citizen of the Empire for 3 years.
  • 4. Have a child with another citizen of the Empire.
  • 5. A person with a stateless identity residing in the Empire.

If one of these criteria fitted with the person, they have a limit of 3 years before getting tested for their citizenship called "The Imperial Citizenship Exam", usually taken in the Governmental Prefecture House of the person residing, they are either passed with a score of 60/100 and above in Hoterallian or 80/100 and above in their native language, they will be an official citizen of the Second Empire of Hoterallia. The exam usually cost around 100 Hoterian (equivalent to almost 111 USD) to take.
Some special cases included in the act:

  • 1. Governmental Citizenship: A person who have both the permission of the government of Hoterallia and their previous nation's government to be a citizen in Hoterallia will be given the Governmental Citizen.
  • 2. Studying Citizenship: A person who is at the age from 6 to 18 who is having an education abroad and is now moved into Hoterallia will be given the Studying Citizenship. After they have the full high school education, they have 2 years before taking "The Imperial Citizenship Exam" if they want to be a Hoterallian or return to their native country.
  • 3. Awarded Citizenship: A person who is awarded with a scholarship, a national award from the government of Hoterallia will be given the Awarded Citizenship, they can live in Hoterallia for ten years before taking "The Imperial Citizenship Exam".
  • 4. Disabled Citizenship: A person who have a disability of any kinds, both mental and physical that hopes to reside in Hoterallia will be given the Disabled Citizenship, they will have a time limit of 10 years before taking "The Imperial Citizenship Exam", when they or their guardian notify the local government that they are able to take the exam. An exception for mentally disabled is for scores, they will passed with the scores 40/100 and above.

After taking "The Imperial Citizenship Exam", annually held in May, and if they passed, they will be granted a citizenship in July, in their local governmental houses. They will have to attend a meeting with the others people who were given the citizenship, read the Oath To Phoenix Empire and sing the national anthem, after that they will be an official citizens of the Second Empire of Hoterallia.
Newly granted citizens will be given 10,000 Hoterian (equivalent to almost 11,100 USD) every month for a year and they will earn the rights that are bestowed on all Hoteralllian people.

 Kistolia 1954 (Since Establishment) Anyone with residence is granted citizenship in Kistolia.
Template:Country data Layfet, Vultesia 1913 Birthright citizenship is a right given in the Principate's Special Administrative Charter for the District of Layfet, either through birth on sovereign territory of the District of Layfet or birth by Layfetian citizens. Additionally people adopted by Layfetian citizens, refugees, or asylum seekers get automatic citizenship upon arrival through Layfetian Basic Law. Immigrants can apply for citizenship after having residency for 12 months. Citizens of Layfet are not automatically citizens of Vultesia.

Layfetians must go through the immigration system to get citizenship in Vultesia. All citizens of Layfet are considered Vultesian Nationals until they do so. All citizens of Vultesia are free to travel to and from Layfet, but cannot stay unless they apply for Layfetian Residency. Citizens of Vultesia are considered citizens of Layfet.

Ludviska 2005 Anyone who resides in Ludviska and has been working legally and paying taxes for a minimum of five years in the country has the right to citizenship.
Screenshot 2021-03-04 085120.png Lyonheimer 1975 Lyonheimerish citizenship is given to anybody born in the country, even if they have only visited once. It is also offered to those with first-generation Lyonheimermen parents. If you live in the nation for 3 years you are also offered citizenship.
 Maricoen 2002 Citizenship is granted upon birth to those who have two parents with Maricoenian citizenship, or who reside in Maricoen and have at least one Maricoenian parent, or were born in Maricoen to legal/documented immigrants. Immigrants can recieve citizenship if they have been legally working in Maricoen for at least twelve years (nine years for Thrismari Union immigrants) on a consistent basis and they pass a citizenship test.
 Paslin 1905 Citizenship for Paslin has been set since it's creation, and the rules are still followed today. Paslinian citizenship is automatically given to those born in Paslin, those with Paslin parents or adopted by Paslin parents, single or not.

Those wishing to immigrate will have to come to the immigration center to see if they meet requirements for citizenship, some of those requirements being if they have lived in Paslin for a certain number of years, if they have been involved in extreme crimes, etc. If not, they will be allowed to live in Paslin for a certain number of years, and if they manage to do so without being caught for doing any crimes that are considered dangerous and extreme by law, they will be accepted as a citizen.

 Pelostan 1969 Anyone with pernament residence in Pelostan is considered a Pelostani citizen, and has full rights of one. Before the year of 1969 you had to have pernament residence within Pelostan for 3 years, before you could apply for citizenship. Pelostani citizenship tests contain the basic history of Pelostan, a test of the Pelostani language & a test of an understading of the political system.
 Prybourne 1892 See Citizenship of Prybourne
 Qazhshava 1918 Citizenship of Qazhshava is earned if you have passed the citizenship test or if you serve the armed forces for 3 years, if born in Qazhshava Citizenship is granted for free
 Sacrofnia 1994 Citizenship of Sacrofnia is earned if you have passed the citizenship test or if you join the army for 10 years those born in Sacrofnia do not need to have a test to have their citizenship
 Taunux 1952 Individuals born to one or two taunuxian parents are given citizenship at birth. Residents and immigrants may apply for citizenship if they pass the criteria:
  • Have lived in Taunux for the past 4 years.
  • Are fluent in taunuxi or greek.
  • Do not have a criminal record.
  • Haven't had a citizenship application denied in the past 3 years.
 Tiskaiya 1962 (Last revised 2018) Individuals with one Tiskai parent can apply for citizenship. In 1980 Tiskaiya implemented the "Citizenship by Blood" law, in which if an individual can prove to the immigration office that they have at least 40% Tiskai blood, they can become citizens.
 Tsokeiku (Last revised 2016.) Individuals whose parent is Tsokeikanese is automatically granted Tsokeikan citizenship.
Viha 859365.png Viha 1998 Anyone who lives in Viha is a citizen of Viha.
 Yryel Since establishment (last revised in 1990) Citizenship is granted upon birth to those who were born in Yryel or have at least one parent who is of Yryel citizenship. Immigrants must have lived in Yryel for at least four full years before they can apply for citizenship (two years for those that immigrate from countries in the Dokodo Union). After four years immigrants can apply for citizenship in which they will take a test about there understanding of yryeli life. After passing this test a further two and a half full years is needed before immigrants can apply for any government office or join the military