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Emirate of Saudi Jiddiya
Flag of Saudi Jiddiya
CapitalJiddiya City
• King
Qaaid el-Taha
Basheer el-Rashed
Farajallah Naim
• 2020 estimate
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy

The Emirate of Saudi Jiddiya, most commonly known as Saudi Jiddiya or Jiddiya, is a nation in the Coalition of Crown Albatross located on the continent of Adula, bordered by Durnstaal, Mulfulira, and Emmiria. It encompasses the southern shoreline of Lake Gravenna and includes a narrow geographic panhandle that extends to the Albarine Sea.

The territory that now constitutes Saudi Jiddiya was the site of several ancient cultures and civilizations. The prehistory of Saudi Jiddiya shows some of the earliest traces of human activity in the world. Islam is the largest religion in the country, with more than 95% of people identifying their belief as such. The state has attracted criticism for a variety of reasons including: its role in regional conflicts, suspected sponsorship of Islamic terrorism with groups such as Al-Fijar, its failure to adopt adequate measures against human trafficking, and its poor human rights record, which has been characterized by the problematic treatment of women, excessive and often extrajudicial use of capital punishment, state-sponsored discrimination against religious minorities and atheists, state-sanctioned racism and antisemitism, and its strict interpretation of Shari'a law. Historically, it has run into diplomatic issues with neighboring Durnstaal and Emmiria over these strict policies, although modern day reformations and progressions have led to leniency in both ends of policy.


Ruins of F'rookajik fortress in Dimarhl, where Sheik al-Mutahhari barricaded himself against Emmirian Empire attacks






See also: Cities in Saudi Jiddiya

Metropolitan areas in Saudi Jiddiya

1 Jiddiya City 1,252,000
2 Nuzaraq 644,000
3 Sohuraq 396,000
4 Al Nuzheer 238,000
5 Runuraq 204,000
6 Duraib 152,000





Soldiers of the Jiddiya Army in 2017.

The armed forces of Saudi Jiddiya include the Jiddiya Army (includes Republican Guard), Navy (includes Marines), Jiddiya Air Force (includes Air Defense Force). A major reorganization of the armed forces has been underway since the purchase of the Sohuraq Panhandle from Emmiria in 2006. The unified air forces and air defenses are now under one command. The navy has concentration in Sohuraq. Total armed forces manning numbers about 401,000 active personnel, including moreover especially conscripts. The supreme commander of the armed forces is the King of Saudi Jiddiya.

The number of military personnel in Saudi Jiddiya is relatively high comparative to population. In 2018, total active troops were estimated as follows: army, 390,000; navy, 7,000; and air force, 5,000. In September 2007, the government announced the reinstatement of compulsory military service. Saudi Jiddiya's defense budget, which in 2006 represented approximately 40 percent of the total government budget, is expected to remain high for the near term, as the military draft takes effect and internal security threats continue to escalate. By 2015, Saudi Jiddiya had 401,000 active personnel.

Foreign Relations

