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Secular Republic of Bentho
República Secular de Bentho
Flag of Bentho
Motto: "La Unión es la Fuerzar"
Map of Bentho
CapitalSan Pera
Largest CityCaapulas
Official languagesBenthese, Spanish
Ethnic groups
• Presdient
Joaquin Nieto
• 2020 estimate
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
571.4 Billion
• Per capita
very high
Date formatMM-DD-YY

Bentho officially known as the Secular Republic of Bentho is a soverign nation located in north-east Ausiana, in the reigon of Carubana in Coalition of Crown Albatross. It's only border is with Vulkaria to the west. The 2 Main Reigons of Bentho are the Sarkos tropics and the Cordillera del Illimani. Bentho has 10 States of Districts of San Pera, Palno, Aregoyape,Barbagaba,Jacardaes,Caumáo, Floriano, Contacicaba, and Huarmos


The orgin word for Bentho comes from the Bentheeses word of benção which translate to blessing which is sometimes heard of has Bentho and thus the natives began to call it Bentho.



Bentho was first inhabited around 5,000 years ago by hunter-gatherers It is estimated that at the time of the first contact with Adulans in the 19th century there were about 6,000 Native Benthenses and some Huamorian island-settlements.

19th Century

Bentho was established as a colony of Iobaray in 1863 and was ruled under one of the strongest Generals of the Iobary Empire General Olaitan. When is men landed in mordern day San Pera He created some costal colonies and didn't see the natives as a threat and instead a way of tradeing. When he made the colony of Fokondi he allowed the natives to live along and explain how Iearth was like with a whole world. His son





Bentho has 3 branches of the goverment in San Pera With the Bentho Senate who has 100 seats, 10 seats per state, the Bentho National Assembly Which has 500 Seats. The senate votes on bills, laws, and political people in Bentho to be sworned in our impeached and has an election every 1.5 years. The National Assembly is more internationally which votes on wars, treaties, miltary prescnces and trade deals, theese people are sworn in every 6 years.

The Senate was founded in 1904 when the Bentheses war of indepednce was taking place and many constinsted of miltary generals and well respeteced soliders. They manily decided what to do when indepedent and how to manage rebel contolled areas. The Bentho National Assembly was founded in 1929 when the nations goverment was about to collapse in the Bentho Deppersion which was a drought that was rare in that reigion, which made the people starving and the goverment couldn't afford food.

Foreign Relations

Bentho has a diplomatic structures with nations on IEarth. Bentho has multiple embassies in San Pera Headed by the Goverment of Bentho. With globalization, its links to Adula have strengthened. Bentho is a strong advocate of constitutional democracy, and individual liberties. Its international relations historically have been guided by the principles of nonintervention, multilateral ism, respect for national sovereignty, and reliance on the rule of law to settle disputes.

Bentho's goverment is reportedly closest to that of Pongi due to it's goverment similarities, and historical relations.

Embasies in Bentho


The main miltary of Bentho is the Benthenses Armed Forces(BAF) It was created back in 1904 When the Bentho War of Independence. Service for both men and women for atleast 1 year, some factors may alter like sports, disability or illness. Each soilder will have their bill paids for their family. On the island of Huarmos they have their own miltary due to it being a island, the Huarmos Island Forces(HIF) are a branch off the Benthenses Armed Forces. Nearly 250,000 of the Benthenses are currently in the miltary and around 1,000,000 reserves

Bentho doesn't have any country to threaten its soverignty, due to its remote location but it's main miltary is to protects itself. The Bentho Navy is a big help with that by patroling Bentho's water claims in the Sea of Vulkaria. Bentho has an aircraft carrier called the NAe San Pera. The airforce in Bentho called the Fuerza Aérea Bentho or the Benthese Airforce is how Bentho protects it skies. In 1977 it was determined that the mission of the Air Force is to conduct strategic and tactical aerospace operations on behalf of the national defense, exercising the sovereignty of the Benthese airspace and defending the independence, integrity, constitution and laws of the country.



Sports in Bentho are huge and the biggest ones are soccer, rugby, and baseball. Bentho Primera División Is the biggest soccer leauge in Bentho with Bentho Leauge 2, Bentho Leauge 3 Bentho Leauge 4 being lower leauges. The Bentheese national football team represents Bentho in international tournaments like the World Cup.

Rugby is also pretty big with Benthos own Caapulas Capybaras placing runners-up in the International Rugby League


