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Euronia is the largest continent located on the planet of Iearth. The vast continent is bounded by the bustling Olympic Ocean to the west, the Northern Ocean to the north, the Sampson Ocean to the west, and the expansive Toyana Ocean to the south. A narrow land bridge connects Euronia to Ausiana through the country of Vulkaria, though it is bisected by the Vulkaria Canal.



Pre-Euronia period

Colonial period

Modern period




List of states and territories

Name Capital Population Area Head of State Head of Government Government type
 Zamastan Zamastan Tofino 623,450,000 9,984,670 km2
Foley Sakzi
Democratic republic
Gladysynthia Flag 2020 Official Wavy.png Gladysynthia Gladysynthia Flag 2020 Official Wavy.png Mönusÿnthys 126,000,000 5,837,670 km2 Seswitch LaFlaunce Guillermo Rivera Centrist democracy