Commonwealth of Democratic Nations

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Commonwealth of Democratic Nations
Native names
  • Aquidish:Comunità di Nazioni Democratiche
    Lhedwinic:Commonwealth af Demokratier
    Midrasian:Comunitat des états Démocratique
    Vrnallian:Demokratýk-koviziej Razgikovi
    Liidurian:Demokraatlike Rahvaste Ühendus
Member states in dark green; observers in green; suspended states in light green
Member states in dark green; observers in green; suspended states in light green
Official Languages
TypeSupranational organization
• President of the Councils
Cuirpthe Aidan Henderson
• Speaker of the Assembly
Template:Country data Sarpory and Vemnia Carles Zeoffajen
LegislatureAeian Parliament

The Commonwealth of Democratic Nations is an intergovernmental organization of democratic nations from across Asura created in September of 2000. The Commonwealth was the culmination of several years of co-operation among Asuran states beginning with the signing of the Cyningburgh Pact (later known as the Drago Entente) in 1923 between the kingdoms of Aquidneck and Newrey. Since then numerous military and economic agreements were signed between the democratic nations of Asura, with the creation of the Asuran Economic Commmunity and the Lotrič Declaration.

In the late 1990s however, negotiations began to merge these numerous organisations into one overarching authority. Under the agreement signed in the city of Berghelling, the Entente became the military and defensive side of the organization and the Asuran Economic Community, renamed into the Aeian Community, become the political, economic, and legal side of the organisation. Since its creation, the community has expanded beyond its traditional Asuran heartlands to incorportate nations such as Ajerrin, Ústekia and Dýnaria and Onza, making it a truly global organisation.

Aeian Community

Main article: Aeian Community

The Aeian Community is the political, legal, and economic arm of the Commonwealth. The Aeian Community's goal is to bring together members politically and economically in order to enrich Aeia and increase the prosperity of all members. The Aeian Community has many projects and organisations that operate under it, most notably the Aeian Parliament and the Aeian Court of Human Rights.

For acts to be passed and enforced by the community, they first must be introduced within the Parliament and receive a simple majority. Bills passed by the parliament must then by ratified by each member state of the organisation through the Aeian Council. If two-thirds of the member states of the organisation ratify a bill, it then becomes law within the Aeian Community. The Court of Human Rights is tasked with the enforcement of all passed legislation, ensuring that member states uphold it and that said legislation is within the remits of the Community's powers.

Aeian Parliament

Main article: Aeian Parliament

The Community is governed by the parliament, which is divided into two chambers. The lower chamber, the Aeian Assembly and the upper chamber, the Aeian Council. Bills need to pass through both chambers in order to become law.

The Aeian Assembly is the large lower chamber of the Aeian Parliament. Each nation popularly elects its Delegates which are assigned based on the population of the nation. By law, all bills to be considered by the Aeian Parliament originate in the Assembly. The Assembly is presided over by a Speaker which is elected from among the Delegates. The current speaker is Carles Zeoffajen of Sarpory and Vemnia.

The Aeian Council is the upper chamber of the Aeian Parliament. It is comprised of the head of government from each member-state or their appointed delegate. Each member-state gets one vote in the Aeian Council. The Council is presided over by a President which is rotated among the member-states.

Drago Entente

Main article: Drago Entente

The Drago Entente is the military alliance portion of the Commonwealth. The Entente is responsible of the collective defence of the member-states and runs various operations that range from running anti-piracy fleets to peacekeeping operations.

The Entente is governed by the Entente Council, within which each member-state sends one voting delegate. The Council is presided over by the President of the Council which is rotated among the member states every six months. The President of the Council is assisted by the Secretary-General who is the chief administrator of the Entente.

Each member state appoints a senior military officer to sit on the Military Committee of the Entente. This committee answers to the Entente Council and is responsible for advising the council on military matters. The Committee elects from among itself a Supreme Commander who is the chair of the committee and serves as the leading military official within the Entente. The current Supreme Commander of the Entente is Matteiu Mittelrand of Midrasia.

The Entente's biannual budget originates in and is approved by the Aeian Parliament.


The Commonwealth was formed in September of 2000 as a merger of various already existing international and intergovernmental organizations. The Aeian Community spawned from the Asuran Economic Community, which itself spawned from a merger of various smaller organizations dedicated to cooperation between the nations on the continent of Asura. The Drago Entente evolved from the Aquidish-Newreyan Treaty and grew to enhance the security and defence of many nations, with considerable overlap of nations from the Asuran Community.

Following the political and economic fallout that struck Asura at the beginning of the Twentieth Century following the Great War, a movement to form a new political and military bloc to prevent the outbreak of a similar total war began to gain traction. In 1923 the Cyningburgh Pact was signed between the Kingdoms of Aquidneck and Newrey, creating a permanent alliance against the two nations. Whilst the alliance was initially aimed at curbing Midrasian influence on the continent, its attention soon turned towards the growing influence of both tir Lhaeraidd and the Aeian Socialist Union. Over time the organisation began to attract new members from across the continent such as Sarpory and Vemnia and Chalcia. The alliance would ultimately be dragged into war with the Aeian Socialist Union in 1927 however, along with Midrasia and West Miersa.

Following the conclusion of war with the ASU, and the beginning of the Red Scare and decolonisation movement, a number of Asuran nations began to turn to the organisation, now rebranded as the Drago Entente for support. Cuirpthe would be drawn into the block following the conclusion of its civil war, whilst Midrasia would open a co-operation agreement with the group in 1945. Additionally, with the development of the Midrasian nuclear program, the entirety of the Entente came under the protection of the Lotrič Declaration, providing a nuclear deterrent to nations seeking to make war with democratic Asura.

Other efforts to disincentive war between Asuran states also took place throughout the 1950s, with the development of the Asuran Coal and Steel Union in 1957, this would later develop into the Asuran Economic Community in 1972 with the integration of other organisations such as ASURATOM and the development of a common market. The economic benefits of this agreement drew in a number of new states seeking to benefit from the favourable economic ties, with the Arzvan Republic, Glanodel, Midrasia, Navack and Vrnallia all joining in subsequent years.

Due to an overlap in membership and similar goals and objectives between both the Economic Community and Drago Entente, negotiations opened to merge the two organizations together. Although a long and arduous process which faced considerable opposition in a number of states, an agreement was finally hashed out in November 1998 in the city of Berghelling. The new organisation would merge both the Drago Entente and Asuran Economic Community, whilst also expanding its remit beyond Asura and creating a supranational parliament and supreme court capable of drafting and enforcing legislation on economic and social matters. In September 2000, the Treaty of Berghelling was ratified by all existing members of both the Entente and Economic Community, giving rise to the Commonwealth of Democratic Nations.

In the following years, the Commonwealth expanded its borders, both in Asura and overseas, with Ajerrin, Crylante, Ústekia and Dýnaria, Isolaprugna, and the Mardin Isles soon joining the organisation either as full members or observer states. Since its foundation in 2000, the Commonwealth has also seen considerable developments, with the single-market developing a number of worldwide trade deals, the development of a joint space-project and the creation of a number of global task forces to deal with issues such as piracy and terrorism.


There are three different types of membership within the Commonwealth. Each one has different duties and privileges associated with them.


Members or full members is the membership type of nations that are fully apart of both sides of the Commonwealth, the Drago Entente and the Aeian Community. Members are represented by voting members in all parts of the Commonwealth and have the right to fully participate in every event, operation, and project overseen by the Commonwealth.

To become a member a prospective state must get the unanimous approval of every member of the Aeian Council. Abstentions are not counted as votes against a prospective member and are disregarded in the final tally.

Member Head of Government Assembly Seats Entente Council Representative
 Ajerrin Noelan Kaliona 53 Alana Iwanali
Template:Country data Aquidneck Ruperto Petrillo 89 Caio Vito
 Arzvan Republic Robertus Brēdžias 12 Artūras Matis
 Chalcia Dimitris Argiros 29 Andreas Vasiliades
 Cuirpthe Aidan Henderson 42 Kieran Rodenberg
 Glanodel Nikolaj Svendsen 18 Anna Storgaard
File:LiiduriaFlag.png Liiduria Kaljo Harmaajärvi 27 Merilin Raud
 Midrasia Melcion Portas 110 Jean de Luc
 Navack Helle Schanke 25 Karen Waad
 Onza Mustapha Ihejirika 18 Kollen al-Din Khalifa
Template:Country data Sarpory and Vemnia Lons Mafrig 60 Martin Oisishyen
 Ústekia and Dýnaria Elizabeta Ban 46 Antun Kowalski
Template:Country data Vrnallia Zujka Cismachà 7 Hagón Cieri


An Associate of the Commonwealth is allowed speaking rights in the Entente Council and allows the associate nation to participate in every operation, project, and event conducted by the Drago Entente. Associates pay dues to the Entente. Associates do not participate with the Aeian Community and its respective programs. Though not explicitly stated, associates are considered by many to be under the protection of the defensive parts of the Commonwealth.

To become an associate a nation has to receive the unanimous support of the Entente Council. Abstentions are not counted as votes against a prospective associate.


An Observer of the Commonwealth is allowed to have speaking rights for one delegate within both chambers of the Aeian Parliament, the Council and the Assembly. Observer delegates can submit proposals in both chambers but do not get to vote. Observers get preferential trading status with the members in the single market but are not in the single market. Observers can participate in Aeian Community events, operations, and projects if the Aeian Parliament allows. Observers must also pay some dues to the Aeian Community.

To become an observer a nation must get 2/3 of the votes in the Aeian Council. Abstentions are not counted as votes against and nations that abstain are taken out of the total needed to reach a 2/3 majority.

Observer Head of Government Council Representative Assembly Representative
 Crylante Liana Vescovi (Chief Director)
Jenný Anadottir (Foreign Affairs)
Mylene De Raya Helle Solberg
 Isolaprugna Emanuela Amatore (President)
Federico Cho (Prime Minister)
Nico di Torden Adele Sartini
 Mardin Isles Aongus Ó Lunaigh Ailill Ó hAllúráin Dearbhla Nic Aoidh
 Mascylla Thomas Falkner Fabian Brielow Andreas Redlitz

Suspended members

Under Article V of the Treaty of Berghelling member states of the Commonwealth of Democratic Nations may be suspended from the organisation if they are found to have committed any act which "undermines the integrity of the Commonwealth, its goals, or any individual member state or associate state of the organisation". A nation found to have broken the terms of the treaty must then be voted into suspension through a two-thirds majority among the Commonwealths other member states. Only one nation has ever been suspended from the organisation, what being Newrey, which was suspended in mid-2017 after it was revealed that the Newreyan government had sold banned chemical weapons to the Alydian Republic of Aramas in early 2005.

Nation Head of Government Date of suspension Reason
 Newrey Sir Raymond Holt 2017 Sale of banned chemical weaponry (Sarin gas) to an enemy of the Commonwealth of Democratic Nations (Alydian Republic of Aramas).