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*Layfet was not a recognized nation at the time.
*Layfet was not a recognized nation at the time.

Revision as of 17:37, 3 November 2021

  There is no current standing army
  There is a standing army, but service is voluntary
  Service is compulsory de-jure, but is either not enforced or has been suspended
  Service is compulsory, but conscription lasts for 12 months or less
  Service is compulsory, and conscription lasts for over 12 months

Key Country/Autonomous Region Year last implemented Year abolished Length Applies to both genders? Notes
 Amrelia N/A N/A Varies No There is currently no conscription in the Federative Republic, however, there are provisions in the Constitution that allows the Federal Assembly to enact conscription for males aged 18-30 during times of war or when the homeland is seriously threatened. Conscription has never been enacted in Amrelia's history, and there continues to be campaigns that call for the constitutional provision that allows for conscription to be done away with.
 Austilos N/A N/A N/A N/A Austilos has no national standing army.
 Aziallis 1692 1920 24 months Yes The Union had a very strong conscription which got codified into the Constitution as well. At first it was only for men and lasted for 5 years, but amendments in 1893 reduced the service time to 2 years and mandated both men and women serve in the military. In 1920, after strong push from then Prime Minister S. Frene the Parliament ended conscription and made service in the armed forced voluntry.
 Blechingia 1670 1898 4-6 years Yes
 Canton River Delta 1621 N/A 14 months Yes In CRD conscription is still compulsory for both genders. You can choose between care or the army but it is mandatory to do it for 14 months. everyone at the age of 18 must do the 14 months.
 Encessia 1411 1994 N/A N/A Conscription in Encessia was outlawed in 1994 with the new constitution's protections on civil rights, however this law is able to be suspended in dire needs or emergencies.
 Ganji Islands 1960 N/A 15 months No Conscription is compulsory for men, but for women it's voluntary. 14% of the women choose to serve in the army. Usually people serve when they finish their secondary or tertiary education, usually at 18-24 years old.
 Gassasinia 1899 1977 N/A N/A Conscription abolished by the Defence Force Act 1977.
Until the formation of the Defence Force, all able-bodied, unmarried and childless men and women between the ages of 18 and 45 were subject to conscription for up to two years. Although most women were only allowed to serve in rear-echelon roles, Jewish women were potentially liable to be assigned to combat roles if assigned to the Jewish Legion. Conscription reached its' height in 1973, during the guerrilla war between far-right and far-left paramilitaries.
File:Halsunt Flag.png Halsuntria 1893 N/A 9 months Yes Implemented in the Militant Act of 1893, all citizens must enlist for 9 months at any point between 18 and 26 years of age. There were many pushes to abolish the act, mostly by feminists thinking that women should be an exception to the rule, but they have resulted in naught for obvious reasons.
 Iwonia 1925 N/A 30 months Yes Females are not allowed for combat, only for medical and cooking. Men can be exempt altogether if they have a Master's Degree in Engineering but can volunteer for 18 months.
 Kistolia 1687 (Establishment) 2021 N/A N/A Conscription has exsisted in Kistolia since it's establishment in 1687. The law has been revised many times. Somewhere between ages 18-21 you would get a conscription letter, unless you planned on going to University, in which you would be allowed to delay the conscription until completion of the planned degree. Once the degree has been completed you would serve 12 months in the military. The practice was banned for a short time in 2020, but it was reinstated the same year, then permanantly banned in January 2021.
Template:Country data Layfet 1724 N/A N/A N/A Conscription was only mandatory during the Layfetian Revolutionary War and was abolished shortly after the war. Freedom from Conscription was then guaranteed by the Layfetian Constitution.
Ludviska N/A 2004 2 months Yes No citizen is obliged to perform military service on a compulsory basis. In case of doing it voluntarily, it would last 2 months, and would be available in the same way for men and women. Performing military service has benefits, like free health insurance and college scholarships.
Screenshot 2021-03-04 085120.png Lyonheimer N/A N/A N/A N/A Conscription has never been recorded to have been in place in Lyonheimer throughout the nations history.
 Mehrava 1985 N/A 36 months Yes All males of Mehrava are required to enlist in the Armed Forces as soon as they reach the age of 18, exceptions for disabled individuals only.
 Nerany 1954 N/A 10 months Yes N/A
 Neuewland 1706 N/A Varies Yes Conscription is not usually in effect, but during times of emergency, the Plutocratic council instates a conscription law which conscripts up to 10% of the Neuew population, randomly selected among all adults between 16 to 40, into the military, usually to be used as filler for the spaztverces and landarbeiters to work alongside of. This law dates all the way back to the early 1700s, when the Merchant Princes of Neuewland began consolidating the islands that composed the de jure High Kingdom of Neuewland.
 Paslin 1950 N/A 24 months Yes Conscription is in effect; however, Paslin has kept a small army, and instead usually trains the recruits, so they can be ready to be called up and go through training much quicker should the need arise. All civilians aged 16 to 42 have to undergo conscription unless they don't have citizenship yet.
 Pelostan N/A N/A N/A N/A Curently, Pelostan has no standing national army.
 Qazhshava 1919 N/A 14 months Yes It is a Qazhshavan's duty at age 18 to serve his/her motherland. Only exceptions in conscription are made to certain criminals, priests, monks and people who's disabilities prevent them from serving. Both men and women are conscripted, they get basic training, such as gunhandling, and women are taught for nurses and field medics.
 Sacrofnia 1620 N/A 15 months Yes "The workouts are harder than any battlefield"
 Tiskaiya 1588 1958 N/A N/A Tiskaiya enforced a conscription of 9 months for men until 1958, the military then abolished the conscription. Though in times of war a draft can still be called, every man and woman from the ages of 17-45 are subject to the draft.
 Toubaze 1873 N/A 3-6 months Yes Conscription is layed out in the 1873 Constitution and is compulsory for all genders of a certain age, the age has differed for many decades but has been 18 years of age since 2015. Women have the option to take a 3 month service with the option to also the take 6 month service that is required for men. The citizen would get a ticket in the mail and the numbers are announced on National TV and Radio, if your ticket is in the number range you are to be Conscripted and must present at a location which is further specified on the broadcast, this is the modern system of Conscription in Toubaze.
Viha 859365.png Viha 1927 N/A 6 months No N/A
 Whitmarche 1799 N/A 12 months No TBA
Sitrea 1964 N/A 16 months Yes TBA
  • Layfet was not a recognized nation at the time.