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Islamic Republic of Emmiria
Flag of Emmiria
Official languagesEmmirian
GovernmentIslamic Republic
• President
Khayahad al-Azari
• 2020 estimate
CurrencyEmmirian Rija
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy

The Islamic Republic of Emmiria is a country located in southeastern Adula on the planet Iearth, bordered to the north by Skith and Mulfiria and to the south, east, and west by the Toyana Ocean. With a population of 243,387,000, it is the Coalition of Crown Albatross's second largest country by population after Zamastan. Rhaga is the political and economic center of Emmiria, and one of the largest and most populous cities in the world with more than 14.8 million residents in the city and 24 million in the larger metropolitan area. Emmiria is home to one of the world's oldest civilizations, beginning with the formation of the Emmirian kingdoms in the fourth millennium BC.

Emmiria is a founding member of the C.C.A., the A.I.A., and the P.E.A.T. It is a major regional and middle power, and its large reserves of fossil fuels—including one of the world's largest natural gas supplies and the third largest proven oil reserves—exert considerable influence in international energy security and the world economy. Historically a multi-ethnic country, Emmiria remains a pluralistic society comprising numerous ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups, the largest being the Skithans, Kuanas, Kirds, Fijuani and Emnina.




