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Imperial Federation of Luimnigh
Cónaidhm Impiriúil Luimnigh       
Flag of       Luimnigh
of       Luimnigh
Coat of arms
Motto: "Luimnigh go Deo"
"Luimnigh is forever"
Anthem: Amhrán na bhFiann, "The Soldier Song"
CapitalNew Kildare          
LargestNew Kildare, Cathair Cósta and Tailte Feirme Móra    
Official languagesLuimian Gaelic
Recognised national languagesBuckingalani Zamah St'ani-English
Recognised regional languagesAlbesa, Emmirian
Pan-Celtic Paganism
GovernmentFederal Parliamentary Nationalist Semi-Absolute Monarchy
• Great Emperor of the Celts
Domhnall O'Neil IV
•  Prime Minister    
Edward Jones
LegislatureOireachtas "National Parliament"      
House of Representatives      
The Senate
• First Settlement of the Celts
~500 BC
• Creation of the Imperial Federation
• Estimate
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
682.56 Billion
very high
CurrencyGaelic Pound
Driving sideleft
Calling code+16

The Imperial Federation of Luimnigh, most commonly referred to as Luimnigh or the Imperalistic States by some nations is a country located on the continent of Adula, bordered by Buckingla to the northwest.


Early History

Luimnigh started off as a state of various tribal warlords of Celtic origin, these people fought over control over the land and its precious resources, only one was close enough to uniting the lands, his name was Patrick Eimear who united the coastal lands into a monarchist kingdom, not much is known about him but he has gone down in history as a forefather of founding the unity of the nation. Sadly, he eventually died and the lands resumed into turmoil for the next centuries to come.

Medieval History

(900 AD - 1500 AD) - After centuries of fighting, a major event occurred which would transform the land, vast amounts of Celts across the world were being forced out of their homes and turned into refugees, they fled to our lands seeking a new life causing an immense population boom, they saw what had happened and began to protest and demand change, due to the sheer sizes of people, the governments of the kingdoms were overwhelmed and caused many to collapse or be reformed into elective monarchies, the reforms did not change much at first, but the new refugees came in with vast amounts of new knowledge and technology allowing for a golden age of science to explode in the lands, overtime peace gradually did come to the lands but a lot was still needed to be done.

The Great Development Era

(1500 - 1814) - Soon after large population booms occurred from the refugees as well as technological progress, many things changes, while colonization was occurring from other nations, we mainly stayed out of it (also due to us being mainly landlocked). Eventually a duke named Garland O'Neil I who had control of one of the most developed places within the various dukedoms and kingdoms set out on a massive military expedition known as the "Great Unification", many wars were fought on much large scales never before seen with new gun and artillery technology at the people's disposal, but it took many years and countless sieges, etc. but with his son, Tailor O'Neil I, he was able to finally unite the lands, there was one question though, what should he do with it? Well, he decided to create the official Luimnigh Constitution of 1743 which declared the Imperial Federation still standing today, dukes had their powers weakened significantly as well as a massive campaign of stabilizing the nation through means of force and finally in 1814, we were born.

The United Era

(1814 - Current) - As the imperial federation was declared and united, a great effort of further expanding it's borders into the unknown was embarked upon as further technological advancements occurred as well as new educational systems and healthcare was introduced, but our expanding was halted due to problems with Albarine who had now reached out borders and border skirmishes erupted as well as the Great Luimnigh Uprising of 1871. As the 20th Century rolled in we created an act of neutrality under the rule of two emperors known as Adair O'Neil II and Brian O'Neil V. The World War came around and we decided to help Zamastan due to our hatred of Drambenburg due to them helping rebels in the already mentioned uprising of 1871, but we never fully joined the war itself. Today we are a developing nation and our new Emperor has plans to transform the way the nation runs and how the international community sees us.


This is mainly either flatland or high hills as it is perfect for agriculture, which is the main industry in Luimnigh as well as some minor mountainous areas and large forested areas scatter the nation.


Luimnigh is an interesting nation as it follows an ideology known as "Semi-Absolutism" which was created in the 1743 Constitution of the Creation of the Imperial Federation which allows the Emperor to have some power but half of it goes towards the National Parliament as the Emperor controls mainly Foreign Affairs, Military Affairs and Education Affairs (The Emperor works with the Parliament on this subject) with some other minor ones while the Parliament controls the Economic, Healthcare and Infrastructure affairs, etc. as it is a belief of 50/50 power which is shared equally by both positions of power. Political Parties are widely used though with the main three being the Neo-Conservative Republican Party (NCRP), the Labour of the Workers Union Party (LWUP) and the Sinn Féin Democratic Socialist Party of Luimnigh (SFDSP).


The Legislature of the nation is the democracy of the nation or known as the other half of the semi-absolutism we believe in, this is known as the Oireachtas "National Parliament". It is split into the upper house and lower house with the Members of Parliament (PM) in the upper house while the Senators are in the lower house.

How these people are picked is by firstly doing local elections on a candidate that they have nominated, if they win the local elections they become Local Leader. Once proven capable enough they will be offered the position to become a senator, if they accept they shall join the lower house which focuses on City-Wide problems and solutions depending on which sector of the Lower House you come from. If you work exceptionally well you can then wait for the Senate Elections which are held every two years to pick the new Supreme Delegate of the Senate House, if you win this as well you then have further powers over your over colleges within the Senate.

For the upper house, you either have to be Supreme Delegate and have an invitation given to you by the Minister of Judicial Affairs or already be a senator but have exceptional capabilities allowing for a massive election by the upper and lower house to have you moved up, this is not very common though. As you are then made a member of parliament you can get involved in nation-wide affairs and have your say in many laws. Finally, if you want to be at the highest status you can possibly be, you can nominate yourself for PM, but you must do a successful campaign program first at least getting more than 2% of the population to support you at first then you must begin gaining support by any means necessary (although it has to be legal enough) as PM elections are held across the nation every 5 Years, after narrowing down the candidates you will go head-to-head with your opposing nominee, at this point you should have already picked a specific major political party that suits your beliefs and ideas as you help to nominee your own members to positions of ministers if you please (getting into a major political party requires you to become a MP already and you must work your way through becoming Party Leader and you must be one to be able to run in the PM National Elections). If you win, you are then given knighthood by the Emperor himself and proclaimed the next Prime Minister of Luimnigh.


Defense Forces of Luimnigh

The main land forces of the nation of Luimnigh which composes of 12,310 Active Personnel and 6,840 Reservist Personnel but many more can be conscripted due to the big population we have. The Grand Marshall of the army is Braden Cien with our armed forces mainly comprising of infantry, special ops, motorized, artillery and a couple of medium tank divisions.

Luimnigh Naval Service

The main navy of the nation is quite small compared to others with us only holding around 12 ships which composes of 1,094 Active Personnel with only 116 Reservist Personnel. The Admiral of the navy is Mark J. Mailen with us holding 1 Cruiser, 3 Destroyers, 2 Corvettes and 6 Patrol Vessels.

Luimnigh Air Corps

The main air force of the nation is also quite small but reasonably powerful with it holding 733 personnel and around 20 pieces of aircraft with 1 Transport, 2 Maritime Patrol, 2 Surveillance, 10 helicopters and 8 trainers with the General Commanding Officer being Rory O'Connor.

Foreign Relations

