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[[File:AvergnonGEO.png|thumb|right|A geographical map of Avergnon.]]


Revision as of 23:17, 23 April 2020

The Allied States of Avergnon
Flag of Avergnon
Motto: "The Fields Flourish By The Blood of our Forefathers"
Ethnic groups
Avergnonian (77%), Scathan (19%), Other (4%)
GovernmentCorporate Bordello
Franz Selleaux
• General
Elton Moncrief
• Estimate
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy

Avergnon is a nation located in the Coalition of Crown Albatross. It is bordered to the west by Drambenburg, Zamastan, East Chanchajilla, and Paraboca, and to the east by Tinten.



Early age

Foundation of the Allied States

The Allied States of Avergnon are a collection of corporate ruled and directed entities that have over time built one another up through a series of trade unions and pacts of necessity. While having only recently pulled themselves into any significant attention from the world at large, Avergnonian history dates back many centuries.

The original founding of the Allied States is rooted in the signing of The Treaty of Vessalia (Vessalia is the central duchy of Avergnon, also home to the current governmental sector). The treatise was proposed as a solution necessary to end an increasingly violent series of conflicts between the seven most powerful Trade-Princes of the Avergnonian region. This conflict, remembered as The Brother’s War, was the defining moment for the fledgling conglomeration. As the various ruling trading companies exhausted their wealth and manpower on Land Disputes between themselves, the rival nation of Ghalsaint made use of the moment of weakness to execute a quick, and decisive attack of opportunity against the Avergnonian region.

Ghalsaint almost succeeded in their endeavor, marauding their way almost into the heart of Vessalia before being halted by a unified Royal Avergnonian Military and pushed back to their homeland (During this extended pushback of Ghalsaint’s invading army the 322nd Royal Dragoons-- led by none other than Lewis Pontegnone himself, distinguished themselves as a venerated regiment with honors standing to this day). As a result of this war, a unified Avergnon experienced an economic Golden Age, though it was bought by a bloody and horrific conflict, costing the Allied States nearly 19,000 lives. The Brother's Stand Memorial was constructed following the war to honor both the unification of Avergnon and those who bravely gave their lives for the fledgling nation and rests in the center of Vessalia.

The founding treatise was orchestrated by the young businessman and war hero, Lewis Pontegnone, who would go on to become the first Elected Archon of the Allied States. Lewis would lead the Allied States into their economic Golden Age and be remembered and venerated as one of the most honored of the young nation’s ruling figures.

The Treaty of Vessalia revolutionized Avergnonian politics, establishing the Economic Electors System still used by the Avergnonian Elector Counts to this day (See Avergnonian Government for further political system explanation). As well as a host of additional reforms and institutions within the newly formed ruling party in Avergnon which still stand today.

These include Avergnonian Military Reforms such as, Compulsory Royal Avergnonian Military Service of all males of the Avergnonian Central-Class, the institution of the Avergnonian Dredge-Class Draft Reform, the legalization of Avergnonian Wartime Acquisition of Private Militaries Reform, and Avergnonian Emergency Wartime Industry Acquisition Reform ( Also the long outdated Mandatory Musket Ownership Bill ). Civil Reforms such as, Avergnonian Independent Income Rights, the Avergnonian Corporation Freedom Act, the Avergnonian Financial-Class Voting Regulations, and the Avergnonian Private-Sector Investment Act. And finally the signing of the Constitution of Roiseuller established the standing rights of the citizenry of Avergnon.



A geographical map of Avergnon.







File:City States of Avergnon Small.jpg


Vessalia is the capital region of the Allied States, it is here the the treaty uniting the various powers of Avergnon was signed, unifying the denizens of the country in a time of great peril. The region itself is covered in light marshlands to the north, and turns into lush fields and foothills to the south, with parts of the northeast being home to thick forests. Vessalia is known for being the cultural rival to Selleaux, and slightly less conservative as well. The capital is the leading provider of television programs, news sites, and information technology. Most state interest research is conducted within the borders of Vessalia, and the technological industry is cutting edge in this province. There are many coffee shops that dot the region, with Vessalia being the leading caffeine consumer of the Allied States, the best public education system also resides in this region. Aside from all of these benefits, the capital city of Vessalia is also the seat of the Avergnonian government, with all those hoping to develop a political career congregating the regions various cities.


Selleaux Is one of the largest and most influential political regions of the Allied States. The region itself is a hub of culture, boasting cities that overflow with both copious amounts of the famous Selleauxvian Red and the wealthy aristocratic class of the nation. The cities are filled with centers of knowledge, libraries, colleges, and debate houses abound. The Upper Class citizens of Selleaux tend to be groomed for careers in the Avergnonian political scene from birth. With the wealthiest of families paying oftentimes exorbitant sums of money to send their children to prestigious foreign political training institutions. Most notable as an example of this practice may be Franz Selleaux the current Avergnonian Elected Archon who attended the University of Tofino.

File:Selleaux Marshland.jpg
A photograph from the extensive Selleauxvian Marshland region

The lower class Citizens of Selleaux tend to be stuck in the labor industry of Selleaux, the many Selleauxvian Vineyards often employ entire villages to cultivate and prune the enormous fields that are grown to keep pace with national and international demand of the famous Selleauxvian Wines. Oftentimes life is not kind to the lower class citizens of Selleaux, as exposure to the various predatory animals, and unkind geography of the region can be hazardous to their lifespan. Selleaux is covered largely by thick marshland to the north, these marshes extend almost entirely throughout the region, with cities being built either on large outcroppings of land among the muck, or built artificially by the populace with wooden stilts and bridges. The southern region of Selleaux bordering Montellogne and Meritdeth is home to more friendly terrain, with some flat and gentle plainlands used to cultivate more traditional crops such as wheat and barley.


Montellogne is the centermost region of the Allied States, the region consists mostly of rolling plainlands, and the country produces a large amount of agricultural products, along with being Avergnon’s leading contributor in the gambling industry. The streets of Montellogne are filled to the brim with pubs, casinos, and betting houses. Along with these industries, they are also the center of Avergnonian sports culture, with the Montellognian Lions being the premier football and soccer teams in the Allied States, along with a strong market to be found in boxing. On top of this, Montellogne is known for their prestigious military academies, such as the Montellognian Officer’s Academy-- which is rivaled only by the military institutions in the region of Moncrief. One unique feature of Montellogne is the institution of the Avellognian Youth Movement, this organization provides practical life skills, business development training, and small arms and military movement tactics to the youth of Avergnon. The organization has an astounding 71% participation rate among Avergnonian 14-18 year olds. The aristocracy of Montellogne tends to be found in the betting houses, wagering away what would be considered a fortune at a time to the lower classes. Meanwhile, the inhabitants who are less financially well off are resigned to either the agricultural industry, or working in the region's industrial enterprises.


The region of Aveirs is located in the southern half of Avergnon and is renowned for the artistic culture of the state. Many of Avergnon’s most famous and exotic storytellers, poets, artists, and craftsmen come from Aveirs. Perhaps the most famous are the skilled practitioners of Avergnonian Metallurgy. These artisans are known for their articulately crafted metal weapons and armor. While not widely used by soldiers in the modern era, these craftsmen are often hired out to produce highly expensive ornamental armors, and also have been hired out by Avergnonian Special Forces to produce hardened ballistic-weave armors. The artistic and crafting industries provide the Aristocracy with an extravagant income and the estates in Aveirs are often extravagantly decorated and well-maintained. The lower class of Aveirs typically work in the trade industry, crafting and selling various different items and keepsakes. Aveirs is by far the largest source of tourism income in the Allied States, with richly decorated cities and plenty of markets and niche crafting shops for visitors to investigate. The terrain itself is one of many rocky foothills and valleys. The lower areas of the region often turn into floodplains in the rainier seasons of the year, and the rocky soil makes farming a challenge in this state.


The region of Moncrief is one of the smaller regions of Avergnon in terms of both political reach as well as landmass. The aristocracy of Moncrief are largely of a ‘patriotic’ culture. Or, as the aristocracy of the Montressori Highlands would be inclined to classify them-- rabid nationalistic extremists. The upper class of Moncrief fortunes are tied largely into their proven aptitude for battlefield tactics and combat. While they may not hold the greatest political power, and do not operate with the same finesse as the more civilized regions of Avergnon, they are a vicious and powerful club in the hands of one who can constrain them. They are known for their massive, and largely controversial investment into chemical warfare and WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction). While they have denied any manufacturing of chemical weapons themselves, they are known to actively study these areas of warfare, and are in control of several large industrial facilities that produce products that are earmarked as ‘Classified materials'. Aside from their more seedy investiture into unwholesome research, they produce some of the Allied State’s finest infantrymen. Notably, General Elton Moncrief (Current General-in-comand of the Royal Avergnonian Military graduated from Piers Academy of Warfare in southern Moncrief, and served in the 13th Special Operations Squadron otherwise known as the 13th S.O.S. The lower class of Moncrief are often resigned to working in either the trade and manufacturing sector, or enlisting into one of the various aristocrat’s standing private militaries. There are some rumours of abuse of the lower class of Moncrief, rumours of human-testing and live combat practice against these less well-off citizens of the region are not unheard of, and most of the Royal Officials of Avergnon avoid political visits or investigations into this province. The landscape of this region is much akin to the northernmost portion of Selleaux, however it is lacking much of the open air of that region. Moncrief consists almost entirely of dark, murky, and suffocating swampland and waterlogged forests, and it is known particularly for a difficulty in telling time apart from an accurate watch, as the dark and moody swamplands tend to choke out the light of the sun. Those hailing from Moncrief tend to hold a characteristic white pallor in their skin-tones due to this constricting of natural light.


Merideth was founded as a result of the closing of the Selleauxvian Trade Embargo Conflict of 1732. Montellogne and Selleaux-- having agreed to a White Peace in solution to their conflict, established a state under the mediation of Vessalia as a buffer zone between the two regions. Merideth over years of mediation by Vessalia, began to develop its own culture, local laws and customs, and enterprises, and as a result filed for independence in 1836. The Vessalian Government, having grown tired of subsidizing the small state, agreed to this proposal. As a result Merideth was granted official independent statehood on January 1st, 1837. Merideth is a region known for their flowing plains, grassy foothills, and beautiful coastland region. Their prime industries are farming, commercial fishing, and shipping industry. Typically, their crop production consists largely of Wheat, Alfalfa, and Corn. The fishing and farming industries of Merideth produce almost 35% of the total food consumption rate of Avergnon. As well as the shipping industry of Merideth accounting for about 13.7% of the total GDP. Merideth, being an almost entirely coastal region also functions as the seat of the Avergnonian Immigration Bureau. Any and all off-continent immigrants seeking entrance into Avergnon pass through Merideth before being allowed entrance into the larger region of the Allied States. This makes Merideth the most culturally, ethnically, and religiously diverse region in the entirety of the Allied States. Because of the plethora of cultures in this region, they are known to be among the friendliest, and most liberal of the Avergnonian populations. Because of Merideth's cultural diversity, they are also well known for their exotic foods, one of the foremost of these being Fugu a type of Puffer-Fish sold in many of the coastal cities of the region. Fugu is extremely poisonous if prepared improperly, luckily, all Exotic Chefs of the region are required to undergo mandatory safety training in exotic food preparation, so deaths are rare.

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A photograph from one of the various exotic markets in the region of Merideth

Merideth also tends to have a much lower poverty rate than the rest of Avergnon as the lower classes are able to work in a much more diverse market that sees many tourists and immigrants pass through their cities. The highest employer of lower class citizens is the commercial fishing and farming industries of the region. The Aristocracy of the region are heavily invested in the cultural diversity of the population, and often fund various new and exotic enterprises, welcoming the chance to potentially make a big splash into a growing market. One of the most notable individuals from this region may be Martin Lielle, the Avergnonian Minister of Foreign Relations.

Montressori Highlands

The Montressori Highlands is a region of Avergnon very similar geographically to the region of Aveirs. A rocky, inhospitable region of the country, it is full of steep hills, marshland, and rainy weather, despite all of this the landscape can be particularly beautiful on a bright day. The residents of this region are as hard as the terrain, the major ethnic group in this region is Scathan, and the lower class is almost entirely made up of this group. The Montressori Highlands are the only region in Avergnon that passed into the hands of the Allied States by means of conquest. In the Avergnonian-Scathian War of 1813, the Allied States defeated the Scathian military in a prolonged landwar, and annexed the country into the Allied States. Avergnon imposed harsh terms of rule, imposing an additional 15% reparation tax onto the Scathians along with the default national tax, as well as disarming the country entirely and garrisoning the Scathian cities and fortresses, and denying citizenship to all individuals of Scathian descent. All conquest sanctions were lifted in the Concession of Loch Mauri in 1917, however, tensions between the Highlands and the rest of Avergnon still run high in the modern era, particularly between the Highlands and the region of Moncrief which strongly opposed the repealing of the Terms of Victory that allowed Scathians to obtain Avergnonian citizenship. The Highlands primary agricultural productions are Potatoes, and Dairy Products, however, they are also known for their massive automotives manufacturing and mining industries. Most of the populace of the Montressori Highlands are impoverished, and work either in the labor industry or serve in the Scathian Guard, the standing military that is allowed to the Highlands by terms of the reparations stated in the Concession of Loch Mauri. The Montressori Highlands , though loyal to Avergnon on paper, are still quite sore on the subject of their lack of sovereignty as a nation. The upper class of the Highlands primarily make a business of campaigning for independence, and running the automotive and mining empires of the region.

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A photograph of marching Scathian Guard soldiers.


