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Religion in Anteria

Revision as of 18:40, 24 August 2023 by VOJTA (talk | contribs)
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List of Religions

Religion Has presence in: Religious family Major religion (+10% of people) in: Born in:
Catholicism Most of Anteria Christianity Prybourne, Bendan, Hatstheput, Dulando, Whitmarche, Viha, Gassasinia, Bakyern, Kistolia, Blechingia, Amrelia, Torvon, North Memea, Morrawia, Fresian Confederacy
Protestantism Most of Anteria Christianity Prybourne, Bendan, Hatstheput, Ganji Islands, Halsuntria, Gassasinia, Kentalis, Kistolia, Blechingia, Lyonheimer, Kakland, semi-prominent in Zhousheng, Amrelia, New Sebronia, Ludviska, Frarstizk, Morrawia
Judaism Dreasal, Prybourne, Bendan, Albithica, Ganji Islands, Whitmarche, Gassasinia, Amrelia, Lyonheimer, Blechingia, Pryrus, Yryel, Salamat, Morrawia None Gassasinia, Pryrus, Yryel Yryel
Orthodox Christianity Gabrielland, Gassasinia, Grangua, Qazhshava, Lyonheimer, Taunux, Torvon, Prymalia, Ekharnia, Morrawia Christianity Gabrielland, Grangua, Halsuntria, Taunux, Torvon, Ekharnia
Way of Istanfu Tsokeiku, Hatstheput None Tsokeiku Tsokeiku
Rastafari Ganji Islands Christianity Ganji Islands Ganji Islands
Sjaanism Neuewland Zeeite Neuewland Neuewland
Toghanism Neuewland Zeeite Neuewland Neuewland
Guurissi Folk Religion Neuewland None Neuewland Neuewland
Arcanaterism Galeteri None Galeteri Galeteri
Tjan'dze Qazhshava Lakkalic Qazhshava Qazhshava
Sunni Islam Hatstheput, Bendan, Albithica, Gassasinia, New Sarmathia, Gorabo, Qazhshava, Amrelia, Prymalia, North Memea, Salamat, Kakland Islam Gassasinia, Gorabo, Qazhshava, Prymalia, North Memea, Salamat Gorabo
Shia Islam Gassasinia, New Sarmathia, Gorabo, Qazhshava Islam Gassasinia, Qazhshava Gorabo
Ibadi Islam Gassasinia Islam - TBA
Buddhism Bendan, Viha. Qazhshava, Lyonheimer, Prymalia, Morrawia None Viha Viha
Singa Hatstheput None -
Church of Satan Hatstheput None -
Treestianity Kilowatt, Velnotia None - Kilowatt
Capitology Prybourne None Prybourne Prybourne
Lord's Beholders Dulando Christianity Dulando TBA
Church of Geordinia Geordinia None Geordinia Geordinia
Samiism Aleni Zeeite Aleni, Bakyern, Neuewland, Aleni
New Zeeite Nerany, Whitmarche Zeeite Nerany Nerany
Weudalism Bakyern None Bakyern Bakyern
Kammism Prei Meas and some other neighboring countries Preah Faiths Prei Meas, semi-prominent in Zhousheng, minority religion in Neuewland Prei Meas
Batrecism New Sebronia Batri New Sebronia New Sebronia
Sebric Folk Beliefs New Sebronia Batri New Sebronia
Univernology New Sebronia None New Sebronia New Sebronia
Magikism Kistolia None Kistolia Kistolia
Gaoism Hoterallia None Hoterallia Hoterallia
Wikvarism Bakyern None Bakyern Bakyern
Heirism southern Prei Meas Preah Faiths (doesn't exceed 10% anywhere) Prei Meas
Jovanism Kentalis (Orthodox) Christianity Kentalis Province of Ereska, Kentalis
Gabrielism Kentalis (Protestant) Christianity Kentalis, Gadorien Kentalis
Reformed Christianity Spontaneous throughout Anteria Christianity Frarstizk, Fallooplesburg
Okism Kakland Druidism Kakland Kakland
Gýrism Kakland Druidism Kakland Kakland
Jehova's Witnesses Kakland (Protestant) Christianity Kakland Kakland
Prežism Xzavaria (Orthodox) Christianity Xzavaria Xzavaria
Hellenism Artemisya None Artemisya Artemisya
Khirmanism/Khiranen Khirmania None Khirmania Khirmania
Church of Morrawia Khirmania None Khirmania Khirmania
Children of the Trinity Khirmania None Khirmania Khirmania