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Federation of Malvare
Flag of Malvare
• 2020 estimate
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy

The Federation of Malvare, most commonly known as Malvare, is a nation on Iearth, located on the continent of Ausiana, bordered by Beleroskov, Jaginistan, Archimenistan, and Karnaim. Although it is a member state of the Coalition of Crown Albatross, the regime in Malvare has long been criticised is widely considered to be authoritarian. It has attracted widespread criticism for its significant constraints and abuses against human rights and civil liberties, including the violent suppression of mass protests, unfair elections, and unequal rights for women and children. It has also been accused of ethnic cleansing campaigns and genocides.

It has been alleged by international observors to sponsor and spread terrorism both domestically and internationally. It has long been known to have been a sponsor of the terror groups Malvarian Liberation Front, which it gave direct support to during the First and Second wars in Vulkaria, and to Al-Fijar, which operates substantially across the world but specifically in neighboring Jaginistan. Following the 2017 terror attacks in Tofino, Zamastan, which killed over 430 people, President Zacharias Castovia placed crippling sanctions on the Malvare regime.

Malvare is a major regional and middle power, and its large reserves of fossil fuels — including one of the world's largest natural gas supply and one of the largest proven oil reserves — exert considerable influence in international energy security and the world economy.




