Timeline of major events on Eurth: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎21st Century: Renamed Cypher to Cyph3r)
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* {{flagicon|Rihan}} 1102-1119: Rihannsu westward migration from the Central Europan Steppes, move into [[Tagmatium|Tagmatine Empire]].
* {{flagicon|Rihan}} 1102-1119: Rihannsu westward migration from the Central Europan Steppes, move into [[Tagmatium|Tagmatine Empire]].
* {{flagicon|Rihan}} 1120: Rihannsu formally become federates of [[Tagmatium|Tagmatine Empire]].
* {{flagicon|Rihan}} 1120: Rihannsu formally become federates of [[Tagmatium|Tagmatine Empire]].
* {{flagicon|Cristina}} 1172: City of [[Cristina|Saint Christ]] becomes part of the [[Eternal Empire of Hémus]].<ref>[https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=868595 Brief history of Cristina] (13 August 2017)</ref>
===13th century===
===13th century===
* {{flagicon|Rihan}} 1202: Rihannsu forced to depart the [[Tagmatium|Tagmatine Empire]].
* {{flagicon|Rihan}} 1202: Rihannsu forced to depart the [[Tagmatium|Tagmatine Empire]].

Revision as of 20:16, 9 May 2020

"Sometimes the shadows of the past can be felt by the present."

Eurth is the homeworld of humanity, the only known intelligent life in the Universe. The earliest humanoids were the Europithecus afropensis. It appeared about two million years ago and, in several early migrations, it spread throughout southwest-Europa. This region includes such nations as Jilderen, Cabarria, Afropa, Bhalman and Dragonryders. It was likely the first human species to live in a hunter-gatherer society and to control fire. An adaptive and successful species, Europithecus afropensis persisted for more than a million years, and gradually diverged into new species by around 500.000 years ago, most notably Europithecus saharensis which adapted to live in a savannah-like climate of that time in Sa Hara. Civilisation is a cooperative product that all peoples have contributed to. It is our common legacy and debt.

Stone Age

The Stone Age is subdivided in three periods. The oldest period or Paleolithic includes early human history before 15.000 BCE. Early humans were mostly confined to cave dwellings. They made use of stone tools, with findings between circa 2,3-1,8 mya. It isn't until much later that fire is mastered between circa 700-120 kya. Even so, human culture on Eurth remained relatively primitive until the development of language around 100 kya. And the first clothing was created even later with evidence dated between 72K-42K.

Early human migrations on Eurth

During the last glacial maximum (50K), when the sea level was probably more than 110 meters lower than today, the first humans reached Marenesia and then Alharu. This ocean crossing is one of humanity’s important early achievements, even if it’s wrapped in mystery. Heading south form Jilderen, with assistance from ocean currents and prevailing winds, there exists an advantageous 'ocean highway' of island hopping.[1] Another, more controversial theory about the peopling of the 'new world' theories that humans could have migrated to Argis from Northwestern Europa by boat along the drift ice of the North Adlantic Ocean. This theory is quite popular in Derthalen, but no serious scientists give this idea any credence.

The middle period or Mesolithic lasts from roughly 15.000 to 5.000 BCE. After the last Ice Age (11K), hunter-gatherers again spread north across the continent of Europa. This happened in multiple phases. We know this because of the pottery remains found in different styles. The beginning of the Holocene period (10K) is marked by the Neolithic Revolution and agriculture. Many farm animals were domesticated: pigs (11.000 BCE), sheep (11.000-9.000 BCE) and cattle (8.500 BCE). The same is true for the founder crops of agriculture (10.000-9.000 BCE) and rice (13.000-8.000 BCE). The human population of Azania and several other regions gradually began to adopt a more settled mode of living. This human activity has drastically changed the geography and biosphere of Eurth through urbanisation and deforestation. In ancient Memopotamia, the increased surpluses of food generated by agricultural production would soon lead to the blossoming of civilisation's first seeds.

Rock inscriptions with early writing from Hakenium.

The newest period or Neolithic lasts from 5.000 until 2.000 BCE. Technological innovations help to improve transportation. Rowing oars come into use (4.500 BCE) and the wheel is invented (3.500 BCE). The domestication of the horse (3.200 BCE) and camels (3K BCE) further advance this. The earliest seaworthy boats are around 2.500 BCE, enabling the re-exploration of the Marenesian islands by early sailors occurs between 3.000-1.000 BCE. Around 3.000 BCE the first writing system is developed, greatly improving the way information is exchanged and preserved.

Bronze Age

The increasing food surplus allowed the maintenance of full-time specialised workers who were not engaged in agriculture, such as merchants, weavers, metallurgists and craftsmen. The taxation and redistribution of food supplies lead to the formation of governments. Around the 4th millennium BCE, the complexity of trade and administration outgrew human memory, and writing became a more dependable method of recording and presenting transactions in a permanent form. The invention of writing coincides in some areas with the early beginnings of the Bronze Age. Some of the earliest writings contain mentions of seven 'mother-peoples' on Eurth. These cradles of civilisation inhabit roughly the same time period and are distinguished by unique trade craft and pottery. This includes: the Tribes of Yuropa and Land of Shinar in Azania; the seafaring confederation of Mari Teutā (Proto-Europan: Sea People) on the islands; the Golden River civilisation and Houses of Amari in the Orient; the two remaining civilisations are unknown.

  • Metallurgy
  • Potter's wheel
  • Copper and bronze tools
  • City-states: urban centres surrounded by politically attached communities
  • Ethnic gods, state religion

Iron Age

  • Technology: iron tools
  • Economy: includes trade and much specialization; often taxes
  • Politics: city-states turn into small local Kingdoms
  • Culture: one or more religions sanctioned by the state

Classical Age

The Classical Age lasts from approximately 1000 BCE to 500 CE.

1000-500 BCE

Smaller local kingdoms turn into regional Empires.

1004 BCE
Jilderen The Union of Clans is formed in Jilderen.
1000 BCE
King Archaeminos founds the Archaeminoan dynasty in Azania. It becomes the largest empire of its age.
980 BCE
Orioni Rebellious allied tribes in early Orioni appoint a Queen to better fight the Tigrai province of the Medani Empire.
900 BCE
Variota Proto-Aloorian culture in Europa starts as various smaller groups are forced towards the sea by larger clans and realms. The proto-Aloorians focus on seafaring and the sea in general, seeing it as a new opportunity and a way to get away from their enemies.
800-300 BCE
The Axial age brings forth new ways of thinking regarding religion and philosophy, in a striking parallel development, without any obvious direct cultural contact between all of the participating cultures. Key thinkers from this age had a profound influence on future philosophies and religions.
800 BCE
Variota First evidence of a single proto-Aloorian language, further aiding trade and knowledge sharing between the various areas. Organised religion starts playing a role as a singular, unified language enabled sharing the oral traditions of the various groups.
Metztlitlalio Proto-Tapelt civilizations collapse due to changing climate on the Palu Peninsula.
753 BCE
Jilderen Ugeral the Savage proclaimed himself High King in Jilderen.
650-550 BCE
Metztlitlalio Proto-Tapelt diverged into the Old Tapelt and Old Pekateka.
536 BCE
Orioni Erwanin queendom defeats the Medani Empire is defeated and becomes the first Orioni Empire.

500-0 BCE

500 BCE
The Hereskus Empire in Memopotamia gains independent from the Archaeminoan Empire.
Variota Some untold disaster forces proto-Aloorians groups to come together and merge, heavily increasing the population density and forcing creative solutions for homelessness among new inhabitants.
475 BCE
Variota Usage of derelict or otherwise unused ships as living space becomes common among proto-Aloorians. At first, these vessels are brought on land and used to build shelter; later on, shanty towns start to form on the water with large families inhabiting multiple boats.
437 BCE
Jilderen Vinmarian the Fair becomes ruler in Jilderen.
330 BCE
Adaptus In Occidental Europa, the boy-king Alexander of Adthens dreamed of conquering the known world. Starting in his home city of Adthens, he conquered the four known corners of the Occident. His death came prematurely.
150 BCE
Tagmatium The Aroman Empire emerges in northwest-Europa. Built on top of the Alexandrian empire, they expand into a much larger territory by conquering central Europa.
50 BCE
Variota Further expansion by foreign groups force the first groups of Aloorian travelers to exist. Generations of already living on ships aid those first groups with getting accustomed to the sea gypsy life.

0-500 CE

59 CE
Flag of Aroma.png An Aroman merchant vessel, blown off its course, lands in Marenesia. Its wreck was found at the bottom of $Name Bay near Deopolis, Salvia.[2] Amphoras found in the ship are in fact similar in shape to jars produced in kilns at Tellakois, on the west coast of Adaptus.
100 CE
Metztlitlalio Proto-Aslo migration and invasion of the Palu Peninsula.
200 CE
Flag of Aroma.png The Aroman Empire becomes too large to be governed from a single location. It is split into two self-governing halves. Internal mismanagement and external threats cause the Empire to collapse. Its core remains continued as Tagmatium and Adaptus. The Aroman influences can still be felt by the language ties extending as far south as the Byzantine Sea, from Byzantium Nova (west) to Pirilao (east).
220 CE
Volsci The Volsci and other coastal Buran sailors take advantage of the West-Aroman collapse to resume piracy on the Kosscow Sea and other nearby waters.
420 CE
Alenveil Colonists from the country of Atmora make their way into the Auraid Bay, successfully colonizing and founding Gut Atmora, under the rule of the Atmoran High King, Totgald.
450 CE
Variota No sedentary groups remain, all Aloorians live on naval vessels for, at the least, the majority of the year. Due to the large size of the Europan waterways, the Aloorians slowly separate between Northern and Southern groups; each known for their own specialty, customs and ship types. Many of the various coastal regimes in Europa hire Aloorian vessels and groups for one reason or another at some point in time.
Metztlitlalio Proto-Aslo dominance of the Palu Peninsula at it's greatest extent.

Post-Classical Era

6th century

7th century

  • Alenveil 665: For unknown reasons, anger grows in Gut Atmora and a war for independence from their home country of Atmora strikes. Atmora gains the upper hand for the first half of the war until the Atmoran general Ysgramor and his five sons joined the side of the rebels. Raising an army of 500 men and women known as the Zeymahzin, he drove back the Atmoran forces despite being outnumbered using his tactical knowhow. By the end of the war, he valiantly proclaimed independence and his new rule over the lands of Vataanjunaar.

8th century

Codex Aromanum, c. 700
  • Byzantium Nova 700: In Byzantium Nova the Codex Aromanum is compiled, the earliest surviving complete manuscript from the Aroman Empire.
  • Orioni 731: First incidence of plague in Orioni in the colonial city of Ishikamo.

9th century

10th century

  • 900-1400: The Little Ice Age disrupts climate patterns and farming harvests. This leads to increased conflict, human migration, spread of disease. Certainly not a good time to be alive.
  • Orioni 987: The first plague reaches Orioni mainland via Vega in October 987.

11th century

  • Orioni 1023-1174: Civil war in Orioni between the Akrep dynasty and Loyalists.
  • 1050: the Little Ice Age causes the Adlantic pack ice to grow

12th century

13th century

  • Rihan 1202: Rihannsu forced to depart the Tagmatine Empire.
  • Rihan 1208: Rihannsu make landfall on the continent of Aurelia, establish city-states, including the first city, Dartha.
Alyp Manas leading the Buranian horde in c. 1250
  • 1250: Invasion of Buran from the Central Europan Steppes.
  • Metztlitlalio 1270: Formation of the Crescent Empire
  • Rihan 1293-1343: The Rihannsu Clan Wars erupt between the various city-states, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands.

14th century

  • 1300: Pseudo-Ottoman Empire is formed and lasts until the early 1900s.
  • 1315: The Great Famine lasts until 1317.
  • 1340: The Black Death strikes again, this timing lasting until circa 1400.
  • Rihan 1343: The Rihan Republic is formally established after fifty years of warfare between the various clan-led cities.

15th century

Modern Age

Early Modern Age

One of the first complete maps of Eurth.

This age lasts approximately from 1500-1800.

  • 1300-1600: The Elevation is a great period of rebirth of classical-based art and learning that began in the 14th Century. From the Old Arhoman elevationam (nominative elevatio) meaning "a lifting up," noun of action from past participle stem of elevare.
  • 1400-1700: The Age of Reconnection is a broad designation for a period of increased overseas exploration. It's marked by emerging globalisation. Many lands previously forgotten during the Post-Classical Age were re-discovered. Since the majority of these lands were already populated, explorers were often seen as invaders.
  • Rihan 1448: First contact between the Rihannsu and Zelvorians, relations sour over the next twenty years.
  • Rihan 1471-1476: The Rihannsu-Zelvorian War breaks out.
  • Rihan 1476: The Rihan Republic subjugates the Zelvorians, enslaving them.
  • PyeMcGowan 1522: The War of the Two kingdoms in PyeMcGowan comes to an end.
  • Seylos 1540: The island of Seylos is settled by the exiled King Harold and his supporters.
  • Orioni 1593-1606: Thirteen Years' War was an indecisive land war between the Memopotamian sultanates and the Orioni Empire.

Late Modern Age

This age lasts approximately from 1750-1900. Marked by strong political and industrial revolutions.

Emperor Nicolas I in 1811
Mark Karls (1818-1883): philosopher, economist, chrometophobist and founding father of Plebism

20th Century

Transition from a world of empire to a global international system organised around the sovereign state.

21st Century

  • 2003: Cyph3r collective relases secret documents obtained through computer hacking and cyber attacks against several governments, institutions and corporations.
  • 2006: Tarragat Island War[4]
  • 2007: Banking crisis
  • Metztlitlalio 2009: End of the Metztlitlalio civil war. Agilnaj dissolved.
  • Rihan 2009: First war between the Rihan Republic and Enolia, results in a bloody stalemate.
  • Seylos 2018-2019: The island nation of Eire experiences the loss of its duke. The resulting succession ends with its integration into The Kingdom of Seylos.
  • Rihan 2019: Second war between the Rihan Republic and Enolia, results in Rihannsu annexation of Enolia.
  • Metztlitlalio Fulgistan Oyus 2019: Establishment of the League of Alharu and Aurelian Native Nations.
  • Seylos 2020: The island of Ceris to the west of Seylos, experiences a major economic and societal collapse. Seylos and several other nations attempt to intercede to stabilize the island whilst also planning to grab influence and power in the process.
  • 2020: Start of the Oil Wars.


  1. So who discovered Argis, Alharu and Aurelia? by Orioni (22 May 2018)
  2. Walter Sullivan, Rio artifacts may indicate Roman visit, The New York Times, 10 October 1982
  3. Brief history of Cristina (13 August 2017)
  4. Tarragat Island War

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