Ide Jima

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Empire of Ide Jima
Ide Jima
Flag of Ide Jima
Emblem of Ide Jima
Motto: Through Unity, We Prevail
Anthem: Anthem of the Empire
Royal anthem: Song of the Sovereign
Location of Ide Jima
Location of Ide Jima
Map of Ide Jima
Map of Ide Jima
Largest citySerekan
Official languagesIde Jiman
Recognised national languagesIde Jiman
Demonym(s)Ide Jiman
GovernmentUnitary absolute monarchy under a military dictatorship
• Emperor
Artakai I[1]
General Nae Sincho
LegislatureCentral Directorate
• Total
930,939 km2 (359,438 sq mi)
• 2019 census
• Density
163.70567782/km2 (424.0/sq mi)
CurrencyIde Jiman Won (₩) (IJW)
Time zoneUTC+9 (UTC +9)
Driving sideright
ISO 3166 codeIJ
Internet TLD.ij

Ide Jima, officially known as the Empire of Ide Jima, is a sovereign and independent state located on the continent of Europa on Eurth. It is bordered by Nan Gorgwaith to the north, San Ba to the south, and Koku and Jaihu to the west. The climate of Ide Jima is primarily characterised by a Continental climate, although some southeastern regions experience a Temperate climate. The nation is home to approximately 152.4 million inhabitants and covers an area of 930,939 square kilometres (359,438 sq mi). The capital city is Darhan, while the most populous city is Serekan.

Ide Jima operates under a dictatorial monarchy, with its first historical mentions depicting a land of diverse city-states around the Darhan River, gradually uniting under a singular imperial rule. The current sovereign of this land is Emperor Artakai I, who holds absolute power, symbolising both the historical and present unity of the Ide Jiman people.

The economy of Ide Jima is primarily driven by the extraction and exportation of raw materials, with significant contributions from mining, forestry, and agriculture. Despite historical civil unrest and economic stagnation, the nation has witnessed substantial economic development and diversification, particularly in the technological and industrial sectors, since the early 1990s. This economic revitalisation has led to an enhancement in the standard of living for many Ide Jimans. On the international stage, Ide Jima is recognised as a full member of the Entente of Oriental States, having joined in April 2019.[2]


The name Ide Jima is derived from the ancient Proto-Oriental language, a precursor to many modern dialects in the region. In this language, Ide means "work" or "endeavour", representing diligence and effort, while Jima denotes "community" or "collective", symbolising unity and cooperation. Thus, the name Ide Jima collectively symbolises the harmonious cooperation and diligent efforts of the community in shaping the Empire of Ide Jima.

This etymology reflects the foundational principles and values of Ide Jiman society, emphasising the importance of communal efforts and unity in the development and prosperity of the nation. The name has endured through centuries, serving as a constant reminder of the ideals and cooperative spirit that have shaped the cultural and societal fabric of Ide Jima.

It is important to clarify that the term Jima in Ide Jima should not be conflated with the Sanbanese word for "island", which is also pronounced as jima or shima. The etymological roots of Jima in Ide Jima are unique to the Proto-Oriental language and have distinct semantic connotations, specifically referring to communal togetherness rather than geographical formations.


Map of Ide Jima.
Dense snow cover in north Ide Jima.
Motorway in downtown Darhan.
Confluence of the Golden and Darhan Rivers.

Through the nature of the existing government and traditional cultural boundaries, the nation remains heavily regionalized. Ide Jima is dominated by powers based in the Northern and Central regions. The north of the Country is traditionally more well-developed. The temperate climate combined with strong infrastructure make this area the economic powerhouse of the nation. Rural areas are dominated by agricultural output, whilst the conurbations of Serekan and Xian form the major industrial centers of the nation. The former national capital of Serekan, the largest city in Ide Jima, is generally considered to be a region in its own right. The central regions of the nation consist largely of barren mountain wilderness, as well as the Darhan River basin in the West, which originally comprised the cradle of the Ide Jiman nation. The mountainous regions of the nation are largely unpopulated, punctuated only by mining towns and military bases. The Darhan area in the far west consists of a small area of fertile land, centered around the capital city of Darhan itself, the imperial seat, and an ancient city closely aligned to the power bases in the northern part of the nation.

The southern part of the nation can be broadly delineated into two areas. The area south of the central ranges is occupied largely by a vast desert. (WIP. This part needs to be rewritten due to changed climate zones.) Largely unoccupied save for a few pockets of civilization clustered around oases, and a handful of military testing ranges, the desert region remains one of the most sparsely inhabited on Eurth. A small strip of fertile land along the southern coast is heavily populated. Several large port cities such as Dalshir and Kherbayan occupy the southern coast, which remains largely isolated from the Northern part of the Country, save for a handful of highways and railways connecting the port cities to the wealthier north. Crucially, the southern part of the nation has traditionally been more outward looking. This, combined with disgruntlement towards the Northern government (accused by many of usurping trade wealth from the southern ports) have led to an upsurge in anti-Serekan sentiment in recent years. Large parts of the southern coast are currently under martial law.

The far southwest is generally regarded separately, despite being geographically similar to the remainder of the South. The area is typically referred to by the name of the regional capital, Khamseen, and is centered around the eastern banks of the Darhan River delta. The fertile regions of the river itself are concerned primarily with agriculture, with a lesser emphasis on trade compared to other Southern cities, due to the relative distance of the city from international shipping lanes. Whilst the region is culturally, ethnically and ideologically homogenous with the power bases in the north of the Country, relatively high poverty in the region has exacted a heavy toll on pro-government sentiment in the area. Concerns relating to the restive nature of the region, combined with traditionally strong ties with Serekan have however resulted in the region being granted a unique honor within the military government. Aside from Serekan, Khamseen is the only city to be independently represented within the governing military council.

As of 1992, Ide Jima has an active territorial claim over the entirety of Jaihu and Koku with the excuse of “Conquering inferior nations” and “Reunifying the Three Kingdoms.”


Origins and early development

The roots of Ide Jiman culture are deeply intertwined with the ancient civilisations that flourished around the Darhan River in the southern regions of Ide Jima, with traces going back to before 1000 BCE. The early inhabitants of these lands formed a conglomerate of city-states, each fostering a unique blend of traditions and values. Despite their proximity and shared environment, a distinctive isolationist attitude prevailed among these city-states, a trait that would become a defining characteristic of the Ide Jiman national identity. The city-states, while maintaining a level of interaction, were fiercely independent, each developing its own set of customs, governance structures, and societal norms. This period saw the emergence of the Than’Chai belief system, a syncretic faith emphasising ancestor veneration and nature worship. It would later evolve and intertwine with the philosophical developments of the region, shaping the moral and ethical foundations of Ide Jiman society. Around 800 BCE, a notable figure, Emperor Shen Wu, played a pivotal role in the unification of these city-states, fostering a sense of shared identity and common purpose among the diverse communities. His reign marked the beginning of the consolidation of Ide Jiman territories and the establishment of a centralised authority, laying down the foundations for the future Ide Jiman Empire. The early Ide Jiman society was marked by advancements in agriculture, metallurgy, and astronomy, with scholars and artisans contributing to the rich combination of cultural and scientific knowledge. The construction of elaborate temples and palaces during this era reflected the growing prosperity and sophistication of Ide Jiman civilisation. However, the isolationist tendencies of the early city-states persisted, influencing the foreign policies and international relations of the emerging Ide Jiman state. This isolationism was not absolute, as trade and cultural exchanges did occur, but it was marked by a cautious and selective approach to interactions with the outside world. The evolution of Ide Jiman culture during this formative period was characterised by a delicate balance between preservation of ancient traditions and adaptation to new ideas. This dynamic interplay continues to shape the cultural landscape of Ide Jima to this day.

Formation of the Kingdom

Stylized 禄 lù or 子 zi grapheme, as found on early coinage.

The formation of the united kingdom of Ide Jima was not a swift occurrence but rather a meticulous endeavour, marked by conquests and assertive diplomacy, which unfolded over four centuries, culminating in a unified entity by 300 CE. The imperial authority, with strategic insight and relentless pursuit of consolidation, extended its dominion, establishing unassailable control over the territories that constitute the contemporary borders of the Ide Jiman Empire. This period was characterised by the integration of diverse ethnic groups residing in the peripheral regions of the emerging Ide Jiman state. The imperial policies, often a blend of coercion and assimilation, facilitated the incorporation of these groups into the burgeoning nation-state. Emperor Tai Luong, who reigned from 280 to 320 CE, played a pivotal role in this integration, implementing policies that promoted cultural cohesion and mutual acceptance among the diverse populations. The imperial government, during this era, also embarked on extensive administrative reforms, establishing a sophisticated bureaucracy and legal system to govern the expanding territories. The introduction of a standardised currency and the construction of extensive road networks facilitated trade and communication within the kingdom, contributing to the economic prosperity and cultural exchange among the different regions. The unification also saw the flourishing of arts, literature, and sciences, with the imperial court patronising scholars, poets, and artists. The creation of the Grand Library of Darhan in 315 CE by Emperor Tai Luong stands as evidence of the intellectual fervour of the time, housing manuscripts, and works of literature and philosophy from across the kingdom. However, the process of unification was not without its challenges. The assimilation of diverse ethnic groups and cultures often led to tensions and conflicts, necessitating a delicate and nuanced approach to governance. The imperial government had to navigate the intricate landscape of regional identities and loyalties, fostering a sense of shared destiny and common values among the varied populations. Despite these challenges, the formation of the kingdom laid the foundational stones for the Ide Jiman Empire, shaping its political, cultural, and social trajectories for centuries to come. The legacy of this period is evident in the rich cultural mosaic and the unified national identity of modern-day Ide Jima.

Middle Ages

(Imperial tomb, c. 1000 CE.)

During the period 500-1000 CE, Ide Jima became an integral part of the renowned Pearl Road, a network of trade routes connecting various civilisations. This integration significantly influenced the economic and cultural landscape of the region. The influx of diverse goods, ideas, and technologies enriched Ide Jiman society, fostering a period of intellectual and artistic renaissance. Emperor Kwan Li, reigning from 720 to 760, was instrumental in promoting trade and cultural exchanges along the Pearl Road, establishing diplomatic relations with distant lands and encouraging the study of foreign languages and cultures within his court. However, this era also witnessed the emergence of internal strife and power struggles, as noble families vied for influence and control over the lucrative trade routes. The Battle of Zhen in 832 marked a pivotal moment in this ongoing conflict, where General Dao Shen, loyal to the imperial throne, successfully quelled a rebellion led by the ambitious Baron Ming Xu, ensuring the stability of the empire.

The proximity of the expanding Orinese colonial empire posed both challenges and opportunities for Ide Jima. The imperial government, under the sagacious leadership of Emperor Yeo II (reigned 1045-1090), adopted a pragmatic approach, balancing diplomacy and military preparedness to navigate the intricate geopolitical landscape. The Treaty of Lian in 1078, brokered between Ide Jima and Orioni, delineated spheres of influence and established trade agreements, mitigating the potential for conflict over territorial and economic interests. The encroachment of Orinese influence also spurred innovations in military strategy and technology in Ide Jima. The development of advanced naval capabilities and fortification techniques became a priority, fortifying the empire against potential external threats. The construction of the Great Sea Wall in 1132 by Emperor Jin III served as a formidable defence against naval invasions and underscored the strategic foresight of the Ide Jiman rulers. Culturally, the interaction with the Orinese colonial empire enriched Ide Jiman arts, cuisine, and philosophy. The exchange of ideas and knowledge between the two civilisations led to the synthesis of new artistic styles, culinary flavours, and philosophical thoughts, contributing to the cultural composition of Ide Jima. Despite the challenges posed by the expanding Orinese presence, the Ide Jiman Empire managed to maintain its sovereignty and cultural identity, leveraging diplomatic acumen and strategic innovations to navigate the intricacies of the medieval geopolitical scenario. The legacy of this period is reflected in the enduring cultural exchanges and mutual influences between Ide Jima and its neighbours.

Early Modern Period

The transition into the early modern period marked a transformative era for Ide Jima, characterised by the gradual consolidation of nation-states and the profound impact of the introduction of gunpowder on military strategies and societal structures. As the feudal system began to wane, the centralised power of the imperial government started to solidify, leading to the formation of a more unified and cohesive nation-state. Emperor Xijong, who reigned from 1502 to 1546, played a pivotal role in this transformation, implementing a series of reforms aimed at centralising administrative power and reducing the influence of the regional lords. The Edict of Unification in 1521 marked a significant step in this direction, abolishing the autonomous powers of the regional lords and placing their territories under direct imperial control. The introduction of gunpowder, initially encountered through interactions with foreign traders and explorers, revolutionised military tactics and technologies in Ide Jima. The military elite, initially resistant to this new technology, soon realised the potential of gunpowder in altering the battlefield dynamics. General Sun Tae, a visionary military strategist, was instrumental in integrating gunpowder into the Ide Jiman military arsenal, developing advanced artillery and firearms and incorporating them into battlefield strategies. The Siege of Hanjing in 1578 stands as an example of the transformative power of gunpowder, where the imperial forces, utilising superior artillery and firearms, managed to quell a rebellion led by the renegade lord, Baron Yulang, in a decisive and unprecedented manner. This victory not only solidified the power of the imperial government but also marked the decline of traditional melee combat in favour of ranged warfare. However, the militarisation and the centralisation of power also led to internal unrest and dissent among the populace and the nobility, who viewed the imperial reforms as an infringement on their traditional rights and privileges. The Rebellion of the Five Lords in 1603 was a significant uprising against the imperial authority, reflecting the tensions between the centralised state and the regional powers. Although the rebellion was eventually suppressed by the imperial forces, it showed the ongoing struggle for power and influence within the evolving nation-state. The early modern period, thus, was a time of profound change and adaptation for Ide Jima, shaping the political, military, and societal structures that would define the trajectory of the nation in the centuries to come. The innovations and reforms of this era continue to resonate in the contemporary Ide Jiman society, reflecting the enduring impact of the early modern transformations.

Long War and Communist Era

Long War (1932–1956).

The Long War and subsequent Communist Era were defining chapters in Ide Jiman history, marked by social upheaval, ideological shifts, and a radical transformation of the political landscape. As international trade flourished, the citizens of Ide Jima, influenced by global currents of anti-imperial sentiment, plunged the nation into one of the most protracted and tumultuous conflicts in Europan history, known as the Long War. This period was characterised by intense ideological battles, societal divisions, and a relentless struggle for power. The Long War culminated in a fierce and bloody power struggle, with communist revolutionaries emerging victorious, seizing control over the entirety of the former Ide Jiman Empire. The monarchy, a long-standing pillar of Ide Jiman society, was abolished in 1956, marking the end of centuries-old traditions and the beginning of a new political order.

The newly established communist government, adhering to a stringent and uncompromising ideological framework, ruled over Ide Jima with an iron fist until 1992. The regime implemented radical reforms aimed at restructuring society along communist lines, suppressing dissent, and centralising power. The government's policies, marked by economic collectivisation and political repression, had far-reaching implications, reshaping the socio-political fabric of the nation. The era was marked by the rise of prominent figures such as Premier Li Xiuquan, who played a pivotal role in shaping the ideological and political direction of the communist government. Under his leadership, the government pursued policies of isolationism and self-reliance, severing ties with many international partners and focusing on internal development and ideological purity.

However, the rigid and dogmatic approach of the communist regime led to widespread discontent and resistance among the populace. The regime's attempts to suppress cultural expressions and traditions sparked a resurgence of national identity and heritage, with clandestine groups working to preserve the rich mosaic of Ide Jiman culture and history. The communist era, while marked by repression and ideological rigidity, also sowed the seeds of resistance and renewal, setting the stage for the eventual collapse of the communist regime in 1992 and the restoration of the monarchy. The legacy of this era continues to shape the political discourse and national identity of Ide Jima, reflecting the enduring impact of the Long War and the subsequent communist rule.

Civil Unrest and Military Control

Military coup d'état of 1992 by General Hu Xiao.

The late 1980s in Ide Jima were marked by a period of profound instability and societal discontent. Economic stagnation and widespread resentment towards the oppressive government control over everyday life created a volatile environment, ripe for conflict. This societal unrest culminated in a second civil war, a manifestation of the deep-seated frustrations and aspirations of the Ide Jiman populace.

General Hu Xiao, a prominent military figure, capitalised on this period of civil unrest to orchestrate a coup in 1992, seizing power in the capital and establishing military control over the government. His rise to power was marked by strategic manoeuvres and alliances within the military, enabling him to consolidate his position and extend his influence over the nation. In regions beyond the capital, various army units declared martial control, asserting their authority and imposing strict order in response to the prevailing chaos.[1] The military regime, under the leadership of General Hu Xiao, implemented a series of reforms aimed at restoring stability and order to the beleaguered nation. The regime prioritised national security and public order, enforcing stringent measures to quell dissent and maintain control. The military's grip on power was reinforced by the establishment of a Central Directorate, a council of high-ranking military officers tasked with overseeing the implementation of imperial laws and policies.

However, the military's ascendancy also exacerbated regional tensions and secessionist tendencies within the empire. The southern regions of Ide Jima, geographically isolated and culturally distinct, emerged as potential flashpoints, with local populations resisting the centralised control imposed by the military regime. The regime's nationalist policies and attempts to forge a unified national identity further alienated diverse ethnic and cultural groups within the empire, fuelling tensions and fostering a climate of resistance. Despite the challenges and internal strife, the military regime succeeded in maintaining a semblance of order and stability, navigating the complex political landscape and managing the competing interests and aspirations within the empire. The era of military control marked a critical juncture in Ide Jiman history, shaping the trajectory of the nation and leaving an indelible imprint on its political, social, and cultural fabric.

Contemporary era

The tumultuous events of the civil unrest paved the way for profound transformations within Ide Jima. The heir apparent, Artakai I, emerged from exile to navigate the nation through its provisional phase, assuming control of the interim government and steering the country towards a new era. His return symbolised a beacon of hope and continuity for the nation, rekindling a sense of national pride and unity amidst the prevailing uncertainty.

In 2007, the mantle of government leadership was passed to General Nae Sincho, a seasoned military strategist and respected figure within the military hierarchy. His ascendancy marked a continuation of military influence within the government, reflecting the prevailing power dynamics and the military's entrenched role in shaping the nation's trajectory. Under his stewardship, the government embarked on a series of reforms and initiatives aimed at consolidating power and fostering national cohesion.

In a significant diplomatic development, Ide Jima was accorded full membership in the Entente of Oriental States in 2019. This integration represented a pivotal moment for Ide Jima, signalling its commitment to regional cooperation and multilateralism. It also underscored the nation's aspirations to play a more active and constructive role in regional affairs, fostering partnerships and contributing to collective efforts to address shared challenges and opportunities.

The contemporary era in Ide Jima is characterised by a delicate balance of power, with the monarchy and military continuing to wield significant influence over the nation's political landscape. The government's efforts to forge a unified national identity and promote social cohesion are juxtaposed against the diverse collection of cultures, traditions, and beliefs within the nation. The ongoing interplay of these dynamics shapes the discourse and developments within Ide Jima, defining its path forward in an ever-evolving regional and global context.



Emperor Artakai I is the head of state.

The monarchy in Ide Jima, with Emperor Artakai I at its helm, is the pivotal institution around which the nation’s governance revolves. The monarchy, reinstated in 1992 following the collapse of the preceding communist regime, wields absolute power, shaping the nation’s policies and its international stance. Historical Context

Ide Jima was traditionally a monarchy until 1956, when a hard-line communist government assumed control, ruling with an iron fist until 1992. This period was marked by economic turmoil, widespread famine, and stringent governmental control, leading to a revolt by large portions of the disillusioned and impoverished military. The revolt quickly escalated into a civil war, culminating in the collapse of the communist government within weeks. The repercussions of this tumultuous period continue to echo in the present-day governance of Ide Jima, with the government maintaining a staunch anti-communist stance and leveraging nationalist sentiments to consolidate power.

Post-restoration in 1992, Emperor Artakai I has been exercising absolute power, steering the nation through a myriad of challenges and opportunities. The monarchy, under his aegis, has been instrumental in reshaping the national ethos, fortifying the nation’s sovereignty, and fostering a sense of unity and purpose among the populace.

The aristocracy in Ide Jima is composed of a cadre of Barons, many of whom are either extended members of the Imperial Family or individuals elevated to aristocracy due to their distinguished services to the empire. It is a common practice to bestow posthumous appointments to military figures as a means of honouring their contributions and providing support to their families. These appointments are reflective of the monarchy’s commitment to acknowledging and rewarding loyalty, valour, and service to the nation.

The monarchy’s influence permeates various facets of Ide Jiman society, shaping its cultural, political, and social landscapes. The restoration of the monarchy has been pivotal in redefining the nation’s identity, reinforcing traditional values, and instilling a sense of continuity and stability amidst the changing tides of time. The monarchy, with its blend of tradition and authority, continues to be the beacon guiding Ide Jima’s journey through the annals of history.


General Nae Sincho, the influential head of government, plays a pivotal role in the administration of Ide Jima.

The government of Ide Jima operates under the overarching authority of the monarchy, with the military playing a crucial role in the enforcement and implementation of imperial laws and decrees. The symbiotic relationship between the monarchy and the military is a defining characteristic of the Ide Jiman governmental structure, ensuring the seamless execution of national policies and strategies.

The Central Directorate, a military council composed of high-ranking officers from the four military districts of the empire, is instrumental in endorsing and implementing imperial laws. This council acts as the linchpin, aligning military strategies with imperial directives and ensuring the coherence and unity of national objectives.

In recent years, the government's pronounced emphasis on nationalist policies has sparked a surge in secessionist tendencies within different regions of the empire. Particularly, the southern areas, isolated from the North by extensive desert landscapes, have emerged as potential flashpoints, reflecting the underlying tensions and disparities within the nation.

Ide Jima is characterized by its military regime, established when General Hu Xiao seized power amidst a period of civil unrest, imposing martial control in various regions. The governance structure is predominantly controlled by ministers appointed by the Supreme Leader, consolidating absolute power within the military hierarchy. The regime’s structure and dynamics reflect a meticulous balance of power, ensuring the stability and resilience of the government amidst internal and external challenges.

The government’s focus on maintaining national integrity and sovereignty amidst rising secessionist tendencies poses significant challenges to the nation’s stability and development. The strategic outlook of the government is centred around navigating these challenges, fortifying national unity, and fostering a conducive environment for progress and prosperity. The intricate interplay between the monarchy, the military, and the government forms the backbone of Ide Jiman governance, shaping the nation’s trajectory in the evolving geopolitical landscape.

Foreign Relations

Ide Jima maintains a complex web of foreign relations, shaped by its historical, economic, and strategic imperatives. The nation's foreign policy is characterized by a blend of pragmatism and assertiveness, with a focus on preserving national sovereignty and promoting economic interests. Ide Jima's foreign relations are a delicate balance between cooperation and assertion, reflecting its aspirations to be a significant player on the international stage while safeguarding its national integrity and interests.

Ide Jima actively seeks to expand its economic horizons by establishing trade partnerships with various nations across Eurth. The nation's rich repository of raw materials and burgeoning industrial sector make it an attractive trade partner. Ide Jima is particularly interested in forming alliances with nations possessing advanced technology and manufacturing capabilities, aiming to diversify its economy and enhance its technological prowess. The nation is open to trade negotiations and has been proactive in forging economic agreements to bolster its international trade profile.

Ide Jima shares intricate relations with its Oriental neighbours, particularly with Koku and Jaihu, over which it has active territorial claims, citing reasons such as “Conquering inferior nations” and “Reunifying the Three Kingdoms.” Relations with San Ba and Nan Gorgwaith are also pivotal, given their geographical proximity and shared cultural heritage. The nation often engages in diplomatic dialogues and cultural exchanges with these neighbours to foster mutual understanding and cooperation, albeit with underlying tensions due to historical conflicts and territorial disputes.

In the Assembled Nations, Ide Jima plays an active role, voicing its opinions and concerns on global issues and participating in various international initiatives. The nation seeks to leverage its position in the Assembled Nations to advocate for its interests, contribute to international peace and security, and promote cooperation among member states. Ide Jima is committed to upholding international law and norms, albeit prioritizing its national interests and sovereignty.

In April 2019, Ide Jima solidified its commitment to regional cooperation and stability by becoming a full member of the Entente of Oriental States (EOS).[2] The EOS membership is crucial for Ide Jima, allowing it to collaborate with fellow Oriental states on matters of mutual interest, enhance regional security, and foster economic and cultural ties. Ide Jima actively participates in EOS initiatives and endeavors to strengthen the organization's role in promoting regional harmony and development.


Military parade honouring Emperor Artakai I.
Ide Jiman Imperial Guard standing at attention.
Short-range ballistic missile vehicle on display.
IJN destroyer conducting maritime operations.
IJAF pilots in 2018.
General Nae Sincho inspecting the IJSF.

The Government is run by the military, as a result of which defence remains the top priority for government expenditure. Despite the downfall experienced by the previous governing regime, conscription is still largely applied; there are some caveats for the more restive regions in the southern part of the nation. The military government is characterized by the long-running squabbles between the Army and Navy, which each vie for favour with the Emperor. The Air Force has traditionally occupied a middle-ground in such disputes and continues to benefit as such, being the most prestigious of the main service branches. Each of the military branches is subdivided into regional command areas, governed by officials reporting directly to the Emperor as part of the military council.[3]

The military's complicated structure and diverse capabilities are central to Ide Jima's national strategy, ensuring the nation's sovereignty and stability while navigating the complex geopolitical landscape. The branches, while maintaining their unique roles and priorities, operate cohesively under the Emperor's guidance to realize the nation's strategic objectives and uphold its values and interests.


The Ide Jiman Army (IJA), with its formidable strength of 345,000 personnel, stands as the most extensive branch within the military structure of Ide Jima. The command hierarchy of the IJA is meticulously organized into distinct regional commands, known as army fronts, ensuring strategic coverage and operational readiness across the diverse terrains of the nation. The IJA is composed of 12 robust divisions, each fortified with approximately 20,000 well-trained personnel, designed to respond effectively to a myriad of military challenges. However, despite its considerable size and strategic organization, the IJA has faced significant challenges in modernizing its capabilities, primarily focusing on territorial defence due to historical constraints and operational demands. Recognizing the evolving nature of warfare and the strategic need for advanced capabilities, recent years have witnessed concerted efforts to enhance the IJA’s operational reach and versatility. Significant emphasis has been placed on modernizing and upgrading the army’s airborne, mechanized, and armoured divisions, aiming to equip them with cutting-edge technology and advanced warfare tactics. This transformational initiative is designed to augment the army’s force projection capabilities, allowing for rapid deployment and effective engagement in diverse operational scenarios. This ongoing modernization and strategic realignment underscore the IJA’s commitment to maintaining a state-of-the-art, responsive, and versatile force, capable of safeguarding Ide Jima’s territorial integrity and contributing decisively to the realization of the nation’s broader military and strategic objectives. The IJA continues to evolve, adapting to the contemporary demands of warfare and reinforcing Ide Jima’s military prowess on the global stage.

Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard, an elite unit within the Ide Jiman military structure, is organized into two distinct divisional-sized formations, each comprising approximately 17,000 meticulously selected and rigorously trained soldiers. The Guard is entrusted with dual paramount responsibilities, reflecting its critical role in the security apparatus of the empire. The first division is primarily tasked with the protection of the imperial family, serving as a bulwark against any threats to the sovereign lineage. In addition to its protective duties, this division operates as a specialized military intelligence and police force, conducting extensive surveillance and counter-intelligence operations to preemptively neutralize potential risks to the imperial household. The second division functions as a specialized forces' formation, designed for rapid deployment and high-intensity operations. Elements of this division are often integrated with regular army formations, enhancing the operational capabilities of the Ide Jiman Army through their advanced training and specialized skill sets. This division’s versatility and proficiency in unconventional warfare make it a pivotal asset in executing complex military operations and addressing asymmetric threats. The Imperial Guard, with its multifaceted roles and elite status, stands as a symbol of loyalty and prowess, reinforcing the stability and continuity of the imperial institution while contributing to the broader strategic objectives of the Ide Jiman military.

Strategic Forces

The Ide Jiman Strategic Forces (IJSF) are a specialized division within the military, responsible for the operational deployment and management of the nation's arsenal of short to medium-range ballistic missiles, utilizing advanced mobile launchers. This divisional-sized formation plays a crucial role in the nation's defence strategy, providing a rapid and flexible response capability to a myriad of potential threats. The IJSF operates under stringent protocols and is meticulously trained to ensure the secure and effective execution of their duties, reflecting the significant responsibility entrusted to this elite formation in maintaining national security and strategic balance.


Containing approximately 210,000 personnel, the Ide Jiman Navy (IJN) represents the second-largest branch of the military in terms of manpower. The recent history of the navy has been characterized by bitter rivalries with other branches of the military, particularly the army. The bulk of the navy is organized into three fleet commands: Northern, Southern and Central. A fourth command, the Naval Defence Command, operates in the role of a Coast Guard operating smaller corvette and patrol vessels in riverine and littoral waters across the nation. The three main fleets have benefitted from recent military budgets, and operate a number of fleet carriers. The ideological emphasis of the navy rests on air power, as a result of which a number of shore based attack squadrons are operated by the navy, independently of the air force.

Marine Corps

The Ide Jiman Marine Corps (IJMC) is a highly specialized and modernized branch of the military, structured into three robust divisions, each comprising approximately 40,000 highly trained personnel, summing up to a total force of 120,000 marines. These divisions are strategically allocated to the Northern, Southern, and Central fleets, ensuring optimal operational readiness and response across various maritime domains of the nation. The IJMC, in conjunction with the Air Force, stands as one of the most technologically advanced and well-equipped segments of the Ide Jiman military. The marines are trained to execute a diverse range of missions, including amphibious assaults, special operations, and rapid response to emerging threats, ensuring the security of Ide Jiman maritime interests and territorial integrity. The Marine Corps’ modernization efforts are reflective of Ide Jima’s commitment to maintaining a versatile and formidable military presence, capable of addressing contemporary security challenges and contributing to the stability of the region. The integration of cutting-edge technology and continuous enhancement of operational capabilities underline the strategic importance of the IJMC in the broader defence framework of the Empire of Ide Jima.

Air Force

The Ide Jiman Air Force (IJAF), with its 81,600 personnel, is meticulously organized into distinct regional theatres, each hosting multiple aerial divisions. Each of these divisions is structured to include approximately 17,000 personnel and is equipped with a fleet of 100-120 aircraft. These divisions are further segmented into smaller, more agile squadrons, typically consisting of 25-30 aircraft each, allowing for specialized deployment and operational flexibility. In recent years, the IJAF has undergone a strategic transformation, marked by a reduction in the total number of aircraft in service. This shift in strategy has been driven by a focus on optimizing the fleet through the incorporation of advanced, modern aircraft types, enhancing the air force's operational capabilities and responsiveness. This modernization effort aims to ensure the IJAF's continued superiority in the skies, enabling it to effectively address a diverse range of aerial challenges and maintain the security and strategic interests of Ide Jima. This emphasis on modernization and technological advancement underscores the IJAF's commitment to maintaining a state-of-the-art fleet, capable of executing precise, high-impact operations while adapting to the evolving dynamics of aerial warfare. The IJAF continues to play a pivotal role in Ide Jima's defence apparatus, safeguarding the nation's airspace and contributing to the broader military objectives of the empire.


Sulfur at harbour in North Ide Jima, ready to be loaded onto a ship.

The economy of the Empire of Ide Jima is predominantly anchored in the extraction and exportation of raw materials, with mining, forestry, and agriculture being the principal sectors. The nation's economic landscape has been significantly shaped by decades of civil unrest and conflict, which have stifled development and relegated a substantial portion of the civilian population to unskilled roles within the resource extraction industries. Historically, the economic fabric of Ide Jima was marred by instability, primarily due to the repercussions of civil wars and internal strife, which hindered progress and innovation. However, the dissolution of the communist regime in the early 1990s marked a pivotal turning point, ushering in an era of economic rejuvenation and diversification, particularly in the northern regions of the empire. The post-communist era witnessed a strategic shift from a reliance on primary resources to the emergence and expansion of private corporations specializing in technology, engineering, and various industrial sectors. This economic metamorphosis has been instrumental in elevating the standard of living across Ide Jima, fostering an environment conducive to innovation and enterprise. The nation has experienced a surge in the establishment and growth of companies operating in advanced sectors, reflecting a dynamic and evolving economic ecosystem.

The Ide Jiman won (Symbol: ₩; Code: IJW) serves as the official currency, facilitating trade and commerce within the nation. The economic advancements and the diversification of industries have positioned Ide Jima as a burgeoning economic entity, poised for sustained growth and development in the global economic arena. The economic trajectory of Ide Jima is indicative of its resilience and adaptability, overcoming historical challenges to forge a path of economic prosperity and innovation. The ongoing economic reforms and initiatives are aimed at consolidating the economic gains achieved and propelling Ide Jima towards greater economic vibrancy and competitiveness on the international stage.


Ancestor and nature worship are integral to Than'Chai.

The spiritual fabric of Ide Jima is deeply intertwined with the traditional religion of Than’Chai, which has evolved from a myriad of animistic beliefs. By 250 BCE, Than’Chai had synthesized into a cohesive belief system, emphasizing ancestor veneration and nature worship. Subsequent philosophical evolutions over the centuries have accentuated the pursuit of self-betterment, aligning Ide Jiman spiritual practices closely with Jaihuian Phosattism by 1900.

The communist regime, during its reign, sought to eradicate religion in Ide Jima, leading to a significant diminishment of spiritual practices and beliefs. However, post the collapse of the communist government, the Imperial Government has been instrumental in revitalizing and promoting Than’Chai. This revitalization has intertwined the faith closely with the state, making the honouring of the state a perceived religious duty for many. The government maintains a stance of religious homogeneity, prohibiting the practice of foreign religions. This stance is exemplified by the ban on Christmas since 2005, deeming it excessively “Christian” and “Foreign.” The government of Ide Jima propagates a narrative of racial purity, proclaiming themselves as “pure Orientals,” in contrast to the Northern Orientals, who, according to them, have mingled with the Buranians, resulting in “Dirty-Blooded Orientals.”

This intertwining of state and religion, coupled with the narratives of purity and exclusivity, shapes the demographic and cultural identity of Ide Jima, reflecting a unique amalgamation of spiritual, cultural, and nationalistic elements. The demographic ethos of Ide Jima is characterized by a harmonious blend of traditional beliefs and state ideologies, creating a distinctive cultural blend that defines the national identity of the Ide Jiman people.


A plate of steamed wan tans.

Ide Jiman culture is a rich amalgamation of traditions, values, and customs, deeply rooted in its historical context and geographical setting. The national dishes are emblematic of the nation’s culinary heritage, symbolising the diversity and depth of its cultural landscape. Ide Jiman culture, steeped in tradition and history, places considerable emphasis on its culinary heritage, with dishes such as wan tan, siu maai, and chasiu being integral to the nation's identity. Wan tan is a revered dish, known for its delicate wrapper enclosing a rich mixture of minced pork and shrimp, often immersed in a hearty broth. Siu Maai, another staple, is a flavourful dumpling filled with a variety of ingredients like ground pork and shrimp. Chasiu, a sweet and savoury barbecued pork dish, seasoned with a unique blend of ingredients including honey and five-spice powder, is commonly served with rice or noodles, symbolising the culinary diversity of Ide Jima. These dishes are not only reflections of the agricultural and dietary practices of the nation, but are also central to national celebrations and communal gatherings, symbolising the unity and rich cultural heritage of Ide Jima.

The art and architecture of Ide Jima are characterised by intricate designs and meticulous craftsmanship, reflecting the nation’s aesthetic values and philosophical beliefs. Traditional Ide Jiman architecture emphasises harmony with nature, featuring structures with elegant lines and natural materials, often complemented by serene gardens. Ide Jiman art, renowned for its precision and attention to detail, includes a variety of forms such as painting, sculpture, and ceramics, typically depicting themes related to nature, mythology, and daily life.

Ide Jiman festivals are vibrant celebrations that reflect the nation’s cultural richness and communal spirit. These festivals, often based on the lunar calendar, feature a plethora of traditional music, dance, and rituals, providing a platform for the expression of cultural identity and communal bonding. One notable festival is the Spring Harmony Festival, celebrated to welcome the new agricultural season, featuring traditional music performances, dance ensembles, and a variety of culinary delights.

The literature of Ide Jima is a treasure trove of poetic expressions, historical narratives, and philosophical discourses, reflecting the intellectual pursuits and emotional landscapes of its people. Traditional Ide Jiman clothing is characterised by its elegance and functionality, often made from natural fabrics and adorned with subtle patterns and embroideries. The national dress, the Yinhua, is a symbol of cultural pride and is worn on formal occasions and celebrations. In contemporary Ide Jiman fashion, traditional elements are often fused with modern designs, reflecting the nation’s dynamic cultural evolution.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ide Jima (
  2. 2.0 2.1 Intervention in Bainbridge Islands (9 April 2019)
  3. The Empire of Ide Jima (9 July 2005)