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Canton River Delta

Revision as of 13:32, 12 July 2021 by Willem (talk | contribs) (made a begin on boxing + made a begin on Cycling + worked further on the Social hierarchy + made a begin on Tattoos + made a begin on Organized Crime)
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The United prefectures of Canton River Delta
カントンリバーデルタの全県 (Gensa)
  • 聯盟國 廣州三角洲 (Yǔyán)
  • Ang United prefecture ng Canton River Delta (Tukalo)
  • Кантон голын бэлчир орчмын Нэгдсэн мужууд (Kanar)
  • Die Vereinigten Präfekturen des Canton River Delta (Sino-Gadorien)
Nationale flag 3.4.png
Code of arms CRD.png
Coat of Arms
Motto: 自由、平等、繁栄と平和
"Freedom, equality, prosperity and peace"
Anthem: "Xīn shídài de shǔguāng" ("Dawn of a new era")
Royal anthem: "Eien no ōchō" ("The Eternal Dynasty")
Imperial Flag
Flag Sakuri Dynasty.png
detailed map of Canton River Delta
detailed map of Canton River Delta
and largest city
Official languagesGensa, Yǔyán, Tukalo, Kanar, Sino-Gadorien
Recognised regional languagesPreimean
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• Kōgō (Empress), Ten'nō (Emperor)
Kyasarin Sakuri
• Daimshu (feminine word for President), Daimyo (masculine word for president)
Mei Wang
LegislatureThe Blue parliament
First Chamber of Canton (White Chamber)
Second Chamber of Canton (Yellow Chamer)
• Day of Uniting
12 April 1621
• Modern boders
5 September 1982
• Total
1,317,248 km2 (508,592 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• Estimate
• 2020 census
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
TBA (wip)
• Per capita
Gini (2015)Positive decrease 12.40
HDI (2020)Increase 0.922
very high
CurrencySekinar (-) (SKC)
Time zoneUTC-4 and -3 (MCT)
Date formatdd ˘ mm ˘ yyyy
Driving sidevarying LHT/RHT
Calling code+03
Internet TLD.CT
Preceded by

Flag Tôh Việt.png Tôh Việt (1982)

KanarFlag.png Kanar (1967)

Flag Großer Sambac.png Großer Sambac (1812)

Flag Meyer Friedrichländer.png Friedrichländer (1779)

Flag Cxia Republic.png Cxia Republic (1621)

Flag Sakuri Dynasty.png Edo States (1621)

Canton River Delta, officially called The United Prefectures of Canton River Delta, is a medium-to-large-sized country located on both the Thuadia and Thrismari continent. Bordering Great Golden Raj, Prei Meas, Qui Latine, Shimerland and Azureden. It consists of 54 unique prefectures, not including the autonomous regions of Kanar and Tôh Việt. Currently the Cantonese population embodies approximately 867 million citizens, and the nation has about 1.317.248km2 of territory, making Canton one of the closest populated region in Anteria. The country was formed in 1621, after centuries of continuous warfare between independent kingdoms. As a result of this tumultuous past Canton is up to date a severe pacifist country, vowing to only take on arms again when absolutely necessary. Canton is a significant member of the Sekidean Union's inner circle.


The history of Canton River Delta cannot be told all at once because of the many countries and cultures that were or are located within the borders of CRD.

List of wars involving Canton River Delta

History of Teiyama

Ancient history

Saisho no toshi

De geschiedenis in het gebied van de Teiyama begint met de eerste dorpen en steden, de Saisho no toshi. De belangrijkste steden in deze periode waren: Edo, Kibe, Fushan, Okiana, Shidō, Matsuyama, Kita, Toyishi, Takana and Ita. De steden hiervoor genoemt waren een bolwerk van de Teiyamanse cultuur. Deze periode kende vele oorlogen omdat er geen centrale staat was daarom waren alle steden aparte landen met aparte regeringen. uit deze periode komt ook de legende van de eerste Keizer: Ten'no Yi. De Saisho no toshi duurde van 950 BC tot 400 BC.


Het opvolgende tijdperk kende integendeel tot de Totashi grotere staten die meerdere steden in hun bezit hadden. In deze periode kwam ook de omschakeling van brons naar ijzer, dit zorgde voor een verhoging in productiviteit van gereedschap en wapens. Dit zorgde er weer voor een verhoging in populatie in de steden waardoor men zich meer kon gaan specialiseren. De belangrijkste staten uit deze tijd waren: Kingdom of Edo, Kingdom of Sha, Kingdom of Wu and The Confederation of the Liá States. De staten van de Totashi periode waren machtig maar ook grote rivalen van elkaar die vaak met elkaar oorlog voerden en kleieren staten overnamen of onderdrukte. de grootste oorlog van deze tijd was de the War of ten winters waarin het Kingdom of Edo meerdere keren het Kingdom of Sha probeerde over te nemen en het was zelfs bijna gelijkt. In het negende jaar van de oorlog trok een groot leger van Edo richting de hoofdstad van Sha, de troepen moesten nog langs een vallei en dan waren ze bij de hoofdstad. Toen ze door de vallei heen liepen kwam er een hinderlaag van de Sha troepen. Er werd hevig gevochten maar de Edo troepen stonden geen kans en werden verslagen. Kingdom of Edo Probeerden hierna nog een keer Kingdom of Sha binnen te vallen maar ook die aanval mislukte. De Totashi duurde van 400 BC tot 190 AD

Historical flag of Yima

De Kawa was verschillend van de andere periodes vanwege een simpel feit, toen was het Teiyama gebied onder een regering bestuurd voor de eerste keer. De Empire of Yima was de eerste staat die alle gebieden in handen had en daarmee de eerste regionale regering. De leiders van Empire of Yima beweerde dat zei afstammelingen waren van de mythische keizer Ten'no Yi en daarmee de wil van de goden achter hun hadden. Vele geloofde did verhaal en de afstammelingen van de leiders van Yima zitten nu nog steeds op de troon van Canton River Delta.

De Empire of Yima heeft vele goede dingen gedaan en vele dingen die moeilijk zijn te verklaren zoals het tempel complex van Tikawa. Dit complex is reusachtig en heeft bouwtechnieken in zich waarvan lang gedacht werd dat die veel later pas zijn bedacht. Een ander ding dat Yima heeft gedaan was de bouw van wegen door hun hele rijk en een centrale munt, dit zorgde voor een vergroting van handel in en uit het rijk.

History of Kanar

History of United Canton River Delta

History of early modern Canton River Delta

Decade of the two emperors

History of late modern Canton River Delta




Politics and Government


Land forces


Naval forces

Head of the Imperial Navy of Canton River Delta is Miss Mitsue Okiku

Mitsue Okiku.png

Aerial forces


Special forces



Elections are held:

First Chamber: Every 5 years
Second Chamber: Every 4 years
Regional and municipal: Every 3 years

Process of elections

No campaign time

Upper House (First Chamber of Canton (White Chamber))

Symbol First Chamber.png

Logo of the First Chamber

The First Chamber of Canton has 55 seats, which are distributed proportionally per votes. party can get 25 seats max, ensuring the need for coalition to control the parliament.


Color Name of the Political Party Nick used by the Political Party Political direction Number of seats Opposition/coalition/unaffiliated
Blue Lotus Blue Left Liberal left TBA Coalition
Xiong Party The Pacifists Liberal Center-left TBA Coalition
Green United The Greens Liberal left TBA Coalition

Lower House (Second Chamber of Canton (Yellow Chamer))

Symbol Second Chamber.png

Logo of the Second Chamber

The Second Chamber of Canton has 1050 seats, which are distributed proportionally per votes.


Color Name of the Political Party Nick used by the Political Party Political direction Number of seats Opposition/coalition/unaffiliated
Blue Lotus Blue Left Liberal left TBA Coalition
Xiong Party The Pacifists Liberal Center-left TBA Coalition
Green United The Greens Liberal left TBA Coalition
SL The Social-Libirals Liberal left TBA Coalition
D55 The Democrats Liberal Center-left TBA Coalition
MI The Industrialist Liberal right TBA Unaffiliated
PfD The Dōuist Center TBA Unaffiliated
Cantonese Communist Party Communists Marxist far left TBA Opposition

Daimshu's and Daimyo's

List of Daimshu's and Daimyo's

Name of the Daimshu or Daimyo Term In office Party Note Picture
Zhou Chun 1st Term 1872-1876 Bushōmi TBA
2nd Term 1876-1880 TBA
3rd Term 1884-1888 TBA
Lang Xieren 1st Term 1872-1876 TBA
2nd Term 1876-1880 TBA
3rd Term 1884-1888 TBA
4th Term 1892-1896 TBA
5nth Term 1896-1900 TBA
Yu Wei 1st Term 1900-1904 Alliance of The Greens TBA
Long Tu 1st Term 1904-1908 TBA
Yang Huang 1st Term 1908-1912 TBA Yang Huang.png
Sekino Thoki 1st Term 1912-1916 Democratic Liberal Party TBA Sekino Thoki.png
Sada Arisa 1st Term 1916-1920 TBA Sada Arisa.png
2nd Term 1920-1924 TBA
Cao Minh Quân 1st Term 1924-1928 Pan Canton Party TBA Cao Minh Quân.png
2nd Term 1928-1932 TBA
Daniel Přibyl 1st Term 1932-1936 Labour Party TBA Daniel Přibyl 2.png
2nd Term 1936-1940 TBA
3rd Term 1940-1944 TBA
Catharina Springborn 1st Term 1944-1948 TBA Catharina Springborn.png
2nd Term 1948-1952 TBA
Charanya Sunthorn 1st Term 1952-1956 Liberal Democrats TBA Charanya Sunthorn.png
Friedrich Haas 1st Term 1956-1960 Labour Party TBA Friedrich Haas.png
2nd Term 1960-1964 TBA
Maximilian Schönfeld 1st Term 1964-1968 Oversaw the intergration of Kanar into CRD as an autonomous area. Maximilian Schönfeld.png
Chang He 1st Term 1968-1972 Green United TBA Chang He.png
Zeng Xinya 1st Term 1972-1976 D55 TBA Zeng Xinya.png
2nd Term 1976-1980 TBA
Karina Klímková 1st Term 1980-1984 Green United Oversaw the intergration of Tôh Việt into CRD as an autonomous area. Karina Klímková.png
Tống Hữu Trác 1st Term 1984-1988 TBA Tống Hữu Trác.png
2nd Term 1988-1992 TBA
Luka Klinger 1st Term 1992-1996 SL TBA Luka Klinger.png
2nd Term 1996-2000 TBA
Sasori Sawao 1st Term 2000-2004 Xiong Party TBA Sasori Sawao.png
Amaya Nichiren 1st Term 2004-2008 Blue Lotus TBA Amaya Nichiren.png
2nd Term 2008-2012 TBA
3rd Term 2012-2016 TBA
Mei Wang 1st Term 2016-2020 TBA Mei Wang.png
2nd Term 2020-2024 TBA

Current Daimshu

Mei Wang is the current Daimshu of Canton River Delta and the current head of the Blue Lotus Party. She is well known for her hard environmentalist actions and viewings. She is happily married to Ivana Kubátová and together they have 2 children. She is herself Bi and with that an activist for women's rights and LGBTQ+ rights in the world.

Mei Wang.png

first Daimyo

Tian Zhou was the first Daimyo of Canton River Delta.

Tian Zhou.png

First Daimshu

Zhu Lin was the first Daimshu of Canton River Delta.

Zhu Lin.png

Foreign Relations

Country/Union/Autonomous District Status
(Scale 1-10)
Notes on relations Mutual Embassies Canonity
 Great Golden Raj 10 GGR is CRD closed ally. They are both in the Sekidean Union and work closely together in all sorts of ways. Yes Canon
KanarFlag.png Kanar Autonomy 9 TBA Yes Canon
Flag Tôh Việt.png Tôh Việt Autonomy 10 TBA Yes Canon
 Prei Meas 9 TBA Only via SU consulates Canon
 Suoden 7 TBA Only via SU consulates Canon
 Bakyern 6 TBA Only via SU consulates Canon
 Zhousheng 9 TBA Only via SU consulates Canon
 Gadorien 9 TBA Only via SU consulates Canon

Domestic Relations

The relations between the national government and the Prefectures

Prefecture Status
(Scale 1-10)
Notes on relations Prefectural Region
Flag Canton.png Greater Canton Metropolitan Area 10 TBA Canton Area
Flag Hua lí.png Hua lí Area 9 TBA Canton Area
Flag Pearl coast.png Pearl coast Area 9 TBA Canton Area
Flag Cxia Area.png Cxia Area 7 TBA Yuán Area
Flag Whua Area.png Whua Area 7 TBA Yuán Area
Flag Taigol Area.png Taigol Area 7 TBA Yuán Area

Autonomous areas

Tôh Việt

The Tôh Việt Autonomy or as it is officially known as: The Kingdom of Tôh Việt, is located in the north of Canton River Delta. The Kingdom joined CRD in 5 September 1982 under then Daimshu Karina Klímková. The Kingdom joined CRD and thus becoming part of CRD and has to uphold Cantonese laws, but the Kingdom has their own Parliament, The Red Sun Parliament.


The Kanar Autonomy or as it is officially known as: The Khanate of Kanar, is located in the south of Canton River Delta. The Khanate joined CRD in 12 december 1967 under then Daimyo Maximilian Schönfeld. The Khanate joined CRD and thus becoming part of CRD and has to uphold Cantonese laws, but the Khanate has their own Parliament, Great Parliament of the Khan.



Energy production in Canton River Delta (2021)

  Nuclear (65%)
  Hydro (15%)
  Wind (5%)
  Solar (4.5%)
  Geothermal (10%)
  Other (0.5%)




Road transport

Public transport


Cycling is quit a big way of transportation in Canton River Delta, mostly in the cities and the flat countryside.

Water transport

Air transport



CRD schoolsystem.png

schoolsystem of CRD

Education in Canton River Delta is separated in after elementary school in 3 groups categorized into difficulty.


Religion Affiliation in Canton River Delta (2021)

  Kammist (11%)
  Dōuist (55%)
  Hindu (9%)
  Other religions (5%)
  Connection religions (2%)

Kaȝin Christianity


Kammism is the second biggest religion in Canton River Delta.


Atheism is the tirth biggest group in Canton River Delta.

Catholic Christianity

Protestant Christianity


Dōuism is the biggest religion in Canton River Delta.


Hinduismis the fourth biggest religion in Canton River Delta.

Other religions

Family Structure

Social hierarchy

Social hierarchy of CRD

The Social hierarchy is still present in the modern day. The social hierarchy in Canton River Delta is divided into 7 groups.

First is the Inperiaru (インペリアル), the Inperiaru is the imperial class in CRD. Only the Kōgō or Ten'nō is part of this class, the rest of the imperial court is not part of the Inperiaru.

Second is the Seifu no naga (政府の長), the Seifu no naga is the class that is for the Daimshu or Daimyo.

Third is the Jōsō kaikyū (上層階級), the Jōsō kaikyū is the upper class of CRD with Governors, Samurai, Nobles and the super wealthy being part of it.

Fourth is the Gunji shirei-kan (軍事司令官), the Gunji shirei-kan is the class for Military commanders and other high ranking Military staff.

Fifth is the Takanaka (高中), the Takanaka is the high middle class of CRD with Businessmen and Soldiers being part of it.

Sixth is the Man'naka (真ん中), the Man'naka is the middle class of CRD.

Seventh is the Setchi (接地), the Setchi is the lower class of CRD.

Organized Crime

Royalty and Nobility



The imperial dynasty of Sakuri is the Oldest dynasty in all of Canton River Delta and the only Dynasty that ever ruled over the Teiyama region and CRD.

Name of the Kōgō or Ten'nō Rule Coat of Arms Picture / Painting Crown Note
Ten'nō Harada Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Harada Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Ten'nō Shigekazu Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Shigekazu Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Kōgō Ryu Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Ryu Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Kōgō Mana Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Mana Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Kōgō Keiko Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Keiko Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Ten'nō Naoko Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Naoko Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Kōgō Mizuki Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Mizuki Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Kōgō Kaiya Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Kaiya Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Ten'nō Arakan Sakuri TBA Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Arakan Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Kōgō Akiko Sakuri 1932-1973 Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Akiko Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Ten'nō Ju-an Sakuri 1973-2020 Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Ten'nō Hiroto Sakuri.png TBA TBA
Kōgō Kyasarin Sakuri 2020-still ruling Sakuri Coat of arms 1.png Kōgō Kyasarin Sakuri.png TBA TBA

Đặng Hoài

Name of the nhà vua or nữ hoàng Rule Coat of Arms Picture / Painting Crown Note
nữ hoàng Thảo Đặng Hoài TBA Đặng Hoài Coat of Arms.png File:Thảo Đặng Hoài.png TBA TBA
nữ hoàng Mai Đặng Hoài TBA Đặng Hoài Coat of Arms.png Mai Đặng Hoài.png TBA TBA
nữ hoàng Nam Đặng Hoài TBA Đặng Hoài Coat of Arms.png File:Nam Đặng Hoài.png TBA TBA
Nhà vua Hoàng Đặng Hoài TBA Đặng Hoài Coat of Arms.png Hoàng Đặng Hoài.png TBA TBA
Nhà vua Chien Đặng Hoài 1996-still ruling Đặng Hoài Coat of Arms.png File:Nhà vua Chien Đặng Hoài.png TBA TBA


Name of the Khan or Khanum Rule Coat of Arms Picture / Painting Crown Note
Khan Altan Daichyn 1998-still ruling Coat of arms Daichyn.png Altan Daichyn.png TBA TBA



Crown of the Empresses and emperors of CRD



Name of the Noble Name of the House Rule Coat of Arms Picture / Painting Crown Note
TBA House of Arash TBA Arash Coat of Arms.png TBA TBA TBA
TBA House of Rothanak TBA Rothanak Coat of arms 1.png TBA TBA TBA


Canton River Delta is still known to Samurai. though the old function of military leader has been replaced by a more noble titel. Samurai are in the present still high in the social Hierarchy.



Traditional music

Local music

modern music

Music in the modern age is mostly C-pop(Cantonese pop) and Western pop.

colonial music

In the region of Friedrichländer music is different from the rest of the country.

Literature, Philosophy and Art





Tattoos in Canton River Delta can be separated into two different categories, Traditional- and Modern Tattoos.

Traditional Tattoos

Tattoos were traditionally used to have a meaning and people only set them for something important

Modern Tattoos

In the modern times tattoos have partially lost their old values as important markings and are seen by some as mere decoration for the body.




Tea time



Special occasions


Alcoholic drinks


Kōgō Maria Sakuri's coronation gown

Fashion in Canton River Delta is very diverse. This is of course due to the many cultures that reside in CRD, but also due to foreign influences. Like the clothing that was worn in the court of Kōgō Maria Sakuri. Because of her western ideas she wore most of the time dresses that were made in Gadorien. This set off a trend in CRD of mixing western and eastern fashion into a new blend.

The Largest fahsion brands in Canton River Delta that are Cantonese are T&M and Vogūkō.

Court fashion

During the reign of Kōgō Maria Sakuri the western style of fashion Flourished, with almost all nobles and people in her court wearing the western style. It became common to have a western gown for a party and an eastern traditional gown for a ceremony. This gave rise to the Shu Fuku no sutairu (Two clothing styles) where thus people have two different kinds of wardrobes. This tradition of 2 different kinds of wardrobes is still common in Canton River Delta. But in the modern day the 2 different wardrobes are modern clothes and tradition clothes.

Military fashion

Even though it is weird to think about it, the military actually has given some influences on Cantonese fashion.

Clash of fashion cultures

In the west suits where in almost every country known as male garments, but in Canton River Delta the opposite was true. When diplomats or rulers from the west came to CRD to present themselves to the government or imperial court, they were almost always men who were dressed in suits. The Cantonese interpreted that suits where something that the ruling class wore, and because women where the stereotypical rulers, suits became known as women's mostly clothing.

Famous Persons

Name of Famous person Born Died Age Famous for Most famous achievement Note
Tobias Heidemann 7-November-2000 Still alive 20 singer TBA TBA
Liu Ya 6-July-1996 Still alive 24 Writer TBA TBA
Anne Mirza TBA TBA 82 Pirate TBA TBA


Outdoor Sports

Horseback Riding

The end run of the Race of Bartan

Horseback riding is a really big sport in CRD. The sport is the biggest in the autonomous region of Kanar and the Yǔyán region. The sport has multiple varieties, these are: normal horseback riding, horseback archery, jousting and dressage.

The Race of Bartan

The Race of Bartan is the biggest horse race in all if CRD. In the competition 120 competitors need to race with each other to finish first. The race is divided into stages, The first to finish a stage has a bonus the next day.

The length of the race is never the same. Some years it takes 8 days while other years it took 18 days.






Indoor Sports

Martial Arts

Kung Fu
Canton Boxing League (CBL) logo

Boxing in Canton River Delta began as a street sport in the 1840s, mainly in the cities of Canton and Cxia, where foreign sailors were pitted against local fighters in the ring. The sport grew rapidly and unsupervised by the Cantonese government. Cantonese boxing style is similar to Western boxing style, with influences from traditional Cantonese martial arts.

The Canton Boxing League (CBL) is the nationwide organization that organize fights and competitions. The CBL is also the organization that organize the national boxing championship, the ICBC (Imperial Canton Boxing championship).


Holiday Date Location Working day Note
New Year's Day 1 January National No TBA
Valentine's Day 14 February National Yes TBA
Zexian Festival 5 April Local Yes TBA
Day of Uniting 12 April National Yes TBA
Hamaki 15 April-19 April Local Yes Hamaki is the Cantonese traditional custom of enjoying the transient beauty of flowers.
Labour Day 1 May National No TBA
Peace day 18 June National No On this day the people of CRD celebrate their ancestors for stopping their war traditions and embracing peace
Kōgō day 11 July National No The day where the people celebrate the birthday of their monarch. (date changes when there is a new monarch)
Nhà vua day 8 September Local Partial (Only in Tôh Việt no working day) The day where the people of Tôh Việt celebrate the birthday of their monarch. (date changes when there is a new monarch)
Khan day 5 October Local Partial (Only in Kanar no working day) The day where the people of Kanar celebrate the birthday of their monarch. (date changes when there is a new monarch)
Hashi To 22 November Local no Hashi To is the day of the dead in CRD. On this day the people will honour and celebrate their ancestors.
Sankt Nikolaus 5 December Local Yes Sankt Nikolaus is a tradition in the area of Friedrichländer and Canton. It is a tradition where Sankt Nikolaus goes on his horse on and gives children presents when they sleep.
Christmas 25 & 26 December National no Even though CRD isn't for the most part christian, Christmas is still widely celebrated. Christmas is in CRD more of a family holiday then a Christian one.