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Malvarian Liberation Front

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Malvarian Liberation Front
Flag of Malvarian Liberation Front M.L.F.
Motto: Freedom for Vulkaria, devastation for those who oppose
TypePolitical, Military, Terror Insurgency
  • 120,000 (est. 2004)
  • 24,000 (est. 2016)
• Supreme Comandant
EstablishmentApril 4th, 1982

The Malvarian Liberation Front is a Vulkarian-based and classified terror group that operates under the motivation of toppling Vulkaria's capitalist government and installing a communist regime in its place, as well as disrupting any support to the Vulkarian government from foreign sources. They were formed during the 1982 Vulkaria Coup D'etat, where their violent methods made them infamous. The organization has been designated as a terrorist group by Zamastan, Cadair, Gladysynthia, Avergnon, Drambenburg, and various other countries in the Coalition of Crown Albatross. The M.L.F. has mounted attacks on non-military and military targets in various countries in the four decades of its existence. They have notably chosen Zamastan as their favorite target, staging attacks such as the 1982 Alanis Pride Parade Bombing, the 2002 Bolhoeven bombing at Bolhoeven Naval Base, and the October 2017 Tofino Attacks.

Their founder, Samuel Kannit, was a staunch enemy of the Vulkarian and Zamastan governments, and oversaw the group during the first and second coalition fought wars in Vulkaria. He was captured during the second war and found guilty of war crimes in the Vongane Trials. Kannit was executed in 2008. The M.L.F.'s second leader, Van'a Kamoni, was originally considered to be more reserved, according to Zamastanian intelligence reports, indicating that he seemed to instruct his forces to remain in Vulkaria and pursue more political moves rather than terror. However, following the 2017 Tofino attacks, he was labeled "enemy number one" by President Zacharias Castovia and several other world leaders. He was killed in 2020 during a raid on his compound in Vulkaria. Their current leader is Conz Hummel. Since 2020, the group has significantly decreased in size and has been relegated to a few thousand fighters in the southern regions of Vulkaria.


The M.L.F.'s philosophy calls for the centralization of decision making, while allowing for the decentralization of execution. Many terrorism experts do not believe that the global terrorism movement is driven at every level by M.L.F.'s leadership. However, Samuel Kannit held considerable ideological sway over some terror extremists before his death. Experts argue that M.L.F. has fragmented into a number of disparate regional movements, and that these groups bear little connection with one another.


The M.L.F. has historically been composed of people with Southern Vulkarian/Elastani descent; however, they have been known to recruit those from minority groups or who are poor.



Samuel Kannnit (1984-2006)

Samuel Kannit served as the Supreme Leader of M.L.F. from the organization's founding in 1982 until his capture by Zamastan and Emmirian forces on May 9th, 2004. He was found guilty of war crimes in the Vogane Trials in 2006 and executed in 2008. Van'a Kamoni was alleged to be second in command.

Kannit was advised by a Council, which consists of senior terror members. The group was estimated to consist of 20–30 people.

Van'a Kamoni (2006-2020)

File:Van'a kamoni.jpg
A surveillance picture of Kamoni in Vulkar in 2013.

Van'a Kamoni is the current head of the M.L.F.. Intelligence communities such as the Zamastanian Intelligence Service place him as the C.C.A.'s most wanted individual. His leadership role was only discovered in 2014, before which time he was thought only to be a mafia boss. He was killed in a raid by Vulkarian and Zamastanian forces in 2020.

It is believed by Zamastanian intelligence that Kamoni was at one time sponsored by Gladysynthia, who they say provided monetary funds and weapons.

Conz Hummel (2020-Present)


The M.L.F. seeks to overthrow the Vulkarian government, which largely follows strict capitalism, and wants to replace it with a communist system of government. The M.L.F. specifically follows a radicalized form of Etye-communist, which is a political philosophy and self-proclaimed science that seeks to establish a socialist state and then develop it further into socialism and eventually communism, a classless social system with common ownership of the means of production and with full social and economic equality of all members of society.

The M.L.F., however, attributes violence to the grandiose need to change Vulkaria from the inside-out as the only way to accomplish its goal. They believe and teach their members that violence is the best way to sway public opinion. Zamastanian and Legionite intelligence suggests that recruits are offered promises of wealth and adventure, as well as a freedom from socialist rules imposed by the capitalist governments, in return for carrying out commands. Accounts from captured M.L.F. fighters share how these promises were so tantalizing and seemingly realistic that most members would fall in line, and that those who did not specifically believe in communist were mostly fighting for the adventure aspects. It is believed that their effective propaganda and brain-washing leads to their viciousness on the battlefield.




On June 18th, 1983, M.L.F. launched its first attack, the Alanis Pride Parade Bombing. The attack targeted a parade celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage in Zamastan following legislation signed by President of Zamastan Cassious Castovia. This attack was originally thought to be perpetrated by a radical hate group, which was condemned by Castovia and the leaders of nearly every allied nation of Zamastan’s. However, it was soon discovered that the bombing was carried out by the M.L.F. operating out of Vulkaria.

Evidence found near the blast sites included bits of metal, nails, ball bearings, black nylon pieces from a backpack, remains of an electronic circuit board, and wiring. A pressure cooker lid was found on a nearby rooftop. Both of the improvised explosive devices were pressure cooker bombs manufactured by the bomber. Federal authorities quickly discovered a man matching descriptions given by witnesses prior to the bombing of a suspect. He was arrested at a checkpoint just outside Alanis, and after shortly attempting to flee and being recaptured, he confessed to the bombing. Because the man was registered as a refugee, his identity was found to be falsified and his real name was never discovered, though he did reveal that he was a member of the M.L.F., which reached the desk of Cassious Castovia exactly one day after the bombing.

Throughout the rest of the week, many more attacks took place against other targets. Most were small attacks that failed to kill people, however, two attacks did occur that involved multiple casualties- both fatalities and injuries. These events pressed Zamastan’s interest beyond domestic policy for the first time since the second world war. The first of these occurred on June 20th, where a bomb detonated outside of the Zian Presidential Mansion in Tofino, killing seven security guards and four tourists. President Castovia wasn’t injured, but the glass windows of the Gaviria Room in which he was sitting did shatter and injure some of his aides. The second attack was a mass stabbing at Tofino International Airport which resulted in the deaths of three people and the injuries of nearly forty more.

These attacks were the driving force behind Zamastan's invasion of Vulkaria, which culminated in the First War in Vulkaria.


On December 29, 1992, an attack was carried out in Providence, Zamastan known as the 1992 Giron Hotel Bombings. That evening, a bomb went off at the Giron hotel, where Zamastanian troops had been staying while en route to the Gladysynthian border, though the troops had already left when the bomb exploded. The bombers targeted a second hotel, the Nira, where they believed troops might also be staying. That bomb detonated prematurely in the hotel car park, around the same time as the other bomb explosion, killing an Laeralian tourist and a two Zamastanian citizens. Samuel Kannit claimed responsibility for the attack in 1998.


On November 13, 1995, a car bomb exploded at a facility in Vongane, Quetana where the Zamastanian military was training alongside Quetanan troops. Five Zamastanians and two Quetanans were killed and 60 people were wounded. The attack has been credited to M.L.F. by the governments of Zamastan and Quetana, although Samuel Kannit never took credit for the bombing.


In late 1999 and 2000, M.L.F. planned attacks to coincide with the millennium by attacking several significant sites across the C.C.A., specifically in nations friendly to Vulkaria or a part of the Coalition forces.

A terrorist attempted to detonate a suicide vest at a Minjian temple in Barangadesh on December 4th, 1999, but was stopped by security and arrested.

On December 15th, a terrorist opened fire on a cafe in Emerald, Pahl, Zamastan, killing two people and injuring 5.


As the Second War in Vulkaria intensified, the M.L.F. sent several operatives to nations involved in the Coalition. On April 3rd, 2001, 2 suicide bombers attacked the city of Rhaga in Emmiria, killing 20 and injuring around 100 people. On April 4th, a bomb detonated in Cardiff, Cadair, killing 3 people and injuring over 30.


The 2002 ZNGS Fig bombing occurred on 6 October 2002. The Fig was carrying 397,000 barrels (63,100 m3) of crude oil from Vulkaria to Zamastan, and was in the Elkjop Bay off Rumaztria to pick up another load of oil. It was registered under a Rumaztria-flag and had been chartered by a Zamastanian petrol firm. While it was some distance offshore, an explosives-laden dinghy rammed the starboard side of the tanker and detonated. The vessel caught on fire and approximately 90,000 barrels (14,000 m3) of oil leaked into the ocean. Although Zamastanian officials initially claimed that the explosion was caused by an accident, later investigations found traces of TNT on the damaged ship. One crew member, a 38-year-old Rumaztria citizen, was killed, and 12 other crew members were injured.



October 2017 Tofino Attacks

On 18th October 2017, M.L.F. terrorists launched their deadliest ever foreign attack, targeting several sites in Tofino, Zamastan and the city's northern suburb, Tirzah. Beginning at 21:16, five suicide bombers struck the Tofino metro subway line. This was followed by several mass shootings and a suicide bombing, at cafés and restaurants.

The attackers killed 438 people, including 298 in the subway systems. Another 690+ people were injured, almost 400 seriously. Seven of the attackers also died while the authorities continued to search for accomplices. The attacks were the deadliest in Zamastan since the Alanis Pride Parade Bombing. Zamastan had not been on high alert since the end of the Second War in Vulkaria, during which 2 lone-wolf attacks took place at an office complex and a supermarket in Tofino and Jade Harbor that killed 8 people and wounded 22, including civilians and police officers.

The Malvarian Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the attacks, saying that it was retaliation for the support of the Vulkarian government in continued fights against their insurgency. The President of Zamastan, Zacharias Castovia, said the attacks were an act of war by M.L.F.. The attacks were planned in Vulkaria and organised by a terrorist cell based in Gladysynthia, aided by the insurgent group Gladys Popular Freedom Fighters. Most of the Tofino attackers had Zamastanian, Vulkarian or Gladysynthian citizenship, two were Cadairian, and some had fought in Vulkaria. Some of them had entered Zamastan among the flow of migrants and refugees.

In response to the attacks, a three-month state of emergency was declared across the country to help fight terrorism, which involved the banning of public demonstrations, and allowing the police to carry out searches without a warrant, put anyone under house arrest without trial and block websites that encouraged acts of terrorism. On 21 October, Zamastan launched the biggest airstrike of Operation Vulkar Rain, its contribution to the anti-M.L.F. bombing campaign, striking M.L.F. targets in Vulkaria. On 22 October, the suspected lead operative of the attacks, Ezra Po'Mannuk, was killed in a police raid in Arinals, along with two others.


On August 16, two people were killed and over 40 injured after a pressure cooker bomb went off at a cafe in the Kingston neighborhood of Tofino, Zamastan[1].

On August 28, 2019, 11 people died and 42 were injured after an attack by M.L.F. aligned Solas terrorists in Cardiff, Cadair. The terrorists stabbed multiple civilians who were attending the unveiling of a government office building.

On December 26th, a suicide bomber killed 48 people and injured hundreds at a political rally for President Farhen Brooks in downtown Amstelveen, Vulkaria.