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Adamantine Republic
(Vespasian) Repubblica Adamantina
Flag of Adamantina.svg
United Provinces National Congress (updated).svg
Coat of arms
Motto: "Sfrenato e indomito"
("Unbridled and Indomitable")
Anthem: Hymn to the Adamantine Will
National Cockade
National Cockade of Adamantina.svg
Globe Map of Adamantina.svg
Location of the Adamantine Republic of Asterias in dark green, claimed territories in light green.
and largest city
Porto Pellegrini Porto Pellegrini COA.svg
Official languagesVespasian
Recognised national languagesChanuche
Ethnic groups
GovernmentFederal presidential republic
• President
Almerigo Cianflone Di Martino (S)
Stefania Gambini (S)
Lanfranco Mormile (FN)
Leonzio Stefanini (S)
Valtena Cirigliano
LegislatureNational Congress
Chamber of Representatives
Independence from the Etrurian First Republic, March 11 1808
• Settlement of Smeraldo
June 11 1541
• Sangermano Revolt
May 12 1725
• Establishment of the United Provinces of Asterias Inferior
March 11 1808
September 12 1868
• Establishment of the Adamantine Republic
December 21 1873
August 27 1968
• Modern Constitution
April 1 1975
• Total
997,989 km2 (385,326 sq mi)
• 2022 estimate
Increase 34,192,786
• 2020 census
Increase 33,498,160
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total
Increase $765,918 billion
• Per capita
Increase $22,400
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
Increase $418,861 billion
• Per capita
Increase $12,250
Gini (2020)42.8
HDI (2022)Increase 0.837
very high
CurrencyAdamantine Moneta (ADM)
Time zoneUTC-9 (Western Lumine Time)
Driving sideright
Internet TLD.adm

Adamantina, officially the Adamantine Republic (Vespasian: Repubblica Adamantina) is a sovereign country located in northeastern Asteria Inferior. Adamantina is bordered by Satucin to the west, Gapolania to the east, Ceneria to the southeast, Arbolada to the south and the East Arucian Sea to the north. Adamantina covers an area of 997,989 km2 (385,326 sq mi), making it the largest Vespasian-speaking nation in the world by area. Adamantina is the sixth largest country in Asteria Inferior, and fourteenth largest country in the Asterias. Established as a federal state, the nation is divided into seventeen provinces and a single federal capital, which is the capital and largest city of the nation, Porto Pellegrini. Each province and the federal capital have their own constitutions under a symmetrical federal system. Adamantina claims sovereignty over portions of Nouveau Sessonis, a region of Satucin.

Earliest records of human presence in modern-day Adamantina dates back to the Paleolithic period, with the Chanuche and Bayama inhabiting the coastal plains and the interior plains, the Dabu in the southwest and the Ánima in the southeast. Colonization of the costal regions by Povelian explorers began in 1526. Verenzio De Sarro was commissioned by the Poveglia Council of Thirteen to explore the interior of the country, leading to the discovery of various precious minerals. Through a royal charter the Governorate of Adamantia was established in 1534. By 1579 Adamantia was incorporated into the Viceroyalty of New Povelia, with the modern territory of Adamantina being administered by officials in the Governorate of Gapolania. Adamantia and Gapolania declared their independence on March 11 1808, forming the United Provinces of Asterias Inferior with Semara. Relations between the three colonies deteriorated, leading to the Semaran War (1812–1818). Political instability over the question of unitarianism culminated an atmosphere of hostility, pushing the Confederati and the Unitari into the Adamantine Civil War (1822-1825).

The ratification of the third constitution established the current modern federal republic. During the late 19th century and early 20th century the Broni Bovari emerged as the dominant political class and promoted a policy of mass immigration and economic liberalism. Adamantina remained neutral throughout the Great War (1927-1935) and the Solarian War (1943-1946). After the defeat of Greater Solarian Republic, Adamantina provided many collaborators of the defeated regime sanctuary. Solarian collaborators, known as the Cabala delle Ombre, overthrew Antonio Malito in 1953. During the Ombre Junta, the government hunted political dissidents and launched a small incursion against Gapolania, known as the Adamantine-Gapolania War (1974-1975). Internal pressures brought on by the anti-war movement ultimately lead to the collapse of the Ombre Junta, allowing for the return of Malito in 1976 and the restoration of democracy.

Adamantina is considered a small power subject to the regional power of Satucin. Adamantina is a developing country, considered bound to a middile income economy. Among the nations of Asteria Inferior, it ranks the highest in Human Development Index and 4th in the Asterias, before Rizealand, Chistovodia and Cassier. It is a member of the Community of Nations (CN), Organization of Asterian Nations (OAN), Asteria Inferior Common Market (AICM), Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the International Trade Organization (ITO).


The name "Adamantina" for the present day region derives from the the word adamas via Late Latin diamas and Old Gaullican diamant. In ancient Piraean ἀδάμας (adamas) genitive ἀδάμαντος (adamantos), literally 'unconquerable, untamable'.[2] The national motto for Adamantina lends as a callback to the the Piraean translation, utilizing the phrase "Sfrenato e indomito" (unbridled and indomitable).

In Estmerish the countries official name is translated as the "Adamantine Republic", with adamantine deriving from the Middle Estmerish word "adamantyne" or "adamauntyn". The word adamantine roughly translates to "like a diamond" or "incapable of being broken".[3] The description of the region by the word Adamantina was first found on a Povelian map in 1574, with some scholars suggesting that the term was first popularized by the elite of the Etrurian mainland who considered the colonists as being brutish and unruly.

The name Adamantina was popularized by the Povelian lieutenants of Matteo Stiriaco Balestra during the Second Annientamento, who sought to distinguish their communities from the indigenous inhabitants of the colony. During the War of Independence in 1783 the name gained popularity among the majority of the population, while widely utilized it was not set as the official name of the country. From 1784 until 1789 the nation was officially known as the "United Provinces of Asterias Inferior" (Province Unite di Asterias Inferiore).

In the aftermath of the First Civil War, the nation was proclaimed the "Adamantine Confederation" (Confederazione Adamantina) on July 1789. The 1794 constitution used the nation's current name for the first time, the "Adamantine Republic" (Repubblica Adamantina), in legal documents.


Pre-colonial period

Drawing of a Chanuche family in Prosperita.

The earliest traces of human life in the territory of modern Adamantina are dated from the Paleolithic period, with further traces in the Mesolithic and Neolithic. Stone tools found along the Pellegrini River indicate that permanent settlement of the region began as long as 18,500 years ago. The first groups to settle Adamantina were basic hunter-gatherers, who had little to no experience in the development of pottery. These groups were ultimately conquered by a group from the west which splintered off into the various tribes of modern Adamantina. Several tribes developed, with their economies and culture being based around the river. The largest tribes to develop were the Chanuche and Bayama inhabiting the coastal plains and the interior plains, the Dabu in the arid southwest and the Ánima in the mountainous southeast. The Chanuche were the most technologically and economically prosperous of the tribes, and prior to the landing of Nunzo di Rosignelle had extensive trade with the Chanuche of Gapolania.

Colonial period

Verenzio De Sarro first explored and settled the Adamantine interior, and was the first Governor of the Colony of Lucentezza

Settlement by Etruria occurred as early as 1548 CE in the most northern sections of the country along the border of modern day Gapolania, roughly three years after the foundation of Astia. Etrurian explorers first encountered the Chanuche people, who were separated into smaller tribes. In 1552 CE the Poveglia Council commissioned Verenzio De Sarro to explore the uncharted interior of the region, uncovering valleys, plains and minor mountain ranges. In 1536 CE De Sarro returned samples of gold, silver and a single four carat diamond to the Poveglia Council as tool to promote investment in the region.

The De Sarro Diamond sparked widespread interest in the newly discovered lands, and the Council of Thirteen requested that De Sarro establish posts throughout the region to uncover more precious minerals. The Council of Thirteen’s fascination with the diamond led to a quota placed upon De Sarro and his expedition; retrieve thirteen equally sized diamonds from the region for the ruling families of Poveglia. De Sarro was granted the necessary resources by the Council of Thirteen for the subjugation of the indigenous people and establishment of the first settlement in the region which at the time was referred to as Terra di Lucentezza.

Depiction of the first map of Smeraldo (1577)

The first permanent settlement of the explored region was Smeraldo. After two years without discovering any diamonds, De Sarro began fabricating stories of splendor to attract more settlers. In 1541 CE, the expedition’s brutality increased after tales of De Sarro’s failure to return the diamonds to Poveglia was spreading among the elite. Alongside Nunzo di Rosignelle, Verenzio De Sarro orchestrated a military campaign, which resulted in the deaths of several thousands of indigenous peoples. De Sarro ruled the Povelian colony of Lucentezza, alongside Sebastian Callanera in Nassea and Di Rosignelle in Astia. Settlement occurred similar to that of Gapolania, with the establishment of latifundias. Unlike the latifundias in Gapolania, which focused of the production of sugar cane and coffee beans, the agricultural production in colonial Adamantina was focused on the production of corn and wheat.

Lucentezza was renamed the Colony of Adamantina In 1567, encompassing regions in the interior of the continent. Adamantina's growth as an independent colony differed from Gapolania in regards to its importation of slavery, refusing to settle Bahian slaves. Governor Argimiro Ruisi (1533-1570) pushed for continued Poveglian migration and believed in an Euclean only migration policy. Adamantina was transformed into the Governorate of Adamantina in 1579 and was organized as a jurisdiction of the Viceroyalty of New Povelia. Under the Viceroyalty, Adamantina was under the direct control of the Povelian Doge. Ignazio Ricotta (1545-1640), initated the First Annintamento against the indigenous communities of the interior, forcefully relocating several hundreds of thousands to the mountainous interior of the governorate. Waves of Povelian settlers entered into the governorate, who established farmsteads and small communities with a strong emphasis on cattle ranching.

In the 17th century, when the knowledge of the region's interior expanded, a development of mining sparked a mass migration towards the Sierra Bianca mountains and resulted in founding settlements that would later grow into major industrial hubs. By the half of the 18th century, the Viceroyalty of New Povelia had been divided between Adamantina, Gapolania and largely undeveloped interior, with loose direct control over the local population. This caused a series of indigenous uprisings, the main ones happening in 1731 and 1756, both of which were crushed by the Etrurian military and resulted in partition of the native-owned land.

Matteo Stiriaco Balestra launched the Second Annientamento in 1716 CE which focused on the rebellious Sei Tribù Ordinate. Productive agricultural land in the heart of the country was divided up among investors from mainland Etruria which was then quartered into separated tracts of land for tenants. Balestra and the colonial government drafted racial laws that allowed only Eucleans to farm tracts. Questions regarding who was truly ‘Euclean’ caused division within the population, as Balestra considered some the earliest settlers (who had intermarried into the Sei Tribù Ordinate) as being non-white.


Simone Alberighi (1779-1834) was the military commander of the Revolutionary Army of Asterias Inferior, and served as one of the three generals of the Junta of the United Provinces of Asterias Inferior.

Unrest in Semara and Gapolania arose between the disparities between the elites, Bahian and indigenous peoples, leading to the rise of the Pantheonisti movement. Pantheonistian ideology was built on the belief of equality, freedom and liberty, and was exceptionally popular among the poor. In Adamantina, the ruling landlords of the nation sought to divert from this ideology, which they viewed as subversive. Sinesio Labriola, a political activist, philosopher and revolutionary authored the Volontà Adamantina (Adamantine Will), in which he advocated against a state based upon an established religion, advocating for deism, freethought, and openly criticized the Solarian Catholic Church. The popularization of Labriola's beliefs spread throughout rural Adamantina, which at the time was already hesitant towards the clergy. Labriola supported the abolition of slavery, but took a hard stance regarding the exclusion of Bahian migrants. The popularization of Labriola's beliefs began to spread throughout the 1780s and 1790s, and was synthesized with the ideals of liberty, utilitarianism and freedom. Several landed elites, disgruntled by Etrurian rule formed the Fraternal Order of the Adamantine Yeomanry, which became the focal point for the independence movement. Simultaneously to the rise of the secular ideology in the rural communities of the nation, the urban areas of the colony began gravitating towards the religious and revolutionary fever unraveling in Etruria. The Eturian Revolution (1783-1785), the overthrow of the Grand Principality of Tyrrenhus and the foundation of the Etrurian First Republic prompted the ideology of Pantheonisti faction to spread within the Adamantine costal cities of Almeiveira, Camporaele, Paremunde, Salination, Semerillo and Castiglione di Catarina.

Map showing the progression of the Adamantine War of Independence. Green indicates Adamantine Patriot movement, while red represents Etrurian Loyalist movement. Painted overlay indicates year in which the Revolutionary Army gained control.   1804   1805   1806
  1807   1808

The vast of the territory and slow communications led most interior areas to become isolated from the Etrurian authorities, leading to further association with the land rather than the colonial leadership of the Viceroyalty. In the political structure of the Viceroyalty, most position were filled by people designated by the government in Etruria, without a strong commitment for Adamantine problems or interests. The prohibition imposed on Adamantine agricultural goods by Etruria was also seen as damaging to the landlords agricultural operations. In 1801 authorities from Camporaele attempted to launch their own version of La Purga against followers of Labriola, leading to an extreme backlash from the landed gentry. Political instability quickly ensured after a series of anti-secular riots engulfed the cities of Almeiveria and Paremunde. The reforms brought by the Devotion of the Republic to Heaven and the Declaration of Rights of State, further disrupted the economic stability of Adamantina, with colonial authorities attempting to abolish the currency and establishing prices controls.

With the collapse of the Weranian Republic in 1802, and the decline of Etrurian supremacy in Euclea, several influential leaders in Adamantina began recruiting officers for the effort to break away from the First Republic. Simone Alberighi, a cavalrymen from the unorganized area of Castello (now day Rieti) was recruited by the leaders of the Fraternal Order of the Adamantine Yeomanry to lead the effort. In 1803 the August Revolution engulfed the nation, as partisans rose up across the country, the targeting Pantheonistian supporters in the rural regions of the country began to worry the political elite. Ceremonial burnings of churches, religious material and even clergy members was operated in a fashion similar to the bonfire ceremonies conducted in Etruria. Violence began to spread into the urban areas of Prosperita and Arata, forcing the first Assembly of the Adamantine Municipalities, which sought to restore control within the two provinces. Alberighi addressed the municipalities, and eventually won the support of the assembly to begin launching a military campaign against the colonial authorities and establish an independent republic.

Five original provinces of the United Provinces of Asterias Inferior after the ratification of the first Constitution of Adamantina in 1808.

During the Spring of 1804 Alberighi amassed the Revolutionary Army of Asterias Inferior in Prosperita and began battling the Viceroyalty forces throughout the countryside. His victory at the Battle of Casanova, commenced on October 31, 1804 leading to wave of patriotic enthusiasm that bolstered the recruitment campaign of Alberighi. Etrurian officials in Adamantina relayed the dire circumstance to Solaria after the loss of Casanova. President of the First Citizen, Francesco Cassio Caciarelli dispatched general Bardomiano Porfirio Crescenzi to Almeiveria in an effort to control the mouth of the Almiverian River. With the control of the river and the major port city, the Etrurian authorities began confiscating the agricultural goods sent down the river, effectively establishing a blockade on the country. In response to the blockade, several dignitaries of every province assembled in Sano Stefano for the first assembly of the Senate of Sano Stefano, which issued the Adamantine Declaration of Independence (officially the United Provinces Declaration of Independence). All military powers were designated to the Junta of the United Provinces of Asterias Inferior, and the document officially established the Confederated Senate of the United Provinces which acted as a meeting point for all the provinces to coordinate the funding for the war effort. Simone Alberighi, Gabriele Montanari and Lorenzo Leone were placed in control of the Junta.

In 1805 Alberighi failed to capture the city of Almiveria during the First Battle of Almiveria, and suffered significant casualties. Although the army was demoralized, the Revolutionary Army continued north to retake the costal cities of Salination and Semerillo during a series of skirmishes. Alberighi utilized the first incarnation of the Adamantine flag on September 10th, 1805 against Etrurian forces during the Battle of Castiglione di Catarina, which popularized the flag. The Junta of the United Provinces began to utilize the flag formally for all of its armies on December 20th, 1805, and was formally adopted to represent the Confederated Senate of the United Provinces on January 8th, 1806.In an attempt to crush the remaining Etrurian troops, Alberighi entered into Semara in December of 1805. Efforts to rally troops in Semara proved difficult for Etrurian general Alberto Montalto as the local populace was reluctant to align with the Pantheonisti movement. With General Alberighi in Samara, chasing after the Loyalist forces, Gabriele Montanari led several skirmishes against Loyalist partisans outside Salination, defending the city from a offensive across the Almiverian river.

Worried that Etrurian would retake Salination, Alberighi was forced to return to Adamantina by the Confederated Senate. Respecting the authority of the Senate, Alberighi reentered Adamantina at the end of 1806. While crossing the Trinitite Creek, Alberighi was attacked by Gapolanian Pantheonistian troops led by Sviturno Giannattasio, suffering a minor defeat. Fearing a revolt in Samara, the Giannattasio returned to Semara, refusing to pursue Alberighi into Catarina. General Lorenzo Leone, failed to capture northern Arata during a series of skirmishes during 1806, leading to a stalemate between the belligerents. Internal issues in Etruria led to a decline in support for the war effort in Adamantina, leading to a series of desertions in Arata. General Crescenzi launched a succesful assault on Salination during the Second Battle of Salination on May 4 1807, successfully regaining control of Northern Prosperita. Throughout 1807 both sides continued to bolster their forces and reestablish order in their respective territories, leading to another year long stalemate.

Alberighi realized the potential of striking the city of Alimiveria, capitalizing on Crescenzi's forces being split by the Alimiverian River. Alberighi began constructed several transport ships, and a low quality frigates to initiate a landing on the northern shores of Alimiveria. During the 1808 Offensive on Alimiveria Alberighi sailed into the East Arucian Sea with 5,000 troops, traveling for four three days, the ships successfully landed on the northern shores of the western side of the Alimiverian River. Coordinating with Lorenzo Leone's forces from Casanova, the two armies simultaneously attacked. Crescenzi surrendered to Alberighi on January 11th, 1808, although the war was not officially ended until the signing of the Treaty of Tyrrhenus on September 15th, 1811 between Adamantina and the United Kingdom of Etruria, signed by both Alberighi and Caio Aurelio I.

Early Republic

With the conclusion of the war, the provinces immediately convened in Sarro City in Prosperita to formally declare the establishment of a unified state. Ten delegates from the five original provinces signed the Declaration of National Unity, which established the United Provinces of Asterias Inferior as a political entity on March 11th, 1808. The initial United Provinces were deemed a confederacy of independent states, although with provisions that allowed the president to reestablish the junta. The declaration formally placed all legislative powers into the hands of the Confederated Senate of the United Provinces of Asterias Inferior, granting each provinces two votes. Rights were granted to all citizens of the individual provinces, including equal treatment, freedom of movement and established extradition agreements between all the provinces. The declaration also provided certain powers to the federal government, including the ability to declare war, levée en masse and establish a national post office. Alberighi assumed the presidency, but delegated much of the duties of the executive to a large cabinet of secretaries and committee members. Delegates were split between wanting to declare Adamantina as a unitary state, as a federated state or as a confederacy.

Among the delegates, the three factions; the Confederati, Federalisti and the Unitari. Each had a factional leadership, with a support from a geographic region. The Confederati were led by General Lorenzo Leone and the Governor of Catarina, Bastiano de Abondiolis, while the Unitari were led by Gabriele Montanari and the Governor of Arata, Miniato Calvacanti.

The early Adamantine Republic prioritized landowners and restricted voting access to the general population. During the early period of the Republic an extreme anti-clerical fervor swept across the country, greatly diminishing the power of the Solarian Church. The government continued to promote immigration from Euclea throughout the 19th century, and in 1823 CE granted voting suffrage to all males. In the later half of the 19th century the country was divided politically on the currency, as many wanted to see the currency backed by silver rather than gold. Through a series of elections, the matter was settled and gold remained the standard. Infrastructure projects spurred economic development, with industrialization gaining significant traction by 1895 CE.

In 1721 CE revolts in Valorea prompted many within the country to consider independence. Aureliano Mancio Sangermano, a military officer of the colonial government rallied several former landowners, descendants of the Sei Tribù Ordinate to overthrow the colonial government. In 1725 CE Sangermano failed to launch a rebellion, and was executed for treason. During the 1784 Etrurian Revolution, the factions which had organized around Sangermano were galvanized by the execution of King Alessandro III and his family. Sixteen of the twenty-five provinces of the Titolo di Asterias Inferior declared their independence, officially establishing the United Provinces of Asterias on March 11, 1784 CE. The instability of the Etrurian First Republic left the colonial government to its own demise, and ultimately the United Provinces of Asterias established control over the remaining nine provinces. The racial laws established by Balestra were eliminated.

Civil War

Great War & Junta

Adamantina became one of the largest exporters of beef and canned goods during the early 20th century. During the onset of the Great War Adamantina remained neutral, trading with both sides. By 1929 CE its trade of agricultural goods with the Entente was forced to end after the Grand Alliance threatened to increase tariffs on Adamantina. Unable to compete with the power of Satucin, it accepted the terms of the Grand Alliance. Throughout out the Great War, the country lagged economically. In 1939 the government of supported the coalition of conservatives and social democrats in Azure Coast against the Vague Rouge.

During the 1943 Solarian War, Adamantina remained neutral while maintaining trade relations with the Etrurian Revolutionary Republic. After the defeat of Etruria, Adamantina provided many collaborators of the defeated regime sanctuary. In 1950 the collaborators wielded a great deal of political clout and were known as the Cabala delle Ombre. In 1953 the Cabala supported a military coup, supervising the establishment of a military junta. The deposed President Antonio Malito fled to Valorea, where he supported democratic reformers and revolutionaries. In 1968 the military junta launched several small scale skirmishes over various adjacent lands, being defeated in each attempt. In 1975 the Junta was destroyed during a popular democratic revolution, leading to Antonio Malito's return in 1976.


Malito served as president until his death in 1989. His wife, Ginevra Malito served as president for 8 years after his death. From 1990 until 1997 the nation faced economic woes which ultimately saw Malito's party thrown out of power. From 1997 to 2008, a coalition of center and center-right parties governed. In 2009 the center-right fell out of favor, leading to a newly established "anti-corruption" party winning the election. In 2014 the center-right party returns to power during an economic recession. In 2018, the now deceased Malito's party returned to power.


The Adamantine Republic covers a total area of 997,989 square kilometers (385,326 sq mi), ranking as the sixth largest country in Asteria Inferior, and the fourteenth largest country in the Asterias. The highest elevation in the Adamantine Republic is Mount Libertà, located in San Loreto at 6,961 metres (22,838 ft). The lowest point in the country is a manmade polder located in the delta of the Pellegrini River between Prosperita and Porto Pellegrini at -8 feet (-2 meters) below sea level. Its southern border is created by the Sierra Bianca mountain range. It shares a border with Gapolania to its east and Satucin to the west. In the north its coasts borders the East Arucian Sea.

The country is divided into six geographic regions; Costal (Costa), Lowland Plains (Pianure di pianura), Highlands (Altopiani), Mountain (Montagna), Piedmont (Piemonte) and Valley (Valle)



Adamantina has four main climatic regions; warm, moderate, cool arid and hot arid, all of which are determined by variations in latitude, range in altitude and relief features. Most of the population lives in relatively temperate. Settlements within the southernmost interior are located within microclimates generated by the varied altitude. Summers are the warmest and wettest season in most of Adamantina, except with certain parts of the southern interior where its the driest season.

The nation's coastal regions are tempered by a cold ocean current from the Haillet Sea, creating an oceanic climate (Cfb) with mean temperatures of 10 °C (50 °F) during the winter and a mean temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) during the summer. The majority of the interior, where it is not mountainous, is classified as a humid subtropical climate (Cfa, Cwa), where temperatures range from 0 °C (32 °F) or −3 °C (27 °F) and 18 °C (64 °F) during the coldest months and temperatures ranging from 19 °C (66 °F) to 29 °C (84.4 °F) during the summer. The interior plains experiences strong thunderstroms during the spring and summer, with rainfall ranging from 38 to 50 inches (970 to 1,300 mm) per year. Lightning and tornados are a common occurrence throughout the subtropical interior of the country.

The southeast interior is greatly affected by the drastic increase in elevation, where precipitation dramatically drops off. The rise in elevation leads to an orographic lift, where air is forced upwards, leading to adiabatic cooling, causing moist air to reach its dew point and ultimately descended as rain. Past this region of increased rainfall, precipitation falls dramatically and transitions into a semi-arid climate (BSh, BSk). In the southernmost interior the elevation transitions into a cold desert climate (BWk), where precipitation ranges between 25 and 200 mm (1 and 8 in) of rainfall annually. In an excluded valley within the mountains is the only instance of a hot desert climate (BWh), known as the Inospitale Valley where temperatures range between 29 and 35 °C (84 and 95 °F) during the summer.


Throughout the 19th and 20th century, Adamantina transitioned between various periods of democracy and dictatorships. In 1953 the country faced its most dramatic reversal in democracy which saw the establishment of a military junta known as the Ombre Junta, controlled by the Cabala delle Ombre. Full-scale democracy was reestablished during the 1976 elections, and has since experienced consecutive peaceful transfers of political power.


Adamantina is a symmetrical federal constitutional representative democracy. It is the sole nation on the continent to utilize a presidential system, where the president is both head of state and head of government. The president serves as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and is the highest-ranking officer within the federal bureaucracy. The government is regulated by a series of checks and balances and duties of the governmental are enshrined within the constitution, establishing a seperation of powers among the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Comprised of seventeen provinces and a single federal district, citizens are subject to three levels of government; federal, provincial and local governments. Local governments duties are commonly split between the subprefecture, the township and municipality. At the provincial level, all governments are required by the federal constitution to operate in a manner similar to the national government (with a guiding constitution, an executive, provincial courts and legislature).

The seat of government is the city of Porto Pellegrini as designated by the the legislature, which belongs to a special federal district separate from the the seventeen other provinces; the Federal District of Pellegrini. There is not distinction in powers between the provinces and the federal district, as the Federal District has equal representation within the legislature and is able to participate in presidential elections.


The National Congress is a bicameral legislature, comprised of the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives. The National Congress creates federal law, declares war, approves treaties and has the power of the purse. It is also the only institution with the ability to impeach members of governments (including the president). Enactment of primary legislation requires a concurrent majority within the Chamber of Representatives and a supermajority within the Senate. Formal communication between the Senate and the Chamber of Represeantives is conducted through joint sessions, joint committees and conferences.

The Senate is the upper house of the National Assembly and is composed of two senators from each provinces, with a total of thirty-six senators seated within the chamber. Senators are elected on six-year terms and elections are staggered based on three cohorts, with both seats in each state having to belong in a separate cohort. Eight provinces have senators belonging to cohorts one and two, five provinces with senators belonging to cohorts one and three and four provinces and one federal district with senators belonging to cohorts two and three. The Senate has several powers of advice and consent, including the approval of treaties, confirmation of the cabinet secretaries, federal judges, flag officers, regulatory officials, ambassadors and other federal executive officials. The senate is considered to be more prestigious of the two bodies due to its longer terms, smaller size and provincewide constituencies.  

The Chamber of Represeantives is the lower house of the National Assembly and is composed of 85 voting members. Seats are appropriated among the provinces by population decennially, after an official census has been concluded. As of 2020, the Province of Iglesias has only two representatives while the Federal District of Pellegrini has thirty, San Loreto has the second largest delegation with seventeen members. The Chamber is charged with the passage of federal legislation, and has a series of exclusive powers; the initiation of all bills concerning the federal budget, impeachment of federal officials, and elects the president if no candidate receives a majority within the Electoral Assembly. Compared with the Senate, the Chamber is considered less prestigious due to its larger size, shorter terms and its vulnerability to redistricting.  


In the executive branch the President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and has the power to veto legislation before they become laws subject to the override of the National Congress. The president appoints federal officials who enforce federal laws and policies, and has the ability to dismiss members of the cabinet and employees of the federal government. Presidents of Adamantina have the ability to utilize pocket vetos, line-item vetos and signining statements in an effort to direct, kill or modify legislation without utilizing an official veto. Presidents have the power to call a special session of one or both the houses of the National Congress, and has the authority to issue a series of directives; proclamations, executive orders and memorandums. Under the 1976 Constitution, the president serves for a term of four years and is eligible to serve for two consecutive terms, and may be elected again after an interval of one term has passed. The current president is Almerigo Cianflone Di Martino, who was elected in 2020.


The judicial system of Adamantina is divided between the provincial courts and the federal courts. At the federal level, justices for the Constitutional Court and the district appellate courts are appointed by the president with approval from the Senate. Justices at the provincial level are appointed by the governors of the province with approval from the state legislatures. The Judicial Magistrate is the policymaking body for the federal courts, as is responsible for the creation of procedural rules pursuant to federal law. At the federal level the judiciary utilizes judicial precedent as the legal philosophy, while the provincial courts are either observers of common law or civil law. Since the promulgation of the 1976 Constitution the federal judiciary has had a great deal of judicial independence from the executive. Justices at the federal level may serve for life with good behavior, and may be impeached and convicted by the National Congress. Provincial judges may serve for life or may be term limited, dependent on the statues of the province. The Constitutional Court is constitutionally obligated to be composed of five justices. Chief Justice Arduino Gallo, associate justices Marzia Mazzeo, Tancredo Paccioretti, Orsina Fiorentini and Adalfieri Consoli currently sit on the court.

Political parties

The Adamantine Republic has operated under a two-party system since 1976. For elective offices at most levels, provincial-administered primary elections select party nominees for the general election. Since the 1976 general election, the major parties have been the Solidarista, the National Front, and Modernità which exist only in some provincial legislatures and local offices.

The Solidarista's are considered a spectral-syncretic party, combining elements from the conventional left–right political spectrum and are often called a big tent party. Most politicians affiliated with Solidarista are considered centre-left to left-wing, with many supporting social democracy, labourism and protectionism. The National Front is a conservative party supportive of free-market capitalism and promotes policies of privatization, deregulation and free trade. Modernità is one of Adamantina's centrist political party, supportive of conserative liberalism policies, with some sections of its membership being similar in ideology with the National Front. Modernità grew in popularity after the 1980 election as an anti-corruption political party and has caucused with the National Front at the federal level since 1984, and is a cooperating party with the National Front in most provinces.

Currently in the National Congress, Modernità and the National Front hold a majority in the Senate with twenty members. In the Chamber of Represeantives the Solidarista's hold a majority with ninety-eight members. Five states have a party with a government trifecta, Solidarista with three (Arata, San Loreto and the Federal District of Pellegrini), the National Front with three (Iglesias and Alcalina) and (Rieti). The National Front holds eleven of the governors seats and Solidarista holds.



Map Province Capital Population (2020) Area (kmkm2)
Campialti Perino 1,531,091 45,732
Castello Mareto 2,039,019 25,521
Arata Casanova 1,981,938 6,756
Monfalcone Ramiseto 1,419,011 61,865
Panzarella Panzarella City 1,299,028 91,249
Iglesias Trasacco 409,098 129,387
Montagna Bussi sul Tirino 1,103,901 120,918
Argenta Rocchetta Sant'Antonio 460,204 83,799
Rieti Galesano 984,092 29,075
San Loreto Casamassella 3,509,922 119,533
Malito Saracena 983,469 63,250
Sarno Cesaro 2,490,224 51,930
Prosperita Sano Stefano 3,094,292 20,479
Lucentezza Semerillo 2,421,981 38,844
Catarina Castiglione di Catarina 2,014,418 23,406
Federal District of Pellegrini Porto Pellegrini 6,451,092 2,982
Venosa Sant'Angelia 2,000,000 43,292
Alcalina Salinità 1,391,011 38,188

Foreign relations

Armed Forces


Although considered a developing nation, Adamantina has a highly literate population, an abundance of natural resources, a diversified industrial base. It has a "very high" rating on the Human Development Index and is considered a middle emerging economy.




Science and technology



Ethnic groups of Adamantina
Ethnic groups percent

According to the 2020 census, there is officially 33,498,160 citizens, up from 28,038,938 in 2010. Adamantina is the 38th largest country in the world in total population and fifth in Asteria Inferior. Its population density of 34.26 person per square kilometer of land is below the world average. The population growth rate in 2020 was estimated 1.08% annually with a birthrate of 16.6 live births per 1,000 inhabitants and a mortality rate of 7.1 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants. Since 2010, the crude Net migration rate has ranged from five to six immigrants per 1,000 inhabitants per year.















Tagliatella di Manzo is considered to be the national dish of Adamantina.

Adamantine cuisine is a cultural blending of various Euclean, Rahelian and indigenous Asterian cuisines. It draws heavily from the influence of Eturian, Auratian and Gaullican dishes, brought by the waves of immigration during the 19th and 20th centuries. Adamantine cuisine is marked by its reliance on protein, especially red meats. Adamantine dishes usually utilize an array of oils, fats and dairy products. Meats are typically grilled and barbacued, with steak and beef ribs being especially common. In Southern Adamantina, in its more mountainous regions, lamb and chivito (goat) are more commonly utilized in dishes. Popular ingredients include onions, corn, tomatoes, olives, couscous, potatoes, garlic, chili pepper and oregano.

Traditional Adamantine cuisine typically comes with a combination of corn, mashed potatoes, or some type of lightly sauced pasta. The signature dish of Porto Pellegrini, Tagliatella di Manzo, consists of strips of beef filet, mushroom, onion and béchamel sauce. Mushroom sauces are popular in the country, and are usually utilized alongside mashed potatoes. Across the country coffeehouses are a common sight, serving expressos and cappuccinos and the more regional coca tea.

See Also

  1. Ethnicity is complex within Adamantina, as many self identifying White Adamantines have some type of Indigenous lineage. Depending on the region, some White-Adamantines have a large genetic contribution from indigenous peoples, which in some other countries would classify them as ‘Mista”. More than half of the population has at least one indigenous ancestor
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