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United Federation of Garindina
Объединенная федерация Гариндины
Flag of Garindina
Motto: Да здравствует Родина
(Long live the motherland)
Map of Garindina
Map of Garindina
Capital  Parsa City        
Largest city  Jasanasburg    
Recognised national languagesGarindinan
Recognised regional languagesYuzhstovan
Ethnic groups
63% Garindinan
27% Yuzhstovan
5% Sepkoudiskfolkæ
3% Lakoudiskfolkæ
2% Doro
 Garindinan Orthodox
Demonym(s)           Garindinan
Government   Federal Absolute Monarchy
• Queen 
Naida V
• Head Counselwoman
Natasha Ivanov
• Prime Minister
Gregory Brezhnev
Legislature Federal Council
Independant State
December 20, 1350 - July 17, 1871
March 23, 1869 - July 17, 1871
• The October Coup
October 17, 1933
March 31, 1983 - September 2, 1998
346,900 km2 (133,900 sq mi)
• Estimate
• Density
0.026/km2 (0.1/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
172.8 billion Г̷̶̷
• Per capita
18,700 Г̷̶̷
Error: Invalid Gini value
Error: Invalid HDI value
CurrencyGrivna (Г̷̶̷ ) (GRV)
Time zoneUTC-4, UTC-3
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy (AD)
Driving sideright
Calling code      +888
Internet TLD            .gr
Preceded by
Federal Republic of Garindina

Garindina , Formally The United Federation of Garindina (Garindinan: Объединенная федерация Гариндины) is a sovereign nation in western argis on Eurth. The country boarders Aendoan to the West, the Prymontian Rus to the North-East, and Dniester to the east. Garindina has a coast with three bodies of water, these being the Canamo Sea, the Mediargic Sea, and the Sakspati Sea.

Garindina is classified as an Federal Absolute Monarchy. The political capital is Parsa City and its largest city is Jasanasburg. The first civilization can be traced back the Paras Gari in the 1st century BC. The head of state Is Nadia V from the House of Yakovlev. The Garindinan Civil War (1983-1998) has left clear scars on the people of Garindina and the nation, with a change of government and the return of the Garindinan Monarchy.

Today, Garindina has a mixed economy with low poverty rates due to the effects of the 1940 Right to Live Act. Garindina is a popular tourist destination with its many National parks and cultural activities. The nation has little more than 9.6 million people who call Garindina home.






Garininan culture is quite unique compared to its neighbor of similar culture, the Prymontian Rus. This differentiation of cultures comes from the geography and history of Garindina.







National Holidays

Garindina is a relatively festive nation, with seventeen holidays being celebrated nationwide. Twelve of these are religious and the rest being national. National Holidays are celebrated throughout the nation with a wide verity of activities depending on the day. During Midsummer celebrations, the most prominent celebrations are carnivals and dance. Whilst on Memorial Day, bonfires and memorials to honor the dead are held.

There are many lesser known Regional Holidays that are celebrated by their respected regions as well. These Regional Holidays are celebrated in their own ways that reflect the culture of the area. For example, The Festival of Lent is celebrated on the small coastal region of Sarata. This festival is only celebrated in this small region and marks the beginning of Lent.

National Holidays:









The Garindinan economy is a mixed economy with government-controlled companies being common. The top three industries in Garindina and Environmental tourism, Military Arms, and Mining industries. The Grivna is the national currency of Garindina and is also slightly inflated, making Г̷̶̷ 1 being equal to 1.8$. The minimum wage of Garindina is only 10 gr/hour with a national tax rate of 67%. The three major sectors of the Garindinan economy are tourism, Mining, and technology, with the entire economy of Garindina being worth an estimated 172.8 billion Grivnas.






(Picture Gallery)

The geography of Garindina is very diverse. With hilly lowlands and vast grasslands in the south and rocky mountains and vast forest in the north.


WIP (Climate Map)

Politics & Administration


The Garindinan government can be very complicated and confusing at times. Garindina is an absolute monarchy, everything is run by the Crown, but there are three levels of government. These three levels are the monarchy, the central government (comprised of the Federal Council and the Council of Ministers), and the Supreme Court. The House of Ministries contains eight different Ministries and all decisions made by the Crown are enacted upon by the Council of Ministers, as they put the changes into effect. The Federal Council on the other hand, governs the Oblast and Administrative Districts (ADs) of Garindina, all discissions still have to be approved by the crown. Local Government is appointed by the Federal Council, with no need for approval from the crown. The Supreme Court enforces all laws enacted upon by the Monarchy as well as protects the Garindinan Constitution, also known as the Nationalist Constitution.

The Monarchy

The Monarchy of Garindina dates back to first civilizations of the Gari people. Garindina is run by a Hereditary Monarchy and its current monarch is Queen Nadia V. The monarchy can be split into two sections, the Old Monarchy and the New Monarchy. This split is defined by the abolishment of the monarchy after the October Coup, currently Garindina is ruled by the new monarchy. The New Monarchy has ruled Garindina since 1998, after the end of the Garindinan Civil War. The first "New Monarch" was King Aleksandr the Great and he reigned until his death on July 17th, 2015.

The Monarchs are Commander-in-Chief of the Garindian Armed Forces and hold the authority to declare war and make alliances. Meaning that the entirety of the Garindinan Armed Forces and the Royal Guard are under the command of the Monarch. The Monarchy determines foreign policy and must sign all Acts, Bills and Laws for them to be enacted upon. Monarchs have the power to appoint Oblast and AD governors and the members of the Council of Ministers. The Monarch can also appoint the members of the Supreme Court, giving the Monarch absolute power over the Garindinan legal system. Not only that, but the Monarch also has direct control over the territories of Garindina.

Central Government

The Central Government of Garindina is comprised of two counsels, the Federal Council and the Council of Ministers. These two counsels make up the central body of the Garindinan government. These two counsels meet once a year at the Federal Assembly (Garindina) and discuss goals for the year.

Federal Council

The Federal Council governs the Oblast and Administrative Districts of Garindina. The Federal Council is made up of the Governors of Each Oblast and Administrative District, the current Head Councilman/women is Natasha Ivanov. Oblasts have the most autonomy in the Government meaning they have the most power in the Federal Council. Administrative Districts have less autonomy meaning they hold less power in the Federal Council.

Oblast were first introduced to Garindina after the Constitution War; this is due to the people of Garindina wanting representation in the government. Originally there were thirteen Oblast, but after the Civil War, the Dorostan Oblast has been an independent nation. Each Oblast has its own form of government, all being a Federal Republic with their own State Council. Despite this, the Oblast have no say in who will be the governor, as all governors are handpicked by the monarch.

The same goes for Administrative Districts, they have their own State Council but have no say over who governs them. Administrative Districts are Politically important cities. With the Constitution only stating the six Administrative Districts of Parsa, Jasanasburg, Krasbograd, Novokamensk, Borisobay, and Yuzhemore. These Districts aren't just confined to a single city either, an Administrative District consist of the city in question and some of the surrounding area, with Novokamensk being the largest District.

Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers is comprised of eight different ministries. With each minister being handpicked by the monarch as well as the Prime Minister who is in control of the council. Each minister controls their own sector of administration and put all decisions made by the Federal Council and the monarchy into effect depending on the sector. Ministers have the power to make decisions but these decisions must be approved by the Monarch to be put into effect.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the Garindinan United Federation is the supreme judicial body in civil, criminal and administrative cases, in cases regarding the resolution of economic disputes and other cases falling under the jurisdiction of courts. Established in the Garindinan United Federation in accordance with Federal Constitutional Law “On the Judicial System of the Garinidinan United Federation”. The Garindinan Supreme Court ultimately protects the Graindinan Constitution and the rights of the people of Garindina. The members of the Supreme Court, unlike other members of government, serve for life or until they retire. This is to ensure that the justices are insulated from political pressure and that the court can serve as a truly independent branch of government.



Military and Law Enforcement


The Armed Forces of Garindina is split into four different blocks. These four blocks are the Ground Force, Air Force, Navy, and Special Forces. Garindina practices conscription and mandatory military service, this means that every citizen of Garindina has to serve a mandatory ten moth service in the Garindinan Armed Forces. The age of conscription in Garindina is 21 years of age, but the mandatory ten-month military service must be served between the ages of 18-21. Garindina has a current 215,000 active military personal and 147,000 reserve military personal.

Federal Police


Royal Police