Free speech in Eurth

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Various countries of Eurth have different regulations on freedom of speech and speech-related matters.

Active Nations

Country Guarantee of Free Speech? Censorship? Online Speech Criticism of Government Defamation Hate Speech Incitement to Violence Obscenity Sedition Blasphemy
 Batsweda Legal Legal Legal Legal Civil suits possible Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
The Batswedan constitution enshrines the right to freedom of speech, thought, and personal belief "within civil and reasonable means", with hate speech, sedition, and blasphemy explicitly referred to as "unreasonable or dangerous to society".
 Dolchland In Private Legal Legal Legal Illegal N/A Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
Defamation, slander, sedition, obscenity, and heresy are all illegal when in public. When in private obscenity, heresy, defamation, and slander are legal. That said, freedom of speech does not constitute freedom from punishment. If your words are found to be damaging, forced upon others, or dangerous, you may be brought to court over them.
 Garindina In Private legal No criticism of the Royal Family allowed No criticism of the Royal Family allowed Civil suits possible legal Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal
 Ionio Legal Illegal Legal Legal Civil suits possible Illegal Illegal Legal Legal Legal
 Mavran Legal Illegal Legal Legal Civil suits possible Illegal Illegal Legal Legal Legal
 Pentium Legal None Legal Legal Illegal if proven to be false Illegal Illegal if action is taken Legal Illegal if action is taken Legal
 Per-Aten Mandated Caste Based Restrictions Legal Illegal Not of the Royal Family or higher Caste. otherwise open Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
No Legal protections
 Poja Yes None Uncensored Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal
 Seylos Legal Illegal Legal Legal Civil suits possible Illegal Illegal Legal Legal Legal
 Stedoria Legal If deemed a threat to national security. Legal Excessive criticism can lead to arrest and/or criminal charges. Legal if directed at individuals or institutions outside of Stedoria. Legal if directed at ethnic groups outside of Stedoria. Legal if directed at individuals or institutions outside of Stedoria. Legal Illegal Legal
 United Republic Legal Illegal Uncensored Legal Civil suits possible Civil suits possible in certain jurisdictions Civil suits possible if action is undertaken by the person who incited, or if the incitement caused violence. Legal Illegal Legal
 Zaxar Yes None Uncencored Legal Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal Illegal Illegal on Sacred Lands

Defunct Nations

Country Guarantee of Free Speech? Censorship? Online Speech Criticism of Government Defamation Hate Speech Incitement to Violence Obscenity Sedition Blasphemy
 Batengdei Legal Legal Legal Requires BRP Membership. Usually ignored. Any defamed person may legally seek an honor duel. Legal Illegal Legal Illegal Legal
Over time the Batengdeian government has relaxed policy on speech, though still maintains restriction on speech deemed, "openly hostile to the state." Honor duels are generally formally sought in court. Usually the duels are nonfatal, but in extreme situations the court may allow for a duel to the death.
 Oyus Legal Illegal Legal Legal Illegal If not directed at any person or group, it is permitted. Illegal Legal Legal Legal
The Free Speech Act of 1921 and the 20th Century Civil Rights Act both allow individuals to speak freely without repercussion. Only recently with the Protection from Hate Act of 2004 has incitement to violence and defamation been criminalized if considered severe enough, recognizing an individual's right to be protected from their reputation suffering in many ways.
 Mauridiviah Legal Illegal Legal Legal Within the limits of the Freedom of Expression Act Legal Within the limits of the Freedom of Expression Act Legal Legal Legal
The right to freedom of speech and expression is constitutionally guaranteed to all citizens without restriction. Of course, certain regulations do exist, but they are rare and difficul to prove.
 Faramount In Name Only Universal Censored Illegal in Practice Illegal Legal Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
The Faramontese government extensively and arbitrarily limits expression, particularly political expression. Critics of the government regularly face extrajudicial killings, torture, and imprisonment.
 Cristina Legal Illegal Legal Legal Within the limits of the Cristinese Chart of Rights Legal Within the limits of the Cristinese Chart of Rights and the Cristinese Non-aggression Principle Legal Legal Legal
The right to freedom of speech and expression is paramount to all citizens without restriction. Cristinese tend to show great respect to jusnaturalist principles.
 Mantella In Name Only Universal Censored Illegal in Practice Illegal Illegal but often tolerated Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
The New Order extensively and arbitrarily limits expression, particularly political expression. Critics of the government often face extrajudicial imprisonment and sometimes torture.
 Cashar Free speech as long as it doesn't cause problems for government or citizenry. Illegal. The government recognizes that censorship only encourages viewing or curiosity of the censored material. Legal.The government doesn't even try to control this. Excessive criticism of the government may lead to unusual and adverse events. Most criticism is allowed to go by unnoticed, though. Illegal Illegal Illegal Legal This is allowed... to a point. Legal, but religious groups may be able to sue for defamation.