Law of Tagmatium

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Tagmatium uses a legal system that is based upon the framework made by Aroman law, a legal system that dates back thousands of years, as well as the Ioannesian Code, which was an update of Aroman law undertaken in the late 500s. This was then further influenced by developments within canon law and Christian beliefs and philosophy, and the legal code was slowly but haphazardly updated over the next few centuries. Another codification that was undertaken in the reign of David (1851–1879) and is therefore known as the Davidian Code, which updated numerous aspects of the laws and brought them in line with modern developments. The basic principles of Tagmatine law are laid out in this updated version of the ancient legal system. The legal system itself is broadly broken into three parts - civil, criminal and administrative. The civil branch of law dealing with non-criminal cases, the criminal branch deals with crimes against people, property and more and the administrative branch deals with the activities of the executive branch of the government itself.

The Court of the Universal Judges of the Aromans in Europatorion.

The judiciary of Tagmatium is independent of the executive and the legislature, similar to many other countries on Eurth. However, this is somewhat muddied by the fact that the Holy Emperor is taken to be the living embodiment of the law and therefore possessing the ability to override or change aspects of the constitution as they see fit. The judiciary is overseen by the Ministry for Justice, which also oversees the court system, prisons and probation. The supreme court in the Greater Holy Empire is the Kritai Katholikoi ton Arhomaion (Anglish: "Universal Judges of the Aromans"), a body of four judges, of which one has to be a bishop and another a military officer. This body is the final court of appeal for criminal, civil and administrative cases, although petitions can also be placed before the Holy Emperor themselves, in the hope of receiving a favourable judgement. Below the Universal Judges are three First Courts, each one a high court corresponding to the civil, criminal and administrative law. Tagmatine judges are limited to belonging to one of these three branches and do not judge cases from one of the other two.

A prison in central Skouton

Unlike many other nations on Eurth, Tagmatine law has numerous provisions that secure the status of Christianity as the state religion of the nation. These unify Church and State under the figure of the Holy Emperor. The Christianity referred to within these laws is the Enlightened Aroman Church, where previously it was the Iconio-Coroclionian Christianity, until the victory of Optatan Christianity in the late 600s. This excluded many of the Christian sects of the time and made those who did not follow the State Church non-citizens. This persisted until the reforms of Leon III in 1957. The Church does, however, retain special privileges in the law and actions against the Church remain civil or criminal offences. It can even levy its own fines or punishments if people are found to have acted against it. The Church is free from taxation but it is customary and expected for the Church to give an annual gift to the State, in recognition of the State's role as its protector. Other religious organisations and churches are subject to taxes and restrictions, although there are some caveats, such as the status of those who follow the pagan religion of the Unconquered Sun, who were not taxed as unbelievers due to their status as Aromans.