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Parliamentary Assembly of CDANA

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Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of the Democratically-aligned nations of Argis
CDANA PA logo.svg
Logo of the Parliamentary Assembly
FoundedJanuary 1, 2024 (2024-01-01)
Political groups
  •   Ordinary members (90)
  •   Supplementary members (18)
Length of term
Proportional representation[c]
First election
4-5 November 2023 (Walneria)
Vox populi - Vox democratiae
Meeting place
Praha, Nová radnice, ZHMP, jednací sál 02.jpg
Old Senate Building, Tyrámen
  1. The term of members of the CDANA PA is the same as the term of deputies of the respective national parliaments, as they are always elected at the same time
  2. 12 members per member state - 10 ordinary (elected) members and 2 supplementary (ex officio) members
  3. Each member state may choose its own proportional method, but most states either use D'Hondt method or Sainte-Laguë method

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of the Democratically-aligned nations of Argis, often referred to by its abbreviation CDANA PA is the legislative branch of the Council of the Democratically-aligned nations of Argis, representing the populace of the member states of the pact.

The Parliamentary Assembly currently has 108 members, with each member state having exactly 12 members, of which 10 members are referred to as "ordinary" and two as "supplementary". Elections are not held at the same time in every member state, but each member state ties its elections to its respective national parliamentary elections.


The Parliamentary Assembly has been granted the following rights:

  1. Propose bills to national legislatures of the member states
  2. Refer matters to the Court of Justice
  3. Initiate, with a supermajority of 4/5, a process to remove a member state
  4. Interpellate governmental organs of the member states
  5. Carry out election monitoring within the member states
  6. Request legal evaluations of the laws and constitutions of member states
  7. Set terms on which new member states may join the organization
