Holidays of Eurth

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This overview of the current holidays on Eurth includes both religious and secular feasts.

  Religious   Observance   National   Regional   Unofficial   Other   None of the above

Name Date Observed Working Day Observed By
L'elevazione March 17 No  Cristina
Ahuni March 19-22 (day of Vernal equinox) No  Orioni
Orinese diaspora
Independence Day March 20 Yes  United Republic of Aurelia
Festival of the Ancestors March 21-23 Yes  Faramount
Easter Varies (generally early April) Varies Christian-majority countries
Restoration Day May 29 No  Orioni
Southern Christmas July 24-26 Yes  United Republic of Aurelia
Republic Day December 3 No  Faramount
Christmas December 25 Varies Christian-majority countries